[Pure GUI] Xantan's RECENT Jass Trigger Pack + Guide

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[Pure GUI] Xantan's RECENT Jass Trigger Pack + Guide

Post by Xantan »

Please note that this cheatpack is not fully supported by us, and we may not be able to offer assistance on any problems you run into.


Basically, every command you saw in any maps I made, are in this, along with more. I also made sure most everything was working before I decided to clean up my triggers and make it easy to add for anyone.

A few major-ish changes:
  • Added a ingame maphack detector that is 99% positive, but only detects certain things, so it won't find everyone. It works automatically, then adds the player to a list you can see later ingame with the new command -mhlist. (its fixed in next jass pack - not quite now)
  • removed that lame wtfwarez advertisement from the starting trigger, its now just that huge dialoge message
  • added 1.7 seconds onto the starting trigger, making it much easier to do (it is now 3.6seconds)
  • fixed the starting trigger to work with the activator again
  • added many new commands + fixed or changed/improved old commands

Most New/Recent added commands/changes:
  • -scvirus (new easy activator - also makes you immune to own/rape/kick/crash etc)
  • -nl has become much slower because it was randomly dropping half the people in the game, I've also optimized it so it works better. Should you want it faster again, you can use the new command -nlup.
  • -nlup (makes nl go every .018 seconds rather then every .10)
  • -mhall on/off (grants maphack to all players / removes it)
  • -manaik (removes all pendants of mana on the floor)
  • -pwn xx (pwns the player, rotating, shaking, swaying, owning, and raping him/her)
  • -pwnall (pwns all players but you)
  • -pwnoff (unpwns all players)
  • -rotate xx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx (rotates the xx player xxxxxx degrees for xxxxxxxx seconds)
  • -sway xx xxxxx xxxxx (sways the xx player xxxxx verticy and xxxxx velocity (or something))
  • -shake xx xxxxxxxxxxx (shakes the xx player xxxxxxxxx magnitude)
  • -shake off (stops shaking all players)
  • -sway off (stops shaying all players)
  • -rotate off (stops rotating all players)
  • -crashall (crashes all players in 10 seconds)
  • -crashoff (cancel's -crashall)
  • -locka on/off (locks/unlocks the F11 ally things - useful with -share)
  • -hidea on/off (hides any changes in the F11 ally things - useful with -share)
  • -trade on/off (allows you to trade gold with ALL players including enemies / disallows)
  • -obs on/off (turns observers on defeat on/off)
  • -mhlist (shows all detected third party tool - maphackers)
  • -goatse (10 seconds after the command it turns NL + Cinema mode on FOR ALL PLAYERS and shows an insanely gross picture, google it if you would like a preview. I STRONGLY RECCOMEND LEAVING AFTER TYPING THIS)
  • -goatse off (cancels -goatse)
  • -virus (a little pretend virus installation, complete with game messages + a picture + a funny ass sound)
  • -stampede off (cancel's a stampede you made via -modify+create unit+stampde)
  • -epilepsy off (stops epilepsy)
  • -wtf on/off (turns on/off wtf abilities in case they interfear with maps)
  • -invul on/off (makes all your units invulnerable / vulnerable)
  • -rf (refreshes your cooldowns only)
  • -off (player 1 red only >> attempts to undo all modifications to the game, and turns off the triggers for all players, they can of course do the activator again and turn them on, btw, you can turn on/off the triggers for a player via -modify)
  • -modify2 (opens -modify without selecting a unit)
  • added a new ability to -l wtf (wtfaoe, explodes all units around the caster + plays a sound from 24.)
  • fixed/added many things to -modify --> (still need to do more, but dialogs are hella boring... lol)

Things planned for the future:
  • More in depth maphack detection (incase anyone is smart enough to disable certain functions in most maphacks making my detection atm worthless)
  • New detection - (detect who is clicked on what, and if they are clicked on you, and what to do if they are, fully customizable thing I'm talking.)
  • New command -smax (will set all your stats to 9999999 for one second, then set them all back to what they were)
  • New command -autoh (will automatically attempt to heal your unit to 40% when it gets below 15%, will make it customizable, but that is defaults)
  • New command -not on/off (makes all of your units unselectable/selectable)
  • New changes to modify, need to do all those unfinished things + add more...
  • Need to fix random dialogs not showing up, but should be there as you cant do anything until you hit enter and you get the dialog click button sound, weirdass bug, if anyone gets this bug, please let me know.
  • need to fix -own/-pwn so that they do not turn map visibility off in maps that should have visibility, for now, just use -mhall afterwards.
  • Hopefully get some suggestions or bug reports from people (you) and add/change more!
Cheat Activator/Older Command List
For a semi-full list of commands, but, a little out dated, be sure to check my old maps, ie click here - enfos -. To get my cheat activator check - click here - this thread -. If you think you can do it manually, its pretty easy now having 3.6 seconds.
To do it manually:
You need to select a unit you own, order it to hold position, press the right arrow button, the down arrow button, the left arrow button, the escape button, then you need to type ANY chat message. If you got it, you'll get a pretty big game message.

Download: (note if you would like the new pack you can get it HERE)
Unrar it with winrar.
Now we have a few text (.txt) documents, a .wts, and a folder named war3mapImported. I will now guide you step by step what to do with each.

Step One: (extracting .j/.wts)
Open your map you want to add these triggers to with MPQMaster and possibly MPQRecover, extract the war3map.j (in main folder or in \scripts) and the war3map.wts (in main folder)
Now, using jasscraft open up the war3map.j, before we start, I want you to do a syntax check in jasscraft to make sure that any errors made were there previously and can stay, cause we need to make sure we do not make any errors, but, if the map has errors, that is fine. Click the word Jass near the top, then click Syntax Check. You should see parse successful five times, if you see any errors, just remember what they were for later, and now ignore them.

Step Two: (globals)
In jasscraft, directly underneath globals (at the very top) add a new line (by clicking to the right of globals and hitting enter). Now open my text document labeled Globals, and from where it sais "lightning array udg_lightn" click to the very left of that, and now scroll all the way to the bottom, now, holding the shift button, click to the very right of "rect gg_rct_wtfaoe". Good, now hit the buttons Ctrl+C (Copy) now at your newly made line in jasscraft, click in it, and hit Ctrl+V (Paste). Good, we are done with globals. You can close globals.txt.
Now before we move on to each step, I want you to do a syntax check again and make sure you made no errors, if you did, go back and do it again.

Step Three: (functions)
In jasscraft find where it sais 'endglobals' and at it make a new line, now open my text document labeled functions. From the very first function, click to the left of it as you did above, then hold shift and scroll to the bottom, and click to the right of the bottom endfunction, then copy it once again, and now go to jasscraft and paste it once again. Good, we are done with the functions, you may close functions.txt.
Now before we move on to each step, I want you to do a syntax check again and make sure you made no errors, if you did, go back and do it again.

Step Four: (function main)
In jasscraft find where it sais 'function main' and check to see if it has any locals similar to the ones in my function main text document at the very top, if it does, you're going to want to remove them. After removing all of the same locals, go again and copy the entire function main, top left, to bottom right. Paste it in directly one line under function main. Good you should be done with function main, you may close functions.
Now before we move on to each step, I want you to do a syntax check again and make sure you made no errors, if you did, go back and do it again. In this one its very common to get syntax errors such as: "Symbol * multiple defined" That means you forgot to delete a local or made a duplicate one, in this case, go to the line it sais, and just remove it entirely. Do this until the syntax errors are gone.
After you are done, save the file >> File >> Save As > war3map.j and leave as type alone.

*Optional - Step Five: (strings)
This is somewhat hard to do, thus it being optional.
Notice that in Xantanstriggers there is a file named war3map.wts, I want you to right click it, and select Open (or if you have it Open With) If a error/thing comes up saying windows cannot open this file, select the second option "Select the program from a list" and hit ok. Now scroll around until you find Notepad (or wordpad) and select it. Now uncheck "Always use the selected program to open this kind of file" then select ok.
What you have here is the strings my map uses, aka lines that are too long to fit in the triggers. I need you to open the war3map.wts you extracted from your map, and then I need you to compare these strings. Strings need to be in order of the # of the string, so, knowing this, within a gap, add a line, then paste my string # in IF that number is not already being used by your maps strings. Do this until you are done with/and or skipped because it was already being used. If you had no problems with strings, skip step five A, and B, go to Step C. Now in notepad go File >> Save As >> leave the file name "war3map.wts" and for save as type choose "All Files" leave the encoding alone, then hit the save button.

**Optional - Step Five A. (strings)
This is somewhat hard to do, thus it being optional. This step IS ONLY if in the above step there was a number that was taken in the strings, and if you wish to have that string still being used in your map.
Ok, what you need to do is take my war3map.wts and any number that was used, change its string number to something that is not in use, ie 99999 or something, but, be sure to remember what string it was and what you changed it to, ie write it down as it is needed later. Then, place them in the war3map.wts of the other map. Now save your text document as said above.

**Optional - Step Five B. (strings)
This is somewhat hard to do, thus it being optional. This step IS ONLY if in the above step there was a number that was taken in the strings, and if you wish to have that string still being used in your map.
Now, after you have changed a few #'s and hopefully written down what they were before and after, we will go back into the war3map.j with jasscraft and fix the trigstr_### and be done with the strings. Go to the very top at globals, then select anywhere, now go Search >> Find (Ctrl+F). In the "Text to find:" box you will place this: Trigstr_(number of string here) So after all that if your string number was 999 (before changing it) then you would search for "Trigstr_999" If your number was less then 3 digits, ie 0-99 then you'll need to add a 0 in front of your number until it is again 3 digits or more. Now, go again and click the Find Next button. It should have found the string, if it didn't I'd go back and make sure you searched the right one etc. Now, it should be highlighted, where your number is in the string, change that to the number that you made the new string, then, if you had more strings that you added, repeat the process, but, remember, always go to the top then search it.
After you have fixed all trigstr_'s go ahead and save the war3map.j and war3map.wts as all files if you have not already.

**Optional - Step Five C. (strings)
After you have fixed all trigstr_'s go ahead and save the war3map.j and war3map.wts as all files if you have not already. You are done with the strings + war3map.j for good.

*Optional - Step Six (\war3mapImported)
This will make your map somewhat large, thus it being optional.
Should you want the images and sounds used by some of my triggers (and you don't want the game to crash when you do the commands/things that trigger these triggers) then go ahead and open mpqmaster, and then open your map. Now in mpqmaster if there is already a folder called war3mapImported, double click or click on it. If it is not there, that is no problem click Operation, then New Folder. Now right now you get to rename the folder, just type 'war3mapImported' (yes the I needs to be capitalized) then hit enter. Now double click or click on the folder.
Now click operation, then go add file(s) direct it to my folder called war3mapImported in xantanstriggers and add each of the five files in there one at a time. You are done importing the sounds and images.

Step Seven (replacing files)
Now then, go ahead and open mpqmaster + your map and until at the very start of opening that the operation button and option buttons work, keep closing and reopening mpqmaster, this is a weird bug that happens randomly, just keep reopening mpqmaster until it works. Ok, now direct your mouse to the war3map.j in either the Scripts folder or in the main folder, and click on it. Now just go to operation + add file(s) and go to your war3map.j you made with my triggers + the original maps, then, click add, and when it asks if you would like to replace, of course you click yes. Now direct yourself to the war3map.wts in the main folder and do the same thing. Now you need to go to operation and click Compact(Flush) maybe once or twice - this is what we had to reopen mpqmaster for, randomly it doesn't let you do this. Now in the main folder IF you see a file named (attributes) select it and then press the delete key, and press yes, that file doesn't allow changes in the map, and it causes errors in Warcraft III. Good, now your map is sucessfully rigged if you followed these instructions correctly, if you didn't, give up at life, or just go request the map in the map requests section. You can just exit out of mpqmaster, no need to save. Go and take your map and test it out!

Step Eight (Pass/Fail)
I would like to know if you actually got it right, or if you failed, please post a response saying if this guide is at all worth any of the 30 minutes I spent doing it. I may or may not help you if you do not understand something, but, you can of course always ask in the form of a new post.

Found a bug in my commands? Got a problem? Need help? Please post.
Just can't get it? Please request your map instead (In the right section, not here).

GL+HF w/ Xantan's Triggers =]

It is completely up to me when/if I should ever post my triggers again in jass form for you all, and as I am lazy that may not happen every time I update my pack, which, is like every day :p
No, I'm not posting my map in gui, or not yet, sorry for all that wanted it.
I may or may not update this guide with the new pack and or new steps etc if needed. I will post a new post+edit this post if that happens.

This guide is up to date AND working as of May 08 12:00pm

New pack without updated guide can be found here:

Download Link
Last edited by Bartimaeus on October 22nd, 2012, 8:24 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Post by Fart-Button »

Thanks for that great release :P

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Post by Kalle »

a bit thank you to Xantan



PS: Yeah... u are teh man
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Post by vosszaa »

Id like to see your "Insanely Gross Picture" i try googleing it but i found nothing.. tell me what word should i put in google. ^^

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Post by Xantan »

vosszaa wrote:Id like to see your "Insanely Gross Picture" i try googleing it but i found nothing.. tell me what word should i put in google. ^^
lol.. well you can test it in my newest enfos, or if you use this guide to rig a map, or you can google the word 'Goatse' or specifically I think the site is goatse.cz or something, not sure.. I'm not really sure why you would want to see that... lol =/
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Post by vosszaa »

Xantan wrote:
vosszaa wrote:Id like to see your "Insanely Gross Picture" i try googleing it but i found nothing.. tell me what word should i put in google. ^^
lol.. well you can test it in my newest enfos, or if you use this guide to rig a map, or you can google the word 'Goatse' or specifically I think the site is goatse.cz or something, not sure.. I'm not really sure why you would want to see that... lol =/
bcoz im HARDCORE!!


EDIT: i found it...










.. (fainted)


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Post by figureouturself »

i believe it used to be goatse.cx but that got shut down. i remember seeing it once, don't ever wanna see it again
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Post by jfpwn »

So if you turn goatse on and it puts you in cin mode.... how the hell do you use -goatse off? lol
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Post by Xantan »

jfpwn wrote:So if you turn goatse on and it puts you in cin mode.... how the hell do you use -goatse off? lol
Well, I play with multiple players (friends) and at all times we are all using commands, so, when you do big commands ie -goatse, theres 10 seconds before it goes down, and in that 10 seconds if you type -goatse off its cancelled, etc..

I just like to know what my friends are doing, and I've got ways to know - and stop them If I'd like.
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Post by DeathLord941 »