Deprotect map and edit him

General talk about editing, cheating, and deprotecting maps.

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Deprotect map and edit him

Post by Kyori »

I want to deprotect one map to edit him with my friends, but when I really deprotect to edit in WE, the custom units dissapear, how can I edit this maps?
Ps: I don't know how to edit the spell or something like that, I just want to edit 3 models of 3 characters, can someone please help me with that? The maps is down below
Ps: The map is not mine, me and my friends just want to edit some units to play together and have some visual satisfaction. The map is made by BVN_Team
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Re: Deprotect map and edit him

Post by owner123 »

To edit the models, first find out the current model that the unit uses. Export the war3map.w3u file using an MPQ Editor, import it into a blank/new map, find the units, and find the custom model field. Change those model fields to the name of your desired custom models and export the war3map.w3u file from the editor. Then open the map in an MPQ Editor again and re-import your modified war3map.w3u, and import the custom models you want to use. None of this involves deprotection.