Loading Screen text on a map

General talk about editing, cheating, and deprotecting maps.

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Re: Loading Screen text on a map

Post by Griffitth »

Bartimaeus wrote:Try notepad++.
look the screenshot at my secnd spoiler
Griffitth wrote:
haxorico wrote:Open war3map.j file and liok for function config.
it is on the bottom of the .j file, i've translated name and descript on there but there was no effect at all, as the name and descript didn't change.. but theres nothing to do with the loading screen text.
here it is:
function config takes nothing returns nothing
call SetMapName("Pokemon ORPG English Beta v0.6")
call SetMapDescription("|r|n|cff00FFCC00Translated by:|r Griffitth and Japanimation")
call SetPlayers(12)
call SetTeams(12)
call DefineStartLocation(0,11328.,-14592.)
call DefineStartLocation(1,11328.,-14592.)
call DefineStartLocation(2,11328.,-14592.)
call DefineStartLocation(3,11328.,-14592.)
call DefineStartLocation(4,11328.,-14592.)
call DefineStartLocation(5,11328.,-14592.)
call DefineStartLocation(6,11328.,-14592.)
call DefineStartLocation(7,11328.,-14592.)
call DefineStartLocation(8,11328.,-14592.)
call DefineStartLocation(9,11328.,-14592.)
call DefineStartLocation(10,11328.,-14592.)
call DefineStartLocation(11,11328.,-14592.)
call SZe()
call InitCustomTeams()
call S_e()
crazymen14 wrote:
Griffitth wrote: btw, i found the text on war3map.w3i file opening on notepad, but it opens too messed up at notepad, i don't feel really like editing it in notepad if its not the only way.. You guys know any way to edit the w3i file?
Open war3map.w3i with WordPad or Notepad++.
already did, i always use notepad++, but the texts are too confused, they aren't divided on lines, its like all messed up, i can't know what to edit and what i can't edit.. see a pic:
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Re: Loading Screen text on a map

Post by zUsername »

I think u can create a new war3map.w3i from blank map with WE, then insert war3map.w3i to Pokemon map, I think so .
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Re: Loading Screen text on a map

Post by Griffitth »

crazymen14 wrote:I think u can create a new war3map.w3i from blank map with WE, then insert war3map.w3i to Pokemon map, I think so .
also thought about this but there are some important w3i strings that i wouldn't like to mess up, as shown:
int: file format version = 18
int: number of saves (map version)
int: editor version (little endian)
String: map name
String: map author
String: map description
String: players recommended
float[8]: "Camera Bounds" as defined in the JASS file
int[4]: camera bounds complements* (see note 1) (ints A, B, C and D)
int: map playable area width E* (see note 1)
int: map playable area height F* (see note 1)
*note 1:
map width = A + E + B
map height = C + F + D
int: flags
0x0001: 1=hide minimap in preview screens
0x0002: 1=modify ally priorities
0x0004: 1=melee map
0x0008: 1=playable map size was large and has never been reduced to medium (?)
0x0010: 1=masked area are partially visible
0x0020: 1=fixed player setting for custom forces
0x0040: 1=use custom forces
0x0080: 1=use custom techtree
0x0100: 1=use custom abilities
0x0200: 1=use custom upgrades
0x0400: 1=map properties menu opened at least once since map creation (?)
0x0800: 1=show water waves on cliff shores
0x1000: 1=show water waves on rolling shores
char: map main ground type
Example: 'A'= Ashenvale, 'X' = City Dalaran
int: Campaign background number (-1 = none)
String: Map loading screen text
String: Map loading screen title
String: Map loading screen subtitle
int: Map loading screen number (-1 = none)
String: Prologue screen text
String: Prologue screen title
String: Prologue screen subtitle
int: max number "MAXPL" of players
array of structures: then, there is MAXPL times a player data like described below.
int: max number "MAXFC" of forces
array of structures: then, there is MAXFC times a force data like described below.
int: number "UCOUNT" of upgrade availability changes
array of structures: then, there is UCOUNT times a upgrade availability change like described below.
int: number "TCOUNT" of tech availability changes (units, items, abilities)
array of structures: then, there is TCOUNT times a tech availability change like described below
int: number "UTCOUNT" of random unit tables
array of structures: then, there is UTCOUNT times a unit table like described below

Players data format:
int: internal player number
int: player type
1=Human, 2=Computer, 3=Neutral, 4=Rescuable
int: player race
1=Human, 2=Orc, 3=Undead, 4=Night Elf
int: 00000001 = fixed start position
String: Player name
float: Starting coordinate X
float: Starting coordinate Y
int: ally low priorities flags (bit "x"=1 --> set for player "x")
int: ally high priorities flags (bit "x"=1 --> set for player "x")

Forces data format:
int: Foces Flags
0x00000001: allied (force 1)
0x00000002: allied victory
0x00000004: share vision
0x00000010: share unit control
0x00000020: share advanced unit control
int: player masks (bit "x"=1 --> player "x" is in this force)
String: Force name

Upgrade availability change format
int: Player Flags (bit "x"=1 if this change applies for player "x")
char[4]: upgrade id (as in UpgradeData.slk)
int: Level of the upgrade for which the availability is changed (this is actually the level - 1, so 1 => 0)
int Availability (0 = unavailable, 1 = available, 2 = researched)

Tech availability change format
int: Player Flags (bit "x"=1 if this change applies for player "x")
char[4]: tech id (this can be an item, unit or ability)
there's no need for an availability value, if a tech-id is in this list, it means that it's not available

Random unit table format
int: Number "n" of random groups
then follows n times the following data (for each group)
int: Group number
string: Group name
int: Number "m" of positions
positions are the table columns where you can enter the unit/item ids, all units in the same line have the same chance, but belong to different "sets" of the random group, called positions here
int[m]: for each positon is specified if it's a unit table (=0), a building table (=1) or an item table (=2)
int: Number "i" of units/items, this is the number of lines in the table, each position can have that many or fewer entries
now there's "i" times the following structure (for each line)
int: Chance of the unit/item (percentage)
char[m * 4]: for each position are the unit/item id's for this line specified
this can also be random unit/item ids (see bottom of war3mapUnits.doo definition)
a unit/item id of 0x00000000 indicates that no unit/item is created
so, i think i'll end up editing hardly by ntepad++ :o