
General talk about editing, cheating, and deprotecting maps.

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Post by Apple »

Could anyone teach me how to delete the attribute of a map please?

Edit on 6/6/2013
This post marked the path from making map requests > fulfilling requests > enable SP > CC> making CP (which is really noobish)
Last edited by Apple on June 6th, 2013, 2:37 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: This topic remained because it is the proof I've stepped the journey from a super noob to a noob.
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On the side note, I'm still playing vampirism speed on malaysia room, occasionally in Garena. Bcuz too lazy to find out where else I can play them.
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Re: Attribute

Post by Bushido »

Mpq master or MPQ Editor > rightclick on (attributes) > select delete = gg? Sometime the attributes file can't be deleted, cause it's an internal file.
Download Senethior's tool package here!
Spoiler for Funny shit:
Kryptonyte wrote:Pew-pew, together, 2pac and I can take over the world. Muhahahahahaha.
Kryptonyte wrote:@2Pac, You're a G. Keep your pimp hand strong.
Kryptonyte wrote:anyways i gtg, PEACE, MR. ZOMG O SO PRO U RAWKZ0RZ SUM BoXZ()RZ

Code: Select all

(23:22:14) FatherSpace: BWAHAHA
(23:22:21) FatherSpace: I am 1337, you must fear my coolness.
(23:22:51) FatherSpace: I got bored, so I made a Python script so now whenever I open Terminal, I get a random haiku from here:
(23:24:12) FatherSpace: afk... Killing myself. :(

Code: Select all

(03:52:56) ChatBot: (673237) logs into the Chat.
 (03:53:08) (673237): plzplzplz, im sorry about before.
 (03:53:26) FatherSpace: I'm sorry you were born.
(03:53:31) ChatBot: (673237) has been logged out (Kicked).

Code: Select all

(21:39:14) GeorgeMots: Jen are you there?
(21:39:44) 2Pac:
(21:39:49) 2Pac: (21:22:22) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin has been logged out (Timeout).
(21:39:52) GeorgeMots: w00t
(21:39:54) GeorgeMots: rofl
(21:39:58) GeorgeMots: *facepalm*
(21:39:59) 2Pac: you definetly fail
Get to know Bushido alias 2Pac alias King-Bushido!
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Re: Attribute

Post by Apple »

2Pac wrote:Mpq master or MPQ Editor > rightclick on (attributes) > select delete = gg? Sometime the attributes file can't be deleted, cause it's an internal file.
Somehow, it always can't be deleted in my case...
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On the side note, I'm still playing vampirism speed on malaysia room, occasionally in Garena. Bcuz too lazy to find out where else I can play them.
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Re: Attribute

Post by GeorgeMots »

Make sure the map is not in use of another application. Whats more, check if you can delete a different file other than attributes.
(03:36:55) xkiska: im too much of a dumbass to understand this
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Re: Attribute

Post by haxorico »

I was able to delete the attributes while playing the map (yea I was amazed myself)
MPQEditor always gave me that problem while MPQMaster didn't

Code: Select all

ChatBot: FatherSpace logs into the Chat.
(02:24:28) Lanaya: Gtfo ken.
(02:24:33) ChatBot: FatherSpace logs out of the Chat.
(02:24:40) Lanaya: Thought so. bitch.
(02:24:44) ChatBot: FatherSpace logs into the Chat.
(02:24:48) FatherSpace: Can I come back yet?
(02:24:51) Lanaya: What'd i say earlier.
(02:24:51) Lanaya: No.
(02:24:58) FatherSpace: Let's try this...
(02:25:01) ChatBot: Lanaya has been logged out (Kicked).

Code: Select all

(14:33:51) 2Pac: Do you know what'S so funny?
(14:34:01) Lanaya: No, please show me.
(14:34:07) 2Pac: This.
(14:34:09) ChatBot: Lanaya has been logged out (Kicked).
(14:34:10) 2Pac: 

Code: Select all

(14:35:59) haxorico: No one will belive me if I say "I got this song from 2pac on MSN" lolz ^^
(14:36:02) Lanaya: lolz.
(14:36:16) 2Pac: I AIN'T DEAD FFS.
(14:36:26) 2Pac: I'm a living legend, y'now.
(14:37:17) haxorico: why is 2Pac a legend?
(14:37:28) Lanaya: He's the worse rapper evar.

Code: Select all

(15:42:51) Lanaya: can i suck , . . .

Code: Select all

(13:55:21) ChatBot: 2Pac rolls 1d100 and gets 1.
(13:55:21) ChatBot: haxorico rolls 1d2 and gets 2.
(13:55:27) haxorico: owned?

Code: Select all

GeorgeMots: xplain what happens in SP. Why cant you save?
dast.-:i need play with 2 players

Code: Select all

(21:53:08) (673237): plzplzplz, im sorry about before.
(21:53:26) FatherSpace: I'm sorry you were born.
(21:53:31) ChatBot: (673237) has been logged out (Kicked).

Code: Select all

(10:08:02) Bartimaeus: you do know run I youtube channel for my favorite music, right?
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Re: Attribute

Post by Apple »

How do you do that!
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On the side note, I'm still playing vampirism speed on malaysia room, occasionally in Garena. Bcuz too lazy to find out where else I can play them.
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Re: Attribute

Post by haxorico »

As I said above, MPQMaster never gave me trouble while MPQEditor always did. So use MPQMaster...

Code: Select all

ChatBot: FatherSpace logs into the Chat.
(02:24:28) Lanaya: Gtfo ken.
(02:24:33) ChatBot: FatherSpace logs out of the Chat.
(02:24:40) Lanaya: Thought so. bitch.
(02:24:44) ChatBot: FatherSpace logs into the Chat.
(02:24:48) FatherSpace: Can I come back yet?
(02:24:51) Lanaya: What'd i say earlier.
(02:24:51) Lanaya: No.
(02:24:58) FatherSpace: Let's try this...
(02:25:01) ChatBot: Lanaya has been logged out (Kicked).

Code: Select all

(14:33:51) 2Pac: Do you know what'S so funny?
(14:34:01) Lanaya: No, please show me.
(14:34:07) 2Pac: This.
(14:34:09) ChatBot: Lanaya has been logged out (Kicked).
(14:34:10) 2Pac: 

Code: Select all

(14:35:59) haxorico: No one will belive me if I say "I got this song from 2pac on MSN" lolz ^^
(14:36:02) Lanaya: lolz.
(14:36:16) 2Pac: I AIN'T DEAD FFS.
(14:36:26) 2Pac: I'm a living legend, y'now.
(14:37:17) haxorico: why is 2Pac a legend?
(14:37:28) Lanaya: He's the worse rapper evar.

Code: Select all

(15:42:51) Lanaya: can i suck , . . .

Code: Select all

(13:55:21) ChatBot: 2Pac rolls 1d100 and gets 1.
(13:55:21) ChatBot: haxorico rolls 1d2 and gets 2.
(13:55:27) haxorico: owned?

Code: Select all

GeorgeMots: xplain what happens in SP. Why cant you save?
dast.-:i need play with 2 players

Code: Select all

(21:53:08) (673237): plzplzplz, im sorry about before.
(21:53:26) FatherSpace: I'm sorry you were born.
(21:53:31) ChatBot: (673237) has been logged out (Kicked).

Code: Select all

(10:08:02) Bartimaeus: you do know run I youtube channel for my favorite music, right?
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Re: Attribute

Post by Apple »

I mean, it's possible to delete the attributes in mpq master even when the map is opened?
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On the side note, I'm still playing vampirism speed on malaysia room, occasionally in Garena. Bcuz too lazy to find out where else I can play them.
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Re: Attribute

Post by naturesfury »

aparently so =/
(me thinks that was a pretty stupid question...)
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Re: Attribute

Post by Apple »

haha, thanks for always replying me though, where do you learn your jass?
Request a map? Follow the rulesHERE
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Please, do not PM me.
On the side note, I'm still playing vampirism speed on malaysia room, occasionally in Garena. Bcuz too lazy to find out where else I can play them.