
Cheatpacks and learning how to use them, as well as other guides for manipulating maps.

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Joined: October 21st, 2013, 4:18 pm


Post by Unryze »

First things first, I would like to thank quq_CCCP from xgm for moral support and for advices, if not for him, I would probably not have completed this map.

Additional thanks to Dracol1ch, Karaul0v, ENAlexey and leafdropn for their input in developing MemHack and for all the work they have done.

I am glad to share with you, the "fruit" of my 2 week work on WE-openable and editable MemHack map, which fully supports 1.26a and 1.27a. In this API map you will find nearly all functions that exist in other MemHack as well as a lot of new functions that I have added myself or have “borrowed” from YDWE (translating C++ to Jass), for which I want to give them additional thanks.
Spoiler for BasicUtilsAPI:

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function PrintData takes string path, string s, boolean flag returns nothing
function B2S takes boolean flag returns string
function CharToId takes string input returns integer
function StringToId takes string input returns integer
function IdToChar takes integer input returns string
function IdToString takes integer input returns string
function IntToHex takes integer i returns string
function MathLog takes integer number, integer base returns integer
function PowI takes integer x, integer power returns integer
Spoiler for TypecastAPI:

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function InitBytecode takes integer id, integer k returns nothing
function Typecast takes nothing returns nothing
function GetBytecodeAddress takes nothing returns integer
function InitArray takes integer vtable returns nothing
function TypecastArray takes nothing returns nothing //typecast Array to integer
function GetArrayAddress takes nothing returns integer
function setCode takes code c returns nothing
function setInt takes integer i returns nothing
function setStr takes string s returns nothing
function setBool takes boolean b returns nothing
function setHandle takes handle h returns nothing
function setUnit takes unit u returns nothing
function setTrig takes trigger t returns nothing
function Typecast1 takes nothing returns nothing
function C2I takes code c returns integer
function I2C takes integer i returns code
function Typecast2 takes nothing returns nothing
function SH2I takes string s returns integer
function I2SH takes integer i returns string
function Typecast3 takes nothing returns nothing
function B2I takes boolean b returns integer
function I2B takes integer i returns boolean
function Typecast4 takes nothing returns nothing
function H2I takes handle h returns integer
function I2H takes integer i returns handle
function Typecast5 takes nothing returns nothing
function U2I takes unit u returns integer
function I2U takes integer i returns unit
function Typecast6 takes nothing returns nothing
function T2I takes trigger t returns integer
function I2T takes integer i returns trigger
function RealToIndex takes real r returns integer
function CleanInt takes integer i returns integer
function IndexToReal takes integer i returns real
function CleanReal takes real r returns real
function GetRealFromMemory takes integer i returns real
function SetRealIntoMemory takes real r returns integer
function BitwiseNot takes integer i returns integer
Spoiler for MemoryAPI:

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function GetByteFromInteger takes integer i, integer byteid returns integer
function CreateInteger1 takes integer byte1, integer byte2, integer byte3, integer byte4 returns integer
function CreateIntegerFromTwoByOffset takes integer LocalInteger1, integer LocalInteger2, integer offset returns integer
function CreateDoubleIntegerAndGetOne takes integer LocalInteger1, integer LocalInteger2, integer value, integer offset, boolean first returns integer
function ReadMemory takes integer address returns integer
function ReadRealMemorySafe takes integer addr returns integer
function ReadUnrealMemory takes integer address returns integer
function ReadRealMemory takes integer address returns integer
function ReadOffset takes integer pOff returns integer
function ReadOffsetUnsafe takes integer pOff returns integer
function ReadByte takes integer byte returns integer
function WriteMemory takes integer address, integer value returns nothing
function WriteRealMemorySafe takes integer addr, integer val returns nothing
function WriteUnrealMemory takes integer address, integer value returns nothing
function WriteRealMemory takes integer address, integer value returns nothing
function WriteOffset takes integer pOff, integer value returns nothing
function WriteOffsetUnsafe takes integer pOff, integer value returns nothing
function NewGlobal takes nothing returns integer
function SetGlobal takes nothing returns nothing
function UnlockMemory takes nothing returns nothing
function Malloc takes integer bytes returns integer
function ConvertPointer takes integer ptr returns integer
function ReadRealPointer1LVL takes integer addr, integer offset1 returns integer
function WriteRealPointer1LVL takes integer addr, integer offset1, integer val returns nothing
function ReadRealPointer2LVL takes integer addr, integer offset1, integer offset2 returns integer
function WriteRealPointer2LVL takes integer addr, integer offset1, integer offset2, integer val returns nothing
function ReadRealPointer3LVL takes integer addr, integer offset1, integer offset2, integer offset3 returns integer
function WriteRealPointer3LVL takes integer addr, integer offset1, integer offset2, integer offset3, integer val returns nothing
function ReadRealPointer4LVL takes integer addr, integer offset1, integer offset2, integer offset3, integer offset4 returns integer
function WriteRealPointer4LVL takes integer addr, integer offset1, integer offset2, integer offset3, integer offset4, integer val returns nothing
function ReadRealPointer5LVL takes integer addr, integer offset1, integer offset2, integer offset3, integer offset4, integer offset5 returns integer
function WriteRealPointer5LVL takes integer addr, integer offset1, integer offset2,integer offset3, integer offset4,integer offset5, integer val returns nothing
function IsJassNativeExists takes integer nativeaddress returns boolean
function CreateJassNativeHook takes integer oldaddress, integer newaddress returns integer
function GetJassContext takes integer id returns integer
function GetStringAddress takes string s returns integer
Spoiler for CallsAPI:

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function CallFastCallWith1Args takes integer pFuncFastcallAddr, integer arg1 returns integer
function CallFastCallWith2Args takes integer pFuncFastcallAddr, integer arg1, integer arg2 returns integer
function CallFastCallWith3Args takes integer pFuncFastcallAddr, integer arg1, integer arg2, integer arg3 returns integer
function CallFastCallWith4Args takes integer pFuncFastcallAddr, integer arg1, integer arg2, integer arg3 , integer arg4 returns integer
function CallFastCallWith5Args takes integer pFuncFastcallAddr, integer arg1, integer arg2, integer arg3 , integer arg4, integer arg5 returns integer
function CallFastCallWith6Args takes integer pFuncFastcallAddr, integer arg1, integer arg2, integer arg3, integer arg4, integer arg5, integer arg6 returns integer
function CallFastCallWith7Args takes integer pFuncFastcallAddr, integer arg1, integer arg2, integer arg3, integer arg4, integer arg5, integer arg6, integer arg7 returns integer
function CallFastCallWith8Args takes integer pFuncFastcallAddr, integer arg1, integer arg2, integer arg3, integer arg4, integer arg5, integer arg6, integer arg7, integer arg8 returns integer
function CallFastCallWith9Args takes integer pFuncFastcallAddr, integer arg1, integer arg2, integer arg3, integer arg4, integer arg5, integer arg6, integer arg7, integer arg8, integer arg9 returns integer
function CallFastCallWith10Args takes integer pFuncFastcallAddr, integer arg1, integer arg2, integer arg3, integer arg4, integer arg5, integer arg6, integer arg7, integer arg8, integer arg9, integer arg10 returns integer
function CallFastCallWith11Args takes integer pFuncFastcallAddr, integer arg1, integer arg2, integer arg3, integer arg4, integer arg5, integer arg6, integer arg7, integer arg8, integer arg9, integer arg10, integer arg11 returns integer
function CallFastCallWith12Args takes integer pFuncFastcallAddr, integer arg1, integer arg2, integer arg3, integer arg4, integer arg5, integer arg6, integer arg7, integer arg8, integer arg9, integer arg10, integer arg11, integer arg12 returns integer
function CallFastCallWith13Args takes integer pFuncFastcallAddr, integer arg1, integer arg2, integer arg3, integer arg4, integer arg5, integer arg6, integer arg7, integer arg8, integer arg9, integer arg10, integer arg11, integer arg12, integer arg13 returns integer
function CallThisCallWith1Args takes integer pFuncThiscallAddr, integer arg1 returns integer
function CallThisCallWith2Args takes integer pFuncThiscallAddr, integer arg1, integer arg2 returns integer
function CallThisCallWith3Args takes integer pFuncThiscallAddr, integer arg1, integer arg2, integer arg3 returns integer
function CallThisCallWith4Args takes integer pFuncThiscallAddr, integer arg1, integer arg2, integer arg3, integer arg4 returns integer
function CallThisCallWith5Args takes integer pFuncThiscallAddr, integer arg1, integer arg2, integer arg3, integer arg4, integer arg5 returns integer
function CallThisCallWith6Args takes integer pFuncThiscallAddr, integer arg1, integer arg2, integer arg3, integer arg4, integer arg5, integer arg6 returns integer
function CallThisCallWith7Args takes integer pFuncThiscallAddr, integer arg1, integer arg2, integer arg3, integer arg4, integer arg5, integer arg6, integer arg7 returns integer
function CallThisCallWith8Args takes integer pFuncThiscallAddr, integer arg1, integer arg2, integer arg3, integer arg4, integer arg5, integer arg6, integer arg7, integer arg8 returns integer
function CallThisCallWith9Args takes integer pFuncThiscallAddr, integer arg1, integer arg2, integer arg3, integer arg4, integer arg5, integer arg6, integer arg7, integer arg8, integer arg9 returns integer
function CallThisCallWith10Args takes integer pFuncThiscallAddr, integer arg1, integer arg2, integer arg3, integer arg4, integer arg5, integer arg6, integer arg7, integer arg8, integer arg9, integer arg10 returns integer
function CallThisCallWith11Args takes integer pFuncThiscallAddr, integer arg1, integer arg2, integer arg3, integer arg4, integer arg5, integer arg6, integer arg7, integer arg8, integer arg9, integer arg10, integer arg11 returns integer
function CallThisCallWith12Args takes integer pFuncThiscallAddr, integer arg1, integer arg2, integer arg3, integer arg4, integer arg5, integer arg6, integer arg7, integer arg8, integer arg9, integer arg10, integer arg11, integer arg12 returns integer
function CallStdcallWith1Args takes integer pFuncStdcallAddr, integer arg1 returns integer
function CallStdcallWith2Args takes integer pFuncStdcallAddr, integer arg1, integer arg2 returns integer
function CallStdcallWith3Args takes integer pFuncStdcallAddr, integer arg1, integer arg2, integer arg3 returns integer
function CallStdcallWith4Args takes integer pFuncStdcallAddr, integer arg1, integer arg2, integer arg3, integer arg4 returns integer
function CallStdcallWith5Args takes integer pFuncStdcallAddr, integer arg1, integer arg2, integer arg3, integer arg4, integer arg5 returns integer
function CallStdcallWith6Args takes integer pFuncStdcallAddr, integer arg1, integer arg2, integer arg3, integer arg4, integer arg5, integer arg6 returns integer
function CallCdeclWith1Args takes integer pFuncCdeclAddr, integer arg1 returns integer 
function CallCdeclWith2Args takes integer pFuncCdeclAddr, integer arg1, integer arg2 returns integer 
function CallCdeclWith3Args takes integer pFuncCdeclAddr, integer arg1, integer arg2, integer arg3 returns integer 
function CallCdeclWith4Args takes integer pFuncCdeclAddr, integer arg1, integer arg2, integer arg3 , integer arg4 returns integer 
function CallCdeclWith5Args takes integer pFuncCdeclAddr, integer arg1, integer arg2, integer arg3 , integer arg4, integer arg5 returns integer 
function CallCdeclWith6Args takes integer pFuncCdeclAddr, integer arg1, integer arg2, integer arg3 , integer arg4, integer arg5 , integer arg6 returns integer 
function AllocateExecutableMemory takes integer size returns integer
function CopyMemory takes integer dest, integer src, integer size returns integer 
function GetModuleHandle takes string nDllName returns integer
function GetModuleProcAddress takes string nDllName, string nProcName returns integer
Spoiler for BitwiseAPI:

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function GetGameTypeSupported takes nothing returns integer
function Player2Flag takes player p returns integer
function IsFlagBitSet takes integer flags, integer bit returns boolean
function ShiftLeftForBits takes integer byte, integer shiftval returns integer
function ShiftRightForBits takes integer byte, integer shiftval returns integer
function ShiftLeftForBytes takes integer byte, integer shiftval returns integer
function ShiftRightForBytes takes integer byte, integer shiftval returns integer
function BitwiseOr takes integer arg1, integer arg2 returns integer
function BitwiseXor takes integer arg1, integer arg2 returns integer
function BitwiseAnd takes integer arg1, integer arg2 returns integer
Spoiler for StringAPI:

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function ConvertNullTerminatedStringToString takes integer pNullTerminatedString returns string
function SearchStringValueAddress takes string str returns integer
function SearchStringValue takes string str returns string
function ReplaceStringValue takes string str, integer newstraddress, integer str_len returns nothing
Spoiler for KernelAPI:

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function IsBadReadPtr takes integer pointer, integer size returns boolean
function GetLocalTime takes integer timeId returns integer
function VirtualProtect takes integer pRealOffset, integer pMemSize, integer pProtectFlag returns integer
function ReadStringFromFile takes string sfile, string ssection, string skey, string sdefval returns string
function WriteStringToFile takes string sfile, string ssection, string skey, string sval returns nothing
function GetFileAttributes takes string s returns integer
function Load[spoiler=takes string nDllName returns integer
function MessageBox takes string message, string caption returns nothing
function FindWindow takes string name, string class returns integer
function GetSystemMetrics takes integer id returns integer
function GetScreenWidth takes nothing returns integer
function GetScreenHeight takes nothing returns integer
function GetWindowRect takes integer hwnd returns integer
function GetWindowX takes integer hwnd returns integer
function GetWindowY takes integer hwnd returns integer
function ScreenToClient takes integer hwnd, integer lpPoint returns integer
function GetCursorPos takes nothing returns integer
function PostMessage takes integer hwnd, integer msg, integer wparam, integer lparam returns nothing
function ShellExecute takes string command, string path, string args returns nothing
function GetAsyncKeyState takes integer vk_key_code returns integer
function IsKeyPressed takes integer vk_key_code returns boolean
Spoiler for MemoryRestorer:

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function AddNewOffsetToRestore takes integer offsetaddress, integer offsetdefaultdata returns nothing
function ChangeOffsetProtection takes integer pRealOffset, integer pMemSize, integer pProtectFlag returns integer
function PatchMemory takes integer addr, integer val returns nothing
function RestoreAllMemory takes nothing returns nothing
function InitExtrasPageDisplayOnExit takes integer pTriggerHandle returns nothing
function DisplayExtrasPageDisplayOnExit takes nothing returns nothing
Spoiler for GameData:

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function ConvertHandle takes handle h returns integer
function ObjectToHandleId takes integer address returns integer
function GetAgentType takes handle h returns integer
function ObjectToUnit takes integer pObject returns unit
function GetAgentBaseDataById takes integer pAgentDataNode, integer agentId returns integer
function WriteNullTerminatedString takes string s, integer pAddr returns nothing
function GetUnitAddressFloatsRelated takes integer pConvertedHandle, integer step returns integer
function GetUnitAddress takes unit u returns integer
function GetSomeAddress takes integer pAddr1, integer pAddr2 returns integer // Alternative for sub_6F4786B0 (126a)
function GetSomeAddressForAbility takes integer pAddr1, integer pAddr2 returns integer
Spoiler for ObjectData:

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function GetARGBColour takes integer alpha, integer red, integer green, integer blue returns integer
function GetSpriteDataOffsetAddressR takes integer pObject, integer offset returns real
function SetSpriteDataOffsetAddressR takes integer pObject, integer offset, real r returns nothing
function IsObjectHidden takes integer pObject returns boolean
function ShowObject takes integer pObject, boolean flag returns nothing
function GetObjectTypeId takes integer pObj returns integer
function UpdateObjectColour takes integer pObject returns nothing // pObject = ConvertHandle( h )
function SetObjectAlpha takes integer pObject, integer alpha returns nothing
function GetObjectColour takes integer pObject returns integer
function SetObjectColour takes integer pObject, integer colour returns nothing
function SetObjectColourEx takes integer pObject, integer red, integer green, integer blue, integer alpha returns nothing
function SetObjectVertexColour takes integer pObject, integer red, integer green, integer blue, integer alpha returns nothing
function GetObjectColourA takes integer pObject returns integer
function SetObjectColourA takes integer pObject, integer alpha returns nothing
function GetObjectColourR takes integer pObject returns integer
function SetObjectColourR takes integer pObject, integer red returns nothing
function GetObjectColourG takes integer pObject returns integer
function SetObjectColourG takes integer pObject, integer green returns nothing
function GetObjectColourB takes integer pObject returns integer
function SetObjectColourB takes integer pObject, integer blue returns nothing
function SetObjectAnimationByIndex takes integer pObject, integer index returns nothing
function SetObjectModel takes integer pObject, string model returns nothing
function GetObjectX takes integer pObject returns real
function SetObjectX takes integer pObject, real x returns nothing
function GetObjectY takes integer pObject returns real
function SetObjectY takes integer pObject, real y returns nothing
function GetObjectZ takes integer pObject returns real
function SetObjectZ takes integer pObject, real z returns nothing
function SetObjectPosition takes integer pObject, real x, real y, real z returns nothing
function GetObjectTimeScale takes integer pObject returns real
function SetObjectTimeScale takes integer pObject, real speed returns nothing
function GetObjectScale takes integer pObject returns real
function SetObjectScale takes integer pObject, real scale returns nothing
function SetObjectScaleEx takes integer pObject, real x, real y, real z returns nothing
function SetObjectSpaceRotation takes integer pObject, real yaw, real pitch, real roll returns nothing
function GetObjectRoll takes integer pObject returns real // X | returns Degrees!
function SetObjectRoll takes integer pObject, real angle returns nothing // X | In Degrees!
function GetObjectPitch takes integer pObject returns real // Y | returns Degrees!
function SetObjectPitch takes integer pObject, real angle returns nothing // Y | In Degrees!
function GetObjectFacing takes integer pObject returns real // Z | Yaw | returns Degrees!
function SetObjectFacing takes integer pObject, real angle returns nothing // Z | Yaw | In Degrees!
function ResetObjectMatrix takes integer pObject returns nothing
Spoiler for WC3GameUI:

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function GetGameUI takes integer bInit, integer bRelease returns integer
function GetRootFrame takes nothing returns integer
function GetUIWorldFrameWar3 takes nothing returns integer
function GetUIMinimap takes nothing returns integer
function GetUIInfoBar takes nothing returns integer
function GetUICommandBar takes nothing returns integer
function GetUIResourceBarFrame takes nothing returns integer
function GetUIUpperButtonBarFrame takes nothing returns integer
function GetUIUnknown1 takes nothing returns integer
function GetUIClickableBlock takes nothing returns integer
function GetUIHeroBar takes nothing returns integer
function GetUIPeonBar takes nothing returns integer
function GetUIMessage takes nothing returns integer
function GetUIUnitMessage takes nothing returns integer
function GetUIChatMessage takes nothing returns integer
function GetUITopMessage takes nothing returns integer
function GetUIPortrait takes nothing returns integer
function GetUITimeOfDayIndicator takes nothing returns integer
function GetUIChatEditBar takes nothing returns integer
function GetUICinematicPanel takes nothing returns integer
function GetUIUnknown2 takes nothing returns integer
function GetUIMinimapButton1 takes nothing returns integer
function GetUIMinimapButton2 takes nothing returns integer
function GetUIMinimapButton3 takes nothing returns integer
function GetUIMinimapButton4 takes nothing returns integer
function GetUIMinimapButton5 takes nothing returns integer
function GetUIFrameB takes nothing returns integer
function GetUIMouseBorders takes nothing returns integer
function GetUIFrameA takes nothing returns integer
function GetUISimpleConsole takes nothing returns integer
function GetPanelButton takes integer pFrame, integer row, integer column returns integer
function GetMinimapButton takes integer id returns integer
function GetUpperButtonBarButton takes integer id returns integer
function GetCommandBarButton takes integer row, integer column returns integer
function GetItemBarButton takes integer id returns integer
function GetHeroBarButton takes integer id returns integer
function GetHeroBarHealthBar takes integer id returns integer
function GetHeroBarManaBar takes integer id returns integer
function UpdateGameUI takes nothing returns nothing
function SetWar3MapMap takes string minimap returns integer
Spoiler for WC3GameWindow:

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function GetWindowWidth takes nothing returns real
function GetWindowHeight takes nothing returns real
function GetWindowCenterX takes nothing returns real
function GetWindowCenterY takes nothing returns real
function GetWarcraftWindow takes nothing returns integer
function FromPixelX takes integer i returns real
function FromPixelY takes integer i returns real
Spoiler for ConstantsAPI:

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function IsOPLimitEnabled takes nothing returns boolean
function EnableOPLimit takes boolean flag returns nothing
Spoiler for CFrameAPI:

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function LoadTOCFile takes string filename returns integer
function GetCFrameByName takes string name, integer id returns integer
function CreateCFrameEx takes string baseframe, integer parent, integer point, integer relativepoint, integer id returns integer
function CreateCFrame takes string baseframe, integer parent, integer id returns integer
function GetFrameType takes integer pFrame returns integer
function GetFrameLayoutByType takes integer pFrame, integer fid returns integer
function GetFrameLayout takes integer pFrame returns integer
function IsFrameLayoutByType takes integer pFrame, integer fid returns boolean
function IsFrameLayout takes integer pFrame returns boolean
Spoiler for CLayerAPI:

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function FindCLayerUnderCursorEx takes integer pActiveLayer, integer pMouseEvent returns integer
function FindCLayerUnderCursor takes nothing returns integer
function SetCLayerOwner takes integer pFrame, integer pParentFrame returns integer
function HideCLayer takes integer pFrame returns integer
function ShowCLayer takes integer pFrame returns integer
function SetCLayerAlpha takes integer pFrame, integer alpha returns integer
function SetCLayerFont takes integer pFrame, string filename, real height, integer flag returns integer
function SetCLayerTooltip takes integer pFrame, integer pTooltip returns integer
Spoiler for CFrameBackDropAPI:

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function LoadCBackDropFrameTexture takes string texturepath, boolean create returns integer
function SetCBackDropFrameTexture takes integer pFrame, string texturepath, boolean flag returns integer
Spoiler for CFrameEditBoxAPI:

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function SetCEditBoxFocus takes integer pFrame, boolean flag returns integer
function SetCEditBoxFont takes integer pFrame, string filename, real height, integer flag returns integer
function GetCEditBoxText takes integer pFrame returns string
function SetCEditBoxText takes integer pFrame, string text returns integer
Spoiler for CLayoutFrameAPI:

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function SetCLayoutFrameAbsolutePoint takes integer pFrame, integer point, real offsetX, real offsetY returns integer
function SetCLayoutFrameCageMouse takes integer pFrame, boolean flag returns integer
function ClearCLayoutFrameAllPoints takes integer pFrame returns integer
function SetCLayoutFrameWidth takes integer pFrame, real width returns integer
function SetCLayoutFrameHeight takes integer pFrame, real height returns integer
function SetCLayoutFrameAllPoints takes integer pFrame, integer relativeframe returns integer
function SetCLayoutFrameSize takes integer pFrame, real width, real height returns integer
function SetCLayoutFramePoint takes integer pFrame, integer point, integer pParentFrame, integer relativePoint, real offsetX, real offsetY returns integer
function SetCLayoutFrameScale takes integer pFrame, real scale returns integer
function GetCLayoutFrameHeight takes integer pFrame returns real
Spoiler for CModelFrameAPI:

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function AddCModelFrameModel takes integer pFrame, string model, integer modeltype returns integer
function GetCModelFrameHeight takes integer pFrame returns real
Spoiler for CSimpleFontAPI:

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function GetCSimpleFontByName takes string name, integer id returns integer
function GetCSimpleFontTextByName takes string name, integer id returns string
function SetCSimpleFontStringScale takes integer pFrame, real scale returns integer
function SetCSimpleFontStringFont takes integer pFrame, string filename, real height, integer flag returns integer
function GetCSimpleFontStringHeight takes integer pFrame returns real
function SetCSimpleFontText takes integer pFrame, string text returns integer
Spoiler for CSimpleGlueAPI:

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function SetCSimpleGlueFrameScale takes integer pFrame, real scale returns integer
Spoiler for CSimpleFrameAPI:

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function GetCSimpleFrameByName takes string name, integer id returns integer
function CreateCSimpleFrame takes string baseCSimpleFrame, integer parent, integer id returns integer
function SetCSimpleFrameScale takes integer pCSimpleFrame, real scale returns integer
function SetCSimpleFramePriority takes integer pCSimpleFrame, integer priority returns integer
function SetCSimpleFrameParent takes integer pCSimpleFrame, integer pParentCSimpleFrame returns integer
Spoiler for CSimpleMessageFrameAPI:

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function SetCSimpleMessageFrameFont takes integer pFrame, string filename, real height, integer flag returns integer
Spoiler for CSliderAPI:

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function SetCSliderCurrentValue takes integer pFrame, real value returns integer
Spoiler for CSpriteFrameAPI:

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function SetCSpriteFrameArt takes integer pFrame, string model, integer modeltype, boolean flag returns integer
function GetCSpriteFrameHeight takes integer pFrame returns real
function SetCSpriteFrameScale takes integer pFrame, real scale returns integer
Spoiler for CTextAreaAPI:

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function SetCTextAreaText takes integer pFrame, string text returns integer
Spoiler for CTextFrameAPI:

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function SetCTextFrameTextColour takes integer pFrame, integer colour returns integer
function SetCTextFrameTextColourEx takes integer pFrame, integer alpha, integer red, integer blue, integer green returns integer
function GetCTextFrameHeight takes integer pFrame returns real
function SetCTextFrameText takes integer pFrame, string text returns integer
Spoiler for CSimpleStatusBarAPI:

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function SetCSimpleStatusBarTexture takes integer pFrame, string texturepath, boolean flag returns integer
function SetCSimpleStatusBarValue takes integer pFrame, real value returns integer
function SetCSimpleStatusBarMinMaxValue takes integer pFrame, real minval, real maxval returns integer
Spoiler for CStatusBarAPI:

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function SetCStatusBarArt takes integer pFrame, string model, integer modeltype returns integer
function SetCStatusBarValue takes integer pFrame, real value returns integer
function SetCStatusBarMinMaxValue takes integer pFrame, real minval, real maxval returns integer
Spoiler for CSimpleTextureAPI:

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function GetCSimpleTextureByName takes string name, integer id returns integer
function SetCSimpleTextureTexture takes integer pFrame, string texturepath, boolean flag returns integer
Spoiler for CSimpleRegionAPI:

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function SetCSimpleRegionVertexColour takes integer pFrame, integer colour returns integer
function SetCSimpleRegionVertexColourEx takes integer pFrame, integer alpha, integer red, integer blue, integer green returns integer
Spoiler for FrameAPI:

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function GetFrameByName takes string name, integer id returns integer
function CreateFrameEx takes string baseframe, integer parent, integer point, integer relativepoint, integer id returns integer
function CreateFrame takes string baseframe, integer parent, integer id returns integer
function CreateSimpleFrame takes string baseframe, integer parent, integer id returns integer
function HideFrame takes integer pFrame returns integer
function ShowFrame takes integer pFrame returns integer
function SetFrameAlpha takes integer pFrame, integer alpha returns integer
function SetLayerFont takes integer pFrame, string filename, real height, integer flag returns integer
function SetFrameTooltip takes integer pFrame, integer pTooltip returns integer
function SetFrameFocus takes integer pFrame, boolean flag returns integer
function SetFrameCageMouse takes integer pFrame, boolean flag returns integer
function SetFrameAbsolutePoint takes integer pFrame, integer point, real x, real y returns integer
function ClearFrameAllPoints takes integer pFrame returns integer
function SetFrameWidth takes integer pFrame, real width returns integer
function SetFrameHeight takes integer pFrame, real height returns integer
function SetFrameAllPoints takes integer pFrame, integer relativeframe returns integer
function SetFrameSize takes integer pFrame, real width, real height returns integer
function SetFramePoint takes integer pFrame, integer point, integer pParentFrame, integer relativePoint, real x, real y returns integer
function SetLayoutFrameScale takes integer pFrame, real scale returns integer
function SetFrameVertexColour takes integer pFrame, integer colour returns integer
function SetFrameVertexColourEx takes integer pFrame, integer alpha, integer red, integer blue, integer green returns integer
function GetFrameSkinByName takes string name, integer id returns integer
function DestroyFrame takes integer pFrame returns integer
function GetFrameState takes integer pFrame, integer state returns boolean
function IsFrameEnabled takes integer pFrame returns boolean
function SetFrameState takes integer pFrame, boolean flag returns integer
function EnableFrame takes integer pFrame returns integer
function DisableFrame takes integer pFrame returns integer
function GetFrameTextByName takes string name, integer id returns string
function SetFrameTextColour takes integer pFrame, integer colour returns integer
function SetFrameTextColourEx takes integer pFrame, integer alpha, integer red, integer blue, integer green returns integer
function FindLayerUnderCursor takes nothing returns integer
function ClickFrame takes integer pFrame returns integer
function SetFrameModel takes integer pFrame, string model, integer modeltype, boolean flag returns integer
function GetFrameAlpha takes integer pFrame returns integer
function UpdateFrame takes integer pFrame returns integer
function SetFrameStepValue takes integer pFrame, real step returns nothing
function GetFrameParent takes integer pFrame returns integer
function SetFrameParent takes integer pFrame, integer pParentFrame returns integer
function GetFrameName takes integer pFrame returns string
function SetFrameTexture takes integer pFrame, string texturepath, boolean flag returns integer
function SetFrameScale takes integer pFrame, real scale returns integer
function GetFrameValue takes integer pFrame returns real
function SetFrameValue takes integer pFrame, real value returns integer
function SetFrameMinMaxValue takes integer pFrame, real minval, real maxval returns integer
function SetFrameFont takes integer pFrame, string filename, real height, integer flag returns integer
function GetFrameWidth takes integer pFrame returns real
function GetFrameHeight takes integer pFrame returns real
function GetFramePoint takes integer pFrame, integer point returns integer
function GetFramePointParent takes integer pFrame, integer point returns integer
function GetFramePointRelativePoint takes integer pFrame, integer point returns integer
function GetFramePointX takes integer pFrame, integer point returns real
function GetFramePointY takes integer pFrame, integer point returns real
function GetFrameTextMaxLength takes integer pFrame returns integer
function SetFrameMaxTextLength takes integer pFrame, integer length returns nothing
function GetFrameTextLength takes integer pFrame returns integer
function GetFrameText takes integer pFrame returns string
function SetFrameText takes integer pFrame, string text returns integer
function IsReplay takes nothing returns boolean
function SetAllyCheckbox takes integer mode returns nothing
function EnableAllyCheckbox takes nothing returns nothing
function DisableAllyCheckbox takes nothing returns nothing
Spoiler for UIAPI:

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function HideUI takes nothing returns nothing
function ShowUI takes nothing returns nothing
function EditBlackBorders takes real topX, real topY, real botX, real botY returns nothing
function HideBlackBorders takes nothing returns nothing
function ShowBlackBorders takes nothing returns nothing
function EditMiniMap takes integer point, real topX, real topY, real botX, real botY returns nothing
function HideMiniMap takes nothing returns nothing
function ShowMiniMap takes nothing returns nothing
function EditCommandBarButton takes integer row, integer column, integer anchor, real offsetX, real offsetY, real width, real height returns nothing
function EditItemBarButton takes integer buttonId, integer anchor, real offsetX, real offsetY, real width, real height returns nothing
function EditMinimapButton takes integer buttonId, integer anchor, real offsetX, real offsetY, real width, real height returns nothing
function EditUpperButtonBarButton takes integer buttonId, integer anchor, real offsetX, real offsetY, real width, real height returns nothing
function EditHeroBarButton takes integer buttonId, integer anchor, real offsetX, real offsetY, real width, real height returns nothing
function EditHeroBarHealthBar takes integer buttonId, integer anchor, real offsetX, real offsetY, real width, real height returns nothing
function EditHeroBarManaBar takes integer buttonId, integer anchor, real offsetX, real offsetY, real width, real height returns nothing
function EditTooltip takes integer anchor, real offsetX, real offsetY, real width returns nothing
function ShowAllUI takes nothing returns nothing
function HideAllUI takes nothing returns nothing
function ToggleUI takes nothing returns nothing
Spoiler for PlayerAPI:

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function GetRealPlayerById takes integer i returns integer
function GetLocalPlayerIdReal takes nothing returns integer
function GetLocalPlayerReal takes nothing returns integer
function GetPlayerSelectedUnitReal takes integer realplayer returns integer
function SetPlayerSelectedUnitReal takes integer realplayer, integer pConvertedHandle returns nothing
function GetOrderPlayerId takes unit u returns integer
Spoiler for AbilityBaseByAddressAPI:

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function GetAbilityBaseDataByAddress takes integer pAbil returns integer
function GetAddressAbilityTypeId takes integer pAbil returns integer
function GetAddressAbilityBaseId takes integer pAbil returns integer
function GetAddressAbilityOrderId takes integer pAbil returns integer
function IsAddressAbilityOnCooldown takes integer pAbil returns boolean
function IsAddressAbilitySafe takes integer pAbil returns boolean
function IsAddressAbilityUsable takes integer pAbil returns boolean // Always false for ANcl
function GetAddressAbilityCastpoint takes integer pAbil returns real
function SetAddressAbilityCastpoint takes integer pAbil, real dur returns nothing
function GetAddressAbilityBackswing takes integer pAbil returns real
function SetAddressAbilityBackswing takes integer pAbil, real dur returns nothing
function GetAddressAbilityManaCost takes integer pAbil, integer level returns integer
function SetAddressAbilityManaCost takes integer pAbil, integer level, integer mc returns nothing
function GetAddressAbilityCooldownStamp takes integer pAbil returns real
function GetAddressAbilityCurrentCooldown takes integer pAbil returns real
function SetAddressAbilityCooldown takes integer pAbil, real seconds, string mode returns nothing
function StartAddressAbilityCooldown takes integer pAbil, real cd returns boolean
function GetAddressAbilityCastTime takes integer pAbil returns real
function SetAddressAbilityCastTime takes integer pAbil, real r returns nothing
function SetAddressAbilityDisabled takes integer pAbil, integer count returns nothing
function GetAddressAbilityDisabled takes integer pAbil returns integer
function SetAddressAbilityHidden takes integer pAbil, integer count returns nothing
function AddAddressAbilityHidden takes integer pAbil, integer d returns nothing
function GetAddressAbilityDisabledEx takes integer pAbil returns integer
function SetAddressAbilityDisabledEx takes integer pAbil, integer count returns nothing
function ShowAddressAbility takes integer pAbil, boolean flag returns nothing
function SilenceAddressAbility takes integer pAbil returns nothing
function UnsilenceAddressAbility takes integer pAbil returns nothing
Spoiler for AbilityBaseAPI:

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function GetAbilityBaseDataById takes integer aid returns integer
function GetAbilityBaseDataByIdCaching takes integer aid returns integer
function GetAbilityBaseUIById takes integer aid returns integer
function GetAbilityBaseUICaching takes integer aid returns integer
function SetAbilityBaseHotkeyParam takes integer aid, integer off, integer newVal returns nothing
function GetAbilityBaseHotkeyParam takes integer aid, integer off returns integer
function SetAbilityBaseIntegerParam takes integer aid, integer off, integer newVal returns nothing
function GetAbilityBaseIntegerParam takes integer aid, integer off returns integer
function SetAbilityBaseRealParam takes integer aid, integer off, real newVal returns nothing
function GetAbilityBaseRealParam takes integer aid, integer off returns real
function SetAbilityBaseBoolParam takes integer aid, integer off, boolean flag returns nothing
function GetAbilityBaseBoolParam takes integer aid, integer off returns boolean
function GetAbilityBaseStringParam takes integer aid, integer off returns string
function SetAbilityBaseStringParam takes integer aid, integer off, string newVal returns nothing
function GetAbilityBaseStringParam2 takes integer aid, integer off, integer lvl returns string
function SetAbilityBaseStringParam2 takes integer aid, integer off, string newVal, integer lvl returns nothing
function GetAbilityBaseMaxLevel takes integer aid returns integer
function GetAbilityBaseManaCost takes integer aid, integer level returns integer
function SetAbilityBaseManaCost takes integer aid, integer level, integer cost returns nothing
function GetAbilityBaseCooldown takes integer aid, integer level returns real
function SetAbilityBaseCooldown takes integer aid, integer level, real cool returns nothing
function GetAbilityBaseEffectSound takes integer aid returns string
function SetAbilityBaseEffectSound takes integer aid, string s returns nothing
function GetAbilityBaseGlobalMessage takes integer aid returns string
function SetAbilityBaseGlobalMessage takes integer aid, string s returns nothing
function GetAbilityBaseGlobalSound takes integer aid returns string
function SetAbilityBaseGlobalSound takes integer aid, string s returns nothing
function GetAbilityBaseButtonX takes integer aid returns integer
function SetAbilityBaseButtonX takes integer aid, integer newX returns nothing
function GetAbilityBaseButtonY takes integer aid returns integer
function SetAbilityBaseButtonY takes integer aid, integer newY returns nothing
function GetAbilityBaseUnButtonX takes integer aid returns integer
function SetAbilityBaseUnButtonX takes integer aid, integer newX returns nothing
function GetAbilityBaseUnButtonY takes integer aid returns integer
function SetAbilityBaseUnButtonY takes integer aid, integer newY returns nothing
function GetAbilityBaseResearchButtonX takes integer aid returns integer
function SetAbilityBaseResearchButtonX takes integer aid, integer newX returns nothing
function GetAbilityBaseResearchButtonY takes integer aid returns integer
function SetAbilityBaseResearchButtonY takes integer aid, integer newY returns nothing
function GetAbilityBaseMissileSpeed takes integer aid returns real
function SetAbilityBaseMissileSpeed takes integer aid, real speed returns nothing
function GetAbilityBaseMissileArc takes integer aid returns real
function SetAbilityBaseMissileArc takes integer aid, real arc returns nothing
function IsAbilityMissileHoming takes integer aid returns boolean
function SetAbilityBaseMissileHoming takes integer aid, boolean homing returns nothing
function GetAbilityBaseSpellDetails takes integer aid returns integer
function SetAbilityBaseSpellDetails takes integer aid, integer det returns nothing
function GetAbilityBaseHotkeyId takes integer aid returns integer
function SetAbilityBaseHotkeyId takes integer aid, integer newVal returns nothing
function GetAbilityBaseUnHotkeyId takes integer aid returns integer
function SetAbilityBaseUnHotkeyId takes integer aid, integer newVal returns nothing
function GetAbilityBaseResearchHotkeyId takes integer aid returns integer
function SetAbilityBaseResearchHotkeyId takes integer aid, integer newVal returns nothing
function GetAbilityBaseTip takes integer aid, integer lvl returns string
function SetAbilityBaseTip takes integer aid, integer lvl, string s returns nothing
function GetAbilityBaseUbertip takes integer aid, integer lvl returns string
function SetAbilityBaseUbertip takes integer aid, integer lvl, string s returns nothing
function SetAbilityBaseHotkeyCommon takes integer aid, integer newVal returns nothing
Spoiler for AbilityNormalAPI:

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function GetAbilityBaseUI takes ability abil returns integer
function GetAbilityBaseId takes ability a returns integer
function GetAbilityOrderId takes ability a returns integer
function IsAbilityOnCooldown takes ability a returns boolean
function IsAbilitySafe takes ability a returns boolean
function IsAbilityUsable takes ability a returns boolean
function GetAbilityCastpoint takes ability a returns real
function SetAbilityCastpoint takes ability a, real dur returns nothing
function GetAbilityBackswing takes ability a returns real
function SetAbilityBackswing takes ability a, real dur returns nothing
function GetAbilityManaCost takes ability a, integer level returns integer
function SetAbilityManaCost takes ability a, integer level, integer mc returns nothing
function GetAbilityCooldownStamp takes ability a returns real
function GetAbilityCurrentCooldown takes ability a returns real
function SetAbilityCooldown takes ability a, real seconds, string mode returns nothing
function AddAbilityCooldown takes ability a, real seconds returns nothing
function ReduceAbilityCooldown takes ability a, real seconds returns nothing
function ResetAbilityCooldown takes ability a returns nothing
function StartAbilityCooldown takes ability a, real cd returns nothing
function GetAbilityCastTime takes ability a returns real
function SetAbilityCastTime takes ability a, real r returns nothing
function SetAbilityDisabled takes ability a, integer count returns nothing
function GetAbilityDisabled takes ability a returns integer
function SetAbilityHidden takes ability a, integer count returns nothing
function AddAbilityHidden takes ability a, integer count returns nothing
function GetAbilityDisabledEx takes ability a returns integer
function SetAbilityDisabledEx takes ability a, integer count returns nothing
function SilenceAbility takes ability a returns nothing
function UnsilenceAbility takes ability a returns nothing
function ShowAbility takes ability a, boolean flag returns nothing
Spoiler for AbilityUnitAPI:

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function GetUnitAbilityReal takes integer pUnit, integer aid, integer unk1, integer unk2, integer unk3, integer unk4 returns integer 
function GetUnitAbilityData takes unit u, integer aid, integer flag returns integer
function GetUnitAbility takes unit u, integer aid returns integer
function GetUnitAbilityBase takes unit u, integer aid returns integer
function GetUnitAbilityOrderId takes unit u, integer aid returns integer
function IsUnitAbilityOnCooldown takes unit u, integer aid returns boolean
function IsUnitAbilitySafe takes unit u, integer aid returns boolean
function IsUnitAbilityUsable takes unit u, integer aid returns boolean
function GetUnitAbilityCastpoint takes unit u, integer aid returns real
function SetUnitAbilityCastpoint takes unit u, integer aid, real dur returns nothing
function GetUnitAbilityBackswing takes unit u, integer aid returns real
function SetUnitAbilityBackswing takes unit u, integer aid, real dur returns nothing
function GetUnitAbilityManaCost takes unit u, integer aid, integer level returns integer
function SetUnitAbilityManaCost takes unit u, integer aid, integer level, integer mc returns nothing
function GetUnitAbilityCooldownStamp takes unit u, integer aid returns real
function GetUnitAbilityCurrentCooldown takes unit u, integer aid returns real
function SetUnitAbilityCooldown takes unit u, integer aid, real seconds, string mode returns nothing
function AddUnitAbilityCooldown takes unit u, integer aid, real seconds returns nothing
function ReduceUnitAbilityCooldown takes unit u, integer aid, real seconds returns nothing
function ResetUnitAbilityCooldown takes unit u, integer aid returns nothing
function StartUnitAbilityCooldown takes unit u, integer aid, real cd returns nothing
function GetUnitAbilityCastTime takes unit u, integer aid returns real
function SetUnitAbilityCastTime takes unit u, integer aid, real r returns nothing
function SetUnitAbilityDisabled takes unit u, integer aid, integer count returns nothing
function GetUnitAbilityDisabled takes unit u, integer aid returns integer
function SetUnitAbilityHidden takes unit u, integer aid, integer count returns nothing
function AddUnitAbilityHidden takes unit u, integer aid, integer count returns nothing
function GetUnitAbilityDisabledEx takes unit u, integer aid returns integer
function SetUnitAbilityDisabledEx takes unit u, integer aid, integer count returns nothing
function SilenceUnitAbility takes unit u, integer aid returns nothing
function UnsilenceUnitAbility takes unit u, integer aid returns nothing
function ShowUnitAbility takes unit u, integer aid, boolean flag returns nothing
Spoiler for CastAbility:

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function CastAbilityPosition takes integer aid, unit source, real targX, real targY returns nothing
function CastAbilityTarget takes integer aid, unit source, widget target returns nothing
function CastAbilityTargetGround takes integer aid, unit source, integer lvl, real targX, real targY, boolean remove returns nothing
function CastAbilityTargetWidget takes integer aid, unit source, widget target, integer lvl, boolean remove returns nothing
function CastAbilityTargetSelf takes integer aid, unit source, integer lvl returns nothing
Spoiler for CWidgetAPI:

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function SetWidgetCoordinates takes widget Widget, real x, real y returns integer
function SetWidgetPosition takes widget Widget, real x, real y returns integer
function SetDestructablePosition takes destructable dest, real x, real y returns integer
Spoiler for EffectAPI:

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function IsEffectHidden takes effect e returns boolean
function ShowEffect takes effect e, boolean flag returns nothing
function SetEffectAlpha takes effect e, integer alpha returns nothing
function GetEffectColour takes effect e returns integer
function SetEffectColour takes effect e, integer colour returns nothing
function SetEffectColourEx takes effect e, integer red, integer green, integer blue, integer alpha returns nothing
function SetEffectVertexColour takes effect e, integer red, integer green, integer blue, integer alpha returns nothing
function GetEffectColourA takes effect e returns integer
function SetEffectColourA takes effect e, integer alpha returns nothing
function GetEffectColourR takes effect e returns integer
function SetEffectColourR takes effect e, integer red returns nothing
function GetEffectColourG takes effect e returns integer
function SetEffectColourG takes effect e, integer green returns nothing
function GetEffectColourB takes effect e returns integer
function SetEffectColourB takes effect e, integer blue returns nothing
function SetEffectAnimationByIndex takes effect e, integer index returns nothing
function SetEffectModel takes effect e, string model returns nothing
function GetEffectX takes effect e returns real
function SetEffectX takes effect e, real x returns nothing
function GetEffectY takes effect e returns real
function SetEffectY takes effect e, real y returns nothing
function GetEffectZ takes effect e returns real
function SetEffectZ takes effect e, real z returns nothing
function SetEffectPosition takes effect e, real x, real y, real z returns nothing
function GetEffectTimeScale takes effect e returns real
function SetEffectTimeScale takes effect e, real speed returns nothing
function GetEffectScale takes effect e returns real
function SetEffectScale takes effect e, real scale returns nothing
function SetEffectScaleEx takes effect e, real x, real y, real z returns nothing
function SetEffectSpaceRotation takes effect e, real yaw, real pitch, real roll returns nothing
function GetEffectRoll takes effect e returns real // X | returns Degrees!
function SetEffectRoll takes effect e, real angle returns nothing
function GetEffectPitch takes effect e returns real // Y | returns Degrees!
function SetEffectPitch takes effect e, real angle returns nothing // Y | In Degrees!
function GetEffectFacing takes effect e returns real // Z | Yaw | returns Degrees!
function SetEffectFacing takes effect e, real angle returns nothing // Z | Yaw | In Degrees!
function ResetEffectMatrix takes effect e returns nothing
Spoiler for TrackableAPI:

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function IsTrackableHidden takes trackable track returns boolean
function ShowTrackable takes trackable track, boolean flag returns nothing
function SetTrackableAlpha takes trackable track, integer alpha returns nothing
function GetTrackableColour takes trackable track returns integer
function SetTrackableColour takes trackable track, integer colour returns nothing
function SetTrackableColourEx takes trackable track, integer red, integer green, integer blue, integer alpha returns nothing
function SetTrackableVertexColour takes trackable track, integer red, integer green, integer blue, integer alpha returns nothing
function GetTrackableColourA takes trackable track returns integer
function SetTrackableColourA takes trackable track, integer alpha returns nothing
function GetTrackableColourR takes trackable track returns integer
function SetTrackableColourR takes trackable track, integer red returns nothing
function GetTrackableColourG takes trackable track returns integer
function SetTrackableColourG takes trackable track, integer green returns nothing
function GetTrackableColourB takes trackable track returns integer
function SetTrackableColourB takes trackable track, integer blue returns nothing
function SetTrackableAnimationByIndex takes trackable track, integer index returns nothing
function SetTrackableModel takes trackable track, string model returns nothing
function GetTrackableX takes trackable track returns real
function SetTrackableX takes trackable track, real x returns nothing
function GetTrackableY takes trackable track returns real
function SetTrackableY takes trackable track, real y returns nothing
function GetTrackableZ takes trackable track returns real
function SetTrackableZ takes trackable track, real z returns nothing
function SetTrackablePosition takes trackable track, real x, real y, real z returns nothing
function GetTrackableTimeScale takes trackable track returns real
function SetTrackableTimeScale takes trackable track, real speed returns nothing
function GetTrackableScale takes trackable track returns real
function SetTrackableScale takes trackable track, real scale returns nothing
function SetTrackableScaleEx takes trackable track, real x, real y, real z returns nothing
function SetTrackableSpaceRotation takes trackable track, real yaw, real pitch, real roll returns nothing
function GetTrackableRoll takes trackable track returns real // X | returns Degrees!
function SetTrackableRoll takes trackable track, real angle returns nothing
function GetTrackablePitch takes trackable track returns real // Y | returns Degrees!
function SetTrackablePitch takes trackable track, real angle returns nothing // Y | In Degrees!
function GetTrackableFacing takes trackable track returns real // Z | Yaw | returns Degrees!
function SetTrackableFacing takes trackable track, real angle returns nothing // Z | Yaw | In Degrees!
function ResetTrackableMatrix takes trackable track returns nothing
Spoiler for ItemBaseAPI:

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function GetItemBaseDataById takes integer iid returns integer
function GetItemBaseData takes item Item returns integer
function GetItemBaseDataByIdCaching takes integer iid returns integer
function GetItemBaseDataCaching takes item it returns integer
function GetItemBaseTypeIdById takes integer iid returns integer
function GetItemBaseTypeId takes item it returns integer
function GetItemBaseGoldCostById takes integer iid returns integer
function GetItemBaseGoldCost takes item it returns integer
function SetItemBaseGoldCostById takes integer iid, integer cost returns nothing
function SetItemBaseGoldCost takes item it, integer cost returns nothing
function GetItemBaseLumberCostById takes integer iid returns integer
function GetItemBaseLumberCost takes item it returns integer
function SetItemBaseLumberCostById takes integer iid, integer cost returns nothing
function SetItemBaseLumberCost takes item it, integer cost returns nothing
function GetItemBaseLevelById takes integer iid returns integer
function GetItemBaseLevel takes item it returns integer
function SetItemBaseLevelById takes integer iid, integer level returns nothing
function SetItemBaseLevel takes item it, integer lvl returns nothing
function IsItemBaseSellableById takes integer iid returns boolean
function IsItemBaseSellable takes item it returns boolean
function IsItemBasePawnableById takes integer iid returns boolean
function IsItemBasePawnable takes item it returns boolean
function IsItemBaseDroppableById takes integer iid returns boolean
function IsItemBaseDroppable takes item it returns boolean
function IsItemBaseDroppedOnDeathById takes integer iid returns boolean
function IsItemBaseDroppedOnDeath takes item it returns boolean
Spoiler for ItemNormalAPI:

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function StartAddressItemCooldown takes integer pUnit, integer pItem, real cd returns nothing
function SetAddressItemIdType takes integer pItem, integer id returns nothing
function SetAddressItemModel takes integer pItem, string model returns nothing
function GetAddressItemLife takes integer pItem returns real
function SetAddressItemLife takes integer pItem, real life returns nothing
function GetAddressItemMaxLife takes integer pItem returns real
function SetAddressItemMaxLife takes integer pItem, real life returns nothing
function StartItemCooldown takes unit u, item it, real cd returns nothing
function SetItemIdType takes item it, integer id returns nothing
function SetItemModel takes item it, string model returns nothing
function GetItemLife takes item it returns real
function SetItemLife takes item it, real life returns nothing
function GetItemMaxLife takes item it returns real
function SetItemMaxLife takes item it, real life returns nothing
Spoiler for UnitBaseAPI:

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function GetUnitBaseDataById takes integer uid returns integer
function GetUnitBaseData takes unit u returns integer
function GetUnitBaseDataByIdCaching takes integer uid returns integer
function GetUnitBaseDataCaching takes unit u returns integer
function GetUnitBaseUIDataById takes integer uid returns integer
function GetUnitBaseUIData takes unit u returns integer
function GetUnitBaseUIDataByIdCaching takes integer uid returns integer
function GetUnitBaseUIDataCaching takes unit u returns integer
function GetUnitBaseUIIntegerParam takes integer uid, integer includedLevel, integer offset returns integer
function SetUnitBaseUIIntegerParam takes integer uid, integer includedLevel, integer offset, integer val returns nothing
function GetUnitBaseUIStringParam takes integer uid, integer includedLevel, integer offset returns string
function SetUnitBaseUIStringParam takes integer uid, integer includedLevel, integer offset, string val returns nothing
function GetUnitBasePortraitById takes integer uid returns string
function SetUnitBasePortraitById takes integer uid, string model returns nothing
function GetUnitBaseMissileArtById takes integer uid, string path returns string
function SetUnitBaseMissileArtById takes integer uid, string model returns nothing
function GetUnitBaseMissileSpeedById takes integer uid, integer index returns real
function SetUnitBaseMissileSpeedById takes integer uid, integer index, real speed returns nothing
function GetUnitBaseColorById takes integer uid returns integer
function GetUnitBaseModelById takes integer uid returns string
function SetUnitBaseModelById takes integer uid, string model returns nothing
function GetUnitBaseTipById takes integer uid returns string
function SetUnitBaseTipById takes integer uid, string text returns nothing
function GetUnitBaseUbertipById takes integer uid returns string
function SetUnitBaseUbertipById takes integer uid, string text returns nothing
function GetUnitBaseHotkeyById takes integer uid returns integer
function SetUnitBaseHotkeyById takes integer uid, integer key returns nothing
function GetUnitBaseModel takes unit u returns string
function SetUnitBaseModel takes unit u, string model returns nothing
function GetUnitBasePortrait takes unit u returns string
function SetUnitBasePortrait takes unit u, string model returns nothing
function GetUnitBaseMissileArt takes unit u, string model returns string
function SetUnitBaseMissileArt takes unit u, string model returns nothing
function GetUnitBaseMissileSpeed takes unit u, integer index returns real
function SetUnitBaseMissileSpeed takes unit u, integer index, real speed returns nothing
function GetUnitBaseColor takes unit u returns integer
function GetUnitBaseTip takes unit u returns string
function SetUnitBaseTip takes unit u, string text returns nothing
function GetUnitBaseUbertip takes unit u returns string
function SetUnitBaseUbertip takes unit u, string text returns nothing
function GetUnitBaseHotkey takes unit u returns integer
function SetUnitBaseHotkey takes unit u, integer key returns nothing
function GetHeroBasePrimaryAttributeById takes integer uid returns integer
function SetHeroBasePrimaryAttributeById takes integer uid, integer index returns nothing
function GetHeroBasePrimaryAttribute takes unit u returns integer
function SetHeroBasePrimaryAttribute takes unit u, integer index returns nothing
Spoiler for UnitNormalAPI:

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function GetUnitTypeIdReal takes unit u returns integer
function SetUnitTypeId takes unit u, integer i returns nothing
function ChangeUnitTypeId takes unit u, integer id returns integer
function GetHeroNeededXPForLevel takes unit u, integer level returns integer
function GetHeroNeededXP takes unit u returns integer
function GetUnitVertexColour takes unit u returns integer
function GetUnitVertexColourA takes unit u returns integer
function GetUnitVertexColourR takes unit u returns integer
function GetUnitVertexColourG takes unit u returns integer
function GetUnitVertexColourB takes unit u returns integer
function SetUnitModel takes unit u, string model returns nothing
function SetUnitTexture takes unit u, string texturepath, integer textureId returns integer // Sadly does not work with TexID0
function GetUnitImpactZ takes unit u returns real
function SetUnitImpactZ takes unit u, real impactZ returns nothing
function RedrawUnit takes unit u returns nothing
function IsAttackDisabled takes unit u returns boolean
function UnitDisableAttack takes unit u returns nothing
function UnitEnableAttack takes unit u returns nothing
function GetUnitCritterFlag takes unit u returns integer
function SetUnitCritterFlag takes unit u, integer id returns nothing
function GetUnitTimedLife takes unit u returns real
function SetUnitTimedLife takes unit u, real dur returns nothing
function SetUnitPhased takes unit u returns nothing
function UnitApplySilence takes unit u, boolean flag returns nothing
function UnitDisableAbilities takes unit u, boolean flag returns nothing
function UnitSetStunFlag takes unit u, boolean add returns nothing
function IsUnitStunned takes unit u returns boolean
function UnitApplyStun takes unit u returns nothing //unsafe, do not use unless you tested it through
function IsUnitMovementDisabled takes unit u returns boolean
function SetUnitControl takes unit u, integer flagval, integer moveval, integer atackval, integer invval returns nothing
function UnitDisableControl takes unit u returns nothing
function UnitEnableControl takes unit u returns nothing
function UnitRemoveMovementDisables takes unit u returns nothing
function SetUnitMovement takes integer pData, boolean flag returns nothing
function UnitEnableMovement takes unit u returns nothing
function UnitDisableMovement takes unit u returns nothing
function UnitDisableMovementEx takes unit u, boolean disable returns nothing
function IsUnitInventoryDisabled takes unit u returns boolean
function UnitEnableInventory takes unit u, boolean flag returns nothing
function GetAddressLocustFlags takes integer pAddr1, integer pAddr2 returns integer
function SetLocustFlags takes unit u, integer i returns nothing //These flags can make unit immune to truesight
function UnitEnableTruesightImmunity takes unit u returns nothing
function UnitDisableTruesightImmunity takes unit u returns nothing
function GetUnitFlags takes unit u returns integer
function SetUnitFlags takes unit u, integer i returns nothing
function AddUnitFlags takes unit u, integer i returns nothing
function GetUnitFlags_2 takes unit u returns integer
function SetUnitFlags_2 takes unit u, integer i returns nothing
function AddUnitFlags_2 takes unit u, integer i returns nothing
function GetUnitVisibilityClass takes unit u returns integer
function SetUnitVisibleByPlayer takes unit u, player p, integer c returns nothing
function IsUnitInvulnerable takes unit u returns boolean
function GetUnitInvulnerableCounter takes unit u returns integer
function SetUnitInvulnerableCounter takes unit u, integer i returns nothing
function ModifyInvulnerableCounter takes unit u, integer diff returns nothing
function IsUnitInvulnerable2 takes unit u returns boolean
function SetUnitFacingInstant takes unit u, real a returns nothing
function GetUnitMoveType takes unit u returns integer
function SetUnitMoveType takes unit u, integer m_type returns nothing
function GetHeroPrimaryAttribute takes unit u returns integer //1 = str, 2 = int, 3 = agi
function SetHeroPrimaryAttribute takes unit u, integer i returns nothing
function GetUnitAttackAbility takes unit u returns integer
function SetUnitAttackAbility takes unit u, integer pAddr returns nothing
function GetUnitAttackOffsetValue takes unit u, integer pOff returns integer
function GetUnitNextAttackTimestamp takes unit u returns real
function UnitResetAttackCooldown takes unit u returns boolean
function UnitNullifyCurrentAttack takes unit u returns string
function AddUnitExtraAttack takes unit u returns boolean
function GetUnitAttackTypeByIndex takes unit u, integer index returns integer
function GetUnitAttackType1 takes unit u returns integer
function GetUnitAttackType2 takes unit u returns integer
function SetUnitAttackOffsetValue takes unit u, integer offset, integer val returns nothing
function SetUnitAttackTypeByIndex takes unit u, integer i, integer attacknum returns nothing
function SetUnitAttackType1 takes unit u, integer i returns nothing
function SetUnitAttackType2 takes unit u, integer i returns nothing
function GetUnitWeaponSound takes unit u returns integer
function SetUnitWeaponSound takes unit u, integer i returns nothing
function GetUnitWeaponType takes unit u returns integer
function SetUnitWeaponType takes unit u, integer i returns nothing
function GetUnitBaseDamage takes unit u returns integer
function SetUnitBaseDamage takes unit u, integer i returns nothing
function AddUnitBaseDamage takes unit u, integer bonus returns nothing
function GetUnitBonusDamage takes unit u returns integer
function SetUnitBonusDamage takes unit u, integer i returns nothing
function AddUnitBonusDamage takes unit u, integer i returns nothing
function GetUnitTotalDamage takes unit u returns integer
function GetUnitBaseAttributeDamage takes unit u returns integer
function SetUnitBaseAttributeDamage takes unit u, integer i returns nothing
function GetUnitDamageDicesSideCount takes unit u returns integer
function SetUnitDamageDicesSideCount takes unit u, integer i returns nothing
function GetUnitDamageDicesCount takes unit u returns integer
function SetUnitDamageDicesCount takes unit u, integer i returns nothing
function GetUnitAttackRangeByIndex takes unit u, integer index returns real
function SetUnitAttackRangeByIndex takes unit u, integer index, real r returns nothing
function GetUnitAttackRange1 takes unit u returns real
function SetUnitAttackRange1 takes unit u, real r returns nothing
function GetUnitAttackRange2 takes unit u returns real
function SetUnitAttackRange2 takes unit u, real r returns nothing
function GetUnitBATByIndex takes unit u, integer index returns real
function SetUnitBATByIndex takes unit u, integer index, real r returns nothing
function GetUnitBAT1 takes unit u returns real
function SetUnitBAT1 takes unit u, real r returns nothing
function GetUnitBAT2 takes unit u returns real
function SetUnitBAT2 takes unit u, real r returns nothing
function GetUnitAttackPointByIndex takes unit u, integer index returns real
function SetUnitAttackPointByIndex takes unit u, integer index, real r returns nothing
function GetUnitAttackPoint1 takes unit u returns real
function SetUnitAttackPoint1 takes unit u, real r returns nothing
function GetUnitAttackPoint2 takes unit u returns real
function SetUnitAttackPoint2 takes unit u, real r returns nothing
function GetUnitAttackEnabledIndex takes unit u returns integer
function GetUnitAttackBackswing takes unit u returns real
function SetUnitAttackBackswing takes unit u, real r returns nothing
function GetUnitAttackSpeed takes unit u returns real
function SetUnitAttackSpeed takes unit u, real r returns nothing
function AddUnitAttackSpeed takes unit u, real r returns nothing
function GetUnitAttackDamage takes unit u returns real
function GetUnitArmourType takes unit u returns integer
function SetUnitArmourType takes unit u, integer id returns nothing
function GetUnitArmour takes unit u returns real
function SetUnitArmour takes unit u, real r returns nothing
function AddUnitArmour takes unit u, real value returns nothing
function GetUnitTimeScale takes unit u returns real
function GetUnitBaseMoveSpeed takes unit u returns real
function GetUnitBonusMoveSpeed takes unit u returns real
function SetUnitBonusMoveSpeed takes unit u, real r returns boolean
function AddUnitBonusMovespeed takes unit u, real r returns nothing
function SetUnitMaxLife takes unit u, real newhp returns nothing
function AddUnitMaxLife takes unit u, real value returns nothing
function SetUnitMaxMana takes unit u, real newmp returns nothing
function AddUnitMaxMana takes unit u, real value returns nothing
function GetWidgetLifeRegen takes widget u returns real
function GetUnitLifeRegen takes unit u returns real
function SetUnitLifeRegen takes unit u, real r returns nothing
function AddUnitLifeRegen takes unit u, real r returns nothing
function GetUnitManaRegen takes unit u returns real
function SetUnitManaRegen takes unit u, real r returns nothing
function AddUnitManaRegen takes unit u, real r returns nothing
Spoiler for GroupAPI:

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function GetAddressGroupUnitCount takes integer pObj returns integer
function GetAddressGroupAddressUnitByIndex takes integer pObj, integer index returns integer
function GetGroupUnitCount takes group g returns integer
function GetUnitFromGroupByIndex takes group g, integer index returns unit
function GetRandomUnitFromGroup takes group g returns unit
function ForEach takes group g returns unit
Spoiler for MouseAPI:

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function GetCursorX takes nothing returns integer
function GetCursorY takes nothing returns integer
function GetCursorXRelative takes nothing returns integer
function GetCursorYRelative takes nothing returns integer
function GetMouseWorldEnv takes nothing returns integer
function GetMouseWorldX takes nothing returns real
function GetMouseWorldY takes nothing returns real
function GetMouseWorldZ takes nothing returns real
Spoiler for TestAbilityChargesHook:

Code: Select all

function InitCustomChargesData takes nothing returns nothing
function InitCustomAbilityAddressChargesHook takes integer pAbil returns nothing
function EnableCustomUnitAbilityCharges takes unit u, integer aid returns nothing
function DisableCustomUnitAbilityCharges takes unit u, integer aid returns nothing
function GetCustomUnitAbilityCharges takes unit u, integer aid returns integer
function SetCustomUnitAbilityCharges takes unit u, integer aid, integer charges returns nothing
Spoiler for FileAPI:

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function FileExists takes string s returns boolean
function GetFileSizeFromMpq takes string source returns integer
function ExportFileFromMpq takes string source, string dest returns boolean
Spoiler for Injector:

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function LoadDllFromMPQ takes string source, string dest, string dllname returns boolean
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Last edited by Unryze on October 20th, 2020, 5:34 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: MemoryHackAPI

Post by nuzamacuxe »

That's so much useful, but I'm not sure if someone from here will understand that. Anyway, thanks for sharing that, Unryze.
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Re: MemoryHackAPI

Post by Unryze »

nuzamacuxe wrote:That's so much useful, but I'm not sure if someone from here will understand that. Anyway, thanks for sharing that, Unryze.
API explanation will come soon, hopefully, since there is a ton of functions to write out and some need explanation, I will probably not explain the functions that are in the core, but I will go over user-friendly functions that use the core with addresses and offsets, since 99.99% will only use things that are convenient and closer to original natives, aka just use normal WC3 variables.

The point is, for people that lack some of the functions in 1.26a that are in refunded to be able to immitate it or even make more things rather than refunded can.


Edit: Thread has been updated, I have added all of the user-friendly API, all functions have their names and parameters along with variables as close to what they do as possible, so you are safe to assume what each function does and what variables it accepts.
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Re: MemoryHackAPI

Post by nuzamacuxe »

Nice. Thanks for doing such hard work for free. We appreciate it.
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Re: MemoryHackAPI

Post by Unryze »

MemHackAPI v1.1 Changelog:

1. Fixed OPLimit removal method.
2. Fixed OPLimit removal on 1.27a (did not fully work).
3. Returned I2T/T2I and I2U/U2I typecasts (HandleId to trigger/unit and back).
4. Changed ConvertUnitAddressToHandleID function name to ObjectToHandleId.
5. Added ObjectToUnit function, which is 2 times faster than ObjectToHandleId, only works for units.
6. Fixed SetObjectScaleEx function.
7. Added new function SetObjectSpaceRotation takes integer pObject, real yaw, real pitch, real roll returns nothing, allows object's 3D rotation.
8. Added category MemHackGroupAPI.
9. Added function GetAddressGroupUnitCount takes integer pObj returns integer.
10. Added function GetAddressGroupAddressUnitByIndex takes integer pObj, integer index returns integer.
11. Added function GetGroupUnitCount takes group g returns integer.
12. Added function GetUnitFromGroupByIndex takes group g, integer index returns unit.
13. Added function GetRandomUnitFromGroup takes group g returns unit.
14. Added function ForEach takes group g returns unit.
15. Added additional options to GetLocalTime.
16. Added benchmarking test examples to Testing trigger.
17. Added MemHackConstantsAPI category.
18. Added function EnableOPLimit takes flag returns nothing.
19. Added function IsOPLimitEnabled takes nothing returns boolean.
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Re: MemoryHackAPI

Post by nuzamacuxe »

Good job! It's getting even better.
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Re: MemoryHackAPI

Post by owner123 »

This sounds insanely powerful. Nice job.
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Re: MemoryHackAPI

Post by MoonFlowen »
That's about trying to just resave it in jngp
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Re: MemoryHackAPI

Post by Unryze »

Memory Hack v1.3


1. List of added functions:
Spoiler for Kernel API:

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        function IsBadReadPtr takes integer pointer, integer size returns boolean
        function GetSystemMetrics takes integer id returns integer
        function GetScreenWidth takes nothing returns integer
        function GetScreenHeight takes nothing returns integer
        function GetWindowRect takes integer hwnd returns integer
        function GetWindowX takes integer hwnd returns integer
        function GetWindowY takes integer hwnd returns integer
        function ScreenToClient takes integer hwnd, integer lpPoint returns integer
        function GetCursorPos takes nothing returns integer
        // Part of Mouse API
        function GetCursorX takes nothing returns integer
        function GetCursorY takes nothing returns integer
        function GetCursorXRelative takes nothing returns integer
        function GetCursorYRelative takes nothing returns integer
        function GetARGBColour takes integer alpha, integer red, integer green, integer blue returns integer
Spoiler for GameUI API:
// Ported From RenderEdge

Code: Select all

        function GetGameUI takes integer bInit, integer bRelease returns integer
        function GetRootFrame takes nothing returns integer
        function GetUIWorldFrameWar3 takes nothing returns integer
        function GetUIMinimap takes nothing returns integer
        function GetUIInfoBar takes nothing returns integer
        function GetUICommandBar takes nothing returns integer
        function GetUIResourceBarFrame takes nothing returns integer
        function GetUIUpperButtonBarFrame takes nothing returns integer
        function GetUIClickableBlock takes nothing returns integer
        function GetUIHeroBar takes nothing returns integer
        function GetUIPeonBar takes nothing returns integer
        function GetUIMessage takes nothing returns integer
        function GetUIUnitMessage takes nothing returns integer
        function GetUIChatMessage takes nothing returns integer
        function GetUITopMessage takes nothing returns integer
        function GetUIPortrait takes nothing returns integer
        function GetUITimeOfDayIndicator takes nothing returns integer
        function GetUIChatEditBar takes nothing returns integer
        function GetUICinematicPanel takes nothing returns integer
        function GetUIMinimapButton1 takes nothing returns integer
        function GetUIMinimapButton2 takes nothing returns integer
        function GetUIMinimapButton3 takes nothing returns integer
        function GetUIMinimapButton4 takes nothing returns integer
        function GetUIMinimapButton5 takes nothing returns integer
        function GetUIFrameB takes nothing returns integer
        function GetUIMouseBorders takes nothing returns integer
        function GetUIFrameA takes nothing returns integer
        function GetUISimpleConsole takes nothing returns integer
        function GetPanelButton takes integer pFrame, integer row, integer column returns integer
        function GetMinimapButton takes integer id returns integer
        function GetUpperButtonBarButton takes integer id returns integer
        function GetCommandBarButton takes integer row, integer column returns integer
        function GetItemBarButton takes integer id returns integer
        function GetHeroBarButton takes integer id returns integer
        function GetHeroBarHealthBar takes integer id returns integer
        function GetHeroBarManaBar takes integer id returns integer
        function UpdateGameUI takes nothing returns nothing
        function SetWar3MapMap takes string minimap returns integer
Spoiler for GameWindow API:

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        function GetWindowWidth takes nothing returns real
        function GetWindowHeight takes nothing returns real
        function GetWindowCenterX takes nothing returns real
        function GetWindowCenterY takes nothing returns real
        function GetWarcraftWindow takes nothing returns integer
        // Ported From RenderEdge
        function FromPixelX takes integer i returns real
        function FromPixelY takes integer i returns real
Spoiler for CFrame API:

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        function LoadTOCFile takes string filename returns integer
        function GetCFrameByName takes string name, integer id returns integer
        function CreateCFrameEx takes string baseframe, integer parent, integer point, integer relativepoint, integer id returns integer
        function CreateCFrame takes string baseframe, integer parent, integer id returns integer
        function GetFrameType takes integer pFrame returns integer
        function GetFrameLayoutByType takes integer pFrame, integer fid returns integer
        function GetFrameLayout takes integer pFrame returns integer
        function IsFrameLayoutByType takes integer pFrame, integer fid returns boolean
        function IsFrameLayout takes integer pFrame returns boolean
Spoiler for CLayer API:

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        function FindCLayerUnderCursorEx takes integer pActiveLayer, integer pMouseEvent returns integer
        function FindCLayerUnderCursor takes nothing returns integer
        function SetCLayerOwner takes integer pFrame, integer pParentFrame returns integer
        function HideCLayer takes integer pFrame returns integer
        function ShowCLayer takes integer pFrame returns integer
        function SetCLayerAlpha takes integer pFrame, integer alpha returns integer
        function SetCLayerFont takes integer pFrame, string filename, real height, integer flag returns integer
        function SetCLayerTooltip takes integer pFrame, integer pTooltip returns integer
Spoiler for CBackDropFrame API:

Code: Select all

        function LoadCBackDropFrameTexture takes string texturepath, boolean create returns integer
        function SetCBackDropFrameTexture takes integer pFrame, string texturepath, boolean flag returns integer
Spoiler for CEditBox API:

Code: Select all

        function SetCEditBoxFocus takes integer pFrame, boolean flag returns integer
        function SetCEditBoxFont takes integer pFrame, string filename, real height, integer flag returns integer
        function GetCEditBoxText takes integer pFrame returns string
        function SetCEditBoxText takes integer pFrame, string text returns integer
Spoiler for CLayoutFrame API:

Code: Select all

        function SetCLayoutFrameAbsolutePoint takes integer pFrame, integer point, real offsetX, real offsetY returns integer
        function SetCLayoutFrameCageMouse takes integer pFrame, boolean flag returns integer
        function ClearCLayoutFrameAllPoints takes integer pFrame returns integer
        function SetCLayoutFrameWidth takes integer pFrame, real width returns integer
        function SetCLayoutFrameHeight takes integer pFrame, real height returns integer
        function SetCLayoutFrameAllPoints takes integer pFrame, integer relativeframe returns integer
        function SetCLayoutFrameSize takes integer pFrame, real width, real height returns integer
        function SetCLayoutFramePoint takes integer pFrame, integer point, integer pParentFrame, integer relativePoint, real offsetX, real offsetY returns integer
        function SetCLayoutFrameScale takes integer pFrame, real scale returns integer
        function GetCLayoutFrameHeight takes integer pFrame returns real
Spoiler for CModelFrame API:

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        function AddCModelFrameModel takes integer pFrame, string model, integer modeltype returns integer
        function GetCModelFrameHeight takes integer pFrame returns real
Spoiler for CSimpleFont API:

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        function GetCSimpleFontByName takes string name, integer id returns integer
        function GetCSimpleFontTextByName takes string name, integer id returns string
        function SetCSimpleFontStringScale takes integer pFrame, real scale returns integer
        function SetCSimpleFontStringFont takes integer pFrame, string filename, real height, integer flag returns integer
        function GetCSimpleFontStringHeight takes integer pFrame returns real
        function SetCSimpleFontText takes integer pFrame, string text returns integer
Spoiler for CSimpleGlue API:

Code: Select all

        function SetCSimpleGlueFrameScale takes integer pFrame, real scale returns integer
Spoiler for CSimpleFrame API:

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        function GetCSimpleFrameByName takes string name, integer id returns integer
        function CreateCSimpleFrame takes string baseCSimpleFrame, integer parent, integer id returns integer
        function SetCSimpleFrameScale takes integer pCSimpleFrame, real scale returns integer
        function SetCSimpleFramePriority takes integer pCSimpleFrame, integer priority returns integer
        function SetCSimpleFrameParent takes integer pCSimpleFrame, integer pParentCSimpleFrame returns integer
Spoiler for CSimpleMessageFrame API:

Code: Select all

        function SetCSimpleMessageFrameFont takes integer pFrame, string filename, real height, integer flag returns integer
Spoiler for CSlider API:

Code: Select all

        function SetCSliderCurrentValue takes integer pFrame, real value returns integer
Spoiler for CSpriteFrame API:

Code: Select all

        function SetCSpriteFrameArt takes integer pFrame, string model, integer modeltype, boolean flag returns integer
        function GetCSpriteFrameHeight takes integer pFrame returns real
        function SetCSpriteFrameScale takes integer pFrame, real scale returns integer
Spoiler for CTextArea API:

Code: Select all

        function SetCTextAreaText takes integer pFrame, string text returns integer
Spoiler for CTextFrame API:

Code: Select all

        function SetCTextFrameTextColour takes integer pFrame, integer colour returns integer
        function SetCTextFrameTextColourEx takes integer pFrame, integer alpha, integer red, integer blue, integer green returns integer
        function GetCTextFrameHeight takes integer pFrame returns real
        function SetCTextFrameText takes integer pFrame, string text returns integer
Spoiler for CSimpleStatusBar API:

Code: Select all

        function SetCSimpleStatusBarTexture takes integer pFrame, string texturepath, boolean flag returns integer
        function SetCSimpleStatusBarValue takes integer pFrame, real value returns integer
        function SetCSimpleStatusBarMinMaxValue takes integer pFrame, real minval, real maxval returns integer
Spoiler for CStatusBar API:

Code: Select all

        function SetCStatusBarArt takes integer pFrame, string model, integer modeltype returns integer
        function SetCStatusBarValue takes integer pFrame, real value returns integer
        function SetCStatusBarMinMaxValue takes integer pFrame, real minval, real maxval returns integer
Spoiler for CSimpleTexture API:

Code: Select all

        function GetCSimpleTextureByName takes string name, integer id returns integer
        function SetCSimpleTextureTexture takes integer pFrame, string texturepath, boolean flag returns integer
Spoiler for CSimpleRegion API:

Code: Select all

        function SetCSimpleRegionVertexColour takes integer pFrame, integer colour returns integer
        function SetCSimpleRegionVertexColourEx takes integer pFrame, integer alpha, integer red, integer blue, integer green returns integer
Spoiler for Frame API:

Code: Select all

        function GetFrameByName takes string name, integer id returns integer
        function CreateFrameEx takes string baseframe, integer parent, integer point, integer relativepoint, integer id returns integer
        function CreateFrame takes string baseframe, integer parent, integer id returns integer
        function CreateSimpleFrame takes string baseframe, integer parent, integer id returns integer
        function HideFrame takes integer pFrame returns integer
        function ShowFrame takes integer pFrame returns integer
        function SetFrameAlpha takes integer pFrame, integer alpha returns integer
        function SetLayerFont takes integer pFrame, string filename, real height, integer flag returns integer
        function SetFrameTooltip takes integer pFrame, integer pTooltip returns integer
        function SetFrameFocus takes integer pFrame, boolean flag returns integer
        function SetFrameCageMouse takes integer pFrame, boolean flag returns integer
        function SetFrameAbsolutePoint takes integer pFrame, integer point, real x, real y returns integer
        function ClearFrameAllPoints takes integer pFrame returns integer
        function SetFrameWidth takes integer pFrame, real width returns integer
        function SetFrameHeight takes integer pFrame, real height returns integer
        function SetFrameAllPoints takes integer pFrame, integer relativeframe returns integer
        function SetFrameSize takes integer pFrame, real width, real height returns integer
        function SetFramePoint takes integer pFrame, integer point, integer pParentFrame, integer relativePoint, real x, real y returns integer
        function SetLayoutFrameScale takes integer pFrame, real scale returns integer
        function SetFrameVertexColour takes integer pFrame, integer colour returns integer
        function SetFrameVertexColourEx takes integer pFrame, integer alpha, integer red, integer blue, integer green returns integer
        function GetFrameSkinByName takes string name, integer id returns integer
        function DestroyFrame takes integer pFrame returns integer
        function GetFrameState takes integer pFrame, integer state returns boolean
        function IsFrameEnabled takes integer pFrame returns boolean
        function SetFrameState takes integer pFrame, boolean flag returns integer
        function EnableFrame takes integer pFrame returns integer
        function DisableFrame takes integer pFrame returns integer
        function GetFrameTextByName takes string name, integer id returns string
        function SetFrameTextColour takes integer pFrame, integer colour returns integer
        function SetFrameTextColourEx takes integer pFrame, integer alpha, integer red, integer blue, integer green returns integer
        function FindLayerUnderCursor takes nothing returns integer
        function ClickFrame takes integer pFrame returns integer
        function SetFrameModel takes integer pFrame, string model, integer modeltype, boolean flag returns integer
        function GetFrameAlpha takes integer pFrame returns integer
        function UpdateFrame takes integer pFrame returns integer
        function SetFrameStepValue takes integer pFrame, real step returns nothing
        function GetFrameParent takes integer pFrame returns integer
        function SetFrameParent takes integer pFrame, integer pParentFrame returns integer
        function GetFrameName takes integer pFrame returns string
        function SetFrameTexture takes integer pFrame, string texturepath, boolean flag returns integer
        function SetFrameScale takes integer pFrame, real scale returns integer
        function GetFrameValue takes integer pFrame returns real
        function SetFrameValue takes integer pFrame, real value returns integer
        function SetFrameMinMaxValue takes integer pFrame, real minval, real maxval returns integer
        function SetFrameFont takes integer pFrame, string filename, real height, integer flag returns integer
        function GetFrameWidth takes integer pFrame returns real
        function GetFrameHeight takes integer pFrame returns real
        function GetFramePoint takes integer pFrame, integer point returns integer
        function GetFramePointParent takes integer pFrame, integer point returns integer
        function GetFramePointRelativePoint takes integer pFrame, integer point returns integer
        function GetFramePointX takes integer pFrame, integer point returns real
        function GetFramePointY takes integer pFrame, integer point returns real
        function GetFrameTextMaxLength takes integer pFrame returns integer
        function SetFrameMaxTextLength takes integer pFrame, integer length returns nothing
        function GetFrameTextLength takes integer pFrame returns integer
        function GetFrameText takes integer pFrame returns string
        function SetFrameText takes integer pFrame, string text returns integer
Spoiler for UI API:
// Ported From RenderEdge

Code: Select all

        function HideUI takes nothing returns nothing
        function ShowUI takes nothing returns nothing
        function EditBlackBorders takes real topX, real topY, real botX, real botY returns nothing
        function HideBlackBorders takes nothing returns nothing
        function ShowBlackBorders takes nothing returns nothing
        function EditMiniMap takes integer point, real topX, real topY, real botX, real botY returns nothing
        function HideMiniMap takes nothing returns nothing
        function ShowMiniMap takes nothing returns nothing
        function ShowAllUI takes nothing returns nothing
        function HideAllUI takes nothing returns nothing
        function ToggleUI takes nothing returns nothing
Spoiler for Widget API:

Code: Select all

        function SetWidgetCoordinates takes widget Widget, real x, real y returns integer // This does NOT work for destructables/doodads
        function SetWidgetPosition takes widget Widget, real x, real y returns integer // Works for destructables/doodads/items/units
        function SetDestructablePosition takes destructable dest, real x, real y returns integer
Spoiler for Item Base API:

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        function GetItemBaseTypeId takes item it returns integer
        function GetItemBaseGoldCostById takes integer iid returns integer
        function GetItemBaseGoldCost takes item it returns integer
        function SetItemBaseGoldCostById takes integer iid, integer cost returns nothing
        function SetItemBaseGoldCost takes item it, integer cost returns nothing
        function GetItemBaseLumberCostById takes integer iid returns integer
        function GetItemBaseLumberCost takes item it returns integer
        function SetItemBaseLumberCostById takes integer iid, integer cost returns nothing
        function SetItemBaseLumberCost takes item it, integer cost returns nothing
        function GetItemBaseLevelById takes integer iid returns integer
        function GetItemBaseLevel takes item it returns integer
        function SetItemBaseLevelById takes integer iid, integer level returns nothing
        function SetItemBaseLevel takes item it, integer lvl returns nothing
        function IsItemBaseSellableById takes integer iid returns boolean
        function IsItemBaseSellable takes item it returns boolean
        function IsItemBasePawnableById takes integer iid returns boolean
        function IsItemBasePawnable takes item it returns boolean
        function IsItemBaseDroppableById takes integer iid returns boolean
        function IsItemBaseDroppable takes item it returns boolean
        function IsItemBaseDroppedOnDeathById takes integer iid returns boolean
        function IsItemBaseDroppedOnDeath takes item it returns boolean
Spoiler for Item Normal API:

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        function SetAddressItemIdType takes integer pItem, integer id returns nothing
        function GetAddressItemLife takes integer pItem returns real
        function SetAddressItemLife takes integer pItem, real life returns nothing
        function GetAddressItemMaxLife takes integer pItem returns real
        function SetAddressItemMaxLife takes integer pItem, real life returns nothing
        function SetItemIdType takes item it, integer id returns nothing
        function GetItemLife takes item it returns real
        function SetItemLife takes item it, real life returns nothing
        function GetItemMaxLife takes item it returns real
        function SetItemMaxLife takes item it, real life returns nothing
Spoiler for Unit Normal API:

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        function GetUnitTypeIdReal takes unit u returns integer
        function SetUnitTypeId takes unit u, integer i returns nothing
        function ChangeUnitTypeId takes unit u, integer id returns integer // This function imitates spells like Metamorphosis etc, but without additional leaks.
        function GetHeroNeededXPForLevel takes unit u, integer level returns integer
        function GetHeroNeededXP takes unit u returns integer
        function SetUnitTexture takes unit u, string texturepath, integer textureId returns integer // Sadly does not work for TextureId 0
        function GetUnitImpactZ takes unit u returns real
        function SetUnitImpactZ takes unit u, real impactZ returns nothing
2. Fixed some incorrect offsets (those functions weren't used before, so older versions won't have issues).
3. Added CallFastCall8 up to 13 for CallThisCall7 up to 12. (Some new functions use CallThisCall12 and so on).
4. Added new categories:
1) APIMemoryGameUI
2) APIMemoryGameWindow
3) MemHackCFrameAPI
4) MemHackCLayerAPI
5) MemHackCBackDropFrameAPI
6) MemHackCEditBoxAPI
7) MemHackCLayoutFrameAPI
8) MemHackCModelFrameAPI
9) MemHackCSimpleFontAPI
10) MemHackCSimpleGlueAPI
11) MemHackCSimpleFrameAPI
12) MemHackCSimpleMessageFrameAPI
13) MemHackCSliderAPI
14) MemHackCSpriteFrameAPI
15) MemHackCTextAreaAPI
16) MemHackCTextFrameAPI
17) MemHackCSimpleStatusBarAPI
18) MemHackCStatusBarAPI
19) MemHackCSimpleTextureAPI
20) MemHackCSimpleRegionAPI
21) MemHackFrameAPI
22) MemHackUIAPI
23) MemHackWidgetAPI
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