Fun or Cool Stories

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Re: Fun or Cool Stories

Post by Bartimaeus² »

I have a funny story that was about 3 years ago so...

I was sliding on the ice, (because it's fun, you know?)
Well, there was student councils, (gay?), who patrol the grounds to make sure you're not doing anything you're not suppose to, right? Well, one of them saw me. So he came up to me and said, "Hey, you're not suppose to be on the ice, it's a rule, come with me." I said, "Yeah right, shut up." Than he shouted and pulled at me. So, with one hand, I punched him in the face, with another, I punched him in the stomach. With my legs, I ran for my life. Good darn thing it was winter and I had a hood up. Teachers/Students Councils never found out who it was, =P.

Oh, yeah, I left out a big detail...The kid who I punched was sliding on the ice, laying down and crying...and he tells me not to slide on the ice... =P