"IceFrog stopped developing DotA!"?

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"IceFrog stopped developing DotA!"?

Post by shamanking80 »

As well known the Warcraft III map limit is 8Mb, and the DotA map is at this size for now.So at this time the map had no more space for any new hero or new item.

Icefrog had removed -aa(arrow accuracy),-ha(hook accuracy) for Mirana,Pudge and other similar command to built a new hero - Rubick.

What to remove next ?!?!? Since no more thing to remove and no more space for anything,the map is the end!

Might someone beg Blizzard to extent the size limit for a map?
Either let's say Good Bye to your teenager hood - DotA.

P.s: Is this topic interesting 8)
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Re: "IceFrog stopped developing DotA!"?

Post by UndeadxAssassin »

He didn't remove them, he compacted them into a single -stats (-st) command.
Get your facts straight, pub.
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Re: "IceFrog stopped developing DotA!"?

Post by ]SouL][ReapeR[ »

Dat DotA elitism

and with the development of DotA 2, yeah, IceFrog is probably putting less and less time into DotA.
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Re: "IceFrog stopped developing DotA!"?

Post by shamanking80 »

Okay not removed it's compacted... lol
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Re: "IceFrog stopped developing DotA!"?

Post by UndeadxAssassin »

Should I also mention that even with three cheatpacks in the map, it is still below the size limit?
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Re: "IceFrog stopped developing DotA!"?

Post by Bushido »

...I'm just going to give you a Warning for posting such a crap.
complain to UndeadxAssassin or someone else.

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