(NZCP+SP+anticheat) HM RPG v8.38b

This is where you request maps for inserting cheatpacks, enabling singleplayer, or other types of edits.

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(NZCP+SP+anticheat) HM RPG v8.38b

Post by accelerate »

I would like singleplayer to be enabled.

Anticheat is that it disables all movement with camera or mouse use as soon as its loaded.

-load is also disabled when doing solo.

NZCP is working in the map without changing anything, atleast -lrate -grate -nc -tp is. i think they check exp gains for "boss" kills so -expr isnt really working.

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Re: (NZCP+SP+anticheat) HM RPG v8.38b

Post by accelerate »

i currently have NZCP and SP but i cant get -save command to in single player