[JJ's CP+SP+EX+IN+ED+CC]C.RPG_Ver.B_3.13

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[JJ's CP+SP+EX+IN+ED+CC]C.RPG_Ver.B_3.13

Post by DarkFlameMaster »

Map: C.RPG_Ver.B_3.13

Map Uploaded

Description: A Korean R.P.G., -load/-save function is enabled. Need 2 or more players.

Cheat Hint: For [ED] Tag, I would love to translate the Korean commands into Eng so other players won't bother looking into the map manually(The forum rules that they cannot accept translating a map but I just want to translate the in-game commands) If this tag cannot be fulfilled, just skip it but I hope you accept it. For [SP] Tag, cannot be played in Single Player and the code have anti-cheats, the game crash after a minute or two of Game Play. For FukKi's CP, just add the codes and I hope the cheat works in-game. For [RW] I wan't you to extract all Korean Commands in this map and display the description on what it does for the users.

This will be a hardwork or you could just search through google,
But thank you for the help if you recognize this request and accept it. ^_^
Just be warned that the old version of load code is not compatible with the new last version of this RPG.
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Re: [FukKi's CP+SP+RW+ED]C.RPG_Ver.B_3.13

Post by devoltz »

removed file.
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Last edited by devoltz on February 10th, 2017, 6:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [FukKi's CP+SP+RW+ED]C.RPG_Ver.B_3.13

Post by DarkFlameMaster »

devoltz wrote:Change [RW] tag to [EX+IN] (RW doesn't exist)
Translated the commands in script so you can use only the commands in "Translated Commands.txt"
Added a description of each korean command in "Korean Commands.txt"
Fukki's CP Added; SP Working; Save Working
Note: I'm too lazy to do all those key activation step "UEDELEREEE" so i just changed the activator to "-fukki"
Woah, thanks but I haven't got the time to play this yet.
I want to follow up something, can you translate this codes?
Or can I request it FOR EXAMPLE?
This string gives hints per quest taken.
ImageSadly, using Google Translate is not enough.
If this strings are changed to Eng, will the map not be playable anymore?
Its for better convenience when playing.
If my follow up can be accepted, can you translate all the strings(hint).
That would be great. or am I asking too much?
The Single Player seems to not be working properly.
I used my forum name when I played offline for safety precautions ^_^.
Saving my character
Loading my character
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Re: [FukKi's CP+SP+EX+IN+ED]C.RPG_Ver.B_3.13

Post by devoltz »

I tried with a lot of different ways to fix this save problem
but i can't fix it, still doesn't understand why is not working
Moving back to map request.
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Re: [FukKi's CP+SP+EX+IN+ED]C.RPG_Ver.B_3.13

Post by arieschan »

Here this code

Code: Select all

local string s1="가갸거겨고교구규그기나냐너녀노뇨누뉴느니다댜더뎌도됴두듀드디라랴러려로료루류르리마먀머며모묘무뮤므미"
local string s2="바뱌버벼보뵤부뷰브비사샤서셔소쇼수슈스시아야어여오요우유으이자쟈저져조죠주쥬즈지차챠처쳐초쵸추츄츠치"
local string s3="카캬커켜코쿄쿠큐크키타탸터텨토툐투튜트티파퍄퍼펴포표푸퓨프피하햐허혀호효후휴흐히각걱곡국극긱낙넉녹눅"
local string s4="늑닉닥덕독둑득딕락럭록룩륵릭막먹목묵믁믹박벅복북븍빅삭석속숙슥식악억옥욱윽익작적족죽즉직착척촉축측칙"
local string s5="칵컥콕쿡큭킥탁턱톡툭특틱팍퍽폭푹픅픽학헉혹훅흑힉간건곤군근긴난넌논눈는닌단던돈둔든딘란런론룬른린만먼"
local string s6="몬문믄민반번변본분븐빈산선손순슨신안언연온운윤은인잔전존준즌진찬천촌춘츤친칸컨콘쿤큰킨탄턴톤툰튼틴판"
local string s7="펀폰푼픈핀한헌혼훈흔힌갇걷곧굳귿긷낟넏녿눋늗닏닫덛돋둗듣딛맏먿몯묻"
local string s8="믇믿받벋볻붇븓빋삳섣솓숟슫싣앋얻옫욷읃읻잗젇졷줃즏짇찯첟촏춛츧칟칻컫콛쿧큳킫팓펃폳푿픋핃핟헏혿훋흗힏"
local string s9="갈걸골굴글길날널놀눌늘닐달덜돌둘들딜랄럴롤룰를릴말멀멸몰물믈밀발벌별볼불블빌살설솔술슬실알얼열올울을"
local string s10="일잘절졸줄즐질찰철촐출츨칠칼컬콜쿨클킬탈털톨툴틀틸팔펄폴풀플필할헐홀훌흘힐감검곰굼금김남넘놈눔늠님담"
local string s11="덤돔둠듬딤람럼롬룸름림맘멈몸뭄믐밈밤범봄붐븜빔삼섬솜숨슴심암엄염옴움음임잠점좀줌즘짐참첨촘춤츰침캄컴"
local string s12="콤쿰큼킴탐텀톰툼틈팀팜펌폼품픔핌함험혐홈훔흠힘갑겁곱굽급깁납넙놉눕늡닙답덥돕둡듭딥랍럽롭룹릅립맙멉몹"
local string s13="뭅믑밉밥법봅붑븝빕삽섭솝숩습십압얍업엽옵웁읍입잡접좁줍즙집찹첩촙춥츱칩캅컵콥쿱큽킵탑텁톱툽틉팁팝펍폽"
local string s14="풉픕핍합헙홉훕흡힙갓걋것곳굿긋깃낫넛놋눗늣닛닷덧돗둣듯딧랏럿롯룻릇"
local string s15="멋못뭇믓밋밧벗봇붓븟빗삿섯솟숫슷싯앗엇옷웃읏잇잣젓좃줏즛짓찻첫촛춧츳칫캇컷콧쿳큿킷탓텃톳툿틋팃팟펏폿"
local string s16="풋픗핏핫헛홋훗흣힛짜쩌쪼쭈쯔찌곽관괄괌괍괏강겅공궁긍깅낭넝농눙능닝당덩동둥등딩랑렁롱룽릉링망멍몽뭉믕"
local string s17="밍방벙봉붕븡빙상성송숭승싱앙엉옹웅응잉장정종중증징창청총충층칭캉컹콩쿵킁킹탕텅통퉁틍팅팡펑퐁풍픙핑항"
local string s18="헝홍훙흥힝개과괴귀내놔뇌뉘대돠되뒤래롸뢰뤼매뫄뫼뮈배봐뵈뷔새솨쇠쉬애와외위재좌죄쥐채촤최취캐콰쾨퀴태"
local string s19="톼퇴튀패퐈푀퓌해화회휘객낵댁랙맥백색액잭책캑택팩핵갠낸댄랜맨밴샌앤잰챈캔탠팬핸갤낼댈랠맬밸샐앨잴챌캘"
local string s20="탤팰핼갬냄댐램맴뱀샘앰잼챔캠탬팸햄갭냅댑랩맵뱁샙앱잽챕캡탭팹햅갯냇댓랫맷뱃샛앳잿챗캣탯팻햇갱냉댕랭맹"
local string s21="뱅생앵쟁챙캥탱팽행까꺼꼬꾸끄끼따떠또뚜뜨띠빠뻐뽀뿌쁘삐싸써쏘쑤쓰씨"
you can use google translate to translate it to eng
How can see it open war3map.j with notepad++ you can see =)
in map how i can pick character when i play i cant find where to pick character
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Re: [FukKi's CP+SP+EX+IN+ED]C.RPG_Ver.B_3.13

Post by devoltz »

arieschan wrote:you can use google translate to translate it to eng
How can see it open war3map.j with notepad++ you can see =)
in map how i can pick character when i play i cant find where to pick character
You need to type the command, in my cheated version is "-newchar", in korean one is "-새 캐릭터"
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Re: [FukKi's CP+SP+EX+IN+ED]C.RPG_Ver.B_3.13

Post by arieschan »

unfortunately i try add Fukki but not working then
i add JJCP i tested in 10 minutes game not crash maybe JJCP work fine

code english same @devoltz edit
i tested maybe load function fail when you try to load Lan code to single player sometime it work fine unknown @@
but save code work fine in Lan mode
if you cant load Lan code you can create new character cheat your item comeback :) with JJCP

update your CC level
-uplvl you will up 1 level
-downlvl you will down 1 level
-upto xxxxx your char up level to xxxx (i tested chat -upto 60 but i have level 5 lol maybe jobchange i duno it)
-downto xxxx down your hero level to xxxx ex: your hero level 60 you chat -downto 51 your hero level 51

edit something in JJCP
-agi to -jagi
-str to -jstr
-int to -jint

p/s: when you upload image. you should hide your name if you dont want to see in banned function =)
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Last edited by arieschan on February 9th, 2017, 5:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [FukKi's CP+SP+EX+IN+ED]C.RPG_Ver.B_3.13

Post by DarkFlameMaster »

[color=#8000FF]devoltz[/color] wrote:I tried with a lot of different ways to fix this save problem
but i can't fix it, still doesn't understand why is not working
Moving back to map request.
I think I saw looping anti-SP in the codes.(Just a guess)
If the string or display text will be translated into Eng, it may become a hint.(Suggestion)
When I tried loading a character, some dots are displayed. 1 dot per line. 2 of them really.
arieschan wrote:you can use google translate to translate it to eng
Sadly, even Google Translate cannot translate the Korean Language fully, not accurate but I can understand some.
arieschan wrote:How can see it open war3map.j with notepad++ you can see =)
Woah! thanks for the advice, I didn't knew that process even existed.
arieschan wrote:unfortunately i try add Fukki but not working then
i add JJCP i test in 10 minutes game not crash maybe JJCP work fine
Yes, I actually had the same problem. I alt+tab'ed for a moment while the game is loading, when it finished.
After a minute or two, the game crashed/fatal.
arieschan wrote:i tested maybe load function fail when you try to load Lan code to single player sometime it work fine unknown @@
but save code work fine in Lan mode
if you cant load Lan code you can create new character cheat your item comeback :) with JJCP
There is another map like this which is older than this, it is already cheated, it maybe of use to you?
This is the LINK.
Sadly, this cheated map and the one I presently requesting isn't compatible with one another.
I have an old load code with the ENG version, but it won't work with the new version(that I requested).
arieschan wrote:edit something in JJCP
-agi to -jagi
-str to -jstr
-int to -jint
Yes, that's why I requested FukKi instead of JJCP, because when you leveled up. You'll get some points.
and you need to type

Code: Select all

"-agi #" to add some stats on your hero. In specific term, you need to manually allocate your given points to your heroes.
arieschan wrote:p/s: when you upload image. you should hide your name if you dont want to see in banned function =)
Seriously, if you read my request, you should have seen this line.
DarkFlameMaster wrote:I used my forum name when I played offline for safety precautions ^_^.
I used this Forum Name, even if they banned this name, hahaha goodluck!!!
I don't owned this name in war3 when playing. This is one of the Anime's I watched. xD
Sadly, I will reply soon when I got the time to play War3 again. Maybe tomorrow or the next day.
I just hope when I got a load code, it will load in the original map... xD
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Re: [FukKi's CP+SP+EX+IN+ED]C.RPG_Ver.B_3.13

Post by arieschan »

you can use -lvl 1 -lvl 2 -lvl 3 ..... to up level
i see this map save str agi int not need to -str -agi -int :) use -jagi -jstr -jint load code work fine
i cant see fatal when play you can try it
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Re: [FukKi's CP+SP+EX+IN+ED]C.RPG_Ver.B_3.13

Post by DarkFlameMaster »

arieschan wrote:you can use -lvl 1 -lvl 2 -lvl 3 ..... to up level
i see this map save str agi int not need to -str -agi -int :) use -jagi -jstr -jint load code work fine
i cant see fatal when play you can try it
Yes, I know that technique.
But its tiring really...
Well... if I did request JJCP, I will add [CC] tag and the command will be...

Code: Select all

Every type will give you one level up and

Code: Select all

Gives you one level down. ^_^
And you can just spam it!!! Hehehe.
or add some "-uplvlby #" and "-downlvlby #".