How edit war3map.j file?

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How edit war3map.j file?

Post by genzi111 »


I've been thinking about this problem for seven days. it's real..

I am editing now using owner123's loaded map.

but i have some problem i don't know why.

I list up What i did this below.

1. I download your modified file in this fulfilled-requests-f75/soldier-td-bf-3-34-t37325.html#p205790

2. I open this map and delete attribute using WinMPQ

3. I open this map and save ' War3map.j ' using Ladik's MPQ

4. I edited just one word like that. ( not Scripts/War3map.j)
[raw file]
call SetMapDescription("- 총 40 건설자, 34 일반 건설자, 6 히든 건설자- 84 라운드, - 202 타워모드설정 : 기본-휴먼/히든-오거/랜덤-언데드/F9참조패치 : 요나")
[modified file]
call SetMapDescription("- 총 99 건설자, 34 일반 건설자, 6 히든 건설자- 84 라운드, - 202 타워모드설정 : 기본-휴먼/히든-오거/랜덤-언데드/F9참조패치 : 요나")

5. And i drag and drop to this file using Ladik's MPQ

6. I knew ' SetMapDescription ' function is literally set map's description. but when i change upper setense, there is no response in description.
( i add this picture file)

7. I check JASS syntax using Jasscraft. but there is no error.
[Syntax checker]
Parse successful: 4089 lines : common.j
Parse successful: 10452lines : blizzard.j
Parse successful: 13170lines : Editing file
Parse successful: 27711lines : <total>

What's wrong with this file..?
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Re: How edit war3map.j file?

Post by owner123 »

The map description shown in WC3 may be in the war3map.w3i file instead of the war3map.j.
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Re: How edit war3map.j file?

Post by genzi111 »

thank you owner 123!!

i really want to know this below qeustion..

1. Why would a fatal error occur while loading if I change the letter of war3map.j?

2. What does Scripts/war3map.j have purpose?
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Re: How edit war3map.j file?

Post by Vegas »

Dont change the letter of the .j file.

The war3map.j file : JASS2 Script
This is the main map script file. It's a text file and you can open it with notepad.
Sometimes it's renamed to Scripts\war3map.j by map protectors to keep you away from it.
The language used is called JASS2 and has been developed by Blizzard. It's a case sensitive language.
When you play a map, the jass script is loaded and executed.
When you select a map in when creating a game Warcraft III will first look up the "config" function and execute its code to set up the player slots.
Then, when the game has started, Warcraft III looks for the function called "main" and executes it.
You may find more informations at :

The war3map.w3i file : The Info File
It contains some of the info displayed when you start a game.