Warcraft III Custom Games - Warden - Important!

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Re: Warcraft III Custom Games - Warden - Important!

Post by IceMan »

The newest version of Visual Custom Kick VCK v3.8.0 now kicks on LAN according to it's website. So all you hackers out there can now safely use List Checker to bypass Warden as well as Custom Kick individual players. =D

What would happen if you try to use DropBNet2 or even ListChecker in a Battle.net Ladder Game?
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Re: Warcraft III Custom Games - Warden - Important!

Post by Mr.Sexy »

@why would blizzard ban people for using autorefresh
1. because they can
2. because every cd-key they ban, there is a potential that your gonna run out and don't click me another copy of wc3... thus earning them more money. (thats why bans are on cdkey, and not cdk and IP)
3. because autorefreshers flood the servers, and hosting a game without them is rather hard.. (by hand its hard to refresh quick enough to keep up with the auto refreshers (unless you leave 1-2 slots open at a time)
4. because it is a breach of rules, however dumb the rules are
5. even if they do ban people for it.. they dont specifically go after auto-refreshers, but rather map hacks, and people truely trying to exploit the system

I have a clean version of warcraft 3 (not so much as an mpq edit), and i still get disconnected from bnet (sometimes after games, because of the bots) and more often outa the blue in the channel (I think it may be when my computer goes to sleep mostly ^^)

now that i think about it, shouldnt i have the right to sit in the channel afk, without changing my power save options, just to get my messages... I should really complain (unless they add a /mail service) ^^
"Computers, are the way of the future, the next step in darwinizm. I say just embrase it, and be proud, that man, was so ingenious, as to force itself into submission on the ladder of evolution, I mean what other species can say that."-Mr.Sexy
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Re: Warcraft III Custom Games - Warden - Important!

Post by UndeadxAssassin »

The disconnections are a connection problem. They're not kicking you on purpose, but use of any third party program will sometimes kick you from WC3. For a while it's happened to me because of iTunes (How dumb is that?!) but I don't keep it on while playing anymore and I haven't been disconnected since.
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