Kala-cha wrote:WEU saus "Cannot find path for patch" when I say open WEU.
(Edit) And Irfanview is useless, for all I can tell, it's for only seeing, not editing.
Make a image in paint, or something, open it in irfan, and save it as a tga.
forgotten85 wrote:how come i keep getting only 1 trigger (int)
and no region?
any help
Thats what xdep does, its simple, don't use this method for anything important :p this is like teh noob guide.
Good sex is like a good bridge. If you don't have a good partner, you'd better have a good hand. - Mae West
Me, as a perfect example, is telling YOU, that you don't have to take any part in the Map-Cheating/Hacking department to become a Super-Mod (except the Near-Bee part)!
marbacellar wrote:man i just loved youre totorial but just a quest?
how i make an ORPG that dont save in single player mode to save?
Read through the jass find out where it detects when a player leavers or when it counts players and remove any line that sais "Disable trigger *******" and then you should be able to play in single player.
I've seen stuff like infinite loops that lag you out
Stuff that wipes the map
"Trick" single player that secretly corrupts your save code
There's ways around using "CountPlayersInForce(GetPlayersAll())" too :/
Clever ideas exist...there's no foolproof way of doing any map