I took the blue pill.

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I took the blue pill.

Post by Xantan »

****Warning Explicit Language/Racism/Sexuality**** ****You have been warned!!!****

[01:04] Durchdringen: you know
[01:04] Durchdringen: Kanye West
[01:04] Durchdringen: I hate that nigger
[01:04] Durchdringen: hes a racist lil bitch
[01:04] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): just think about these myspace bots... they make money.
[01:04] Durchdringen: i hope he gets shot
[01:04] Durchdringen: his mom died
[01:04] Durchdringen: or something
[01:04] Durchdringen: I laughed
[01:05] Durchdringen: i hate that faggot
[01:05] Durchdringen: lol
[23:05] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): lol
[23:05] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): i dont know the guy
[23:05] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): don't want to, either, apparently...
[23:05] Durchdringen: hes a nigger
[23:05] Durchdringen: lol
[23:05] Durchdringen: hes a rapper
[23:05] Durchdringen: lol
[23:05] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): lol
[23:05] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): of course
[23:05] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): niggers
[23:05] Durchdringen: half these rappers are shit
[23:05] Durchdringen: just out to get money
[23:06] Durchdringen: and then they quit
[23:06] Durchdringen: lol
[23:06] Durchdringen: ... them
[23:06] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): i dont understand what the ... they can possibly be thinking, sometimes
[23:06] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): they just need to stop, that shit...
[23:06] Durchdringen: i hate these gay ass kids
[23:06] Durchdringen: that listen to it
[23:06] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): lol
[23:06] Durchdringen: thats the only shit they listen too
[23:06] Durchdringen: go to a high school dance
[23:06] Durchdringen: its nigger music
[23:06] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): some people like rap
[23:06] Durchdringen: 99.9%
[23:06] Durchdringen: lol
[23:06] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): its messed up
[23:06] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): its
[23:06] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): really
[23:06] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): fucking
[23:06] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): weird
[23:07] Durchdringen: lol
[23:07] Durchdringen: i skipped out on all my dances cause of it
[23:07] Durchdringen: i hate rap
[23:07] Durchdringen: lol
[23:07] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): lol...
[23:07] Durchdringen: ya
[23:07] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): i just didn't go to the damn things
[23:07] Durchdringen: thats how much i hate it
[23:07] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): didn't know why
[23:07] Durchdringen: i hate dancing as well
[23:07] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): didn't think I needed to know why
[23:07] Durchdringen: lol
[23:07] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): i thought dancing could be fun
[23:07] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): in the right
[23:07] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): environment only
[23:07] Durchdringen: ya
[23:07] Durchdringen: maybe some techno
[23:07] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): lol
[23:07] Durchdringen: but not this gay ass rap shit
[23:07] Durchdringen: lol
[23:08] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): techno is so funny
[23:08] Durchdringen: my kind of shit
[23:08] Durchdringen: is metal
[23:08] Durchdringen: and you jump and bounce everywhere
[23:08] Durchdringen: now thats fun
[23:08] Durchdringen: lol
[23:08] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): lol
[23:08] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): my sister, a mormon, used to play the piano a lot in the house
[23:08] Durchdringen: lol a group of my friends went to see Good Charolett
[23:08] Durchdringen: we moshed witht hat
[23:08] Durchdringen: lol
[23:08] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): lol
[23:08] Durchdringen: Good Charolette made some good ass music
[23:09] Durchdringen: especially that one song
[23:09] Durchdringen: i forgot what it was called
[23:09] Durchdringen: the kids that commited suicide
[23:09] Durchdringen: hang on
[23:09] Durchdringen: is what it was
[23:09] Durchdringen: or hold on
[23:09] Durchdringen: lol
[23:09] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): lol
[23:09] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): that song
[23:09] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): ive heard it in health
[23:09] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): it had meaning, but
[23:09] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): i disagree with the band
[23:09] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): they can die
[23:09] Durchdringen: lol
[23:09] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): lol
[23:09] Durchdringen: your a nigger
[23:09] Durchdringen: lol
[23:09] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): im a dick
[23:09] Durchdringen: they are pretty cool
[23:10] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): lol
[23:10] Durchdringen: they aren't the best
[23:10] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): they are interesting
[23:10] Durchdringen: blink 182 was probably the best in that genre
[23:10] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): lol
[23:10] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): i have some of that in the past
[23:10] Durchdringen: ya
[23:10] Durchdringen: the lead singer of blink 182 is now in Angel and Airwaves
[23:10] Durchdringen: he named it after his daughter
[23:10] Durchdringen: AVA
[23:11] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): lol...
[23:11] Durchdringen: that whole album owns
[23:11] Durchdringen: lol
[23:11] Durchdringen: you heard of it?
[23:11] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): i didnt know about it
[23:11] Durchdringen: you would probably like it
[23:11] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): lol
[23:11] Durchdringen: its smoothing to listen too
[23:11] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): some things
[23:11] Durchdringen: its like your in space
[23:11] Durchdringen: lol
[23:11] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): it is
[23:11] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): it really is
[23:12] Durchdringen: no not you
[23:12] Durchdringen: the music
[23:12] Durchdringen: lol
[23:12] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): yeah
[23:12] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): blink
[23:12] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): lol
[23:12] Durchdringen: rofl
[23:12] Durchdringen: whats my age again? whats my age again?
[23:12] Durchdringen: lol
[23:12] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): lol so true
[23:12] Durchdringen: thats what i like to sing
[23:12] Durchdringen: cause its me
[23:12] Durchdringen: lmao
[23:12] Durchdringen: i feel young
[23:12] Durchdringen: haha
[23:12] Durchdringen: i guess thats a good thing
[23:12] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): feel is good
[23:12] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): yes
[23:13] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): of course
[23:13] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): use the force
[23:13] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): youre in star wars.
[23:13] Durchdringen: LMAO
[23:13] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): lol
[23:13] Durchdringen: lol im gonna download that angel and airwaves album
[23:13] Durchdringen: i used to have it but lost it
[23:13] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): ehhh
[23:13] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): k
[23:14] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): holy ...
[23:14] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): all my myspace friends are up-tight assholes
[23:14] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): this is fucked up
[23:14] Durchdringen: lol
[23:14] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): i want a girlfriend
[23:14] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): ...
[23:14] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): lol
[23:14] Durchdringen: lol
[23:14] Durchdringen: so thats why you made that shit
[23:14] Durchdringen: lmao
[23:14] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): of course
[23:14] Durchdringen: ROFL
[23:14] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): im a firm believer
[23:15] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): lol
[23:15] Durchdringen: hack the other dudes acct
[23:15] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): lol
[23:15] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): ive done it
[23:15] Durchdringen: just don't make him commit suicide
[23:15] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): before
[23:15] Durchdringen: did you hear about that shit?
[23:15] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): i know one of their passwords
[23:15] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): or i used to
[23:15] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): yes
[23:15] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): i have seen people
[23:15] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): have trojans
[23:15] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): they post videos
[23:15] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): without knowing it
[23:15] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): lmao
[23:15] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): people
[23:15] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): advertise
[23:15] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): by hacking
[23:15] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): its so crazy
[01:15] Durchdringen: ya
[01:15] Durchdringen: someone on my friends list
[01:15] Durchdringen: was trying to sell chocolate phones
[01:15] Durchdringen: i was like dude wtf
[01:15] Durchdringen: change your fucking password
[01:15] Durchdringen: lol
[01:16] Durchdringen: your shit is hacked
[01:16] Durchdringen: lol
[01:16] Durchdringen: ya
[01:16] Durchdringen: so as i was saying
[01:16] Durchdringen: there was this girl in my state
[01:17] Durchdringen: back to where i was
[01:17] Durchdringen: there was this girl in my state
[01:17] Durchdringen: and she had been making fun of this other girl
[01:17] Durchdringen: ill call the first girl sally the other girl sue
[01:17] Durchdringen: anyways
[01:17] Durchdringen: sally made fun of sue on her myspace
[01:17] Durchdringen: so sue tells her mom about this
[23:18] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): lol
[23:18] Durchdringen: well mom decides to make an acct
[23:18] Durchdringen: she disguises herself as a 16 yr old boy
[23:18] Durchdringen: sally was like 14
[23:18] Durchdringen: sue was 13-14
[23:18] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): lol wtf
[23:18] Durchdringen: anyways
[23:18] Durchdringen: so sally talks to this boy
[23:18] Durchdringen: and they eventually begin to date
[23:18] Durchdringen: they never meet each other
[23:18] Durchdringen: its just online shit
[23:19] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): ive seen that stuff
[23:19] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): its not what I want
[23:19] Durchdringen: anyways the mom tells her daughter
[23:19] Durchdringen: that if sally makes fun of her anymore to tell her about it
[23:19] Durchdringen: so 2 weeks go by
[23:19] Durchdringen: sally still makes fun of sue
[23:19] Durchdringen: so the mom starts bad mouthing sally under this boys name
[23:19] Durchdringen: she says you are no good and you are better off dead
[23:19] Durchdringen: 2 days later
[23:20] Durchdringen: sally is found in her room with a rope around her neck dead
[23:20] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): lol
[23:20] Durchdringen: true story
[23:20] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): people
[23:20] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): are not smart
[23:20] Durchdringen: lol
[23:20] Durchdringen: the mom didn't have any charges pressed against her
[23:20] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): wow
[23:20] Durchdringen: because it doesnt say anything in internet law
[23:20] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): thats so fucking scary
[23:20] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): lol
[23:21] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): people
[23:21] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): they do shit
[23:21] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): mostly
[23:25] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): theres this girl
[23:25] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): i used to date
[23:25] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): named michelle
[23:25] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): shes still a friend on myspace
[23:25] Durchdringen: ya?
[23:25] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): it sais on her space, that she used to like church
[23:26] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): i told her, stop that.
[23:26] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): lol
[23:26] Durchdringen: o.O
[23:26] Durchdringen: lol
[23:26] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): it sais
[23:26] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): on her space
[23:26] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): shes 101
[23:26] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): lives in minden, zimbabwe
[23:26] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): these are two different places.
[23:26] Durchdringen: got yourself a gilf?
[23:26] Durchdringen: lol
[23:26] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): idk
[23:26] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): lets hope
[23:26] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): lol
[23:26] Durchdringen: lol
[23:26] Durchdringen: a grandma i'd like to ...
[23:26] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): shes not bad looking
[23:26] Durchdringen: lmao
[23:26] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): yeah
[23:27] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): wtf
[23:27] Durchdringen: lol
[23:27] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): ....
[23:27] Durchdringen: shes looks cte
[23:27] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): some of her links
[23:27] Durchdringen: cute
[23:27] Durchdringen: ninja mood
[23:27] Durchdringen: lmao
[23:27] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): fucking won't let me see her pictures
[23:27] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): what the ......
[23:27] Durchdringen: that dude shes with
[23:27] Durchdringen: looks like a fag
[23:27] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): heartbreaker
[23:27] Durchdringen: with his hair like that
[23:27] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): who the ... is that
[23:27] Durchdringen: you oughta beat his ass
[23:27] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): play the game? get the girl? rules of the game?
[23:27] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): wtf
[23:27] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): fucker
[23:27] Durchdringen: his teeth look crooked too
[23:27] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): lol
[23:27] Durchdringen: lol
[23:27] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): lol
[23:28] Durchdringen: thats what he said?
[23:28] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): what an asshole
[23:28] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): look
[23:28] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): at hisp orfile
[23:28] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): http://www.myspace.com/_hblayouts
[23:28] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): wtf
[23:28] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): is this
[23:28] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): some fake?
[23:28] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): looks like a scam
[23:28] Durchdringen: wtf
[23:28] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): looks like an ad
[23:28] Durchdringen: what a fuckin faggot
[23:28] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): wtf
[23:28] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): michelle is fucked
[23:28] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): lol
[23:28] Durchdringen: hes on 80's style skates
[23:28] Durchdringen: looks like a faggot
[23:28] Durchdringen: man i hate people like this
[23:29] Durchdringen: i wanna kill them
[23:29] Durchdringen: i gotta exit it
[23:29] Durchdringen: i seriously hate fags man
[23:29] Durchdringen: queers make me uncomfortable
[23:29] Durchdringen: lol
[23:29] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): lol
[23:29] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): its true
[23:29] Durchdringen: i cant stand to go to a public restroom and piss by someone
[23:29] Durchdringen: thats how uncomfortable i am
[23:29] Durchdringen: i will wait
[23:29] Durchdringen: lol
[23:29] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): lol
[23:29] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): i do the stalls, sometimes
[23:29] Durchdringen: this one dude came in and got in the stall
[23:30] Durchdringen: well if it has a barrier im fine
[23:30] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): wtf
[23:30] Durchdringen: but these non-barriers
[23:30] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): ...
[23:30] Durchdringen: ... that
[23:30] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): wtf
[23:30] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): wtfffff
[23:30] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): give me a barrier
[23:30] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): or give me death
[23:30] Durchdringen: ya lol
[23:30] Durchdringen: seriously
[23:30] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): lol
[23:30] Durchdringen: these restrooms are 2 urinals
[23:30] Durchdringen: and they are at the side
[23:30] Durchdringen: so im pissing in one right
[23:30] Durchdringen: this dude comes in
[23:30] Durchdringen: and stands right beside me
[23:30] Durchdringen: im like wtf
[23:31] Durchdringen: i haven't began to piss
[23:31] Durchdringen: i zip my pants and walk out the door
[23:31] Durchdringen: and wait till he comes out
[23:31] Durchdringen: lol
[23:31] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): you know whats weird
[23:31] Durchdringen: all of these queers these days
[23:31] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): michelles comment box
[23:31] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): it starts with hey (HEARTHERE)
[23:31] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): lol
[23:31] Durchdringen: lol
[23:32] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): .i have two fish and a lizard.

.i love laughing.

.i love my dog.

.my friends are grand.

.thats michelle.
[23:32] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): freak lady
[23:32] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): =/
[23:32] Durchdringen: lol you told that girl to stop going to church?
[23:32] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): yeah I did
[23:32] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): i told her, believe only what she wants to believe in
[23:32] Durchdringen: you nigger
[23:32] Durchdringen: lol
[23:32] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): lol
[23:32] Durchdringen: church is awsome
[23:32] Durchdringen: although i don't go
[23:32] Durchdringen: lol
[23:32] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): church pisses me off, personally
[23:32] Durchdringen: cause my church has problems
[23:32] Durchdringen: lmao
[23:32] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): if you list church, as something, you do
[23:32] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): I'm going to tell you about it.
[23:32] Durchdringen: lol
[23:32] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): lol
[23:33] Durchdringen: are you athiest?
[23:33] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): probably
[23:33] Durchdringen: lol
[23:33] Durchdringen: you noob
[23:33] Durchdringen: lol
[23:33] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): lol
[23:33] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): agnostic looks better
[23:33] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): because
[23:33] Durchdringen: lol
[23:33] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): gnosticism
[23:33] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): as my dad explained
[23:33] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): was saved by some freak prophets
[23:33] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): way back when
[23:33] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): whereas
[23:33] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): the original bibles
[23:33] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): were burned
[23:33] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): by some asshole
[23:34] Durchdringen: ya
[23:34] Durchdringen: i see where your going
[23:34] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): thats why we have translations
[23:34] Durchdringen: ya the people who made the bible
[23:34] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): lol
[23:34] Durchdringen: screwed it all up
[23:34] Durchdringen: put crap they wanted in
[23:34] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): he made things complicated
[23:34] Durchdringen: gay King James
[23:34] Durchdringen: lol
[23:34] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): lol
[23:34] Durchdringen: its crazy
[23:35] Durchdringen: thats why this world is fucked up
[23:35] Durchdringen: cause there is no proof which religion is right or wrong
[23:35] Durchdringen: you just gotta have faith in your own
[23:35] Durchdringen: lol
[23:35] Durchdringen: i try to have faith in all, except athiests
[23:35] Durchdringen: cause they just have no faith
[23:35] Durchdringen: lol
[23:35] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): lol
[23:35] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): its true
[23:35] Durchdringen: i have a friend that is athiest
[23:35] Durchdringen: hes wierd
[23:35] Durchdringen: lol
[23:35] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): athiest is lazy
[23:35] Durchdringen: ya
[23:35] Durchdringen: hes poor as dirt
[23:35] Durchdringen: lol
[23:36] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): athiest is unknowledgable
[23:36] Durchdringen: i never see him anymore
[23:36] Durchdringen: he moved off
[23:36] Durchdringen: lol
[23:36] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): lol
[23:36] Durchdringen: but ya
[23:36] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): weird guy, firmly believes in his penis, im sure
[23:36] Durchdringen: lol idk
[23:36] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): lol
[23:36] Durchdringen: hes just fucked up
[23:36] Durchdringen: lmao
[23:36] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): some people won't tell you about it
[23:36] Durchdringen: ya
[23:36] Durchdringen: well one of my friend back in the day asked him about it
[23:36] Durchdringen: and then he said he was
[23:37] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): lol
[23:37] Durchdringen: and so my friend started making fun of him
[23:37] Durchdringen: and i was like dude
[23:37] Durchdringen: lay off
[23:37] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): dude, penis.
[23:37] Durchdringen: if thats what he believes
[23:37] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): lol
[23:37] Durchdringen: thats what he believes
[23:37] Durchdringen: leave him be
[23:37] Durchdringen: lol
[23:37] Durchdringen: woot AVA is done
[23:37] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): yeah
[23:37] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): k
[23:37] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): im gonna sleep
[23:37] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): cause im tired
[23:37] Durchdringen: k
[23:37] Durchdringen: me also
[23:37] Durchdringen: wait
[23:37] Durchdringen: wait
[23:37] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): lol
[23:37] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): k
[23:37] Durchdringen: let me upload
[23:37] Durchdringen: this song
[23:37] Durchdringen: so you can hear it
[23:37] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): k
[23:37] Durchdringen: its awsome
[23:38] Durchdringen: lol
[23:38] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): giving Sepharael more power
[23:38] Durchdringen: have you seen Leah Dizon
[23:39] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): yes
[23:39] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): shes hot
[23:39] Durchdringen: shes pretty hot
[23:39] Durchdringen: lol
[23:39] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): lol
[23:39] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): man
[23:39] Durchdringen: i got some images of her
[23:39] Durchdringen: lol
[23:39] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): ive seen a movie
[23:39] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): called
[23:39] Durchdringen: i wish she would pose nude
[23:39] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): world of whores or somethinb
[23:39] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): based on
[23:39] Durchdringen: lmao
[23:39] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): WoW
[23:39] Durchdringen: ROFL
[23:39] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): lol
[23:39] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): some guy
[23:39] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): and some girl
[23:39] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): sword fight
[23:39] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): for like 3 minutes
[23:39] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): then they have sex, forever
[23:39] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): wtf...
[23:39] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): lol
[23:39] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): who the ...
[23:39] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): would make something
[23:39] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): so weird
[23:39] Durchdringen: lol
[23:39] Durchdringen: ROFL
[23:39] Durchdringen: ROFL
[23:39] Durchdringen: ROFL
[23:40] Durchdringen: nasty ass faggots
[23:40] Durchdringen: you know they had a hard on the whole time making it too
[23:40] Durchdringen: lol
[23:40] Durchdringen: just waiting to jack off to it
[23:40] Durchdringen: probably icefrog
[23:40] Durchdringen: lol
[23:40] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): lol...
[23:40] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): some people get arroused randomly
[23:40] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): its fucked
[23:40] Durchdringen: lol
[23:40] Durchdringen: i used to all the time
[23:40] Durchdringen: when i was in class
[23:41] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): lol
[23:41] Durchdringen: i would just get a boner for no reason
[23:41] Durchdringen: lmao
[23:41] Durchdringen: fun times
[23:41] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): it sucks
[23:41] Durchdringen: lmao
[23:41] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): lol
[23:41] Durchdringen: i had a friend
[23:41] Durchdringen: when he had one
[23:41] Durchdringen: he would actually jack it in class
[23:41] Durchdringen: lol
[23:41] Durchdringen: he would rub his dick against the leg of the desk
[23:41] Durchdringen: lmao
[23:41] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): wow.
[23:41] Durchdringen: what a sick bastard
[23:41] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): that is
[23:41] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): so crazy
[23:41] Durchdringen: cummed all in his pants
[23:41] Durchdringen: how nasty is that
[23:41] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): lol
[23:41] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): ive done it before, probably
[23:42] Durchdringen: this should have went on wc3edit chat
[23:42] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): lol
[23:42] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): if you think so
[23:42] Durchdringen: lmao
[23:42] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): i need to sleep
[23:42] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): is the song
[23:42] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): good
[23:42] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): lol
[23:42] Durchdringen: yes
[23:42] Durchdringen: almost done
[23:42] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): k
[23:42] Durchdringen: idk if you have heard of it before
[23:42] Durchdringen: this will help you sleep
[23:42] Durchdringen: lol
[23:42] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): lol
[23:42] Durchdringen: smoothng and relaxing
[23:42] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): probably
[23:43] Durchdringen: did you ever listen to the full hypnosis song?
[23:43] ҖάπΨΛŋ (http://www.wc3edit.net): not sure

Sorry for any offense to race/sexuality/etc... ya we talk dirty, wanna fight about it?
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Re: I took the blue pill.

Post by Durchdringen »

LOL, what a fun night. The good ole blue pill. I feel like I'm dog the bounty hunter, so many racial comments in that. Sorry if I offended anybody, I use the word "nigger" out of context a lot, but I truely do hate Kanye West, he's nothing but a racist bitch that wants money and thats it which to me is the definition of a nigger. And if you are queer, please don't come near me :D I will be afraid literally....
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Re: I took the blue pill.

Post by Bartimaeus »

RACIST! RACIST! (screams hysterically)
Also, we can spam, considering that's all this topic is ;)
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Re: I took the blue pill.

Post by GeorgeMots »

You guys need to get some sleep, you re insane.!
(03:36:55) xkiska: im too much of a dumbass to understand this
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Re: I took the blue pill.

Post by Durchdringen »

lol, ya, i told you man, we are insomniacs to the extreme. I'm gonna be ruined when I start back to school.
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Re: I took the blue pill.

Post by GhettoChild »

Yeah I got to go back into some of my convos, man the times we had lol. This is clan TAR for you :D.
You know why the Yankees always win, Frank?
'Cause they have Mickey Mantle?
No, it's 'cause the other teams can't stop staring at those damn pinstripes.
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Re: I took the blue pill.

Post by Xantan »

yeah, the blue pill was an antihistamine, doxylamine succinate (sleep), who knows what else I did...

lol, yeah, its basically spam.

it may be trashed later, this is somewhat embarrassing? =/
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Re: I took the blue pill.

Post by Durchdringen »

Embarrassing for you maybe lol. You gotta represent yo shit Like A Nigga Say Do!!!

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