-godly all command on teve map

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Re: -godly all command on teve map

Post by Kyoshiro »

theres no .j file attached
If you have any questions drop in by chat sometime, chances are there'll be someone who can help you that's afking there, so the next best thing is to click the link on UndeadxAssassin's Sig and ask your question there.
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Re: -godly all command on teve map

Post by Durge »

Hence my "EDIT", I fixed it, if I need further help I will post it for you guys.
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Re: -godly all command on teve map

Post by haxorico »

Durge wrote:Wonderful, it worked perfectly haxorico, your 100% pure genius. Thank you everyone who posted here for their feedback and help.

EDIT:Hmm, moving the part that goes into function main into a different call (cause there were some problems with it being in function main) made my -repick command to stop working. I figured it was just string overwrite, so I changed the strings for my godly command, but that didnt seem to help at all, any ideas?
You are really missing the point in the code I wrote.
You don't need to place 2 triggers or 2 function parts etc.. Here is an example that might explain it a little better with comments inside.

Code: Select all

trigger trgChat=CreateTrigger() //The trigger that will be activated upon every chat command

function ChatCommands takes nothing returns nothing
local string str=StringCase(GetEventPlayerChatString(),false)//A string variable holding the text writted, I turned it into a lower-case string to ease the "detection" of the written string.
local group grp=CreateGroup()                                //A group variable to hold all our picked units.
local unit unt                                               //A unit variable to hold our picked unit.
if str=="-repick"then                                        //An example for a command that doesn't require picked units.
//enter repick code here
elseif str=="-test"then                                          //Another example for a command that doesn't require picked units, this can go on for ever, you can add as many "elseif" as you want to make every string command you want.
call DisplayTextToPlayer(GetTriggerPlayer(),0,0,"Test worked")   //An action that happens after you used the string command
endif                                                            //Stops to check for a command that doesn't demmand a picked unit.
call GroupEnumUnitsSelected(grp,GetTriggerPlayer(),null)        //setting our group variable to hold our picked units
loop                                                            //looping our group for all the units we picked
set unt=FirstOfGroup(grp)                                       //setting the unit variable to the first/next unit we picked
exitwhen unt==null                                              //exitwhen the next unit is null, meaning there is no other unit
if str=="-godly all"then                                         //An example for a command that requires picked units
//enter godly code here
elseif str=="-kill"then                                             //Another example for a command that requires picked units
call KillUnit(unt)                                              //An action that happens after using the string command.
endif                                                           //Stops to check for any string commands
call RemoveLocation(GetUnitLoc(unt))                            //Removing Leaks
call GroupRemoveUnit(grp,unt)                                   //Removing Leaks
endloop                                                         //Ending the loop and going for the next unit.
call DestroyGroup(grp)                                          //Removing Leaks
set str=""                                                      //Removing Leaks
set grp=null                                                    //Removing Leaks
set unt=null                                                    //Removing Leaks

function main takes nothing returns nothing
call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent(trgChat,Player(0),"-",false)  //Each time Player(0) writes a string containing "-", it will be triggered
call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent(trgChat,Player(1),"-",false)  //Each time Player(1) writes a string containing "-", it will be triggered
call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent(trgChat,Player(2),"-",false)  //Each time Player(2) writes a string containing "-", it will be triggered
call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent(trgChat,Player(3),"-",false)  //Each time Player(3) writes a string containing "-", it will be triggered
call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent(trgChat,Player(4),"-",false)  //Each time Player(4) writes a string containing "-", it will be triggered
call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent(trgChat,Player(5),"-",false)  //Each time Player(5) writes a string containing "-", it will be triggered
call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent(trgChat,Player(6),"-",false)  //Each time Player(6) writes a string containing "-", it will be triggered
call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent(trgChat,Player(7),"-",false)  //Each time Player(7) writes a string containing "-", it will be triggered
call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent(trgChat,Player(8),"-",false)  //Each time Player(8) writes a string containing "-", it will be triggered
call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent(trgChat,Player(9),"-",false)  //Each time Player(9) writes a string containing "-", it will be triggered
call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent(trgChat,Player(10),"-",false) //Each time Player(10) writes a string containing "-", it will be triggered
call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent(trgChat,Player(11),"-",false) //Each time Player(11) writes a string containing "-", it will be triggered
call TriggerAddAction(trgChat,function ChatCommands)              //The function that will be caleld once the trigger is triggerd.
I hope this helps you to understand it better.

Code: Select all

ChatBot: FatherSpace logs into the Chat.
(02:24:28) Lanaya: Gtfo ken.
(02:24:33) ChatBot: FatherSpace logs out of the Chat.
(02:24:40) Lanaya: Thought so. bitch.
(02:24:44) ChatBot: FatherSpace logs into the Chat.
(02:24:48) FatherSpace: Can I come back yet?
(02:24:51) Lanaya: What'd i say earlier.
(02:24:51) Lanaya: No.
(02:24:58) FatherSpace: Let's try this...
(02:25:01) ChatBot: Lanaya has been logged out (Kicked).

Code: Select all

(14:33:51) 2Pac: Do you know what'S so funny?
(14:34:01) Lanaya: No, please show me.
(14:34:07) 2Pac: This.
(14:34:09) ChatBot: Lanaya has been logged out (Kicked).
(14:34:10) 2Pac: 

Code: Select all

(14:35:59) haxorico: No one will belive me if I say "I got this song from 2pac on MSN" lolz ^^
(14:36:02) Lanaya: lolz.
(14:36:16) 2Pac: I AIN'T DEAD FFS.
(14:36:26) 2Pac: I'm a living legend, y'now.
(14:37:17) haxorico: why is 2Pac a legend?
(14:37:28) Lanaya: He's the worse rapper evar.

Code: Select all

(15:42:51) Lanaya: can i suck , . . .

Code: Select all

(13:55:21) ChatBot: 2Pac rolls 1d100 and gets 1.
(13:55:21) ChatBot: haxorico rolls 1d2 and gets 2.
(13:55:27) haxorico: owned?

Code: Select all

GeorgeMots: xplain what happens in SP. Why cant you save?
dast.-:i need play with 2 players

Code: Select all

(21:53:08) (673237): plzplzplz, im sorry about before.
(21:53:26) FatherSpace: I'm sorry you were born.
(21:53:31) ChatBot: (673237) has been logged out (Kicked).

Code: Select all

(10:08:02) Bartimaeus: you do know run I youtube channel for my favorite music, right?
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Re: -godly all command on teve map

Post by Durge »

Oh wow, that helped a lot, thank you hax, and sorry I was so dead tired last night I didn't think about using 1 function, thanks for the tip.