What is New Gen?
Why did you remade it?
- It's JJ2197's cheatpack remade by nuzamacuxe.
- Because the old one wasn't well coded, had potential leaks and some commands weren't working correctly (example: autoh).
But have you changed everything?
What changes were made then?
- No. I tried to not change for example the command names since some people would be confused saying that x command isn't working.
But I removed some useless commands like: area, noarea, dead, birth, stand, attack, regmin, regmax, reg, ground, spa, destid.
- - Don't need to type "-note", "-nomana", "-cdon" to disable those commands anymore. To disable teleport command, for example, you just need to type "-tele" again;
- Autoheal works properly and it's MUI now (can handle multiples units);
- Code is way better than before;
- Supports arrow activator;
- Name activator is visible and easy to change;
- It now uses group recycle instead of create and destroy group;
- No leaks and lightweight;
- Easy to add new commands;
- New commands: stats (adds # to all your stats), clear (clear your screen), ploc (pings x y location);
- Now you can change teleport key to A or M;
- Compatible with latest Warcraft III version;
- Now you can change the operator symbol easily.
Could you show me the code difference?
- Sure.