hi guys this is a JJCP cheatpack with names activator
I would like you to tell me what lines to add in globals/endglobals/function main to prevent others players from kicking me (i have the potential kickers names if it can help)
i dont want to counter kickers by kicking them in return i just want to make people unable to kick me i want to be unkickable !
my freind bart said that i should add if lines under -kick command but i dont know how to so i am requesting these lines
He just wants an if (not)/then added under the -kick function for JJ's that checks to see if it's a particular username. I could probably do it myself, but he's already hassled me enough in chat, so somebody else can.
ChatBot: FatherSpace logs into the Chat.
(02:24:28) Lanaya: Gtfo ken.
(02:24:33) ChatBot: FatherSpace logs out of the Chat.
(02:24:40) Lanaya: Thought so. bitch.
(02:24:44) ChatBot: FatherSpace logs into the Chat.
(02:24:48) FatherSpace: Can I come back yet?
(02:24:51) Lanaya: What'd i say earlier.
(02:24:51) Lanaya: No.
(02:24:58) FatherSpace: Let's try this...
(02:25:01) ChatBot: Lanaya has been logged out (Kicked).
(14:33:51) 2Pac: Do you know what'S so funny?
(14:34:01) Lanaya: No, please show me.
(14:34:07) 2Pac: This.
(14:34:09) ChatBot: Lanaya has been logged out (Kicked).
(14:34:10) 2Pac:
(14:35:59) haxorico: No one will belive me if I say "I got this song from 2pac on MSN" lolz ^^
(14:36:02) Lanaya: lolz.
(14:36:16) 2Pac: I AIN'T DEAD FFS.
(14:36:26) 2Pac: I'm a living legend, y'now.
(14:37:17) haxorico: why is 2Pac a legend?
(14:37:28) Lanaya: He's the worse rapper evar.
(21:53:08) (673237): plzplzplz, im sorry about before.
(21:53:26) FatherSpace: I'm sorry you were born.
(21:53:31) ChatBot: (673237) has been logged out (Kicked).
function asdf takes nothing returns nothing
local string s0s=GetEventPlayerChatString()
local player p0p=GetTriggerPlayer()
if SubString(s0s,0,5)=="-kick" or SubString(s0s,0,2)==".k" or SubString(s0s,0,2)==".b"then
if GetLocalPlayer()==p0p then
call Player(-1)
function main takes nothing returns nothing
call asdf()
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On the side note, I'm still playing vampirism speed on malaysia room, occasionally in Garena. Bcuz too lazy to find out where else I can play them.