[LUA] OzzyCP

Cheatpacks and learning how to use them, as well as other guides for manipulating maps.

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Re: [LUA] OzzyCP

Post by eusuntvlad »

I'm sorry I am a bit noob, how do you actually insert this? What lua file? How to get to it? Thanks.
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Re: [LUA] OzzyCP

Post by devoltz »

eusuntvlad wrote:I'm sorry I am a bit noob, how do you actually insert this? What lua file? How to get to it? Thanks.
tutorials-cheatpacks-f80/insert-a-cp-cc ... 34777.html
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Re: [LUA] OzzyCP

Post by eusuntvlad »

I've looked into that but still cannot find any lua file on the map I'd like to put the cheatpack in.
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Re: [LUA] OzzyCP

Post by devoltz »

eusuntvlad wrote:I've looked into that but still cannot find any lua file on the map I'd like to put the cheatpack in.
Some maps have their scripts on lua, some on jass, this cheatpack is specific for maps that has an lua script.
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Re: [LUA] OzzyCP

Post by eusuntvlad »

ok I understand now thanks.
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Re: [LUA] OzzyCP

Post by muksiw »

Could you add one way alliances hacks?

It's like PvP but for the sake of messing with someone, it's could be one way; and in some cases you want him to fight back you need to enable it in reverse command. and it's possible to enable for both players such said below:

Originally in weirdone2 CP:
-Saon # # (sets #player as an ally to #player)
-NOsa # (makes #player set you as an enemy)

Also one more, but optional, specific cheat request yet useful for easier casting/monitoring another player:
to make specific hero icon appear alongside your list of heroes. Like this was once for Garena Master's view Hero Portrait Ally or Enemy.
But could you remove the gap to make way for a total of 6 hero portraits possible -
or heck if it's possible for Hero Portraits expanded for 24+3NPC slots - that would be really AWESOME.

Thanks and nice to have new cheatpack support alive.
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Re: [LUA] OzzyCP

Post by trantrungho71 »

Update: Added 'ally' command. (muksiw requested). Support period is now extended indefinitely

New updated command list:
Argument stated like (arg1/arg2/arg3) is selection, you can only select one from the 3 listed
Argument [on/off] stated that the command is a switch, first input will enable, second input will disable the command.
ALL COMMAND are bound to the symbol that you can be configured. Command will always start with that symbol!

lvl [level]: Set the level of the currently selected unit.
str [strength]: Set the strength of the currently selected unit.
agi [agility]: Set the agility of the currently selected unit.
int [intelligence]: Set the intelligence of the currently selected unit.
sp [speed]: Modify the speed of the currently selected unit.
hp [hit points]: Modify the hit points of the currently selected unit.
mp [mana points]: Modify the mana points of the currently selected unit.
ms [movement speed]: Modify the movement speed of the currently selected unit.
owner [player]: Change the owner of the currently selected unit.
xp [experience]: Set the experience points of the currently selected unit.
bindup [command] [parameter]: Bind a command that will be executed with the given parameter to your "up" arrow key.
binddown [command] [parameter]: Bind a command that will be executed with the given parameter to your "down" arrow key.
bindleft [command] [parameter]: Bind a command that will be executed with the given parameter to your "left" arrow key.
bindright [command] [parameter]: Bind a command that will be executed with the given parameter to your "right" arrow key.
charge [slot] [amount]: Modify the charge of an item in the currently selected unit's inventory.
kick [player] [method*]: Remove a player from the game.
share [player] [player]: Enforce share a player with another player.
unshare [player] [player]: Unshare a player with another player.
gold [amount]: Modify your gold.
lumber [amount]: Modify your lumber.
giveg [slot] [amount]: Give gold to a player.
givel [slot] [amount]: Give lumber to a player.
food ([amount]/use/nouse): Modify your food supply or make the currently selected unit either consume or not consume your food.
givef [player] [amount]: Give food to a player.
grate [rate]: Modify your gold gathering rate.
lrate [rate]: Modify your lumber gathering rate.
expr [rate]: Modify your experience rate.
copy [amount]: Copy the currently selected unit multiple times.
itemid [slot]: Get the item ID of an item in the currently selected unit inventory.
ritem [amount]: Create a random item near the currently selected unit.
act [activator]: Change the activator for a player.
learn [ability id] [level]: Learn and/or set level of an ability for the currently selected unit.
unlearn [ability id]: Unlearn an ability for the currently selected unit.
citem [item id]: Create an item near the currently selected unit.
cunit [unit id]: Create a unit near the currently selected unit.
fast [on/off]: Enable or disable fast building, upgrading, and training.
nocd [on/off]: Enable or disable no cooldowns for abilities.
enemychat [on/off]: Enable or disable enemy chat.
infcharge [on/off]: Enable or disable infinite charge for items.
mh [on/off]: Enable or disable map hack.
tp [mode]: Enable teleportation in the specified mode (m, p, a).
vul: Make the currently selected unit vulnerable.
invul: Make the currently selected unit invulnerable.
kill: Kill the currently selected unit.
remove: Remove the currently selected unit.
clear: Clear the current chat message for a player.
unitid: Get the Unit ID of the currently selected unit.
noreplay: Prevent creating a replay.
showbinds: Show the bound commands for a player.
clearbinds: Clear the bound commands for a player.
disable: Deactivate your OzzyCP.
search [pattern or name]: Search for items/unit/ability/upgrade/doodad/destructable.
path (on/off): Turn on or off unit pathing for the currently selected unit
time [time]: Set game time to the given [time], if [time] is ignored, will display the current time of the game
timedlife (on/off/(cancel/rem/remove)): Temporary pause a unit timed life or unpause it, if (cancel/rem/remove) is given, remove a unit timed life
sname [newName]: Rename you to [newName]
say [player] [target*] [msg]: Send a message as if you are the given player to the given target. Everything after [target*] will be a message
mapcheat [old cheat name] [new name]: Map a cheat command to the new command as you wish, only work for the first cheater!. Old command is still usable!
removecheat [cheat name]: Remove a given cheat command as you wish, only work for the first cheater!
ally [player]: Make the given target player become your allies if they were an enemy or enemy if they were an ally

Short hand command, read as: "short syntax (bound to which original command)"
g (gold)
l (lumber)
f (food)
ci (citem)
cu (cunit)
kk (kick)

Say [target*] argument: (Default to 'all' if use invalid argument)

all: Send message to all player
ally: Send message to that player ally
obs: Send message to all observer


Kick [method*] argument, read as: "name to use (explaination)". Supply this extra information to the kick command
to allow it to do magic to the player you want to kick, ex: "-kick 2 dc" (Kick player 2 using desync method)

dc (Yeet them out, let them play by themselves)
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Planned feature on the next update of OzzyCP (bug fix not included):

3. Add an alt version which only work on reforged but allowing more advanced cheat.
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Re: [LUA] OzzyCP

Post by Vegas »

Very Nice!
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Re: [LUA] OzzyCP

Post by 3nemy_ »

Nice work indeed! I see lua and typescript being utilized in so many maps nowdays, seems like it's only a matter of time before jass becomes obsolete.
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Re: [LUA] OzzyCP

Post by Konnexus »

There's a slew of problems occuring for me.
I added the cheat onto a Daemonic Sword ORPG R3.60 https://www.hiveworkshop.com/threads/da ... pg.210092/

First off, the -search function doesn't seem to work at all for me. IDK if I'm doing it right but I've tried "-search", "-search items", "-search [name of item]", but it just says "Object search is started" and no matter how long I wait, nothing happens, nothing spawns in my `custommapdata` folder, nothing.

The command -charge only seems to work until 36 charge. I don't know why. I've tried it on all different items and it just sets 36 as the limit.

The command -disable doesn't work. It says the message, but the cheatpack remains active.

The command -itemid [slot] doesn't work. Which is strange, since it recognizes that the slot is empty. It just doesn't return an ID at all. -unitid also doesn't work.

The commands -kill, -invul/vul, -remove doesn't work. -nocd doesn't work either. -owner doesn't work.

What does work though are -g, -l, -infcharge, -ritem, -tp. -lvl activates the anti-cheat so it technically works, and as well as maybe the stat changer cheats.

Hopefully this cheat pack is still going to be supported. If not, thanks anyway!