[PURE JASS] Fai's CP 4.3c + -spawn

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Re: [PURE JASS] Fai's CP 4.3c + -spawn

Post by TheDarkKnight »

-error detector, you won't kill your unit by typing
st.9999999999999 or hp.9999999999 etc, the detector
resets it back to Blizzard allowed maximum points.
can someone tell me where 2 find that trigger? I was serching for something like "if integer>99999 then do something to prevent unit dies"
But i can't get it.
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Re: [PURE JASS] Fai's CP 4.3c + -spawn

Post by YellowAfterlife »

Code: Select all

function limit takes real n, real m, real x returns real
if n < m then
return m
elseif n > x then
return x
return n
For integers, just replace 'real's with 'integer's.
Basic math function...
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Re: [PURE JASS] Fai's CP 4.3c + -spawn

Post by TheDarkKnight »

give me the function on Fai's cp ok? because I don't know the limits. So i need to see how Fai's did it.
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Re: [PURE JASS] Fai's CP 4.3c + -spawn

Post by initialD »

does this sP. command allow me to spawn some "complicated" item, such as the butterfly in DotA?
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Re: [PURE JASS] Fai's CP 4.3c + -spawn

Post by Ken »

If it has an item ID, you can spawn it.
xkiska wrote:BARTIMEAUS is more understandable then u
Senethior459 wrote:Wow, Dream Theatre reminds me of Dragonforce, but with real skill.
Ozzapoo wrote:We laughed, we cried. Trashed.
FatherSpace: You don't find smart chicks hawt?
GeorgeMots: not anymore, im fed up with that kind of girls
FatherSpace: lol
FatherSpace: What happened?
GeorgeMots: most smart girls find out that i date/do/see other girls....
FatherSpace: ...
FatherSpace: So monogamy is your enemy?
Bartimaeus: Hmm, well, I hope my sister hasn't been kidnapped.
FatherSpace: What happened, Bart?
Bartimaeus: She walked out of the house saying that she was going over to some friends, and it's been like two hours, and my mom is trying to get a hold of her, which she's been unable to.
Bartimaeus: I can also hear three car alarms going off.
GeorgeMots: how old is she?
Bartimaeus: I haven't a clue. Probably 17.
UndeadxAssassin: wut
AbusivePie: You don't know how old your sister is?
Bartimaeus: Nope.
UndeadxAssassin: Epic fail
GeorgeMots: is she cute??
Bartimaeus: So, uh, how about you get into the Christmas spirit and put that avatar on before I do it myself and take away your bloody avatar-changin' rights?
UndeadxAssassin: If I thought of a random one...
UndeadxAssassin: Like....
UndeadxAssassin: I'll get back to you on that
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Re: [PURE JASS] Fai's CP 4.3c + -spawn

Post by initialD »

TheDarkKnight wrote:give me the function on Fai's cp ok? because I don't know the limits. So i need to see how Fai's did it.
ops sorry, i didn't see this post last time. Since it's a fai's feature I wouldn't tell it to somebody who I barely know. But I assume you can easily figure out the stats limits by using "as.999999999" cmd in Fai's cp. For HP, hmm, you got to figure it out by yourself. 8)
FatherSpace wrote:If it has an item ID, you can spawn it.
All right, I've got it.