In defiance ORPG there's this spellbook system whereby you'll get more of your spell abilities as you gain more level. ( The skills will appear in your spellbook at certain levels ). If possible could anyone teach me how this can be done?
Edit : I would like to know how to make an attribute system too.
For example : I level up I get 5 attribute points. Then i can use them on a skill like "StrenthUP" and it will increase my BASE strength Permanently.
Edit2 : May I know how to set the trigger in such a way that when you step into a region, your current unit will be removed and a specific unit of level 10 would be given to you?
Currently I have
-A unit enters Warrior ( that's a region i set )
-(Level of (Triggering unit)) is greater or same 10 ( My world edit is in Chinese so im translating the functions )
-If(All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
-(Unit-type of ( Triggering unit)) equals Beginner
-Unit - Create 1 Warrior for (Owner of(Triggering unit)) at (Center of Warrior) facing default degrees
-Hero - Set (Matching unit) Hero-level to 10, hide level-up graphics
-Unit - Remove (Triggering unit) from the game
Basically for wat is above I am able to get a new hero, and have my current one removed. However my new hero isn't able to level to 10 ._. ( He's at level 1 btw ).
About replace... Try basing your ability on 'Sca1' (orc unit ability that morphs the unit after research is done), remove all research requirements, and then just add ability with Unit - Add ability in triggers.
About spellbook... just make one with multiple levels, and adjust it's level when hero levels-up.
Could you please explain in a deeper detail on how to go about doing them? O_O.
And about the morphing part, it helps change the model of unit, keeps the stats, what else? And how can i go about making the unit morph when he enters a region.
The only way to go about morphing the unit is to add ability to it once it enters the region. It's like:
Unit - A unit enters Warrior <gen>
Unit-type of (Triggering unit) is not equal to (Warrior)
Level of (Triggering unit) is more or equal 10
Unit - Add (morph:warrior) to (Triggering unit)
At a spellbook, you may set min\max number of spells, and spell list.
+ Set the "Is for item" flag off.
+ Set number of ability levels to 10
+ Edit the spell list for each level to meet different stage, and dont forget to edit min\max spell count!
+ Add a trigger for LvlUp and use Unit - set ability level to set the spellbook level.
About the morphing from before, i noticed that after my character morphs, it sticks to the stat increment per level attached to the original char so is it possible to make it such that after you morph, your stats increase according to the character you morphed into?