Spoof checking?

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Spoof checking?

Post by deama »

Is there a way to avoid spoof checking?
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Re: Spoof checking?

Post by YellowAfterlife »

If it is set up in bot settings, no, you cannot.
But some bots will not kick you if you ignore spoofchecking request. So you might get away with that.
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Re: Spoof checking?

Post by wc3noob »

before you join the game say /dnd which means do not disturb meaning you can't accept incomeing whispers, when the game starts say it again so your friends can whisper to you.
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Re: Spoof checking?

Post by deama »

But don't I have to wisper to the bot to spoof check and play the game?
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Re: Spoof checking?

Post by UndeadxAssassin »

It really depends on the bots and the person who owns the bot. For example, most DotA leagues won't let you play unless you spoofcheck (it will kick you if you don't spoofcheck within x seconds), while other bots will say you need to spoofcheck, but won't kick you if you won't.

Also, to reply to wc3noob's reply: Waste of time. It doesn't matter if they whisper to you or not, if the bot is set up to kick you if you don't spoofcheck, it will still kick you no matter what. If it doesn't kick you, how annoying can ONE whisper be that you can't just ignore it?
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Re: Spoof checking?

Post by deama »

So is there a way to bypass spoof checking without whispering the spoof checker?
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Re: Spoof checking?

Post by UndeadxAssassin »

The only way to do that is to join a different game...or not spoof.
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Re: Spoof checking?

Post by deama »

Damn... well thanks.