How not to be a NOOB
OK, since you're reading this guide, you're probably new here so I will go over the forum rules, then into other, more subtle things.Tru_Power22
1.0 – Rules (with notes)
1.1 - Forums explanation
2.0 - Map Requests
2.1 - Hack Requests
2.2 - Deprotection Requests
3.0 - Etiquette
3.1 - English
3.2 - Subtle things
4.0 – FAQ
5.0 - Version History
5.1 - Credits
6.0 - Closing notes
1.0 - Rules
(With Notes)
These are the most important things on the forum. If you don't follow these, not only do you look like a noob/idiot, you will get warned and maybe banned!This means you cant have five accounts, unless you ask an adminDekar wrote: - Only one account per person is permitted, if you need to create another one ask one of the admins first!

Use English, for goodness sakes.Dekar wrote: - All posts must be in English!
You don't need to know the German law off by heart, but no warez or any of that illegal stuff. Just use common sense.Dekar wrote: - Do not discuss illegal activities. This site is hosted in Germany, so don't break the German law!
This is a biggie; there is a search button, use it! I have seen it too many times where people have posted a thread, when an identical one is three topics down.Dekar wrote: - Check that your question has not been answered anywhere else on the site. Use the search feature.
This one is pretty self explanatory; don't make the same posts in different places.Dekar wrote: - Post your comment/question to the most appropriate place. Any posts deemed to be in the wrong forum will be moved. Do not cross-post the same question in multiple places.
It doesn't make your request get fulfilled faster with a subject line like “HAI CAN U HAX DIS!!@!@@!#$”Dekar wrote: - Choose an appropriate subject line. Try to summarize the problem briefly in the subject, and elaborate in the message itself.
If you fix your post(s), and PM an online moderator telling them that you fixed it, and they find it acceptable, they'll move it back.Dekar wrote: - If your thread gets moved to Trash you're not allowed to repost it, 'cause it broke at least one of the rules!
We already covered this, didn't we?Dekar wrote: - Do not propose/link to any site that contains warez/copyrighted software/materials that can be downloaded illegally.
No ads, please. If your site is a personal site, for maps or projects, go for it, but don't spam it everywhere, and if you're selling something, go here, please, .Dekar wrote: - Any posts deemed to be self promotion, advertising, or spam can and will be removed. NO SPAM - NO ADVERTISING e.g. Posting and making excessive, inappropriate and unnecessary references to your products and websites is self promotion.
R.I.P threads; don't raise them, unless it is really contributing to the thread, or you need actual help.Dekar wrote: - Do not raise dead threads, unless you have something more to add to the topic or are asking a question that no one has asked yet; leave the dead to themselves.
This is another largely overlooked rule, we know your thread is there, even if it isn't right at the top!Dekar wrote: - Don't double post, use the edit button. The only time you can double post is to bump a topic that has been inactive for five or more days. Don't bump sticky topics.
Dekar wrote: - No excessive color using; don't use it for every single word you're typing, only use it make a word(s) stand out.
A ton of people use to do this, so this rule was put up, so don't do it!
NO PORN!Dekar wrote: - No offensive, adult-oriented, or pornographic images, signatures, avatars, links or anything to do with these. Not following his rule will result in a permanent ban if you don't change it immediately after!
Keep it medium-sized, folks.Dekar wrote: - Your signature must be a size whereas it's not too big too be annoying, and not long enough to make it so your window, (maximized), creates a little scroll bar at the bottom to go to the right.
These are the rules, so, now you know, you should have read these already, but, you probably didn't so I'm reiterating them for you.
1.1 Forum Explanations
Everything under Important – I'm not covering this, because you can't even post there 
Map deprotection/Cheating – Discuss cheating and deprotection here, don't request maps, there is another section for that. This is the place for the “How do you do that” and “What if you do this” type of topics.
Map Requests – This is where you can ask for a deprotection or cheating, read the rules here, read them well…… ... t5457.html
Fulfilled Requests – DON'T REQUEST HERE, this is where you will find your map that got hacked (and others as well), actually, don't post here unless you did something with a map yourself, without a request, you can also make a topic in here with the info.
Map Protection – This is where you ask about “how do I protect this” or “how was this protection done”. DO NOT REQUEST DEPROTECTIONS HERE!
Your Work – This is where you show off that awesome map you made, or that bad-ass spell!
General Map Editing – Basic WEU questions, not trigger related; a good place to learn the basics and get tech support on why it won't work.
GUI Triggers – GUI triggers are the default trigger in World Editor that most people work with, this is where you ask “How do I make a timer” and “Would this work”, from a WE perspective.
JASS Triggers – This is WC3's actual map language, this is for more advanced users, and people wanting to learn some coding.
Warcraft 3 Not Map Editing Related – This is for your “WC3 is broken” or “Check out this awesome tool” type posts.
Member's Only – Secret tools not wanting the noob guests to see? Post here!
Everything else – This one is easy! Post anything you want here, as long as it semi-follows the rules.
Member Profiles – You want people to know you a super mega rock-star? Make a profile here!
Guest section – Hello anonymous138, are you having problems activating you account? Just want to say hello? Say it here, even if you aren't logged in you can post here!
Trash – Bad threads made by bad people will eventually turn up in here. Please note that after seven days, the thread will be deleted once moved into here.
2.0 - Map Requesting
Map requesting is the best thing out there, it lets lazy people get there favorite maps hacked! This is why you need to follow the rules, otherwise, people will get mad at you, and you'll get warned. So, read these rules first: ... t5457.html2.1 – Requests
Most of the time, you're going to request a simple multi-cheat-pack. In this case, you do not have to write a description of the map, or what you want done, besides a little, I want this hacked, or something similar. If you want anything else done, you're going to need to write a description, what you want done, and a thank you. If you don't write these, we're simply going to assume you want a cheat pack.2.2 – Deprotection Requests
Please, PLEASE, PLEASE, for the love of god, do not ask for the GUI triggers, IT CAN'T BE DONE, so don't bother! Also, pre-placed units and regions will be gone with the deprotection, but can be restored, but more then likely won't, due to the fact that it is incredibly time consuming! Also, most of the time deprotecting corrupts the maps, making them unplayable in Warcraft!3.0 - Etiquette
Just like in real life, there is some etiquette required to use forums. For starters, don't be a moron, it may seem funny to you, but it isn't. Another thing is try not to be offensive, scratch that, don't be offensive! Also, don't do/say anything you wouldn't say face to face! Stuff like this seems like common sense, and it is! But it seems more and more people lack this. Also, don't insult people, it just mean. Plus it makes you look a lot more stupid!3.1 - English
The forums do have an official language, its English! So use it, and by that I mean spelling and grammar, not just the words. I really mean it, there are too many people who think is okay to talk like “omg tnks lez not us3 gudd engrish is fine n0n3 one c4res n0w plox hax th1s for m3” and it pisses me and everyone else off. We are all human, so the occasional mistake is OK, and same with internet abbreviations. It's fine to say OMG, or LOL, or WTF and that, but it gets bad when you do that with near every damn word! So, do the right thing, and take the time to type out a well written message, it will get your point across better then one that isn't!4.0 - FAQ
Right now due to the fact I haven't had any questions, there is no FAQ

5.0 – Version History
Version 1.0 – Release
Version 1.1 - Grammar, spell, and code checked by Bartimaeus.
5.1 - Credits
Tru_Power22 – For making the guide, obviously.
Bartimaeus – For spell/grammar checking and editing the guide – Thanks man!