Cot RPG Hero Question

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Cot RPG Hero Question

Post by Durge »

Is it possible to make one of the bosses your hero?
Whenever I try I just load a blank or whatever hero i picked from selection.
I also tried deleting the hero i picked and only having the boss when saving.

Any help is appreciated.
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Re: Cot RPG Hero Question

Post by XCraZX »

No, they are not a hero that you can choose(without a hack, such as the "-owner" cmd in JJCP) so therefore every time you take control of one of them and "delete" your hero that you started with it is saving either, nothing as your hero because you deleted it, or the hero you actually picked because that is what the save code is saving. If this didn't answer your question I will try to explain it in a different way =)
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Re: Cot RPG Hero Question

Post by Nuuby »

Depends on the RPG. Most save systems change your hero rawcode to an integer which is then encoded with all the other stuff and you get your save code. The reason why you can't load or it loads a blank is because your unit is not in the table which converts the hero rawcode into an integer.
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Re: Cot RPG Hero Question

Post by naturesfury »

yep COT uses NPS (Neostorm Password System)
which uses the tables nuuby mentioned

Btw, if you are comparing this to TEvE, TEvE uses a system that converts the hero code even if it is not in the tables. COT doesn't do this (well NPS doesn't).