Cheatpack finder doesnt detect cheats

General talk about editing, cheating, and deprotecting maps.

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Re: Cheatpack finder doesnt detect cheats

Post by Bartimaeus »

Nope, not really. Developer is inactive...and also, there's a much more failsafe way of doing this - checking the map yourself.
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Re: Cheatpack finder doesnt detect cheats

Post by Kugrox »

Yeah whenever I enter another Host's game I always use MPQ Editor to extract the .J and do a quick CTRL+F search of cheats and playerchatevents. And if I find any cheats, like a cheatpack I make sure to quickly hit OBS and activate it then hit -hear. And as soon as he starts abusing them, I kick him with his own cheats (assuming its JJ's which 99% of the time it is). And its cool to kick the host because I can host so then it just switches to me or whoever else. Point is I don't trust other hosts to not abuse. I just the cheats to enrich the game by adding extra upgrades to people who've earned them (I only play RPGs). Anyway yeah it's pretty easy to check them yourself, I didn't even know there was a cheatpack finder, I mean come on it only takes 15 seconds to check yourself while the Load screen is up.