Looking for a special Menu Code

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Re: Looking for a special Menu Code

Post by Risugami »

naturesfury wrote:well apparently your not as good as you think if you can't even do that O.o
it's called dialog on WE btw
You could have made your post a little more useful if you'd show him how to use them.
redSasuke597 wrote:well can you send a link to where i can find something about it? cuz i have no clue how to make that even though i am pretty good with GUI Triggers. just that i don't know how to make a button pressed trigger.
I think this will pretty much help you out.

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Re: Looking for a special Menu Code

Post by owner123 »

redSasuke597 wrote:well can you send a link to where i can find something about it? cuz i have no clue how to make that even though i am pretty good with GUI Triggers. just that i don't know how to make a button pressed trigger.
If you don't understand my description, I can provide screenshots.
Four separate triggers.

The first one is initialization.
The event is - Player 1 (or whoever) skips a cinematic. This activates when ESC is pressed.
Now create a variable with the Dialog data type and three other variables with the Dialog Button data type.
Now use "Dialog - Create a dialog button for dialog (dialog) named (text)"
Fill in (dialog) with your dialog variable and (text) with the button you want it to show.
Now set one of the three dialog button variables to Last Created Dialog Button. Do this for all 3 buttons, and at the very end show your dialog.

Now onto the second trigger. The events should be "A button is clicked for dialog (dialog)"
The conditions should be a Dialog condition comparing the clicked button to one of your three Dialog Button Variables. The actions should be whatever you want to happen for that one dialog button.

The third and fourth are the same as the second, except for different dialog buttons.
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Re: Looking for a special Menu Code

Post by redSasuke597 »

Thanks Owner123 :) really helped me out in my rpg im building