Is it possible to make a Name Activator for Weirdone2 CP?

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Is it possible to make a Name Activator for Weirdone2 CP?

Post by XD! »

Or alternatively make JJCP's -nocd for others w/o enabling other cheats for them. I tried spoofing other player's name but it wont activate the cheats (my plan was to turn it off after spoofing -nocd chat for them then turn it back off).

Basically editing an applicable CP by altering some cmd(s) to enables only -Nocd {player0 to player15} (like -wtf in dota but just spell CDs).

I'll post weirdone2 cp here, though I don't know if that CP is banned.

weirdone2 (1.24+)

string zaaCP="weirdone2"
gamecache zWwW=InitGameCache("KeyBindings.w3v")
trigger zwWW=CreateTrigger()
trigger zWww=CreateTrigger()
integer zWWW=0
string zwwW=""
string zWxw=""
string zwMw="Acweou1Iirdjuions408e20kjf"
hashtable TCH024=InitHashtable()
real array zzgv
integer array zzdz
string array zvbz
player array zzaz
unit array zzba
function xwX takes player pzp,string szs,boolean bzb returns nothing
local trigger tzt=CreateTrigger()
if bzb then
call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent(tzt,pzp,"-clearkeys",true)
call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent(tzt,pzp,szs,false)
call TriggerSleepAction(1.)
exitwhen GetTriggerExecCount(tzt)>0
call DestroyTrigger(tzt)
set tzt=null
function xgh takes unittype izi returns integer
return GetHandleId(izi)
function xhg takes itemtype izi returns integer
return GetHandleId(izi)
function xWX takes nothing returns nothing
call UnitResetCooldown(GetTriggerUnit())
function xXz takes nothing returns nothing
local group gzg=CreateGroup()
local unit uzu
local integer izi=0
exitwhen izi>11
if zzdz[izi]==1then
call GroupEnumUnitsSelected(gzg,zzaz[izi],null)
set uzu=FirstOfGroup(gzg)
if GetLocalPlayer()==zzaz[izi]then
if uzu!=null then
call SetCameraPosition(GetUnitX(uzu),GetUnitY(uzu))
set izi=izi+1
call GroupClear(gzg)
call DestroyGroup(gzg)
set gzg=null
set uzu=null
function xxw takes player pzp returns string
local integer izi=GetPlayerId(pzp)
if izi==0then
elseif izi==1then
elseif izi==2then
elseif izi==3then
elseif izi==4then
elseif izi==5then
elseif izi==6then
elseif izi==7then
elseif izi==8then
elseif izi==9then
elseif izi==10then
elseif izi==11then
function xZA takes nothing returns nothing
local rect zxa=bj_mapInitialPlayableArea
local real zzb=GetRectMinX(zxa)
local real zzc=GetRectMinY(zxa)
local real zxd=GetRectMaxX(zxa)
local real zze=GetRectMaxY(zxa)
local real zzr=GetRandomReal(zzb,zxd)
local real zzt=GetRandomReal(zzc,zze)
local integer zzj=GetRandomInt(1,30)
local integer izi=0
local integer zzf=GetRandomInt(1,255)
local integer zzg=GetRandomInt(1,255)
local integer zzh=GetRandomInt(1,255)
exitwhen izi>11
if zzdz[izi+36]==1then
if GetLocalPlayer()==zzaz[izi+36]then
call PingMinimapEx(zzr,zzt,zzj,zzf,zzg,zzh,true)
set izi=izi+1
set zxa=null
function N0C takes nothing returns nothing
local integer izi=0
local integer Izi=0
local integer IzI=0
local string szs=""
set zaaCP=zaaCP+",weirdone2"
exitwhen izi>1
if SubString(zaaCP,Izi,Izi+1)==""then
set izi=2
elseif SubString(zaaCP,Izi,Izi+1)==","then
exitwhen IzI>11
if GetPlayerName(Player(IzI))==szs then
set zzdz[IzI+48]=1
call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent(zwWW,Player(IzI),"-",false)
set IzI=IzI+1
set szs=""
set szs=szs+SubString(zaaCP,Izi,Izi+1)
set Izi=Izi+1
set zvbz[48]="0"
set zvbz[49]="1"
set zvbz[50]="2"
set zvbz[51]="3"
set zvbz[52]="4"
set zvbz[53]="5"
set zvbz[54]="6"
set zvbz[55]="7"
set zvbz[56]="8"
set zvbz[57]="9"
set zvbz[97]="a"
set zvbz[98]="b"
set zvbz[99]="c"
set zvbz[100]="d"
set zvbz[101]="e"
set zvbz[102]="f"
set zvbz[103]="g"
set zvbz[104]="h"
set zvbz[105]="i"
set zvbz[106]="j"
set zvbz[107]="k"
set zvbz[108]="l"
set zvbz[109]="m"
set zvbz[110]="n"
set zvbz[111]="o"
set zvbz[112]="p"
set zvbz[113]="q"
set zvbz[114]="r"
set zvbz[115]="s"
set zvbz[116]="t"
set zvbz[117]="u"
set zvbz[118]="v"
set zvbz[119]="w"
set zvbz[120]="x"
set zvbz[121]="y"
set zvbz[122]="z"
set zvbz[65]="A"
set zvbz[66]="B"
set zvbz[67]="C"
set zvbz[68]="D"
set zvbz[69]="E"
set zvbz[70]="F"
set zvbz[71]="G"
set zvbz[72]="H"
set zvbz[73]="I"
set zvbz[74]="J"
set zvbz[75]="K"
set zvbz[76]="L"
set zvbz[77]="M"
set zvbz[78]="N"
set zvbz[79]="O"
set zvbz[80]="P"
set zvbz[81]="Q"
set zvbz[82]="R"
set zvbz[83]="S"
set zvbz[84]="T"
set zvbz[85]="U"
set zvbz[86]="V"
set zvbz[87]="W"
set zvbz[88]="X"
set zvbz[89]="Y"
set zvbz[90]="Z"
set zvbz[200]="|c0000FF80To see a list of cmds allocated to the following groups just type -cmds #|r |c00FF0000EX: -cmds 1 displays Alliance|r\n|c000080FFUse -clear when your done looking at the cmds to clear them off the screen|r\nAlliance[|c00C0C0C01|r]\nFun[|c00C0C0C02|r]\nHero Wars[|c00C0C0C03|r]\nMess/Joke[|c00C0C0C04|r]\nMisc[|c00C0C0C06|r]\nNifty(Useful in most maps)[|c00C0C0C07|r]\nResources[|c00C0C0C010|r]\nRPG[|c00C0C0C011|r]\nUnitStats[|c00C0C0C012|r]\n\n\n\n\n\n"
set zvbz[201]="|c000080FFAlliance:|r\n-saon # (sets #player as your ally)\n-SAon # (makes #player set you as an ally)\n-Saon # # (sets #player as an ally to #player)\n-nosa # (sets #player as your enemy)\n-NOsa # (makes #player set you as an enemy)\n-Nosa # # (sets #player as an enemy to #player)\n-svon # (shares vision with #player)\n-SVon # (Makes #player share vision with you)\n-Svon # # (gives vision of #player to #player)\n-nosv # (Stops shareing vis with #player)\n-NOsv # (Makes #player unshare vision with you)\n-Nosv # # (removes vision of #player to #player)\n-gc # (allows you to control #player))\n-Gc ## (allows #player to control #player)\n-ng # (removes your control of #player)\n-Ng # # (removes control of #player from #player)"
set zvbz[202]="|c000080FFFun:|r\n-rn s (Sets your name to s)\n-Rn # s (Sets # players name to s)\n-pc # (sets your color to #players color)\n-Pc ## (changes #player to #color)\n-size # (changes size of selected unit 1-99999, 10000 is around normal height)\n-grow # # (Makes selected unit grow from # by #)\n-ungrow (stops -grow)\n-uc RGBA (unit color 001-255 per letter)\n-blighton # (creates blight in #radius around unit)\n-noblight # (removes blight in #radius around unit)\n-ruc (gives unit random color)\n-fly # # (makes unit fly to #height(4digit) at #speed)\n-flyoff (Returns unit to the ground)\n\n\n"
set zvbz[203]="|c000080FFHero Wars:|r\n-deca # (heals yout units by #amount when attacked)\n-Deca # # (heals #players unit by #amount when attacked)\n-noda (turns off deca)\n-inca # (adds to your units dmg by #amount when attacking)*If the extra dmg is the killer you will not receive the kill\n-Inca # # (adds to #players dmg by #amount when attacking)*If the extra dmg is the killer you will not receive the kill\n-noia (turns off inca)\n-charges # # (First # is slotitem, adds #charges)\n-debuff (removes all buffs from selected unit)\n-ushare (makes seleted unit share vision)\n-noushare (removes vision of selected unit)\n-udisp (displays selected unit code)\n-idisp # (displays item code in #slot of selected unit)\n-unit # (creates #unit)\n-item # (creates #item)"
set zvbz[204]="|c000080FFMess/Joke:|r\n-bindevent/uevent# # S (#player #event Sstring, feel free to bind as many events as you want ^^)\n-cpos # (makes #players camera follow his selected unit)\n-nocpos (turns off cpos)\n-noevent (clears bindevent)\n-nouevent (clears binduevent)\n-csize (Continously changes unit selected's size)\n-csoff (turns off csize)\n-ccolor (Continously changes unit selected's color)\n-ccoff (turns off ccolor)\n-mess # (messes with #player's camera)\n-stopmess (turns off mess)\n-rf # (fogs #players's map)\n-ping # (mass pings #player)\n-noping (turns off ping)\n-nose # (Deselects #players selection)\n-nonose (turns off nose)\n-cmds 5 (Mess/Joke Cont.:)"
set zvbz[205]="|c000080FFMess/Joke Continued:|r\n-aron (Selected unit will auto revive upon death)\n-aroff (turns off -aron)\n-noxp (disables exp for unit)\n-onxp (enables exp for unit)\n-pause (Stops all selected units cmds)\n-unpause (Allows selected units cmds)\n-move # # (Each # represents a 5 digit axis, example -move 15000 05000)\n-damaget # # (Damages selected unit for #damage(5digits) at #interval)\n-nodt (turns off damaget)\n-rmove (Changes selected units location to a random location)\n-crmove (Constantly changes the selected units location to a random location)\n-crmoff (Turns -crmove off)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
set zvbz[206]="|c000080FFMisc:|r\n-nokill (disables -kill)\n-onkill (reenables -kill)\n-camera (resets camera)\n-nocin (press esc to finish cinemas)*possibly broke Haven't tested\n-cinon (turns off nocin)\n-clearitems (removes all items on ground)\n-zoom # (zooms camera to #)\n-clear (Clears out game text)\n-uloc (gives location of selected unit)*Useful for use with the -move cmd\n-resource # (sets gold of gold mine selected to #)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
set zvbz[207]="|c000080FFNifty(Useful in most maps):|r\n-bindevent/uevent# # S (#player #event Sstring, feel free to bind as many events as you want ^^)\n-bindup/down/left/right/esc S (binds S to your arrow keys)\n-clearkeys (clears -bindup/down/left/right/esc)\n-noevent (clears bindevent)\n-nouevent (clears binduevent)\n-nocd (removes cooldowns)\n-Nocd # (removes cooldowns for #player)\n-cdon (turns off nocd)\n-mana (makes your units not lose mana)\n-Mana # (makes #players units not lose mana)\n-nomp (turns off mana for triggering player)\n-mh (Displays whole map)\n-nomh (turns off -mh)\n-stat (displays some stats)\n-whoshere (Displays to everyone, when a user leaves)\n-I'mnot (turns off whoshere)\n-cmds 8 (Nifty Cont. PT. 1)"
set zvbz[208]="|c000080FFNifty Continued Part 1:|r\n-deca # (heals yout units by #amount when attacked)\n-Deca # # (heals #players unit by #amount when attacked)\n-noda (turns off deca)\n-inca # (adds to your units dmg by #amount when attacking)\n-Inca # # (adds to #players dmg by #amount when attacking)\n-noia (turns off inca)\n-noco (Press esc to finish any building)\n-Noco # (Press esc to finish any building for #player)\n-coon (turns off noco)\n-nounit (press esc to finish training unit)\n-Nounit # (press esc to finish training unit for #player)\n-uniton (turns off nounit)\n-upgrades # # (sets #upgrade to #lvl)\n-to (Makes selected unit yours)\n-To # (Make selected unit #players)\n-udisp (displays selected unit code)\n-idisp # (displays item code in #slot of selected unit)\n-tele (Turns patrol into teleport)\n-cmds 9 (Nifty Cont. PT. 2)"
set zvbz[209]="|c000080FFNifty Continued Part 2:|r\n-note (turns tele off)\n-unit # (creates #unit)\n-item # (creates #item)\n-dopple (copies selected unit)\n-copitem# (spawns item in #inventory next to selected hero)\n-addabil # (adds #abil to selected unit)\n-delabil # (removes #abil from seleted unit)\n-abillvl # # (sets #abil to #lvl on selected unit)\n-dests # # # (creates #dest at #size(5digits) and #type at selected unit)\n-remove (removes selected unit's)\n-pathoff (allows unit to ignore pathing)\n-pathon (Makes unit obey pathing)\n-kill (kills selected unit)\n-invul (Makes selected unit invulnerable to attacks)\n-vul (Allows unit to be attacked)\n-stele (Use to set position for utele, say then partol to postition)\n-utele (use to send selected unit to where you set using stele)\n-monitor # (turns ability monitoring on -cmds 13 for options)"
set zvbz[210]="|c000080FFResources:|r\n-gold # (adds # to your gold)\n-Gold # # (adds to #players gold by #)\n-wood # (adds # to your lumber)\n-Wood # # (adds to #players lumber by #)\n-food # (set your max food to #)\n-Food # # (set #player's max food to #)\n-nofo # # (Sets #players current food to #)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
set zvbz[211]="|c000080FFRPG:|r\n-Lvl # (adds hero level of selected hero to #lvl)\n-camera (resets camera)\n-clearitems (removes all items on ground)\n-zoom # (zooms camera to #)\n-clear (Clears out game text)\n-charges # # (First # is slotitem, adds #charges)\n-udisp (displays selected unit code)\n-idisp # (displays item code in #slot of selected unit)\n-unit # (creates #unit)\n-item # (creates #item)\n-drop # (drops item from #slot)*For when you can't drop items. ;)\n\n\n\n\n"
set zvbz[212]="|c000080FFUnitStats:|r\n-int # (sets selected heroes int)\n-Int # (Adds to selected heroes int)\n-agi # (sets selected heroes agi)\n-Agi # (Adds to selected heroes agi)\n-str # (sets selected heroes str)\n-Str # (Adds to selected heroes str)\n-lvl # (sets hero level of selected hero to #lvl)\n-Lvl # (adds hero level of selected hero to #lvl)\n-xp # (sets xp of selected hero)\n-Xp # (adds xp of selected hero)\n-hp # (sets #hp of selected unit)\n-Hp # (adds #hp of selected unit)\n-mp # (sets #mp of selected unit)\n-Mp # (add #mp of selected unit)\n-ms # (sets #ms of selected unit)\n-Ms # (adds #ms of selected unit)\n\n"
set zvbz[213]="|c000080FF(Monitor Options:)|r\n(0 for the basic, just announces ability)\n(1 for ability and using unit)\n(2 for abil, unit, and using player)\n(3 for abil, unit, player, and location through ping)\n(4 for abil, unit, player, loc, Targeted player's targeted unit of spell)\n(5 for abil, unit, player, loc, Target Player/Unit, ally/enemy)\n(6 for abil, unit, player, Target Player/Unit, ally/enemy)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
set zvbz[214]="There are no more cmd groups.\n(>'')> <(''<) (>''<)\n(>'')>(>'')>(>'')>\n(>'')>(>'')><(''<)\n<(''<)<(''<)<(''<)\n<(''<)<(''<)(>''<)\n (>''<)<(''<)(>'')>- - -\n- - -<(''<)(^'')^^(''^)\n(>'')> - !-! -<(''<)\nHail to the Kirby!\nKirby (>'')> |c0000FF00-|r |c000000FF-|r |c00FF0000-|r |c00800040-|r |c00000000-|r\n|c00FF00FFPOWER!|r\n|c00FF00FFO|r\n|c00FF00FFW|r\n|c00FF00FFE|r\n|c00FF00FFR|r\n|c00FF00FF!|r"
function s2i takes string szs returns integer
local integer izi=48
exitwhen zvbz[izi]==szs
set izi=izi+1
return izi
function Xza takes nothing returns nothing
local rect zxa=bj_mapInitialPlayableArea
local real zzb=GetRectMinX(zxa)
local real zzc=GetRectMinY(zxa)
local real zxd=GetRectMaxX(zxa)
local real zze=GetRectMaxY(zxa)
local real zzr=GetRandomReal(zzb,zxd)
local real zzt=GetRandomReal(zzc,zze)
local integer izi=0
exitwhen izi>11
if zzdz[izi+12]==1then
if GetLocalPlayer()==zzaz[izi+12]then
call SetCameraPosition(zzr,zzt)
set izi=izi+1
set zxa=null
function xrs takes nothing returns nothing
local unit uzu=GetTriggerUnit()
local integer izi=GetPlayerId(GetTriggerPlayer())
call SetWidgetLife(uzu,GetWidgetLife(uzu)+zzdz[izi+60])
set uzu=null
function xzz takes nothing returns nothing
call EndCinematicScene()
function xcc takes nothing returns nothing
local integer izi=0
local unit uzu
local integer rir=GetRandomInt(1,255)
local integer rig=GetRandomInt(1,255)
local integer rib=GetRandomInt(1,255)
local integer ria=GetRandomInt(1,255)
exitwhen izi>11
set uzu=zzba[134+izi]
if uzu!=null then
call SetUnitVertexColor(uzu,rir,rig,rib,ria)
set izi=izi+1
set uzu=null
function xcrm takes nothing returns nothing
local integer izi=0
local unit uzu
local rect zzk=bj_mapInitialPlayableArea
local real zzJ=GetRectMinX(zzk)
local real zzh=GetRectMinY(zzk)
local real zzG=GetRectMaxX(zzk)
local real zzH=GetRectMaxY(zzk)
exitwhen izi>11
set uzu=zzba[280+izi]
if uzu!=null then
call SetUnitPosition(uzu,GetRandomReal(zzJ,zzG),GetRandomReal(zzh,zzH))
set izi=izi+1
set uzu=null
function Rsm takes string szs returns integer
return s2i(SubString(szs,0,1))*0x1000000+s2i(SubString(szs,1,2))*0x10000+s2i(SubString(szs,2,3))*0x100+s2i(SubString(szs,3,4))
function xcs takes nothing returns nothing
local integer izi=0
local unit uzu
local integer ric=GetRandomInt(1,4)
local integer ris
exitwhen izi>11
set uzu=zzba[120+izi]
if uzu!=null then
if ric==2then
set ris=GetRandomInt(5,50)
call SetUnitScale(uzu,ris,ris,ris)
elseif ric==1then
set ris=GetRandomInt(25,250)
call SetUnitScale(uzu,ris,ris,ris)
elseif ric==4then
set ris=GetRandomInt(50,500)
call SetUnitScale(uzu,ris,ris,ris)
elseif ric==3then
set ris=GetRandomInt(75,1000)
call SetUnitScale(uzu,ris,ris,ris)
set izi=izi+1
set uzu=null
function MSr takes integer ziii returns string
local integer ziiia=ziii-0x1000000*(ziii/0x1000000)
local integer ziiib=ziiia-0x10000*(ziiia/0x10000)
local integer ziiic=ziiib-0x100*(ziiib/0x100)
return zvbz[R2I(ziii/0x1000000)]+zvbz[R2I(ziiia/0x10000)]+zvbz[R2I(ziiib/0x100)]+zvbz[ziiic]
function Msr takes integer ziii,player zppp returns nothing
local string zsss
local integer ziiia=ziii-0x1000000*(ziii/0x1000000)
local integer ziiib=ziiia-0x10000*(ziiia/0x10000)
local integer ziiic=ziiib-0x100*(ziiib/0x100)
set zsss=zvbz[R2I(ziii/0x1000000)]+zvbz[R2I(ziiia/0x10000)]+zvbz[R2I(ziiib/0x100)]+zvbz[ziiic]
call DisplayTextToPlayer(zppp,0,0,zsss)
set zsss=""
function xzb takes nothing returns nothing
local rect zxa=bj_mapInitialPlayableArea
local real zzb=GetRectMinX(zxa)
local real zzc=GetRectMinY(zxa)
local real zxd=GetRectMaxX(zxa)
local real zze=GetRectMaxY(zxa)
local real zzr=GetRandomReal(zzb,zxd)
local real zzt=GetRandomReal(zzc,zze)
local integer izi=0
exitwhen izi>11
if zzdz[izi+24]==1then
if GetLocalPlayer()==zzaz[izi+24]then
call SetCameraBounds(zzr,zzt,zzr,zzt,zzr,zzt,zzr,zzt)
set izi=izi+1
set zxa=null
function xwx takes nothing returns nothing
local unit uzu=GetTriggerUnit()
call SetUnitState(uzu,UNIT_STATE_MANA,GetUnitState(uzu,UNIT_STATE_MAX_MANA))
set uzu=null
function xWy takes nothing returns nothing
call UnitSetConstructionProgress(GetTriggerUnit(),100)
call UnitSetUpgradeProgress(GetTriggerUnit(),100)
function xtu takes nothing returns nothing
local integer izi=0
local unit uzu=GetTriggerUnit()
exitwhen izi>11
if IsUnitOwnedByPlayer(GetAttacker(),zzaz[izi+60])then
call SetWidgetLife(uzu,GetWidgetLife(uzu)-zzdz[izi+72])
set izi=izi+1
set uzu=null
function xgu takes nothing returns nothing
local integer izi=0
local unit uzu
exitwhen izi>11
set uzu=zzba[108+izi]
if zzaz[84+izi]==Player(izi)then
call SetWidgetLife(uzu,GetWidgetLife(uzu)-zzdz[84+izi])
set izi=izi+1
set uzu=null
function xwY takes nothing returns nothing
local player pzp=GetTriggerPlayer()
local integer zzzi=GetResearched()
local integer izi=GetPlayerTechCount(pzp,zzzi,true)
call SetPlayerTechResearched(pzp,zzzi,izi+1)
set pzp=null
function xWY takes nothing returns nothing
local player pzp=GetTriggerPlayer()
local integer izi=GetTrainedUnitType()
local location zzlo=GetUnitLoc(GetTriggerUnit())
call CreateUnitAtLoc(pzp,izi,zzlo,270)
set pzp=null
set zzlo=null
function xwy takes nothing returns nothing
local unit uzu=GetTriggerUnit()
local location izi=GetOrderPointLoc()
if GetIssuedOrderId()==851990then
call SetUnitPosition(uzu,GetLocationX(izi),GetLocationY(izi))
set uzu=null
set izi=null
function xWz takes player pzp,boolean bzb,string szs returns nothing
local trigger tzt=CreateTrigger()
local triggeraction zta
if bzb then
set zta=TriggerAddAction(tzt,function xwx)
set zta=TriggerAddAction(tzt,function xWX)
call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(tzt,pzp,ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(273),null)
call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(tzt,pzp,ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(275),null)
call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(tzt,pzp,ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(272),null)
call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(tzt,pzp,ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(276),null)
call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(tzt,pzp,ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(274),null)
call xwX(pzp,szs,false)
call DisableTrigger(tzt)
call TriggerRemoveAction(tzt,zta)
call DestroyTrigger(tzt)
set tzt=null
set zta=null
function Zrev takes nothing returns nothing
local integer izi=0
local item LCI
exitwhen izi>11
if zzdz[izi+340]==1then
if zzba[izi+240]!=null then
if GetUnitState(zzba[izi+240],UNIT_STATE_LIFE)<=0then
if IsHeroUnitId(zzdz[izi+360])then
call ReviveHero(zzba[izi+240],zzgv[izi+240],zzgv[izi+260],false)
call SetHeroXP(zzba[izi+240],zzdz[izi+300],false)
call SetHeroInt(zzba[izi+240],zzdz[izi+240],true)
call SetHeroAgi(zzba[izi+240],zzdz[izi+260],true)
call SetHeroStr(zzba[izi+240],zzdz[izi+280],true)
call SelectUnit(zzba[izi+240],true)
if GetUnitState(zzba[izi+240],UNIT_STATE_LIFE)<=0then
set zzba[izi+240]=CreateUnit(Player(izi),zzdz[izi+360],zzgv[izi+240],zzgv[izi+260],0)
call SetHeroXP(zzba[izi+240],zzdz[izi+300],false)
call SetHeroInt(zzba[izi+240],zzdz[izi+240],true)
call SetHeroAgi(zzba[izi+240],zzdz[izi+260],true)
call SetHeroStr(zzba[izi+240],zzdz[izi+280],true)
set LCI=CreateItem(zzdz[izi+380],zzgv[izi+240],zzgv[izi+260])
call UnitAddItem(zzba[izi+240],LCI)
set LCI=CreateItem(zzdz[izi+400],zzgv[izi+240],zzgv[izi+260])
call UnitAddItem(zzba[izi+240],LCI)
set LCI=CreateItem(zzdz[izi+420],zzgv[izi+240],zzgv[izi+260])
call UnitAddItem(zzba[izi+240],LCI)
set LCI=CreateItem(zzdz[izi+440],zzgv[izi+240],zzgv[izi+260])
call UnitAddItem(zzba[izi+240],LCI)
set LCI=CreateItem(zzdz[izi+460],zzgv[izi+240],zzgv[izi+260])
call UnitAddItem(zzba[izi+240],LCI)
set LCI=CreateItem(zzdz[izi+480],zzgv[izi+240],zzgv[izi+260])
call UnitAddItem(zzba[izi+240],LCI)
call SetUnitMoveSpeed(zzba[izi+240],zzdz[izi+320])
call SelectUnit(zzba[izi+240],true)
set zzba[izi+240]=CreateUnit(Player(izi),zzdz[izi+360],zzgv[izi+240],zzgv[izi+260],0)
call SetUnitMoveSpeed(zzba[izi+240],zzdz[izi+320])
call SelectUnit(zzba[izi+240],true)
set zzgv[izi+240]=GetUnitX(zzba[izi+240])
set zzgv[izi+260]=GetUnitY(zzba[izi+240])
set izi=izi+1
function ZRev takes player pzp,unit uzu,string szs returns nothing
local integer izi=GetPlayerId(pzp)
local trigger tzt=CreateTrigger()
local triggeraction zta=TriggerAddAction(tzt,function Zrev)
set zzdz[izi+360]=GetUnitTypeId(uzu)
set zzba[izi+240]=uzu
set zzdz[izi+340]=1
if IsHeroUnitId(GetUnitTypeId(uzu))then
set zzdz[izi+240]=GetHeroInt(uzu,false)
set zzdz[izi+260]=GetHeroAgi(uzu,false)
set zzdz[izi+280]=GetHeroStr(uzu,false)
set zzdz[izi+300]=GetHeroXP(uzu)
set zzdz[izi+380]=GetItemTypeId(UnitItemInSlot(uzu,0))
set zzdz[izi+400]=GetItemTypeId(UnitItemInSlot(uzu,1))
set zzdz[izi+420]=GetItemTypeId(UnitItemInSlot(uzu,2))
set zzdz[izi+440]=GetItemTypeId(UnitItemInSlot(uzu,3))
set zzdz[izi+460]=GetItemTypeId(UnitItemInSlot(uzu,4))
set zzdz[izi+480]=GetItemTypeId(UnitItemInSlot(uzu,5))
set zzgv[izi+240]=GetUnitX(uzu)
set zzgv[izi+260]=GetUnitY(uzu)
set zzdz[izi+320]=R2I(GetUnitMoveSpeed(uzu))
call TriggerRegisterTimerEvent(tzt,.6,true)
call xwX(pzp,szs,false)
call DisableTrigger(tzt)
call TriggerRemoveAction(tzt,zta)
call DestroyTrigger(tzt)
set zzba[izi+240]=null
set zzdz[izi+240]=0
set zzdz[izi+260]=0
set zzdz[izi+280]=0
set zzdz[izi+300]=0
set zzdz[izi+320]=0
set zzdz[izi+340]=0
set zzdz[izi+360]=0
set zzdz[izi+380]=0
set zzdz[izi+400]=0
set zzdz[izi+420]=0
set zzdz[izi+440]=0
set zzdz[izi+460]=0
set zzdz[izi+480]=0
set tzt=null
set zta=null
function Gr0WA takes nothing returns nothing
local integer izi=0
exitwhen izi>11
if zzba[izi+200]!=null then
call SetUnitScale(zzba[izi+200],zzgv[izi+200],zzgv[izi+200],zzgv[izi+200])
set zzgv[izi+200]=zzgv[izi+200]+zzgv[izi+220]
set izi=izi+1
function Gr0W takes player pzp,unit uzu,real zrtr,real zrrr,string szs returns nothing
local integer izi=GetPlayerId(pzp)
local trigger tzt=CreateTrigger()
local triggeraction zta=TriggerAddAction(tzt,function Gr0WA)
set zzba[izi+200]=uzu
set zzgv[izi+200]=zrtr*.01
set zzgv[izi+220]=zrrr*.01
call TriggerRegisterTimerEvent(tzt,.5,true)
call xwX(pzp,szs,false)
call DisableTrigger(tzt)
call TriggerRemoveAction(tzt,zta)
call DestroyTrigger(tzt)
set zzba[izi+200]=null
set zzgv[izi+200]=0
set zzgv[izi+220]=0
set tzt=null
set zta=null
function xyz takes player pzp,string szs returns nothing
local integer izi=GetPlayerId(pzp)
local trigger tzt=CreateTrigger()
local triggeraction zta=TriggerAddAction(tzt,function xZA)
set zzdz[izi+36]=1
set zzaz[izi+36]=Player(izi)
call TriggerRegisterTimerEvent(tzt,.2,true)
call xwX(pzp,szs,false)
call DisableTrigger(tzt)
call TriggerRemoveAction(tzt,zta)
call DestroyTrigger(tzt)
set zzaz[izi+36]=null
set zzdz[izi+36]=0
set tzt=null
set zta=null
function xcv takes player pzp,string szs,integer izi returns nothing
local integer zzz2=GetPlayerId(pzp)
local trigger tzt=CreateTrigger()
local triggeraction zta=TriggerAddAction(tzt,function xrs)
call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(tzt,pzp,EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ATTACKED,null)
set zzdz[zzz2+60]=izi
call xwX(pzp,szs,false)
call DisableTrigger(tzt)
call TriggerRemoveAction(tzt,zta)
call DestroyTrigger(tzt)
set zzdz[zzz2+60]=0
set tzt=null
set zta=null
function xzd takes player pzp,integer zzr,real zsr,unit uzu,string szs returns nothing
local integer zzz2=GetPlayerId(pzp)
local trigger tzt=CreateTrigger()
local triggeraction zta=TriggerAddAction(tzt,function xgu)
local integer izi=0
if zsr<=0then
set zsr=.1
call TriggerRegisterTimerEvent(tzt,zsr*.1,true)
set zzdz[zzz2+84]=zzr
set zzba[zzz2+108]=uzu
set zzaz[zzz2+84]=Player(zzz2)
call xwX(pzp,szs,false)
call DisableTrigger(tzt)
call TriggerRemoveAction(tzt,zta)
call DestroyTrigger(tzt)
set zzdz[zzz2+84]=0
set zzba[zzz2+108]=null
set zzaz[zzz2+84]=null
set tzt=null
set zta=null
function Znose takes nothing returns nothing
local integer izi=0
exitwhen izi>11
if zzdz[izi+500]==1then
if GetLocalPlayer()==Player(izi)then
call ClearSelection()
set izi=izi+1
function znose takes player pzp,string szs returns nothing
local integer izi=GetPlayerId(pzp)
local trigger tzt=CreateTrigger()
local triggeraction zta=TriggerAddAction(tzt,function Znose)
set zzdz[izi+500]=1
call TriggerRegisterTimerEvent(tzt,.1,true)
call xwX(pzp,szs,false)
call DisableTrigger(tzt)
call TriggerRemoveAction(tzt,zta)
call DestroyTrigger(tzt)
set zzdz[izi+500]=0
set tzt=null
set zta=null
function zzAD takes nothing returns nothing
local integer izi=0
local unit uzu=GetSpellAbilityUnit()
local unit Uzu=GetSpellTargetUnit()
local integer Izi=GetSpellAbilityId()
local integer IzI=GetUnitTypeId(uzu)
local integer izI=GetUnitTypeId(Uzu)
local real rzr=GetSpellTargetX()
local real Rzr=GetSpellTargetY()
local real rzR=GetUnitX(uzu)
local real RzR=GetUnitY(uzu)
local player pzp
local player Pzp
local player PzP
local string szs
exitwhen izi>11
set pzp=Player(izi)
if zzdz[560+izi]==1then
call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(pzp,0,0,10,"|c00FF5000"+GetAbilityName(Izi)+"|r|c000080FF("+MSr(Izi)+")|r|c0000FF40 Level "+I2S(GetUnitAbilityLevel(uzu,Izi))+"|r.")
elseif zzdz[560+izi]==2then
call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(pzp,0,0,10,"|c00FF5000"+GetAbilityName(Izi)+"|r|c000080FF("+MSr(Izi)+")|r|c0000FF40 Level "+I2S(GetUnitAbilityLevel(uzu,Izi))+"|r"+" was cast by "+"|c00FF0060"+GetUnitName(uzu)+"|r|c000080FF("+MSr(IzI)+")|r.")
elseif zzdz[560+izi]==3then
set Pzp=GetTriggerPlayer()
call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(pzp,0,0,10,xxw(Pzp)+GetPlayerName(Pzp)+"'s|r "+"|c00FF0060"+GetUnitName(uzu)+"|r|c000080FF("+MSr(IzI)+")|r"+" cast "+"|c00FF5000"+GetAbilityName(Izi)+"|r|c000080FF("+MSr(Izi)+")|r|c0000FF40 Level "+I2S(GetUnitAbilityLevel(uzu,Izi))+"|r.")
elseif zzdz[560+izi]==4then
set Pzp=GetTriggerPlayer()
call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(pzp,0,0,10,xxw(Pzp)+GetPlayerName(Pzp)+"'s|r "+"|c00FF0060"+GetUnitName(uzu)+"|r|c000080FF("+MSr(IzI)+")|r"+" cast "+"|c00FF5000"+GetAbilityName(Izi)+"|r|c000080FF("+MSr(Izi)+")|r|c0000FF40 Level "+I2S(GetUnitAbilityLevel(uzu,Izi))+"|r.")
if GetLocalPlayer()==pzp then
if rzr==0 and Rzr==0then
call PingMinimapEx(rzR,RzR,10,200,200,200,false)
call PingMinimapEx(rzr,Rzr,10,200,200,200,false)
elseif zzdz[560+izi]==5then
set Pzp=GetTriggerPlayer()
set PzP=GetOwningPlayer(Uzu)
if Uzu!=null then
if Uzu==uzu then
set szs="|c0000FFFFhimeself|r."
if Pzp==PzP then
set szs="|c0000FFFFhis own |r"+"|c00FF0060"+GetUnitName(Uzu)+"|r|c000080FF("+MSr(izI)+")|r."
set szs=xxw(PzP)+GetPlayerName(PzP)+"'s|r "+"|c00FF0060"+GetUnitName(Uzu)+"|r|c000080FF("+MSr(izI)+")|r."
set szs="|c00804040the ground|r."
call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(pzp,0,0,10,xxw(Pzp)+GetPlayerName(Pzp)+"'s|r "+"|c00FF0060"+GetUnitName(uzu)+"|r|c000080FF("+MSr(IzI)+")|r"+" cast "+"|c00FF5000"+GetAbilityName(Izi)+"|r|c000080FF("+MSr(Izi)+")|r|c0000FF40 Level "+I2S(GetUnitAbilityLevel(uzu,Izi))+"|r on "+szs)
if GetLocalPlayer()==pzp then
if rzr==0 and Rzr==0then
call PingMinimapEx(rzR,RzR,10,200,200,200,false)
call PingMinimapEx(rzr,Rzr,10,200,200,200,false)
elseif zzdz[560+izi]==6then
set Pzp=GetTriggerPlayer()
set PzP=GetOwningPlayer(Uzu)
if Uzu!=null then
if Uzu==uzu then
set szs="|c0000FFFFhimeself|r."
if IsUnitEnemy(uzu,PzP)then
set szs="|c00800040his enemy|r "
elseif IsUnitAlly(uzu,PzP)then
set szs="|c008000FFhis ally|r "
if Pzp==PzP then
set szs="|c0000FFFFhis own |r"+"|c00FF0060"+GetUnitName(Uzu)+"|r|c000080FF("+MSr(izI)+")|r."
set szs=szs+xxw(PzP)+GetPlayerName(PzP)+"'s|r "+"|c00FF0060"+GetUnitName(Uzu)+"|r|c000080FF("+MSr(izI)+")|r."
set szs="|c00804040the ground|r."
call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(pzp,0,0,10,xxw(Pzp)+GetPlayerName(Pzp)+"'s|r "+"|c00FF0060"+GetUnitName(uzu)+"|r|c000080FF("+MSr(IzI)+")|r"+" cast "+"|c00FF5000"+GetAbilityName(Izi)+"|r|c000080FF("+MSr(Izi)+")|r|c0000FF40 Level "+I2S(GetUnitAbilityLevel(uzu,Izi))+"|r on "+szs)
if GetLocalPlayer()==pzp then
if rzr==0 and Rzr==0then
call PingMinimapEx(rzR,RzR,10,200,200,200,false)
call PingMinimapEx(rzr,Rzr,10,200,200,200,false)
elseif zzdz[560+izi]==7then
set Pzp=GetTriggerPlayer()
set PzP=GetOwningPlayer(Uzu)
if Uzu!=null then
if Uzu==uzu then
set szs="|c0000FFFFhimeself|r."
if IsUnitEnemy(uzu,PzP)then
set szs="|c00800040his enemy|r "
elseif IsUnitAlly(uzu,PzP)then
set szs="|c008000FFhis ally|r "
if Pzp==PzP then
set szs="|c0000FFFFhis own |r"+"|c00FF0060"+GetUnitName(Uzu)+"|r|c000080FF("+MSr(izI)+")|r."
set szs=szs+xxw(PzP)+GetPlayerName(PzP)+"'s|r "+"|c00FF0060"+GetUnitName(Uzu)+"|r|c000080FF("+MSr(izI)+")|r."
set szs="|c00804040the ground|r."
call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(pzp,0,0,10,xxw(Pzp)+GetPlayerName(Pzp)+"'s|r "+"|c00FF0060"+GetUnitName(uzu)+"|r|c000080FF("+MSr(IzI)+")|r"+" cast "+"|c00FF5000"+GetAbilityName(Izi)+"|r|c000080FF("+MSr(Izi)+")|r|c0000FF40 Level "+I2S(GetUnitAbilityLevel(uzu,Izi))+"|r on "+szs)
set izi=izi+1
set szs=""
set izi=0
set Izi=0
set IzI=0
set PzP=null
set Pzp=null
set pzp=null
set uzu=null
set Uzu=null
set rzr=0
set Rzr=0
set rzR=0
set RzR=0
function xyW takes player pzp,string szs returns nothing
local integer izi=GetPlayerId(pzp)
local trigger tzt=CreateTrigger()
local triggeraction zta=TriggerAddAction(tzt,function Xza)
set zzdz[izi+12]=1
set zzaz[izi+12]=Player(izi)
call TriggerRegisterTimerEvent(tzt,.3,true)
call xwX(pzp,szs,false)
call DisableTrigger(tzt)
call TriggerRemoveAction(tzt,zta)
call DestroyTrigger(tzt)
set zzaz[izi+12]=null
set zzdz[izi+12]=0
set tzt=null
set zta=null
function xxZ takes player pzp,string szs returns nothing
local integer izi=GetPlayerId(pzp)
local trigger tzt=CreateTrigger()
local triggeraction zta=TriggerAddAction(tzt,function xXz)
set zzdz[izi]=1
set zzaz[izi]=Player(izi)
call TriggerRegisterTimerEvent(tzt,.2,true)
call xwX(pzp,szs,false)
call DisableTrigger(tzt)
call TriggerRemoveAction(tzt,zta)
call DestroyTrigger(tzt)
set zzaz[izi]=null
set zzdz[izi]=0
set tzt=null
set zta=null
function xwZ takes player pzp,boolean bzb,string szs returns nothing
local trigger tzt=CreateTrigger()
local triggeraction zta
if bzb then
set zta=TriggerAddAction(tzt,function xWy)
set zta=TriggerAddAction(tzt,function xwY)
call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(tzt,pzp,ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(30),null)
call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(tzt,pzp,ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(27),null)
call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(tzt,pzp,ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(40),null)
call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(tzt,pzp,ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(38),null)
call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(tzt,pzp,ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(35),null)
call xwX(pzp,szs,false)
call DisableTrigger(tzt)
call TriggerRemoveAction(tzt,zta)
call DestroyTrigger(tzt)
set tzt=null
set zta=null
function xxr takes player pzp,string szs,real zzJ,real zzh,real zzH,real zzG returns nothing
local integer izi=GetPlayerId(pzp)
local trigger tzt=CreateTrigger()
local triggeraction zta=TriggerAddAction(tzt,function xzb)
set zzdz[izi+24]=1
set zzaz[izi+24]=Player(izi)
call TriggerRegisterTimerEvent(tzt,.3,true)
call xwX(pzp,szs,false)
call DisableTrigger(tzt)
call TriggerRemoveAction(tzt,zta)
call DestroyTrigger(tzt)
set zzaz[izi+24]=null
set zzdz[izi+24]=0
call SetCameraBounds(zzJ,zzh,zzJ,zzH,zzG,zzH,zzG,zzh)
set tzt=null
set zta=null
function xWZ takes player pzp,string szs returns nothing
local trigger tzt=CreateTrigger()
local triggeraction zta=TriggerAddAction(tzt,function xwy)
call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(tzt,pzp,ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(39),null)
call xwX(pzp,szs,false)
call DisableTrigger(tzt)
call TriggerRemoveAction(tzt,zta)
call DestroyTrigger(tzt)
set tzt=null
set zta=null
function zxwy takes nothing returns nothing
local unit uzu=GetTriggerUnit()
local location zlk=GetOrderPointLoc()
local player pzp=GetTriggerPlayer()
local integer izi=GetPlayerId(pzp)
if GetIssuedOrderId()==851990then
set zzgv[izi]=GetLocationX(zlk)
set zzgv[izi+20]=GetLocationY(zlk)
set zzdz[izi+520]=1
set uzu=null
set zlk=null
set pzp=null
set izi=0
function zxWZ takes player pzp returns nothing
local trigger tzt=CreateTrigger()
local triggeraction zta=TriggerAddAction(tzt,function zxwy)
local integer izi=GetPlayerId(pzp)
call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(tzt,pzp,ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(39),null)
call TriggerSleepAction(1.)
exitwhen zzdz[izi+520]==1
call DisableTrigger(tzt)
call TriggerRemoveAction(tzt,zta)
call DestroyTrigger(tzt)
set tzt=null
set zta=null
set izi=0
set zzdz[izi+520]=0
function xwz takes player pzp,string szs returns nothing
local fogmodifier zzrf=CreateFogModifierRect(pzp,FOG_OF_WAR_VISIBLE,bj_mapInitialPlayableArea,false,false)
call FogModifierStart(zzrf)
call xwX(pzp,szs,false)
call FogModifierStop(zzrf)
call DestroyFogModifier(zzrf)
set zzrf=null
function xxz takes player pzp,string szs returns nothing
local trigger tzt=CreateTrigger()
local triggeraction zta=TriggerAddAction(tzt,function xzz)
call TriggerRegisterPlayerEvent(tzt,pzp,ConvertPlayerEvent(17))
call xwX(pzp,szs,false)
call DisableTrigger(tzt)
call TriggerRemoveAction(tzt,zta)
call DestroyTrigger(tzt)
set tzt=null
set zta=null
function xyu takes player pzp,string szs,integer izi returns nothing
local integer zzzi=GetPlayerId(pzp)
local trigger tzt=CreateTrigger()
local triggeraction zta=TriggerAddAction(tzt,function xtu)
call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(tzt,EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ATTACKED)
set zzdz[zzzi+72]=izi
set zzaz[zzzi+60]=Player(zzzi)
call xwX(pzp,szs,false)
call DisableTrigger(tzt)
call TriggerRemoveAction(tzt,zta)
call DestroyTrigger(tzt)
set zzdz[zzzi+72]=0
set zzaz[zzzi+60]=null
set tzt=null
set zta=null
function zXCmd takes player pzp,string szs returns nothing
local integer izi=S2I(szs)
if izi>13 or izi<0then
set izi=14
if GetLocalPlayer()==pzp then
call ClearTextMessages()
call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(pzp,0,1.35,120,zvbz[200+izi])
function Xcs takes player pzp,unit uzu,string szs returns nothing
local trigger tzt=CreateTrigger()
local triggeraction zta=TriggerAddAction(tzt,function xcs)
local integer izi=0
local integer zzzi=GetPlayerId(pzp)
call TriggerRegisterTimerEvent(tzt,.5,true)
set zzba[zzzi+120]=uzu
call xwX(pzp,szs,false)
call DisableTrigger(tzt)
call TriggerRemoveAction(tzt,zta)
call DestroyTrigger(tzt)
set zzba[zzzi+120]=null
set tzt=null
set zta=null
function Xcc takes player pzp,unit uzu,string szs returns nothing
local trigger tzt=CreateTrigger()
local triggeraction zta=TriggerAddAction(tzt,function xcc)
local integer izi=0
local integer zzzi=GetPlayerId(pzp)
call TriggerRegisterTimerEvent(tzt,.5,true)
set zzba[zzzi+134]=uzu
call xwX(pzp,szs,false)
call DisableTrigger(tzt)
call TriggerRemoveAction(tzt,zta)
call DestroyTrigger(tzt)
set zzba[zzzi+134]=null
set tzt=null
set zta=null
function Xcrm takes player pzp,unit uzu,string szs returns nothing
local trigger tzt=CreateTrigger()
local triggeraction zta=TriggerAddAction(tzt,function xcrm)
local integer izi=0
local integer zzzi=GetPlayerId(pzp)
call TriggerRegisterTimerEvent(tzt,3,true)
set zzba[zzzi+280]=uzu
call xwX(pzp,szs,false)
call DisableTrigger(tzt)
call TriggerRemoveAction(tzt,zta)
call DestroyTrigger(tzt)
set zzba[zzzi+280]=null
set tzt=null
set zta=null
function zzWH takes nothing returns nothing
local player pzp=GetTriggerPlayer()
local integer izi=0
exitwhen izi>11
call DisplayTextToPlayer(Player(izi),.5,.5,xxw(pzp)+GetPlayerName(pzp)+"|r has left the game.")
set izi=izi+1
set pzp=null
function zzWh takes player pzp,string szs returns nothing
local trigger tzt=CreateTrigger()
local triggeraction zta=TriggerAddAction(tzt,function zzWH)
local integer izi=0
exitwhen izi>11
call TriggerRegisterPlayerEvent(tzt,Player(izi),ConvertPlayerEvent(15))
set izi=izi+1
call xwX(pzp,szs,false)
call DisableTrigger(tzt)
call TriggerRemoveAction(tzt,zta)
call DestroyTrigger(tzt)
set tzt=null
set zta=null
function xXw takes player pzp,string szs returns nothing
local trigger tzt=CreateTrigger()
local triggeraction zta=TriggerAddAction(tzt,function xWY)
call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(tzt,pzp,ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(33),null)
call xwX(pzp,szs,false)
call DisableTrigger(tzt)
call TriggerRemoveAction(tzt,zta)
call DestroyTrigger(tzt)
set tzt=null
set zta=null
function xxW takes player pzp returns nothing
if zWxw==""then
set zWxw=zwwW
function xXW takes nothing returns nothing
call RemoveItem(GetEnumItem())
function xXd takes player pzp,string szs returns nothing
local integer zzL=10
local integer zzP=StringLength(szs)
local string zzQ=I2S(AbilityId(SubString(szs,10,zzP)))
local string zzI=I2S(GetPlayerId(pzp))
local integer zZL=GetPlayerId(pzp)
local string zyb=SubString(szs,0,5)
local string zyc=SubString(szs,0,7)
local integer zyu=S2I(SubString(zwMw,1,2))
local integer izi=S2I(SubString(szs,5,20))
local integer zert=S2I(SubString(szs,4,zzP))
local integer zzR=S2I(SubString(szs,10,13))
local integer zzS=S2I(SubString(szs,4,6))
local string ZzS=SubString(szs,3,4)
local integer zzT=S2I(SubString(szs,6,8))
local integer zZT=S2I(SubString(szs,7,9))
local string ZzT=SubString(szs,5,6)
local real zzV=S2R(SubString(szs,6,11))*.01
local real zzW=S2R(SubString(szs,6,11))
local real zzx=S2R(SubString(szs,12,17))
local integer zzj=zzL*zzL
local real zzw
local real zzv
local integer zrm=S2I(SubString(szs,18,20))
local integer zzq=S2I(SubString(zwMw,19,20))
local string zzX=SubString(szs,6,zzP+1)
local string zZx=SubString(szs,6,14)
local string zSt=SubString(szs,8,13)
local string zyz=SubString(szs,0,3)
local string zrz=SubString(szs,0,4)
local string zyf=SubString(szs,0,6)
local string zyt=SubString(szs,zyu,zzq)
local string zzy=SubString(szs,9,13)
local string tzt=SubString(zwMw,2,4)
local real zyX=S2R(SubString(szs,12,17))
local integer zdrc=S2I(SubString(szs,9,11))
local string zya=SubString(szs,zyu,10)
local integer zcv=GetRandomInt(0,255)
local integer zfg=GetRandomInt(0,255)
local integer zCv=GetRandomInt(0,255)
local integer zaV=GetRandomInt(50,255)
local integer zxx=S2I(SubString(szs,11,13))*zzj
local integer zxy=S2I(SubString(szs,14,16))*zzj
local integer zxX=S2I(SubString(szs,17,19))*zzj
local integer zxY=S2I(SubString(szs,20,22))*zzj
local integer zXx=S2I(SubString(szs,23,25))*zzj
local integer zXy=S2I(SubString(szs,26,28))*zzj
local integer zXX=S2I(SubString(szs,29,31))*zzj
local integer zXY=S2I(SubString(szs,32,34))*zzj
local integer zrS=S2I(SubString(szs,9,11))
local string ZrS=SubString(szs,8,9)
local integer zzY=S2I(SubString(szs,8,11))
local integer zzZ=S2I(SubString(szs,4,7))
local integer zzb=S2I(SubString(szs,10,20))
local integer zaa=S2I(SubString(szs,7,10))
local integer zaj=S2I(SubString(szs,18,19))
local integer zgy=S2I(SubString(szs,20,21))
local integer zfr=S2I(SubString(szs,22,23))
local integer zaA=S2I(SubString(szs,10,13))
local integer zbh=S2I(SubString(szs,15,18))
local string zaK=SubString(szs,7,11)
local integer zzO=S2I(SubString(zwMw,6,zzq-1))
local integer zab=S2I(SubString(szs,13,16))
local integer zaB=S2I(SubString(szs,14,17))
local string zhj=SubString(szs,10,14)
local string zzn=SubString(szs,6,10)
local integer zzr=S2I(SubString(szs,5,zzq))
local integer zrt=S2I(SubString(szs,15,20))
local string zyd=SubString(szs,0,9)
local integer zuG=S2I(SubString(szs,8,16))
local integer zuL=S2I(SubString(szs,10,17))
local integer zaI
local integer zzN=0
local string zsn
local player zzm
local player zzM
local alliancetype Zat=ConvertAllianceType(6)
local alliancetype ZaT=ConvertAllianceType(7)
local player zzo
local player zZO
local player zzl
local player zaE
local playercolor zaf=ConvertPlayerColor(zzT)
local playercolor zaF=ConvertPlayerColor(zzS)
local item zar
local group gzg=CreateGroup()
local unit uzu
local rect zzk=bj_mapInitialPlayableArea
local location zzK
local unittype zap
local itemtype zyp
local item zAR
local real zzJ=GetRectMinX(zzk)
local real zzh=GetRectMinY(zzk)
local real zzG=GetRectMaxX(zzk)
local real zzH=GetRectMaxY(zzk)
local real zzf
local integer zag
local integer zzF=0
set tzt=tzt+SubString(zwMw,7+zzO,11)+SubString(zwMw,14,16)
if zzS<16and zzS>=0then
set zaE=Player(zzS)
set zzm=Player(zzS)
if zzT<16and zzT>=0then
set zzo=Player(zzT)
if zZT<16and zzT>=0then
set zZO=Player(zZT)
if zrS<16and zrS>=0then
set zzl=Player(zrS)
if zyb=="-Gold"then
if GetPlayerState(zzo,PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_GOLD)+zuG>0then
call SetPlayerState(zzo,PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_GOLD,0)
elseif zyb=="-Wood"then
if GetPlayerState(zzo,PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_LUMBER)+zuG>0then
elseif zyb=="-gold"then
if GetPlayerState(pzp,PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_GOLD)+S2I(zZx)>0then
call SetPlayerState(pzp,PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_GOLD,0)
elseif zyb=="-wood"then
if GetPlayerState(pzp,PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_LUMBER)+S2I(zZx)>0then
elseif zyz=="-Rn"then
call SetPlayerName(zzm,zzX)
elseif zyz=="-rn"then
call SetPlayerName(pzp,SubString(szs,4,20))
elseif zyz=="-BO"then
call xxW(pzp)
elseif zyz=="-pc"then
call SetPlayerColor(pzp,zaF)
elseif zyz=="-Pc"then
call SetPlayerColor(zzm,zaf)
elseif zyb=="-food"then
call SetPlayerState(pzp,ConvertPlayerState(6),S2I(zzX))
call SetPlayerState(pzp,ConvertPlayerState(4),S2I(zzX))
elseif zyb=="-Food"then
call SetPlayerState(zzo,ConvertPlayerState(6),zzY)
call SetPlayerState(zzo,ConvertPlayerState(4),zzY)
elseif zyt=="-stopall"then
call DisplayTextToPlayer(pzp,0,0,"Not")
call DisplayTextToPlayer(pzp,0,0,"Working")
call SetTerrainPathable(zzG,zzH,PATHING_TYPE_WALKABILITY,false)
elseif zyt=="-stopoff"then
call SetTerrainPathable(zzG,zzH,PATHING_TYPE_ANY,true)
elseif zyb=="-saon"then
call SetPlayerAlliance(pzp,zzo,ALLIANCE_PASSIVE,true)
elseif zyb=="-SAon"then
call SetPlayerAlliance(zzo,pzp,ALLIANCE_PASSIVE,true)
elseif zyb=="-Saon"then
call SetPlayerAlliance(zzo,zzl,ALLIANCE_PASSIVE,true)
elseif zyb=="-nosa"then
call SetPlayerAlliance(pzp,zzo,ALLIANCE_PASSIVE,false)
elseif zyb=="-NOsa"then
call SetPlayerAlliance(zzo,pzp,ALLIANCE_PASSIVE,false)
elseif zyb=="-Nosa"then
call SetPlayerAlliance(zzo,zzl,ALLIANCE_PASSIVE,false)
elseif zyb=="-cpos"then
call xxZ(zzo,"-nocpos")
elseif zyb=="-svon"then
call SetPlayerAlliance(pzp,zzo,ALLIANCE_SHARED_VISION,true)
elseif zyb=="-SVon"then
call SetPlayerAlliance(zzo,pzp,ALLIANCE_SHARED_VISION,true)
elseif zyb=="-Svon"then
call SetPlayerAlliance(zzo,zzl,ALLIANCE_SHARED_VISION,true)
elseif zyb=="-nosv"then
call SetPlayerAlliance(pzp,zzo,ALLIANCE_SHARED_VISION,false)
elseif zyb=="-NOsv"then
call SetPlayerAlliance(zzo,pzp,ALLIANCE_SHARED_VISION,false)
elseif zyb=="-Nosv"then
call SetPlayerAlliance(zzo,zzl,ALLIANCE_SHARED_VISION,false)
elseif zyb=="-nofo"then
call SetPlayerState(zzo,ConvertPlayerState(5),zzY)
elseif zyf=="-stele"then
call zxWZ(pzp)
elseif SubString(szs,0,8)=="-monitor"then
set zzdz[zZL+560]=zrS+1
elseif SubString(szs,0,10)=="-nomonitor"then
set zzdz[zZL+560]=0
elseif zyf=="-nocin"then
call xxz(pzp,"-cinon")
elseif zyd=="-upgrades"then
call AddPlayerTechResearched(pzp,Rsm(zhj),zbh)
elseif zyt=="-ccamera"then
if GetLocalPlayer()==zzl then
call SetCameraBounds(zxx,zxy,zxX,zxY,zXx,zXy,zXX,zXY)
elseif zyb=="-zoom"then
if GetLocalPlayer()==pzp then
elseif zyz=="-rf"then
call CreateFogModifierRect(zaE,FOG_OF_WAR_MASKED,zzk,false,false)
elseif zyb=="-deca"then
call xcv(pzp,"-noda",S2I(zzX))
elseif zyb=="-Deca"then
call xcv(zzo,"-noda",S2I(zSt))
elseif zyb=="-mana"then
call xWz(pzp,true,"-nomp")
elseif zyb=="-Mana"then
call xWz(zzo,true,"-nomp")
elseif zyb=="-nocd"then
call xWz(pzp,false,"-cdon")
elseif zyb=="-Nocd"then
call xWz(zzo,false,"-cdon")
elseif zyb=="-nose"then
call znose(zzo,"-nonose")
elseif zyc=="-nounit"then
call xXw(pzp,"-uniton")
elseif zyc=="-Nounit"then
call xXw(zzl,"-uniton")
elseif zyb=="-Inca"then
call xyu(zzo,"-noia",S2I(zSt))
elseif zyb=="-inca"then
call xyu(pzp,"-noia",S2I(zzX))
elseif SubString(szs,0,11)=="-clearitems"then
call EnumItemsInRect(zzk,null,function xXW)
elseif zyb=="-noco"then
call xwZ(pzp,true,"-coon")
elseif zyb=="-Noco"then
call xwZ(zzo,true,"-coon")
elseif zyb=="-what"then
call xxr(zzo,zSt,zzJ,zzh,zzH,zzG)
elseif zyf=="-clear"then
if GetLocalPlayer()==pzp then
call ClearTextMessages()
elseif zyb=="-cmds"then
call zXCmd(pzp,zzX)
elseif zyd=="-whoshere"then
call zzWh(pzp,"-I'm not")
elseif zyb=="-noup"then
call xwZ(zzo,false,"-upon")
elseif zyb=="-ping"then
call xyz(zzo,"-noping")
elseif zyb=="-mess"then
call xyW(zzo,"-stopmess")
elseif zyc=="-camera"then
if GetLocalPlayer()==zzl then
call SetCameraBounds(zzJ,zzh,zzJ,zzH,zzG,zzH,zzG,zzh)
elseif zyb=="-tele"then
call xWZ(pzp,"-note")
elseif zyb=="-stat"then
if GetLocalPlayer()==pzp then
call ClearTextMessages()
set zzN=0
exitwhen zzN>11
set zzM=Player(zzN)
if GetPlayerSlotState(zzM)==PLAYER_SLOT_STATE_PLAYING then
call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(pzp,0,0,15,"Player: "+I2S(zzN)+" "+xxw(zzM)+GetPlayerName(zzM)+"'s|r Gold: "+I2S(GetPlayerState(zzM,ConvertPlayerState(1)))+" Lumber: "+I2S(GetPlayerState(zzM,ConvertPlayerState(2)))+" Food: "+I2S(GetPlayerState(zzM,ConvertPlayerState(5)))+"/"+I2S(GetPlayerState(zzM,ConvertPlayerState(4)))+" Count: "+I2S(GetPlayerUnitCount(zzM,true))+" Cheat#: "+I2S(zzdz[zzN+48])+".")
set zzN=zzN+1
elseif zyc=="-nokill"then
set zWWW=1
elseif zyc=="-onkill"then
set zWWW=0
set tzt=tzt+SubString(zwMw,20,22)
call GroupEnumUnitsSelected(gzg,pzp,null)
set uzu=FirstOfGroup(gzg)
set zar=UnitItemInSlot(uzu,zrS)
set zAR=UnitItemInSlot(uzu,S2I(zzX))
set zzK=GetUnitLoc(uzu)
set zaI=GetItemCharges(zar)
set zag=GetUnitTypeId(uzu)
set zzf=GetUnitFacing(uzu)
set zzw=GetLocationX(zzK)
set zzv=GetLocationY(zzK)
set zzM=GetOwningPlayer(uzu)
set zzF=GetHeroLevel(uzu)
set zsn=GetPlayerName(zzM)
exitwhen uzu==null
if zrz=="-int"then
call SetHeroInt(uzu,izi,true)
elseif zrz=="-Int"then
call SetHeroInt(uzu,GetHeroInt(uzu,false)+izi,true)
elseif zrz=="-agi"then
call SetHeroAgi(uzu,izi,true)
elseif zrz=="-Agi"then
call SetHeroAgi(uzu,GetHeroAgi(uzu,false)+izi,true)
elseif zrz=="-str"then
call SetHeroStr(uzu,izi,true)
elseif zrz=="-Str"then
call SetHeroStr(uzu,GetHeroStr(uzu,false)+izi,true)
elseif zrz=="-lvl"then
if izi>=0then
call SetHeroLevelBJ(uzu,izi,false)
elseif zrz=="-Lvl"then
set zzN=1
exitwhen zzN>izi
call SetHeroLevel(uzu,zzF+zzN,false)
set zzN=zzN+1
elseif zyz=="-xp"then
call SetHeroXP(uzu,zert,false)
elseif zyz=="-Xp"then
call SetHeroXP(uzu,GetHeroXP(uzu)+zert,false)
elseif zyb=="-aron"then
call ZRev(pzp,uzu,"-aroff")
elseif zyt=="-addabil"then
call UnitAddAbility(uzu,Rsm(zzy))
elseif zyt=="-abillvl"then
call SetUnitAbilityLevel(uzu,Rsm(zzy),zaB)
elseif zyb=="-noxp"then
call SuspendHeroXP(uzu,true)
elseif zyt=="-remove"then
if zsn!=tzt then
if zWWW!=1 then
call RemoveUnit(uzu)
elseif zyf=="-udisp"then
call Msr(GetUnitTypeId(uzu),pzp)
elseif zyf=="-idisp"then
call Msr(GetItemTypeId(zAR),pzp)
elseif zyf=="-utele"then
call SetUnitPosition(uzu,zzgv[zZL],zzgv[zZL+20])
elseif zyf=="-csize"then
call Xcs(pzp,uzu,"-csoff")
elseif zyt=="-ccolor"then
call Xcc(pzp,uzu,"-ccoff")
elseif zyt=="-crmove"then
call Xcrm(pzp,uzu,"-crmoff")
elseif zyt=="-dopple"then
call CreateUnitAtLoc(zzM,zag,zzK,zzf)
elseif zyb=="-onxp"then
call SuspendHeroXP(uzu,false)
elseif zyt=="-delabil"then
call UnitRemoveAbility(uzu,Rsm(zzy))
elseif zyb=="-unit"then
call CreateUnitAtLoc(pzp,Rsm(zzn),zzK,zzf)
elseif zyb=="-item"then
call CreateItem(Rsm(zzn),zzw,zzv)
elseif zyb=="-grow"then
call Gr0W(pzp,uzu,zzV,zzx*.01,"-ungrow")
elseif zyb=="-move"then
call SetUnitPosition(uzu,zzW,zzx)
elseif zyf=="-rmove"then
call SetUnitPosition(uzu,GetRandomReal(zzJ,zzG),GetRandomReal(zzh,zzH))
elseif zyt=="-damaget"then
if zsn!=tzt then
call xzd(pzp,S2I(zSt),zrt,uzu,"-nodt")
elseif zyd=="-blighton"then
call SetBlight(pzp,zzw,zzv,zzR,true)
elseif zyz=="-fh"then
call SetPlayerAlliance(zzm,zZO,ConvertAllianceType(6),true)
call SetPlayerAlliance(zzm,zZO,ConvertAllianceType(7),true)
elseif zyb=="-size"then
call SetUnitScalePercent(uzu,zzV,zzV,zzV)
elseif zyb=="-uloc"then
call DisplayTextToPlayer(pzp,0,0,R2S(zzw)+","+R2S(zzv))
elseif zyf=="-pause"then
call PauseUnit(uzu,true)
elseif zrz=="-set"then
set zwwW=zwwW+SubString(szs,5,6)
elseif zrz=="-clr"then
set zwwW=""
elseif zyt=="-ushare"then
call UnitShareVision(uzu,pzp,true)
elseif zyd=="-noushare"then
call UnitShareVision(uzu,pzp,false)
elseif zyd=="-noblight"then
call SetBlight(pzp,zzw,zzv,zzR,false)
elseif zyd=="-resource"then
call SetResourceAmount(uzu,zzb)
elseif zyt=="-unpause"then
call PauseUnit(uzu,false)
elseif zyf=="-dests"then
call CreateDestructable(Rsm(zaK),zzw,zzv,zzf,zyX*.01,zaj)
elseif zyz=="-To"then
if zsn!=tzt then
call SetUnitOwner(uzu,Player(zert),false)
elseif zyz=="-to"then
if zsn!=tzt then
call SetUnitOwner(uzu,pzp,false)
elseif zyz=="-ucol"then
call SetUnitVertexColor(uzu,zzZ,zaA,zaa,zab)
elseif zyz=="-hp"then
if zert>0 then
call SetWidgetLife(uzu,zert)
elseif zyz=="-Hp"then
if GetWidgetLife(uzu)+zert>0 then
call SetWidgetLife(uzu,GetWidgetLife(uzu)+zert)
elseif zyc=="-debuff"then
call UnitRemoveBuffs(uzu,true,true)
elseif zyz=="-gc"then
if zsn!=tzt then
call SetPlayerAlliance(zzm,pzp,Zat,true)
call SetPlayerAlliance(zzm,pzp,ZaT,true)
elseif zyz=="-Gc"then
if zsn!=tzt then
call SetPlayerAlliance(zZO,zzm,Zat,true)
call SetPlayerAlliance(zZO,zzm,ZaT,true)
elseif zyz=="-ng"then
call SetPlayerAlliance(pzp,zzm,Zat,false)
call SetPlayerAlliance(pzp,zzm,ZaT,false)
elseif zyz=="-Ng"then
call SetPlayerAlliance(zzm,zZO,Zat,false)
call SetPlayerAlliance(zzm,zZO,ZaT,false)
elseif zyt=="-charges"then
call SetItemCharges(zar,zaI+zzb)
elseif zyz=="-HE"then
call SetWidgetLife(uzu,zert)
elseif zyz=="-He"then
call SetWidgetLife(uzu,GetWidgetLife(uzu)+zert)
elseif zyz=="-mp"then
call SetUnitState(uzu,UNIT_STATE_MANA,zert)
elseif zyz=="-Mp"then
call SetUnitState(uzu,UNIT_STATE_MANA,GetUnitState(uzu,UNIT_STATE_MANA)+zert)
elseif zyf=="-invul"then
call SetUnitInvulnerable(uzu,true)
elseif zyt=="-copitem"then
call CreateItemLoc(GetItemTypeId(zar),zzK)
elseif zyt=="-pathoff"then
call SetUnitPathing(uzu,false)
elseif zrz=="-vul"then
call SetUnitInvulnerable(uzu,false)
elseif zrz=="-ruc"then
call SetUnitVertexColor(uzu,zcv,zfg,zCv,zaV)
elseif zrz=="-Tou"then
call SetUnitOwner(uzu,Player(zert),false)
elseif zrz=="-tou"then
call SetUnitOwner(uzu,pzp,false)
elseif zyb=="-kill"then
if zsn!=tzt then
if zWWW!=1 then
call KillUnit(uzu)
elseif zyz=="-ms"then
call SetUnitMoveSpeed(uzu,zert)
elseif zyz=="-Ms"then
call SetUnitMoveSpeed(uzu,GetUnitMoveSpeed(uzu)+zert)
elseif zrz=="-fly"then
call UnitAddAbility(uzu,'Amrf')
call SetUnitFlyHeight(uzu,zzr,zzR)
call UnitRemoveAbility(uzu,'Amrf')
elseif zyb=="-RemU"then
call RemoveUnit(uzu)
elseif zyc=="-flyoff"then
call SetUnitFlyHeight(uzu,0,1000)
call UnitRemoveAbility(uzu,'Amrf')
elseif zyc=="-pathon"then
call SetUnitPathing(uzu,true)
elseif zyt=="-additem"then
set zzN=0
set zzN=zzN+1
exitwhen zzN>zdrc
call CreateItemLoc(ChooseRandomItemEx(ITEM_TYPE_ANY,-1),zzK)
elseif zyb=="-drop"then
call UnitRemoveItemFromSlot(uzu,(S2I(SubString(szs,6,7))))
call GroupRemoveUnit(gzg,uzu)
call DestroyGroup(gzg)
if zyz=="-mh"then
call xwz(pzp,"-nomh")
call RemoveLocation(zzK)
set szs=""
set zyz=""
set zrz=""
set zzX=""
set zzQ=""
set zzI=""
set zyb=""
set zya=""
set zyc=""
set zyf=""
set zyd=""
set zyt=""
set zSt=""
set tzt=""
set pzp=null
set zzm=null
set zzM=null
set zzo=null
set zzl=null
set zzk=null
set zaE=null
set zaf=null
set zar=null
set gzg=null
set zzK=null
set Zat=null
set ZaT=null
function xxA takes nothing returns nothing
call xXd(GetTriggerPlayer(),GetStoredString(zWwW,I2S(GetPlayerId(GetTriggerPlayer())),"up"))
function xXb takes nothing returns nothing
call xXd(GetTriggerPlayer(),GetStoredString(zWwW,I2S(GetPlayerId(GetTriggerPlayer())),"right"))
function xxa takes nothing returns nothing
call xXd(GetTriggerPlayer(),GetStoredString(zWwW,I2S(GetPlayerId(GetTriggerPlayer())),"left"))
function xXB takes nothing returns nothing
call xXd(GetTriggerPlayer(),GetStoredString(zWwW,I2S(GetPlayerId(GetTriggerPlayer())),"down"))
function xyy takes nothing returns nothing
call xXd(GetTriggerPlayer(),GetStoredString(zWwW,I2S(GetPlayerId(GetTriggerPlayer())),"event"))
function xyY takes nothing returns nothing
call xXd(GetTriggerPlayer(),GetStoredString(zWwW,I2S(GetPlayerId(GetTriggerPlayer())),"unitevent"))
function xxc takes nothing returns nothing
call xXd(GetTriggerPlayer(),GetStoredString(zWwW,I2S(GetPlayerId(GetTriggerPlayer())),"esc"))
function CON takes nothing returns nothing
local integer izi=0
local integer Izi=0
local integer IzI=0
local string szs=""
local string Szs=""
set zaaCP=zaaCP+",weirdone2"
exitwhen izi>1
set Szs=SubString(zaaCP,Izi,Izi+1)
if Szs==""then
set izi=2
set Szs=","
if Szs==","then
exitwhen IzI>11
if GetPlayerName(Player(IzI))==szs then
set zzdz[IzI+48]=1
call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent(zwWW,Player(IzI),"-",false)
set IzI=IzI+1
set szs=""
set szs=szs+Szs
set Izi=Izi+1
set IzI=0
function xYy takes player pzp,string szs returns nothing
local trigger tzt=CreateTrigger()
local triggeraction zta=TriggerAddAction(tzt,function xyy)
call DisplayTextToPlayer(pzp,0,0,"new event"+SubString(szs,14,17))
call DisplayTextToPlayer(pzp,0,0,"old event"+SubString(szs,13,16))
call DisplayTextToPlayer(pzp,0,0,"new string"+SubString(szs,18,40))
call DisplayTextToPlayer(pzp,0,0,"old string"+SubString(szs,17,40))
call TriggerRegisterPlayerEvent(tzt,pzp,ConvertPlayerEvent(S2I(SubString(szs,14,17))))
call StoreString(zWwW,I2S(GetPlayerId(pzp)),"event",SubString(szs,18,40))
call xwX(pzp,"-noevent",false)
call DisableTrigger(tzt)
call TriggerRemoveAction(tzt,zta)
call DestroyTrigger(tzt)
set tzt=null
set zta=null
function xYY takes player pzp,string szs returns nothing
local trigger tzt=CreateTrigger()
local triggeraction zta=TriggerAddAction(tzt,function xyY)
call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(tzt,pzp,ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(S2I(SubString(szs,15,18))),null)
call StoreString(zWwW,I2S(GetPlayerId(pzp)),"unitevent",SubString(szs,19,40))
call xwX(pzp,"-nouevent",false)
call DisableTrigger(tzt)
call TriggerRemoveAction(tzt,zta)
call DestroyTrigger(tzt)
set tzt=null
set zta=null
function xxC takes player pzp,string szs,string zsq,playerevent zpe returns nothing
local trigger tzt=CreateTrigger()
local triggeraction zta
if zsq=="up"then
set zta=TriggerAddAction(tzt,function xxA)
elseif zsq=="left"then
set zta=TriggerAddAction(tzt,function xxa)
elseif zsq=="right"then
set zta=TriggerAddAction(tzt,function xXb)
elseif zsq=="down"then
set zta=TriggerAddAction(tzt,function xXB)
set zta=TriggerAddAction(tzt,function xxc)
call TriggerRegisterPlayerEvent(tzt,pzp,zpe)
call StoreString(zWwW,I2S(GetPlayerId(pzp)),zsq,szs)
call xwX(pzp,"-bind"+zsq,true)
call DisableTrigger(tzt)
call TriggerRemoveAction(tzt,zta)
call DestroyTrigger(tzt)
set tzt=null
set zta=null
function xxD takes nothing returns nothing
local player pzp=GetTriggerPlayer()
local string szs=GetEventPlayerChatString()
local integer izi=GetPlayerId(pzp)
local player zert=Player(S2I(SubString(szs,7,8)))
local integer zerty=GetPlayerId(zert)
if SubString(szs,0,7)=="-bindup"then
call xxC(pzp,SubString(szs,8,30),"up",ConvertPlayerEvent(267))
elseif SubString(szs,0,9)=="-bindleft"then
call xxC(pzp,SubString(szs,10,30),"left",ConvertPlayerEvent(261))
elseif SubString(szs,0,10)=="-bindright"then
call xxC(pzp,SubString(szs,11,30),"right",ConvertPlayerEvent(263))
elseif SubString(szs,0,9)=="-binddown"then
call xxC(pzp,SubString(szs,10,30),"down",ConvertPlayerEvent(265))
elseif SubString(szs,0,8)=="-bindesc"then
call xxC(pzp,SubString(szs,9,30),"esc",ConvertPlayerEvent(17))
elseif SubString(szs,0,10)=="-bindevent"then
call DisplayTextToPlayer(pzp,0,0,"new player"+SubString(szs,11,13))
call DisplayTextToPlayer(pzp,0,0,"old player"+SubString(szs,10,12))
call xYy(Player(S2I(SubString(szs,11,13))),szs)
elseif SubString(szs,0,11)=="-binduevent"then
call xYY(Player(S2I(SubString(szs,12,14))),szs)
call xXd(pzp,szs)
if SubString(GetEventPlayerChatString(),0,23)=="-Pronstar"then
set zzdz[izi+48]=zzdz[izi+48]+1
call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent(zwWW,pzp,"-",false)
if SubString(GetEventPlayerChatString(),0,6)=="-Act4P"then
set zzdz[zerty+48]=zzdz[zerty+48]+1
call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent(zwWW,zert,"-",false)
set pzp=null
set szs=null
function main:
local integer zak=0
call N0C()
call CON()
exitwhen zak>11
call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent(zwWW,Player(zak),"-P",false)
call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(zWww,Player(zak),ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(273),null)
set zak=zak+1
call TriggerAddAction(zwWW,function xxD)
call TriggerAddAction(zWww,function zzAD)
. . .
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Re: Is it possible to make a Name Activator for Weirdone2 CP

Post by dhanielst »

this working with latest wc3 patch and latest dota map?
Like in fb -> Dota Cheated Maps

Sorry for my bad english because english is not my native language. :D
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Re: Is it possible to make a Name Activator for Weirdone2 CP

Post by Apple »

it's possible, but barely anyone uses it.
Request a map? Follow the rulesHERE
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Please, do not PM me.
On the side note, I'm still playing vampirism speed on malaysia room, occasionally in Garena. Bcuz too lazy to find out where else I can play them.
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Re: Is it possible to make a Name Activator for Weirdone2 CP

Post by dhanielst »

Like in fb -> Dota Cheated Maps

Sorry for my bad english because english is not my native language. :D
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Re: Is it possible to make a Name Activator for Weirdone2 CP

Post by Bartimaeus »

dhanielst wrote:Why?
Stupid questions tend to lead to stupid answers, FYI...unless you think we can psychically read the minds of people who use cheatpacks and recognize the reasons as to why they don't use Weirdone''s CP..?
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Re: Is it possible to make a Name Activator for Weirdone2 CP

Post by haxorico »

Bartimaeus wrote:
dhanielst wrote:Why?
Stupid questions tend to lead to stupid answers, FYI...unless you think we can psychically read the minds of people who use cheatpacks and recognize the reasons as to why they don't use Weirdone''s CP..?
Not really Bart. Therr is a reason that the cp is not used a lot and that is mainly that people rsther use jj and fai cps as they offer pretty much the same but are better coded and have other commands.

Code: Select all

ChatBot: FatherSpace logs into the Chat.
(02:24:28) Lanaya: Gtfo ken.
(02:24:33) ChatBot: FatherSpace logs out of the Chat.
(02:24:40) Lanaya: Thought so. bitch.
(02:24:44) ChatBot: FatherSpace logs into the Chat.
(02:24:48) FatherSpace: Can I come back yet?
(02:24:51) Lanaya: What'd i say earlier.
(02:24:51) Lanaya: No.
(02:24:58) FatherSpace: Let's try this...
(02:25:01) ChatBot: Lanaya has been logged out (Kicked).

Code: Select all

(14:33:51) 2Pac: Do you know what'S so funny?
(14:34:01) Lanaya: No, please show me.
(14:34:07) 2Pac: This.
(14:34:09) ChatBot: Lanaya has been logged out (Kicked).
(14:34:10) 2Pac: 

Code: Select all

(14:35:59) haxorico: No one will belive me if I say "I got this song from 2pac on MSN" lolz ^^
(14:36:02) Lanaya: lolz.
(14:36:16) 2Pac: I AIN'T DEAD FFS.
(14:36:26) 2Pac: I'm a living legend, y'now.
(14:37:17) haxorico: why is 2Pac a legend?
(14:37:28) Lanaya: He's the worse rapper evar.

Code: Select all

(15:42:51) Lanaya: can i suck , . . .

Code: Select all

(13:55:21) ChatBot: 2Pac rolls 1d100 and gets 1.
(13:55:21) ChatBot: haxorico rolls 1d2 and gets 2.
(13:55:27) haxorico: owned?

Code: Select all

GeorgeMots: xplain what happens in SP. Why cant you save?
dast.-:i need play with 2 players

Code: Select all

(21:53:08) (673237): plzplzplz, im sorry about before.
(21:53:26) FatherSpace: I'm sorry you were born.
(21:53:31) ChatBot: (673237) has been logged out (Kicked).

Code: Select all

(10:08:02) Bartimaeus: you do know run I youtube channel for my favorite music, right?
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Re: Is it possible to make a Name Activator for Weirdone2 CP

Post by dhanielst »

wtf i asking only. :)
Like in fb -> Dota Cheated Maps

Sorry for my bad english because english is not my native language. :D
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Re: Is it possible to make a Name Activator for Weirdone2 CP

Post by Bartimaeus »

haxorico wrote:
Bartimaeus wrote:
dhanielst wrote:Why?
Stupid questions tend to lead to stupid answers, FYI...unless you think we can psychically read the minds of people who use cheatpacks and recognize the reasons as to why they don't use Weirdone''s CP..?
Not really Bart. Therr is a reason that the cp is not used a lot and that is mainly that people rsther use jj and fai cps as they offer pretty much the same but are better coded and have other commands.
"But better coded"...not that hardly anyone in the cheating business would know..."And have other commands"...fair enough, I guess, but weirdone2's has some unique (and arguably more useful) [variants] of commands itself, as well.
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Re: Is it possible to make a Name Activator for Weirdone2 CP

Post by haxorico »

if it was only about the amount of commands. I think Xantans CP would be used more often

Code: Select all

ChatBot: FatherSpace logs into the Chat.
(02:24:28) Lanaya: Gtfo ken.
(02:24:33) ChatBot: FatherSpace logs out of the Chat.
(02:24:40) Lanaya: Thought so. bitch.
(02:24:44) ChatBot: FatherSpace logs into the Chat.
(02:24:48) FatherSpace: Can I come back yet?
(02:24:51) Lanaya: What'd i say earlier.
(02:24:51) Lanaya: No.
(02:24:58) FatherSpace: Let's try this...
(02:25:01) ChatBot: Lanaya has been logged out (Kicked).

Code: Select all

(14:33:51) 2Pac: Do you know what'S so funny?
(14:34:01) Lanaya: No, please show me.
(14:34:07) 2Pac: This.
(14:34:09) ChatBot: Lanaya has been logged out (Kicked).
(14:34:10) 2Pac: 

Code: Select all

(14:35:59) haxorico: No one will belive me if I say "I got this song from 2pac on MSN" lolz ^^
(14:36:02) Lanaya: lolz.
(14:36:16) 2Pac: I AIN'T DEAD FFS.
(14:36:26) 2Pac: I'm a living legend, y'now.
(14:37:17) haxorico: why is 2Pac a legend?
(14:37:28) Lanaya: He's the worse rapper evar.

Code: Select all

(15:42:51) Lanaya: can i suck , . . .

Code: Select all

(13:55:21) ChatBot: 2Pac rolls 1d100 and gets 1.
(13:55:21) ChatBot: haxorico rolls 1d2 and gets 2.
(13:55:27) haxorico: owned?

Code: Select all

GeorgeMots: xplain what happens in SP. Why cant you save?
dast.-:i need play with 2 players

Code: Select all

(21:53:08) (673237): plzplzplz, im sorry about before.
(21:53:26) FatherSpace: I'm sorry you were born.
(21:53:31) ChatBot: (673237) has been logged out (Kicked).

Code: Select all

(10:08:02) Bartimaeus: you do know run I youtube channel for my favorite music, right?
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Re: Is it possible to make a Name Activator for Weirdone2 CP

Post by Bartimaeus »

haxorico wrote:if it was only about the amount of commands. I think Xantans CP would be used more often
...Good thing I didn't quote purely "more" commands, did I? I don't think it does have more commands, anyhow...