[DA+ED] Pokemon Defence Final v10

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[DA+ED] Pokemon Defence Final v10

Post by Apple »

Map: Pokemon Defence Final v10
Link: http://www.epicwar.com/maps/255018/
[DA] Description: It has got 2 cheatpack, one's JJCP in vietnamese. Please do not care about JJCP, [DA] is for the other CP.
Let me repeat, [DA] is not for JJCP, it's for the other one. (which has got buttons)

ED: Please extract out the 2nd cheatpack, and put them in .txt file for globals, endglobals, function main

Snip of the CP

Code: Select all

call DialogClearBJ(dialog001)
call DialogSetMessageBJ(dialog001,"Add Wood. How Mutch?")
call DialogAddButtonBJ(dialog001,"100")
set button011=GetLastCreatedButtonBJ()
call DialogAddButtonBJ(dialog001,"1000")
set button012=GetLastCreatedButtonBJ()
call DialogAddButtonBJ(dialog001,"10000")
set button013=GetLastCreatedButtonBJ()
call DialogAddButtonBJ(dialog001,"100000")
set button014=GetLastCreatedButtonBJ()
call DialogAddButtonBJ(dialog001,"1000000")
set button079=GetLastCreatedButtonBJ()
call DialogAddButtonBJ(dialog001,"Cansel")
It's be good to find out who made it, best regards. ;)
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Please, do not PM me.
On the side note, I'm still playing vampirism speed on malaysia room, occasionally in Garena. Bcuz too lazy to find out where else I can play them.
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Re: [DA+ED] Pokemon Defence Final v10

Post by arieschan »

this cheat active name

Code: Select all

function Func0004 takes nothing returns boolean
if(not GetBooleanOr(((GetPlayerName(GetEnumPlayer())==(((strings001[2]+strings001[6])+("|CFF20C000"+strings001[5]))+strings001[4]))),((GetPlayerName(GetEnumPlayer())==((strings001[8]+strings001[6])+(strings001[7]+strings001[3]))))))then
return false
return true
function Func0005 takes nothing returns nothing
set player004=GetEnumPlayer()
call ForceAddPlayerSimple(GetEnumPlayer(),force001)
call QuestMessageBJ(force001,bj_QUESTMESSAGE_UPDATED,"2.5")
name activator in cheat pack :
1. sa|CFF20C000io
2. saio
esc open menu cheat
p/s : i think this cheat write by JassNewGen lol
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Do you want to get Code map Darkness reborn
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Re: [DA+ED] Pokemon Defence Final v10

Post by Apple »

Nice work! Interesting!
Request a map? Follow the rulesHERE
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Please, do not PM me.
On the side note, I'm still playing vampirism speed on malaysia room, occasionally in Garena. Bcuz too lazy to find out where else I can play them.