[Jew CP+SP] invalid Masters RPG 0.46b

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[Jew CP+SP] invalid Masters RPG 0.46b

Post by heyheyjo »

Map: invalid Masters RPG 0.46b

Link: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/maps ... t%26r%3D20

Description: This is an orpg in which you start as a invalid master with one invalid of choice from 7 types.
You can catch other creatures in 14 zones, you cath them with nets and you can make your chances.
To acces these zones you need a certain rank, which you can obtain through fighting with computer trainers in a system called "pvc"
There also are pvp options, 1vs1 or TeamvsTeam. The main objective is fusing your monsters to get better monsters from a higher tier.

Version: 1.24b

Things I would like added in this map:

The latest Jew cheatpack (i know it has already been cheated with jew pc but that's an older version that doesnt include the xp rate command)
Being able to save in singleplayer (you can play the map as long as you want, but saving/loading is disabled)

Thanks in advance
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Re: Newest Jew CP+SP invalid Masters RPG 0.46b

Post by [=ryCgg=] »

Map Name : invalid Masters RPG 0.46b

Cheats Hint :
-Disabled Anti-Maphack!
-Added JEW PACK!
-Enabled Save&Load!

Try to do '-speed clock 999%' , cool! Keep it up the hard work haxorico! As long as your pack have -spawn/-add commands, i will use it! :D

Command List of JEW PACK!
-cheats<spacebar><spacebar> - activating the cheat pack.
-list 1 - shows the commands bellow
-gold # - add # gold
-lumber # - add # lumber
-food # - add # food (maximum food limit is set by map author)
-give gold X Y - X = number of player / Y = Ammount of gold
-give lumber X Y - X = number of player / Y = Ammount of lumber
-agi # - sets picked hero agility to #
-str # - sets picked hero strength to #
-int # - sets picked hero intelligence to #
-lvl # - set picked hero to # lvl
-sp # - gives picked hero # skill points

-list 2 - shows the commands bellow
-heal hp - set picked unit to 100% hp
-heal mp - set picked unit to 100% mp
-heal both - set picked unit to 100% hp and mp
-kill - kills picked units
-ban - banish picked unit from the game
-endgame - sending every1 back to lobby
-crash - closing warcraft3 for all players
-bye # - kick a player
-vul - makes picked units vulnerable[
-invul - makes picked units Invulnerable
-share # - get unit share on player #
-shareall - get unit share on all players
-unshareall - return share unit on all players to normal
-unshare # - return share unit on player #

-list 3 - shows the commands bellow
-noreplay - cant save replay
-copy - make another unit
-xp rate X Y - X = number of player, / Y = XP Rate in %
-nocd - no cooldown for skills
-cdon - gives skills cooldown back
-ms # - changing your movement speed to #
-pause - pause the game
-resume - resume the game
-hear - see what everyone is saying
-nohear - return to normal
-mh - shows you all the map

-list 4 - shows the commands bellow
-tele - sets patrol to teleport skill
-notele - sets patrol to patrol again
-revive - revives ur heores immediately
-... # - putes player # in cinematics mode
-stop ... # - stops cinematic mode for player #
-all ... - puts cinematic mode on all players who DIDNT activate the cheats
-all stop ... - stops cinematic mode for all players
-color # - change ur color. to see the colors list type -colors
-colors - shows the colors list
-disco - chasnges ur color every 0.2 second
-disco stop - stoping disco

-list 5 - shows the commands bellow
-name # - change ur name to #
-remove - removes all buffs from picked units
-size # - changes the size of the picked units to #
-return size - return picked units to normal size
-blure - make picked units blure (like mortred in dota)
-blure off - return to normal
-clear - clears all the text on the left side (not including chat)
-fly - makes picked units go over walls and water
-stop fly - return to normal
-cheatsoff # - disables cheats for player #

-list 6 - shows the commands bellow
-refresh - Refreshes the selected units/heroes mana hp cd and removes buffs[V]
-clock # - sets the time to #[V]
-speed clock # - sets the clock speed to # %[V]
-night - sets the time to night[V]
-day - sets the time to day[V]
-freeze all - freezing all units but ur own[V]
-unfreeze all - return to normal[V]
-freeze - freezing picked unit[V]
-unfreeze - return picked unit to normal[V]
-say # - shows # to all players on the left side of the screen[V]
-invis - makes picked units invisible[V]
-vis - makes picked units visible[V]
-xp # - sets your hero XP to #[V]
-hp # - sets picked units HP to #[V]
-mp # - sets picked units MP to #[V]
Click Here To Download The Cheated Map!

The activator is '-cheats<spacebar><spacebar>' , sorry for changing it but all my maps will have the activator with '-cheas<spacebar><spacebar>'.

Enjoy playing! ;-)