Warcraft 3 Random Number Generator

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Warcraft 3 Random Number Generator

Post by stealer »

Does anybody know how WC3 determines random numbers?
I'm kinda looking for the formula.

Also if you use the test map in worldeditor you'll have a fixed random number (unless you disable it)
Apparently the 'fixed seed' is 712 for random numbers between 1-1000.
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Re: Warcraft 3 Random Number Generator

Post by UndeadxAssassin »

Are you talking about the function

GetRandomInt(x,y)? From what I can tell, it's random, but then, I've never really payed too much attention to it.

If you wanna test it, I have a map with a -roll function (and it's pretty fun, too!) that I can easily edit to roll between 1-1000 instead of 100.
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Re: Warcraft 3 Random Number Generator

Post by stealer »

No, i don't mean a function (or atleast not your example).

I'm wondering how wc3 determines a random number.
Computers cannot give a random number, theres no physical way.
So to generate a random numbers a computer may take the milliseconds of the current time and preform several mathematical equations on it OR take the 7th decimial pt of the current CPU temperature and do some mathematical equations.

I am curious how WC3 comes up with its random numbers because i've seen similarities between games that have random stuff where the random things are similar when i play the games close in time.