[CC]Uther Party ver Ultima-X

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[CC]Uther Party ver Ultima-X

Post by Apple »

Description :Uther party is a series of mini-games built in a single map, has many special game, and a very secretive game Cursed Lich.
Link: Map Attached
Cheat: I would want a command "-special" to immediately go to the secret game (Cursed Lich) of uther party in this map
instead of doing numerous steps to unlock that special game.
It may not be easy. Thanks in advance.

0.)Use Zeus at bottom left red portal and use it's skill.
1.)Make panda pick up the ???(Bracer) Item at bottom of map.
2.)Give the ???(Bracer) Item to the Lich.
3.)Use any hero's Purge on Lich and it will keep transforming and deducting hp.
4.)Type 18346 and Time will become midnight
5.)Bloodlust panda for the movement speed (it is said to hit the lever at right side within 10 seconds after freeing Lich from frozen.)
6.)Use Ice revenant's skill on transforming Lich, will freeze the transformed hero.
7.)If the invalid frozen is not Lich, then moving to the square platform will show you a message
*splat* . If successfully gotten Lich frozen, use panda cast breath of fire unfreeze Lich.
8.)Use panda run to lever and hit it within 10 seconds to stop door from closing.
In the case there' no lich game at all.
How about making this request into Triggering/Editing, add the Lich game from step 7, Panda need to hit the lever on the right within 12 seconds, creating a game called "Cursed Lich's Paradise".
Make a game which has environment of ice field. Only has 10x10 square platform which is 100 places to stand.
All the players will have a Lich, and has a skill to cast Ice wall 3 spaces in front of them, Having a cool down of 10 seconds. With every second there will be Ice wall spawned at random location destroying 1 platform at a time and killing whoever stand on it, and freeze the place with icy objects.
The objective is to be the last survivor and earn 8 points like how the point system is in Uther Party.
If having trouble, please look for "Are you a lucker" game minigame: Anger of Mother Earth as reference.

Thanks in advance for the trouble.
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Last edited by Apple on November 3rd, 2012, 7:59 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: [CC]Uther Party ver Ultima-X

Post by Bartimaeus »

Are you sure there is a Cursed Lich game? I can see a bunch of messages related to the Lich, (call DisplayTextToForce(bj_FORCE_ALL_PLAYERS,"You hear the sound of a door being shut."), call DisplayTextToForce(bj_FORCE_ALL_PLAYERS,"|cffFFFF00Cursed Lich|r: \"...\""), etc), but I don't see an actual minigame for it.
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Re: [CC]Uther Party ver Ultima-X

Post by Apple »

Nope, I heard rumors about it. The most i can get is hear the door closed... Am I fooled.
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Re: [CC]Uther Party ver Ultima-X

Post by Bartimaeus »

Yeah, the last step is the "closed door" thing, it seems to me, but nothing seems to actually be done when that is said, so I don't know exactly what to do...
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Re: [CC]Uther Party ver Ultima-X

Post by Apple »

This is the way to get to my step.
0.)Use Zeus at bottom left red portal and use it's skill.
1.)Make panda pick up the ???(Bracer) Item at bottom of map.
2.)Give the ???(Bracer) Item to the Lich.
3.)Use any hero's Purge on Lich and it will keep transforming and deducting hp.
4.)Type 18346 and Time will become midnight
5.)Bloodlust panda for the movement speed (it is said to hit the lever at right side within 10 seconds after freeing Lich from frozen.)
6.)Use Ice revenant's skill on transforming Lich, will freeze the transformed hero.
7.)If the invalid frozen is not Lich, then moving to the square platform will show you a message
*splat* . If successfully gotten Lich frozen, use panda cast breath of fire unfreeze Lich.
8.)Use panda run to lever and hit it within 10 seconds to stop door from closing.
There's an item called Ring of Loathing, which can't be picked up somehow, located at top of the map.
I reached part 7. always trigger the "You hear the sound of a door being shut."
(if you send Lich to the square platform, it will die and you lose control of it. displaying a message "\Blast, my one weakness, Glowing switches! If only I had gotten my lucky ring.\"

In the case there' no lich game at all.
How about making this request into Triggering/Editing, add the Lich game from step 7, Panda need to hit the lever on the right within 12 seconds, creating a game called "Cursed Lich's Paradise".
Make a game which has environment of ice field. Only has 10x10 square platform which is 100 places to stand.
All the players will have a Lich, and has a skill to cast Ice wall 3 spaces in front of them, Having a cool down of 10 seconds. With every second there will be Ice wall spawned at random location destroying 1 platform at a time and killing whoever stand on it, and freeze the place with icy objects.
The objective is to be the last survivor and earn 8 points like how the point system is in Uther Party.
If having trouble, please look for "Are you a lucker" game minigame: Anger of Mother Earth as reference.
Thanks in advance for the trouble.
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On the side note, I'm still playing vampirism speed on malaysia room, occasionally in Garena. Bcuz too lazy to find out where else I can play them.
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Re: [CC]Uther Party ver Ultima-X

Post by Kyoshiro »

...no noone's going to make a new minigame for you
If you have any questions drop in by chat sometime, chances are there'll be someone who can help you that's afking there, so the next best thing is to click the link on UndeadxAssassin's Sig and ask your question there.
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Re: [CC]Uther Party ver Ultima-X

Post by Apple »

So it's not possible that anyone can make it for me? Well I'm trying to make it myself...
Bart could you explain the function of this "gg_trg_Free_Secret_Kill_games" in the script?
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On the side note, I'm still playing vampirism speed on malaysia room, occasionally in Garena. Bcuz too lazy to find out where else I can play them.
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Re: [CC]Uther Party ver Ultima-X

Post by Bartimaeus »

function InitTrig_Free_Secret_Kill_games takes nothing returns nothing
set gg_trg_Free_Secret_Kill_games=CreateTrigger()
call DisableTrigger(gg_trg_Free_Secret_Kill_games)
call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(gg_trg_Free_Secret_Kill_games,EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_DEATH)
call TriggerAddAction(gg_trg_Free_Secret_Kill_games,function Trig_Free_Secret_Kill_games_Actions)
So, if a death occurs, it calls "Trig_Free_Secret_Kill_games_Actions", so let's look at that...
function Trig_Free_Secret_Kill_games_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
call CreateNUnitsAtLoc(1,'H00B',udg_Player_Winner,GetUnitLoc(GetDyingUnit()),bj_UNIT_FACING)
call SetUnitUserData(bj_lastCreatedUnit,$9F)
call AddSpecialEffectTargetUnitBJ("origin",bj_lastCreatedUnit,"Abilities\\Spells\\Orc\\WarStomp\\WarStompCaster.mdl")
call DisplayTextToForce(bj_FORCE_ALL_PLAYERS,"|cffFFFF00Cursed Lich|r: If that's how you deal with things, I don't want to play with you anymore.")
call PlaySoundBJ(gg_snd_QuestFailed)
Seems related to the Lich, but first, let's look at those conditions, if(Trig_Free_Secret_Kill_games_Func001C())then and if(Trig_Free_Secret_Kill_games_Func002C())then...
function Trig_Free_Secret_Kill_games_Func001C takes nothing returns boolean
function Trig_Free_Secret_Kill_games_Func002C takes nothing returns boolean
Well, let's find out what these two units are...
call CreateNUnitsAtLoc(1,'necr',udg_Player_Winner,GetRandomLocInRect(gg_rct_Clean_Crew),bj_UNIT_FACING)
set udg_Free_Rabbit=bj_lastCreatedUnit

We can see that this is the Rabbit/Car minigame - if you kill the rabbit that is spawned in a random spot during the select game sequence, it'll create a new unit, called Car, that can be used to play a minigame. Rect "Clean_Crew" is just the area where all the selectable mini-game units are when the select mini-game sequence is being done. As for Doppelganger...
function Trig_Free_Lich_Create_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
call CreateNUnitsAtLoc(1,'Ulic',udg_Player_Winner,OffsetLocation(GetRectCenter(gg_rct_Clean_Crew),-768.,-768.),bj_UNIT_FACING)
set udg_Unit_Doppelganger=bj_lastCreatedUnit

Propernames=Cursed Lich
It's the Lich. Nothing happens if this unit dies, except that message plays and you presumably lose the ability to do whatever you're supposed to do with the Lich.

As far as I can see, it almost seems like an unfinished feature, (the Lich thing overall). There's no way that Ring of Loathing can be picked up - the only trigger relating to it is one that detects if it's picked up, and it's always moved into a random spot of the "Clean_Crew" region, no matter what. There's nothing detecting if a certain unit has it, if it dies, etc. Nor does there seem to be an actual mini-game relating to it.
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Re: [CC]Uther Party ver Ultima-X

Post by Apple »

Bartimaeus wrote:
function InitTrig_Free_Secret_Kill_games takes nothing returns nothing
set gg_trg_Free_Secret_Kill_games=CreateTrigger()
call DisableTrigger(gg_trg_Free_Secret_Kill_games)
call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(gg_trg_Free_Secret_Kill_games,EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_DEATH)
call TriggerAddAction(gg_trg_Free_Secret_Kill_games,function Trig_Free_Secret_Kill_games_Actions)
So, if a death occurs, it calls "Trig_Free_Secret_Kill_games_Actions", so let's look at that...
function Trig_Free_Secret_Kill_games_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
call CreateNUnitsAtLoc(1,'H00B',udg_Player_Winner,GetUnitLoc(GetDyingUnit()),bj_UNIT_FACING)
call SetUnitUserData(bj_lastCreatedUnit,$9F)
call AddSpecialEffectTargetUnitBJ("origin",bj_lastCreatedUnit,"Abilities\\Spells\\Orc\\WarStomp\\WarStompCaster.mdl")
call DisplayTextToForce(bj_FORCE_ALL_PLAYERS,"|cffFFFF00Cursed Lich|r: If that's how you deal with things, I don't want to play with you anymore.")
call PlaySoundBJ(gg_snd_QuestFailed)
Seems related to the Lich, but first, let's look at those conditions, if(Trig_Free_Secret_Kill_games_Func001C())then and if(Trig_Free_Secret_Kill_games_Func002C())then...
function Trig_Free_Secret_Kill_games_Func001C takes nothing returns boolean
function Trig_Free_Secret_Kill_games_Func002C takes nothing returns boolean
Well, let's find out what these two units are...
call CreateNUnitsAtLoc(1,'necr',udg_Player_Winner,GetRandomLocInRect(gg_rct_Clean_Crew),bj_UNIT_FACING)
set udg_Free_Rabbit=bj_lastCreatedUnit

We can see that this is the Rabbit/Car minigame - if you kill the rabbit that is spawned in a random spot during the select game sequence, it'll create a new unit, called Car, that can be used to play a minigame. Rect "Clean_Crew" is just the area where all the selectable mini-game units are when the select mini-game sequence is being done. As for Doppelganger...
function Trig_Free_Lich_Create_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
call CreateNUnitsAtLoc(1,'Ulic',udg_Player_Winner,OffsetLocation(GetRectCenter(gg_rct_Clean_Crew),-768.,-768.),bj_UNIT_FACING)
set udg_Unit_Doppelganger=bj_lastCreatedUnit

Propernames=Cursed Lich
It's the Lich. Nothing happens if this unit dies, except that message plays and you presumably lose the ability to do whatever you're supposed to do with the Lich.

As far as I can see, it almost seems like an unfinished feature, (the Lich thing overall). There's no way that Ring of Loathing can be picked up - the only trigger relating to it is one that detects if it's picked up, and it's always moved into a random spot of the "Clean_Crew" region, no matter what. There's nothing detecting if a certain unit has it, if it dies, etc. Nor does there seem to be an actual mini-game relating to it.
Thanks for your tedious explaination. I see this request is impossible, as I don't have the ability to create a game.
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On the side note, I'm still playing vampirism speed on malaysia room, occasionally in Garena. Bcuz too lazy to find out where else I can play them.