Map has no skills and only one spawn point..

General talk about editing, cheating, and deprotecting maps.

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Map has no skills and only one spawn point..

Post by GoneCaseXD »

hello everyone.

i just deprotected a map called nanoha fight 0.34 fix4skin

but then, when i open the map, theres only one spawn point and no skills.. does anyone know the cause of this? help will be appreciated. thank you very much in advance.
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Re: Map has no skills and only one spawn point..

Post by infernorock »

You only deprotected the map, but you didn't restore the commands, skills, mod etc etc.

Off-topic: Nanoha~~
Spoiler for Wc3 I'm using and Garena ID:
The wc3 version I'm current using:1.21,1.24b,1.24e
Garena UID-->pkyer123(BANNED for some reason LOL)
-->InfernoRock(Banned for inactive...WTF!?)
Small Sized Duck wrote:IF someone is talking about a map they wanted cheated 17 years ago. And you bump it, you're retarded.
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Re: Map has no skills and only one spawn point..

Post by YellowAfterlife »

Use de-widgetiser (or how was that small nice console program called) to get back the skills.
About spawning points - no, you just need to set them again. Luckily, you don't use units because they are embed in triggers.