Ok, So yesterday I installed windows 7 ultimate, Updates all my drives, then go play warcraft 3. The only probeblem is that every 30-300 seconds, the screen flickers, from half way down. It just flickers 3 quarters white and the rest black. I have tried to reinstall wc3. Update all drives. Edit compatability for all options on wc3.exe. Played with screen resolution and refresh rate. Im raging about it not working. I also thought it was my bios
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Small Sized Duck wrote:It's a known blizzard problem. Also happens with SC1 when using windows 7. Try running it in windows xp (virtual environment).
Explain how? Or is this just running in compatability mode?
Windowed & opengl have no probeblem ( i think).
Normal opengl does
NXDIAG, It says nothing is wrong
The probeblem has stopped ( I think.. But it might come back. If i does i will post in this. Thnx. (more help than windows 7 forum -............-)
Ok Update: Now i get no flickers, but colour problems. Caught on screenshot
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I dont think reinstall will work for you. Try putting everything back to defaults not by reinstalling but with tools like AWC cause those settings are stored into the registry.
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