
WC3 Hacking Discussion
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Author:  macklin101202 [ June 17th, 2015, 7:22 am ]
Post subject:  WC3 Hacking Discussion

Hello everybody! I want to try and clear something out of my head that's been there for a long time.
The topic is on hacking WC3, and not maphacks, not cheatpacks or any of that. I want to discuss
hacking the game with an external hack.

Okay... here's the story. I was playing some modified anime type Hero Siege game I hosted on MMH. I found a fai cheatpack on it so I decided to give myself a little boost
with gold.. :D After awhile I got greeted in private chat with some random pubby. He informed me that he knew of the cheatpack and how I was using it. I forget the guys name
though. I inquired how he knew and he informed me he had an external map hack where he could hear all chat. Cool. A little bit of mocking around and I discovered some of his
other "abilities" he had. It's a bit fazy in my memory, but I remember he could spawn units in, create an aura around himself, spawn items, and pretty much anything else
limited to his creativity. Also, pretty funny. Somehow he mocked something up and created a aura that turned everything around him black or something.. I tried to consult him
on what he was using, and he told me he made it with a team of his. That's all I could get out of him at the time. After awhile of waiting... and waiting he finally got back on! It'd
been months since first game... and I'd seen him on like 2 more times, but I never got anything out of him. Finally I got a site and he told me I could don't click me it there, under the name
of sparkle hack or something weird. I was ecstatic.... only to discover that the site was invite only... After some research I discovered it was a media site or something that you
could watch movies on? My research was limited. That's the end of the story, thanks for enduring.

So I ask, how was that possible, how did he do that, could this hack be recreated, does anybody know any info on the site or person?
My memory is sorta sketchy, so this is sorta inaccurate to the events that transpired. I want to get this outta my brain and tell myself I tried my best
figuring this out, thanks! Please help me solve my mystery :?: .

Look at below replies, I think their is sufficient evidence that this guy was legit.

My memory is unreliable :(

Author:  haxorico [ June 17th, 2015, 2:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WC3 Hacking Discussion

1) centering your text confuses me while reading..
2) Read fai's CP command list. Sounds he just used commands from a cheat pack. Nothing special to be honest.
See chat? In Fai CP it is called Ultra Sound I think, also available on other more commonly used CPs like JJ's CP.
Spawning abilities and units? Nothing special, read the cheat pack functions. I don't see anything new

Author:  macklin101202 [ June 18th, 2015, 2:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: WC3 Hacking Discussion

haxorico wrote:
1) centering your text confuses me while reading..
2) Read fai's CP command list. Sounds he just used commands from a cheat pack. Nothing special to be honest.
See chat? In Fai CP it is called Ultra Sound I think, also available on other more commonly used CPs like JJ's CP.
Spawning abilities and units? Nothing special, read the cheat pack functions. I don't see anything new

Ok, I feel stupid now... guess I got trolled. Undid centered text, just thought it looked better.
Anything I said seem possible without a maphack and just external hack, that's what I really posted to find out.

I checked fai cp command list and I didnt find anything that is able to create an aura....
Also only I had access to fai cp in the game. He may have found the cp before game and then activated
it and then after accessing ultrasound seeing that I entered the activator... (which I did a minute after start of game)
You see where I'm going with this, I don't that find it very likely.

It was a large aura of boundry, so I'm not sure if you could call it an aura, surrounding his hero in a large area of maybe around 1000.

I looked through below commands, didn't find any command that'd do what I explained, and Fai was the only cp in the map,
I looked through the map with jasscraft, nothing.

Fai Commands
Only the player who first types the password will be able to use these commands.

kdc.* : kick player *, (disconnected)
kkp.* : kick player *,(kung-fu panda+server split)
kKp.* : (capital middle K) kick player*,(kung-fu panda+computer errors)
kce.* : kick player *, (computer errors)
kss.* : kick player *, (server split)
kfe.* : kick player *, (fatal error)
dc.* : diable player *'s cheats
cp.& : change password to &<3x spaces> (password sets back to default when you quit game)
us. : turn on/off Ultrasound for you. See all other players' chat strings.
*us. : turn on/off ultrasound for player*
md. : turn on/off maphack detector. (note: ml. to see detected MHers)
*md. : turn on/off maphack detector for player*

General commands (15 commands)

cl. : access Fai's command list in brief
cc. : show player colour codes
ml. : show maphackers list.
oc. : show the owner player's code of the unit you selected
ec.* : enable cheats for player *
xr.X : increase your experience rate by X%
*xr.X : increase player *'s experience rate by X%
fh.X : fly high. Set your camera height
*fh.X : fly high. Set player * camera height
go.X : add X gold to you
*go.X : add X gold to player *
lb.X : add X lumber
*lb.X : add X gold to player *
ri. : remove all items which are on ground
&ip.* : impersonate player*. In your next message(s), you will talk in player *'s name; & = how many messages in their name you will type

Special Abilities (13 commands)

rc.* : turn on/off the remote control, which allow you to control player *'s unit
*rc.* : turn on/off the remote control for player *'s (front*), allow him to control player *'s (rear*) units
tp. : turn on/off hotkey P (patrol) to teleport
*tp. : activate/deactivate tp. for player*
im. : activate/deactivate infinte mana (mp>55%)
*im. : activate/deactivate im. for player *
rf. : turn on/off hotkey H(hold position) to refresh spells
*rf. : activate/deactivate rf. for player *
mh. : activate/deactivate maphack for you yourself only.
*mh. : activate/deactivate mh. for player *
te.* : add/remove the tertiary eye, to see player *'s units including invisible units
*te.* : add/remove the tertiary eye for player *'s (front*) to see player *'s (rear*)'s units.
da. : deactivate all abilities which activated by you

Combinations of these commands work: tp. mh. rf. im. te. md. us. fh. rc.

Examples: mhtprf. 23tprfim. alltpim. 23456tpmhus. mhtpfh.300 23456mhtemd.all rcte.! etc.

Modifying Units (26 commands)

These commands work on the unit(s) you've selected! X = a number. X could be negative: -X

pt. : pause unit timed life
rt. : resume timed life
si. : set unit size by %
sp.X : add X skill points
sp. : remove all skill points
ms.X : add up X movement speed (doesn't stacked)
ms. : set unit's movement speed back to default
lv.X : set hero level to X (will not have flash light when level up)
Lv.X : set hero level to X (will have flash light
hp.X : set hit point to X
hp.. : kill selected unit(s)
ah.X : add X hit points
mp.X : set mana point to X
am.X : add X mana point
iv. : invulnerable
vl. : vulnerable
xp.X : add X experience points.
ow.* : set * as unit's owner.
cu.X : copy unit. (ie. reproduce the unit for X time)
cu : type this command to remove all units which are copied not longer than 10 seconds before.
Ru. : Remove selected units.
as.X : add X points to hero's stats. (ie. +str +agi +int)
st.X : add strength by X amount
ag.X : add agility by X amount
in.X : add inteligence by X amount

Notes: st. ag. or in. can be combined in pairs.
Examples: stag. agin. inst. agst. inst. ETC

pu.X : power up! add stats by X; add movement speed by 3X (doesn't stack); add magic resistance(frostwyrm skull 33%); add attack speed (glove of haste 15%)

Note: If no value is inserted, X will be set to 5; Use -X or 0 to diable those invisible items, set movement speed back to normal and reduce stats

Items & Invisible Items (8 commands)

Require Unit(s) Selection

ai.(names) : add an invisible item
di.(names) : disable an invisible item or real item
ai.all : add all invisible items
di.all : disable all invisible items or real item

Names for invisible items:
ad : attack damage +20 (claw of attack)
as : attack speed +15% (glove of haste)
am : armor +10 (Ring of protection)
mr : magic resistance 33% (Frostwyrm Skull)

Examples: "ai.ad", "ai.mr" "ai.ammr", "ai."asad", "ai.adasammr", "di.mram", "di.asad" etc.

ic.X : set item's charges. Put your item on the bottom-left inventory slot to set charges.
&ic.X : set item's charges, for the item in slot &(1-6)
ci.X : copy item X times from the top-left inventory slot
&ci.X : copy item X time from slot &(1-6)

Multiple slot numbers could be put in one command. Type "all" in front of the command to represent all slots.

Examples: "34ci." "01234ic.5" "allci.5" "allic.10"

Regeneration Buffs (4 commands)

Select a unit or a group of units before you use the following command!

X could be decimal. X could have 6 more digits after the dot. (ie. 0.123456)

rg.X : add a regeneration buff, X hp & X mp regeneration per second (stackable)
hr.X : add a regeneration buff, X hp regeneration per second (stackable)
mr.X : add a regeneration buff, X mp regeneration per second (stackable)
rb. : remove all cheated buffs added by you

Key Bindings (29 commands)

tm.X : Timer. Wait for X seconds. Use the timer to stop the next bound command to be executed for a short duration (see examples)
es& : bind command string& to ESC key. Thus command& can be executed by pressing your ESC key
*es& : activate es& for player*
es. : clear your es keys
es.* : clear player*'s es keys
mo& : bind command string& to MOVE button. (ie. hotkey M)
*mo& : activate mo& for player*
mo. : clear your mo keys
mo.* : clear player*'s mo keys
du& : bind command string& to Down+Up arrow keys.
*du& : activate du& for player*
du. : clear your du keys
du.* : clear player*'s du keys
lr& : bind command string& to Left+Right arrow keys.
*lr& : activate lr& for player*
lr. : clear your lr keys
lr.* : clear player*'s lr keys
ck. : clear all of your keys
ck.* : clear all of player*'s keys
sk. : show all of your bound keys
sk.es : show your bound es keys
sk.mo : show your bound mo keys
sk.du : show your bound du keys
sk.lr : show your bound lr keys
sk.* : show all of player* bound keys
sk.*es : show player* bound es keys
sk.*mo : show player* bound mo keys
sk.*du : show player* bound du keys
sk.*lr : show player* bound lr keys

NOTE: multiple player codes work in key binding commands. Thus you can "234esgo.500" or "ck.all" etc. Doesn't work on sk, though.

1) Type "es23456go.500" and "es23456lb.500" and you may now give 500 gold and lumber to player 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 by pressing ESC key.
2) Type "4esgo.500", now Player 4 may get 500 gold by pressing ESC key

Commands that doesn't work on key bindings: rg. hr. mr. es mo lr du es. mo. lr. du.

Author:  haxorico [ June 18th, 2015, 8:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: WC3 Hacking Discussion

This version of Fai CP allows you to spawn the same way JJ's CP does. (well, sort of)
You can add abilities and auras, I have done so myself (not with Fai CP as I don't use it that often) and it is a pretty common command actually.
You can see a lot of posts in the request section asking for the raw codes of the map, usually it is for -spawn purposes.

Author:  macklin101202 [ June 19th, 2015, 1:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: WC3 Hacking Discussion

haxorico wrote:
This version of Fai CP allows you to spawn the same way JJ's CP does. (well, sort of)
You can add abilities and auras, I have done so myself (not with Fai CP as I don't use it that often) and it is a pretty common command actually.
You can see a lot of posts in the request section asking for the raw codes of the map, usually it is for -spawn purposes.

Cool, I didn't know Fai could do that, but still... this doesn't explain properly how
he was able to gain access to the cheatpack so fast, or able to see me typing in observers with ultrasound.
In my mind, this is sufficient evidence that he at least had an external maphack or one that
allowed him to see all chat in game, do you know a maphack that allows you see all chat? I'm
sure there's one out there... then he maybe typed in the cp activator and did all this funny stuff
to amaze me, which explain the site he directed me to. I don't know, still seems funny, why would
he go through that trouble to make up a convincing story? Still doesn't really add up in my mind.
Though I ask, is such a cheat possible that allows you to have the full abilities of a cheatpack
but in a external form? Like a simple console where you can punch in codes and make magic happen.
With the right amount of experience with coding, and hacking games. Thanks!

Author:  haxorico [ June 19th, 2015, 6:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WC3 Hacking Discussion

I don't think so, if it was possible, you would see many trolls in popular games like DotA.
I still don't see what doesn't make sense. He just added an aura that already exists inside the map, you probably are just not familiar with that aura, or it is simply a built-in secrete command. Many maps have those aswell.

Author:  macklin101202 [ June 20th, 2015, 1:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: WC3 Hacking Discussion

haxorico wrote:
I don't think so, if it was possible, you would see many trolls in popular games like DotA.
I still don't see what doesn't make sense. He just added an aura that already exists inside the map, you probably are just not familiar with that aura, or it is simply a built-in secrete command. Many maps have those aswell.

It definitely not a secret command because I searched "triggerregisterplayerchatevent" in the maps jass code.
He didn't have access to the fai cp, and even if he did he wouldn't be able to do what I saw. I don't think you'd
believe me no matter what I said. But the aura was a big black blocky circle that didn't do anything cept make
things turn black that he was around, my memories fazy. From what he said, and i saw,I saw I think I can conclude
that he wasn't using anything in the game but an external hack. I don't think people would be running around in dota
and doing shit like this whatever this guy figured out, he found himself. Wasn't imported model, wasn't already existing,
was something that he tried to hack in, but messed up on.

Author:  Vegas [ June 20th, 2015, 11:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: WC3 Hacking Discussion

built-in secrete command

:lol: That's funny

Author:  Jarus [ July 2nd, 2015, 2:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: WC3 Hacking Discussion

macklin101202 wrote:
Hello everybody! I want to try and clear something out of my head that's been there for a long time.
The topic is on hacking WC3, and not maphacks, not cheatpacks or any of that. I want to discuss
hacking the game with an external hack.

Okay... here's the story. I was playing some modified anime type Hero Siege game I hosted on MMH. I found a fai cheatpack on it so I decided to give myself a little boost
with gold.. :D After awhile I got greeted in private chat with some random pubby. He informed me that he knew of the cheatpack and how I was using it. I forget the guys name
though. I inquired how he knew and he informed me he had an external map hack where he could hear all chat. Cool. A little bit of mocking around and I discovered some of his
other "abilities" he had. It's a bit fazy in my memory, but I remember he could spawn units in, create an aura around himself, spawn items, and pretty much anything else
limited to his creativity. Also, pretty funny. Somehow he mocked something up and created a aura that turned everything around him black or something.. I tried to consult him
on what he was using, and he told me he made it with a team of his. That's all I could get out of him at the time. After awhile of waiting... and waiting he finally got back on! It'd
been months since first game... and I'd seen him on like 2 more times, but I never got anything out of him. Finally I got a site and he told me I could don't click me it there, under the name
of sparkle hack or something weird. I was ecstatic.... only to discover that the site was invite only... After some research I discovered it was a media site or something that you
could watch movies on? My research was limited. That's the end of the story, thanks for enduring.

So I ask, how was that possible, how did he do that, could this hack be recreated, does anybody know any info on the site or person?
My memory is sorta sketchy, so this is sorta inaccurate to the events that transpired. I want to get this outta my brain and tell myself I tried my best
figuring this out, thanks! Please help me solve my mystery :?: .

Look at below replies, I think their is sufficient evidence that this guy was legit.

My memory is unreliable :(

I lol'd. I've done this myself to other people like you in the past. Even the things you say he said, I've said to others in the past. Especially the part about whispering in private to wannabe CP users and that I had a program enabling me to hear all that was said. Interesting.

Author:  xXxMKDxXx [ November 28th, 2016, 7:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WC3 Hacking Discussion

#bump... So I guess nobody found the ZIPPED files that are missing for a real long time. If I recall, Senethior's tools :(
[ The ELDER members should know it well]
And I happened to have open that one HDD (which has died..) and remove every possible part from it.

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