Xwc3X wrote:This map sounds awesome, but when I try to open it in the wc3 map editor it says: "Trigger data missing or invalid", so I can't open it. Because of this i can't edit it or even look at it. When I look for it in Wc3, it's not there either at all as a listed map. How can I find a way to open it or play it?
Yes, yes it is listed, you need to try a few things;
1. rename the map to something short
2. realize that the .w3x is not the map name you see in warcraft
3. realize that it being protected (as it was modified externally) has nothing to do with this
4. try harder
5. put it in, (of course) your Warcraft III\Maps\Download folder...
6. try putting it in another folder within that folder.
7. Tell us you messed up, big time, afterwards.