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How can I edit a jass file and merge it with a LTW map serie

Posted: February 18th, 2020, 9:42 pm
by emilo0212
Hey there, first of all, I'm grateful for your help with editing maps and fulfilling my requests for custom features for maps, but as these maps are getting updated constantly with new features and bug-fixes, I would like to finally learn a way to edit a jass file, edit the functions that I'd like to edit (stats, lumber, gold, etc..) and merge it back to its original map, so it can be playable.

I should probably let you know that these "updated" maps are from lolreported - LTW series (Line Tower Wars series), as of this date the latest version is the 2.6a, here's a link for it:

If anyone could give examples on how/where to place/edit functions of income/lumber editing/stats etc in this map, then that would be appreciated a lot! I tend to learn better with examples :P

I've been reading the wonderful tutorial made by Nuuby and installed some of the tools that I thought I would need, please correct me if I need other tools as well.
I've downloaded the following ones:
[*] RMPQEx.exe - To deobfuscate and dump the jass file
[*] MPQEditor - To extract/replace files

My issues:
[*] I am not sure how I can identify the "Trig_PlayerIncome" function (Would appreciate any help here).
[*] Following the logic on how the game adds income to players, I tried editing and came up with this, would this be correct if I finally manage to find the player-income function to place it in?:

Code: Select all

call AdjustPlayerStateBJ(1000000000, Player(0), PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_GOLD)

[*] Whenever I try to open the maps in the MPQEditor, they always open in "readonly" mode, which takes away the possibility of replacing files and merging. What are you guys doing in order to get this done?

Thanks in advance!

Re: How can I edit a jass file and merge it with a LTW map s

Posted: February 19th, 2020, 11:27 am
by nuzamacuxe
To open maps in read-only mode download the useful_tools.rar from this thread:

There's no Trig_PlayerIncome function in this map. What I did to make what you asked was simply look for the function which I can guess that the map was already full loaded and put the SetPlayerState command.

Hint: you should compare the war3map.j which I cheated with the original one so that way you can learn. Other things like how to do a function and so on you might learn by yourself since it depends from what you want to do.

Re: How can I edit a jass file and merge it with a LTW map s

Posted: February 22nd, 2020, 8:17 pm
by emilo0212
Came back to thank you! Forgot all about it after working on this following your suggestions.