Make a sig request.

Think you can Photoshop? A story-writer, perhaps? Post your creative works here.
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Re: Make a sig request.

Post by Kyoshiro »

What you're suggesting is pretty much impossible without a .psd with the text layers and if i were duck i wouldn't do this request but it's up to him.
If you have any questions drop in by chat sometime, chances are there'll be someone who can help you that's afking there, so the next best thing is to click the link on UndeadxAssassin's Sig and ask your question there.
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Re: Make a sig request.

Post by Nuuby »

Eh, zrequiemz. You do realize that a signature that size would get removed anyway? Editing away the text would take WAY WAY WAY WAY~ more time and effort and overall cause more trouble then just redoing it, or even better, not doing it and just find something else. And the resolution is tiny, making it just that much harder for anyone to attempt it. It's also in jpeg with godawful compression. And the text you wanted its like erm

Code: Select all

Love Is Like A War, Easy To Begin And Hard To End
It would go out of the canvas if you tried to put that many words in it. That font would look epicshit if you had it any smaller. I don't even think its a font that you can just get anywhere, the letters have practically no spacing and would probably have to be custom drawn or vectored by the artist?

The good news is that the website link and logo would be easy to remove, not that it would be rather ethical and all.