help with spoofing names

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help with spoofing names

Post by O0OFaTaLO0O »

Why does it kick you when you spoof a name like on One Piece VS Bleach 2.09 when you spoof your name as Ks_Shamanking then it kicks you in game can anybody help
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Re: help with spoofing names

Post by Bushido »

Some bots don't allow namespoofers and some do.
UndeadxAssassin also made a post:
UndeadxAssassin wrote:It really depends on the bots and the person who owns the bot. For example, most DotA leagues won't let you play unless you spoofcheck (it will kick you if you don't spoofcheck within x seconds), while other bots will say you need to spoofcheck, but won't kick you if you won't.
Download Senethior's tool package here!
Spoiler for Funny shit:
Kryptonyte wrote:Pew-pew, together, 2pac and I can take over the world. Muhahahahahaha.
Kryptonyte wrote:@2Pac, You're a G. Keep your pimp hand strong.
Kryptonyte wrote:anyways i gtg, PEACE, MR. ZOMG O SO PRO U RAWKZ0RZ SUM BoXZ()RZ

Code: Select all

(23:22:14) FatherSpace: BWAHAHA
(23:22:21) FatherSpace: I am 1337, you must fear my coolness.
(23:22:51) FatherSpace: I got bored, so I made a Python script so now whenever I open Terminal, I get a random haiku from here:
(23:24:12) FatherSpace: afk... Killing myself. :(

Code: Select all

(03:52:56) ChatBot: (673237) logs into the Chat.
 (03:53:08) (673237): plzplzplz, im sorry about before.
 (03:53:26) FatherSpace: I'm sorry you were born.
(03:53:31) ChatBot: (673237) has been logged out (Kicked).

Code: Select all

(21:39:14) GeorgeMots: Jen are you there?
(21:39:44) 2Pac:
(21:39:49) 2Pac: (21:22:22) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin has been logged out (Timeout).
(21:39:52) GeorgeMots: w00t
(21:39:54) GeorgeMots: rofl
(21:39:58) GeorgeMots: *facepalm*
(21:39:59) 2Pac: you definetly fail
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Re: help with spoofing names

Post by UndeadxAssassin »

Not only that, but in that specific case, it kicks you from the map because you need a password to have that name. ShamanKing is a member of wc3edit and has cheated many maps for himself. That being said, if you have his name, you'll have cheats that you can use, but to prevent people from spoofing him, there's a password or such that you have to do or you'll be kicked.

Does that make sense?
(20:53:52) Bartimaeus: Thank you, Jen.
(20:53:56) Bartimaeus: Truly, you are wise.
(23:44:12) Bartimaeus: I was in pubic school until middle school...
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Re: help with spoofing names

Post by Slickslime »

Well played ShamanKing.
Well played.
I'ma use your maps nawh. <3