I cant deprotect map http://www.epicwar.com/maps/177451/
because when i open it with x-dep, it crash ( program crash )
I try with MPQ Recover, MPQEditor, RMPQEx similar ( program crash )
Who bro can made video guide me ???
please, i really really really........................ need it (
1. Open the MPQ Editor in force mode and extract all the files to \X-Deprotector\mymap.w3x.temp\files
2. Rename the map to mymap.w3x and place it in your X-Deprotector folder
3. Run X-dep again.
AdamGoh wrote:1. Open the MPQ Editor in force mode and extract all the files to \X-Deprotector\mymap.w3x.temp\files
2. Rename the map to mymap.w3x and place it in your X-Deprotector folder
3. Run X-dep again.
GeorgeMots wrote:Try RMPQx, extract all files into the outputmap of xdep and run xdep again.
OK !! It's work
But i merge listfile of RMPQ and listfile of MPQ recover
and Paste the listfile we got into the x-dep folder, run x-dep
Error: "Fatal Error: Cannot open war3map.w3i"
Bro help me, guide me with video ( I studied English ignorance, very bad )
If you have any questions drop in by chat sometime, chances are there'll be someone who can help you that's afking there, so the next best thing is to click the link on UndeadxAssassin's Sig and ask your question there.
Nuuby wrote:Was able to open with MPQ Editor with no problems without opening as v1, download the latest version at http://www.zezula.net/en/mpq/download.html
Then try again