-cheater - This activates the cheats...
-gold # - Whatever number you type after gold is added
to your current gold
-lumber # - Whatever number you type after lumber is
added to your current lumber
-int # - Whatever number you type after int is added
to your seleted hero's current intelligence
-agi # - Whatever number you type after agi is added
to your seleted hero's current agility
-str # - Whatever number you type after str is added
to your seleted hero's current strength
-lvl # - Whatever number you type after lvl is added
to your seleted hero's current level
-xp # - Whatever number you type after xp is added to
your seleted hero's current experience
-hp # - Whatever number you type after hp sets your
selected unit's health
-mp # - Whatever number you type after mp sets your
selected unit's mana
-ms # - Whatever number you type after ms sets your
selected unit's move speed
-additem # (max is about 90) - Whatever number you
type after additem creates that many items at the
selected unit (the items are random)
-invul - Makes the selected unit(s) invulnrable
-vul - Makes the selected unit(s) vulnrable
-kill - Kills the seletected unit(s)
-invis - Makes selected unit(s) invisible
-vis - Makes selected unit(s) visible
-pathoff - Makes selected unit(s) walkthrough anything
-pathon - Makes selected unit(s) not walkthrough
-setcolor - Sets your name and units to the color
speicifeid (colors are
-owner - Makes the selected unit(s) owned by speicifed
color (colors are
-nocd - Makes selected unit(s) have no cooldown
-cdon - Makes selected unit(s) have cooldown
-bindup/down/left/right - Binds the arrow keys
speicifed to a cheat command (IE -bindup -kill would
bind the up arrow key to -kill)
-mh - Takes the fog away
-setname <name> - Sets your name to whatever
-size # - Sets selected unit(s) size
-food # - Sets your maximum food cap (max is either
-heal - Heals selected unit(s) to full health
-copy # - Copies the unit # times (max is 999)
-ufast - Makes it so if you hit esc while selecting
the constructing building while finish it (make sure
to say all 3)
-shareall - Makes everyone share their units with you
-soff - Takes away control of everyones units
-ally ## - Allies you with that player
-unally ## - Unallies you with that player
-share ## - That player shares their units
-unshare ## - That player unshares their units
-spawn #### - Spawns a object speicified (Here is the
-add #### - Adds the ability to the selected unit (see
list above)
-remove #### - Removes the ability speicifed from the
selected unit
-g ## #### - Adds gold to player speicifed to number
-l ## #### - Adds lumber to player speicifed to number
speicifed (see numbers above)
-f ## #### - Sets food capicity to player speicifed to
number speicifed (see numbers above)
-spa ## #### - Sets unit owner of ## and spawns unit
-sn ## <name> - Sets name of player speicifed (see
numbers above)
-sc ## <color> - Sets player's name and color to
speicifed color (colors are
-say###### <message> - The #'s are the color (1,2 =
Red 3,4=blue 5,6=Green) displays a message to all
Player numbers are 00 Red, 01 Blue, 02 Teal, 03
Purple, 04 Yellow, 05 Orange, 06 Green, 07 Pink, 08
Gray, 09 Lightblue, 10 Darkgreen and 11 is Brown
You can also use * as a color tag and - as an end
color tag (Ex. -sn 00 *FF0000Red- would make player
one's name Red and in red)(works with the -say and -sn