[Deprotect] SotDRP

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Re: [Deprotect] SotDRP

Post by Azrooh »

Works for me. I think I almost have the 'kami force' thing figured out.
What would const_pcolor_string be? A variable?
I've also got the triggers instead of the code and am looking through that as well.
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Re: [Deprotect] SotDRP

Post by owner123 »

Azrooh wrote:Works for me. I think I almost have the 'kami force' thing figured out.
What would const_pcolor_string be? A variable?
I've also got the triggers instead of the code and am looking through that as well.

Glad I still have war3map.j up. Ill take another look.

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  if SubString(loc_string01,0,11)=="kami force " then
    set loc_integer02=0
      if SubString(loc_string01,11,11+StringLength(strings039[loc_integer02]))==strings039[loc_integer02]then
        call Func0177("Issuing forced command to "+strings037[loc_integer02]+GetPlayerName(Player(loc_integer02))+"|CFFFF0303!",loc_player01)
        call Func0163(SubString(loc_string01,12+StringLength(strings039[loc_integer02]),255),Player(loc_integer02),false)
Ill dissect this now.

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  if SubString(loc_string01,0,11)=="kami force " then
    set loc_integer02=0
That be that if a player types 'kami force (something)' then it ill do action - set an integer to 0

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This means that it will keep doing the actions untill ___

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      if SubString(loc_string01,11,11+StringLength(strings039[loc_integer02]))==strings039[loc_integer02]then
        call Func0177("Issuing forced command to "+strings037[loc_integer02]+GetPlayerName(Player(loc_integer02))+"|
This is the most confusing code snipet...
The substring thing just sets the code.
Ill look at Func0177 now, but I think it just makes the player do something.


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function Func0177 takes string loc_string01,player loc_player01 returns nothing
  if booleans014[GetPlayerId(GetLocalPlayer())]==true then
    call DisplayTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0,0,"|CFF3333FF<|r|CFF3333DD<|R|CFF3333BB<|R |CFF333399KAMI: |R|CFFC6FDFAcommand called by |R|CFFFF0303"+strings037[GetPlayerId(loc_player01)]+GetPlayerName(loc_player01))
    call DisplayTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0,0,"|CFF3333FF<|r|CFF3333DD<|R|CFF3333BB<|R |CFF333399KAMI: |R|CFFFF0303"+loc_string01)
This means that, well it doesnt matter what it means. It just does the custom chat thing.

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self explanitory. So now we need to look at...
        call Func0177("Issuing forced command to "+strings037[loc_integer02]+GetPlayerName(Player(loc_integer02))+"|CFFFF0303!",loc_player01)
        call Func0163(SubString(loc_string01,12+StringLength(strings039[loc_integer02]),255),Player(loc_integer02),false)

Looks like string037 is the player name. [Loc_Integer02] is the...text?
But if you recall...

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  if SubString(loc_string01,0,11)=="kami force " then
    set loc_integer02=0
It was set to 0

After looking at that string, he was right.

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Which means you say

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kami force (playernumber) (string[convert to integer])
=Convert to integer
Some examples

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kami force 1 hello --- Makes red say "hello"
kami force 2 meow --- Makes blue say "meow"
Post again if im wrong.