GFX showcase(i guess)

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GFX showcase(i guess)

Post by Slickslime »

Most of these are uncompleted,
any ideas on how i should improve them? (im out of ideas)
Yeah, i pretty much suck D:
Image This is the sig i made for george, who sadly didn't use it.
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Re: GFX showcase(i guess)

Post by ]SouL][ReapeR[ »

For your Georgemots signature, the text looks.. out of place.
I'm not much of someone who can explain how to do text correctly, though.
The main point of focus, obviously the guy who's cross armed, should probably be placed according to the rule of thirds. It really does make a difference.
..and those speaker looking things are really out of place. Nice use of lighting, though.
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Re: GFX showcase(i guess)

Post by Nuuby »

Yeah theres something real wrong with the text. Try erasing/blur and play around with the blendings of the layer. The render kind of sticks out as well. Use the blur tool to generate a focal point. Brush around the render maybe
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Re: GFX showcase(i guess)

Post by Slickslime »

retrying if i can find the psd.