Save - Load [Entering Cheat Pack Style]

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Save - Load [Entering Cheat Pack Style]

Post by Kyzerdrood »

Well the title says it. Basically, I need to inject a save load code into a map that saves name gold and hero lvl and nothing else. I could easily get this, but I need to be able to inject it into a map like the cheatpacks. I know little of jass and therefore cannot convert the save codes to be put in like this. Any type of save load would work.

This I assume would be the best/easiest to use.

AceHearts Save-Load Code

anyway I got to get going atm but will be back later, any help is appreciated.


Edit: TBH Hero lvl doesnt matter, Just need name and gold.
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Re: Save - Load [Entering Cheat Pack Style]

Post by naturesfury »

so what exactly are u asking for........?
ur ign stays the same whatever game ur in (unless the game changes it or u do -setname)
and gold shouldnt matter either....? just type -gold blah..
much easier on work load and then u dont need like 50 lines of jass
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Title: eruliaF

Re: Save - Load [Entering Cheat Pack Style]

Post by Kyzerdrood »

Im looking for a way to insert a save-load code into a map that doesn't have one, and is protected, WITHOUT having to unprotect it.
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Re: Save - Load [Entering Cheat Pack Style]

Post by naturesfury »

and im saying why the heck u would wanna do that >.>
but w.e....

first....u need to find out what ur gonna save (gold and "name" i guess......o.o)
next u make a trigger that runs a function when someone says -save
then make the function:
have the function run a condition of need be
make it set some variables with the player's gold and name
encode it in some way (for the name, since it's a word, u might need to make a letter-to-number function so u can do math)
and have the code show up on ur screen
add a trigger for -load
function for load:
run the encoding backwards do decode the code
add gold and change the name

btw...i still think that saving name is pointless but.....ok >.<
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Re: Save - Load [Entering Cheat Pack Style]

Post by xYeta »

He needs something easier, like a cheatpack or an injector. Just inject or insert it and done.
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Title: eruliaF

Re: Save - Load [Entering Cheat Pack Style]

Post by Kyzerdrood »


I understand how a save load code works, (until it gets to the encryption part =S) and could most likely build one in GUI. I just cannot do so in jass, and if I can/could, then I dont know how to separate it to insert it like a cheat pack. Like separating them to be inserted in >>Globals, Endglobals, and Function main.

Also, when saving name, I just want it so that only the person who saved it (name Kyzer) can load it. So some random guy called (RGuy) cant come load my code.
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Re: Save - Load [Entering Cheat Pack Style]

Post by haxorico »

make a new map with 1 unit and a level code
make ur save trigger in GUI (if that is what you want), use the level code on a character.. save > restart > load. if works
open the .j file of the map and youll see it as it will have the name of trigger
trigger save_load_system = null

just example..

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ChatBot: FatherSpace logs into the Chat.
(02:24:28) Lanaya: Gtfo ken.
(02:24:33) ChatBot: FatherSpace logs out of the Chat.
(02:24:40) Lanaya: Thought so. bitch.
(02:24:44) ChatBot: FatherSpace logs into the Chat.
(02:24:48) FatherSpace: Can I come back yet?
(02:24:51) Lanaya: What'd i say earlier.
(02:24:51) Lanaya: No.
(02:24:58) FatherSpace: Let's try this...
(02:25:01) ChatBot: Lanaya has been logged out (Kicked).

Code: Select all

(14:33:51) 2Pac: Do you know what'S so funny?
(14:34:01) Lanaya: No, please show me.
(14:34:07) 2Pac: This.
(14:34:09) ChatBot: Lanaya has been logged out (Kicked).
(14:34:10) 2Pac: 

Code: Select all

(14:35:59) haxorico: No one will belive me if I say "I got this song from 2pac on MSN" lolz ^^
(14:36:02) Lanaya: lolz.
(14:36:16) 2Pac: I AIN'T DEAD FFS.
(14:36:26) 2Pac: I'm a living legend, y'now.
(14:37:17) haxorico: why is 2Pac a legend?
(14:37:28) Lanaya: He's the worse rapper evar.

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(15:42:51) Lanaya: can i suck , . . .

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(13:55:21) ChatBot: 2Pac rolls 1d100 and gets 1.
(13:55:21) ChatBot: haxorico rolls 1d2 and gets 2.
(13:55:27) haxorico: owned?

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GeorgeMots: xplain what happens in SP. Why cant you save?
dast.-:i need play with 2 players

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(21:53:08) (673237): plzplzplz, im sorry about before.
(21:53:26) FatherSpace: I'm sorry you were born.
(21:53:31) ChatBot: (673237) has been logged out (Kicked).

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(10:08:02) Bartimaeus: you do know run I youtube channel for my favorite music, right?
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Title: eruliaF

Re: Save - Load [Entering Cheat Pack Style]

Post by Kyzerdrood »

Simple answer, and yet its exactly what I needed, although my request wasnt exactly explained very well I suppose. Thank you :)