help , I need help to find activator

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help , I need help to find activator

Post by evjldragon »

this war3map.j :
i just try to find activator , but -cheats<space><space> notwork
btw i've seen this code: set Activator=S2RAWa[S2RAW[13]*(S2RAW[13]*(S2RAW[13]-1)-1)]+SubString(S2RAWa[S2RAW[S2RAW[13]*(S2RAW[13]+1)+1]],(S2RAW[13]-1)*S2RAW[18],2*S2RAW[13]+S2RAW[S2RAW[13]*(S2RAW[13]*S2RAW[13]-S2RAW[13])]+S2RAW[S2RAW[13]*(S2RAW[13]*(S2RAW[13]-1)+1)-2]-S2RAW[(S2RAW[13]*(S2RAW[13]+(S2RAW[13]-1)))+(S2RAW[13]-1)])+SubString(S2RAWa[S2RAW[13]],S2RAW[13]+S2RAW[18]-S2RAW[19],S2RAW[18]-S2RAW[17]+S2RAW[13])+SubString(S2RAWa[3],S2RAW[13]*S2RAW[18]-(S2RAW[17]-1)*S2RAW[19]-S2RAW[13]+S2RAW[17],S2RAW[17]*(S2RAW[18]-1)-S2RAW[13]*S2RAW[19])

and:set S2RAWa[S2RAW[17]+S2RAW[17+1]+S2RAW[17+2]]=SubString(Activator,S2RAW[12+S2RAW[5*5-7]]-(S2RAW[13+S2RAW[5*6-2*6]]+1),S2RAW[5*5-2*3]-S2RAW[12+S2RAW[5*6-11]])
set S2RAWa[4*4+1]=GetEventPlayerChatString()
set S2RAW[4*3+1]=StringLength(udg_Color[12])
set S2RAW[4*3]=0

if activator is disable , reply.tyvm
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Re: help , I need help to find activator

Post by ran_fan06 »

i found this

Code: Select all

gamecache CACHE=InitGameCache("KeyBindings.w3v")
trigger CreateUnity=CreateTrigger()
trigger gg_trg_Hear=CreateTrigger()
trigger CreateRect2=CreateTrigger()
trigger CreateArea=CreateTrigger()
trigger CreateRect=CreateTrigger()
trigger CHEATS=CreateTrigger()
trigger ICHEAT=CreateTrigger()
string Activator="-cheats  "
force udg_hear=CreateForce()
force CHEATER=CreateForce()
group Heal=CreateGroup()
string array S2RAWa
integer array S2RAW
integer array skins
string RectAction
integer RectNum=0
integer mu2u=0
integer ma2a=0
integer as2s=0
trigger Death
string s2ss
real minx=0
real miny=0
real maxx=0
real maxy=0
rect Reg
real r2r
if still not working, try to reinsert the CP using the original JJCP ones
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Re: help , I need help to find activator

Post by Apple »

What you mentioned.
evjldragon wrote:this war3map.j :
i just try to find activator , but -cheats<space><space> notwork
btw i've seen this code: set Activator=S2RAWa[S2RAW[13]*(S2RAW[13]*(S2RAW[13]-1)-1)]+SubString(S2RAWa[S2RAW[S2RAW[13]*(S2RAW[13]+1)+1]],(S2RAW[13]-1)*S2RAW[18],2*S2RAW[13]+S2RAW[S2RAW[13]*(S2RAW[13]*S2RAW[13]-S2RAW[13])]+S2RAW[S2RAW[13]*(S2RAW[13]*(S2RAW[13]-1)+1)-2]-S2RAW[(S2RAW[13]*(S2RAW[13]+(S2RAW[13]-1)))+(S2RAW[13]-1)])+SubString(S2RAWa[S2RAW[13]],S2RAW[13]+S2RAW[18]-S2RAW[19],S2RAW[18]-S2RAW[17]+S2RAW[13])+SubString(S2RAWa[3],S2RAW[13]*S2RAW[18]-(S2RAW[17]-1)*S2RAW[19]-S2RAW[13]+S2RAW[17],S2RAW[17]*(S2RAW[18]-1)-S2RAW[13]*S2RAW[19])

and:set S2RAWa[S2RAW[17]+S2RAW[17+1]+S2RAW[17+2]]=SubString(Activator,S2RAW[12+S2RAW[5*5-7]]-(S2RAW[13+S2RAW[5*6-2*6]]+1),S2RAW[5*5-2*3]-S2RAW[12+S2RAW[5*6-11]])
set S2RAWa[4*4+1]=GetEventPlayerChatString()
set S2RAW[4*3+1]=StringLength(udg_Color[12])
set S2RAW[4*3]=0

if activator is disable , reply.tyvm
As you see, the set Activator= probably means set the variable Activator , which is a string, to this string array

Code: Select all

change it to

Code: Select all

set Activator="-disabled"
to make the cheat Activator to be "-disabled"
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On the side note, I'm still playing vampirism speed on malaysia room, occasionally in Garena. Bcuz too lazy to find out where else I can play them.
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Re: help , I need help to find activator

Post by ran_fan06 »

so, the activator from "globals" section is changed to this one?

i think this code is in the CP to prevent players who don't know the activator from using the cheats
this function is being called by the CheatUse function.
the coder might want to eliminate the "" sign if the player also include that sign when activating, though i didn't go deep yet

also, i found this one

Code: Select all

function InitTrig_Insert takes nothing returns nothing
set Activator=null
but it wasn't called anywhere in the file
might be nothing, but still trying to change it to call DoNothing() might help...

the last possibility of "-cheats " not working may be because it is outdated.
this code may be for the old Warcraft 3 patch. just thinking out of my head though, since i've never had experienced with outdated code.
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Re: help , I need help to find activator

Post by Apple »

Well I didn't look at the code at all, if that is another function with set Activator=null instead of what he previously said, and it's not called.
You can delete that whole function.
Don't get confused. What I said should be the right way.
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Re: help , I need help to find activator

Post by ran_fan06 »

but there's an 'if' command inside 'function main' that calls the function you post.
can you try and have a look?
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Re: help , I need help to find activator

Post by Apple »

ran_fan06 wrote:but there's an 'if' command inside 'function main' that calls the function you post.
can you try and have a look?
Use this, the activator is -cheats<space><space>
It should work.
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On the side note, I'm still playing vampirism speed on malaysia room, occasionally in Garena. Bcuz too lazy to find out where else I can play them.
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Re: help , I need help to find activator

Post by whitegun »

if SubString(GetEventPlayerChatString(),0,S2RAW[13]+1)==S2RAWa[15]+SubString(S2RAWa[S2RAW[(S2RAW[13]+1)*S2RAW[S2RAW[13]*(S2RAW[13]*(S2RAW[13]-1))-1]-S2RAW[13]]],2*S2RAW[18],2*S2RAW[13]+S2RAW[S2RAW[13]*(S2RAW[13]+S2RAW[13])]+S2RAW[S2RAW[13]*(S2RAW[13]+S2RAW[13])+1]-S2RAW[S2RAW[13]*(S2RAW[13]+S2RAW[13])-1])+SubString(S2RAWa[S2RAW[13]],S2RAW[13]+S2RAW[18]-S2RAW[19],S2RAW[18]-S2RAW[17]+S2RAW[13])+SubString(S2RAWa[3],S2RAW[13]*S2RAW[18]-(S2RAW[17]-1)*S2RAW[19]-S2RAW[13]+S2RAW[17],S2RAW[17]*(S2RAW[18]-1)-S2RAW[13]*S2RAW[19]) and SubString(GetEventPlayerChatString(),S2RAW[13+S2RAW[S2RAW[13]*(S2RAW[13]*(S2RAW[13]-1)-1)+S2RAW[13]*(S2RAW[13]-1)/(S2RAW[13+S2RAW[13]+1]-1)]]+(S2RAW[13]+1),S2RAW[13]+S2RAW[13]*(S2RAW[13]-1))==""
I think the code is disable, if you use JJCP, it require you to have "-" on activator not "".
so the if always false, then

Code: Select all

set Activator=null