Masin RPG 1.72 guide/tutorial

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Masin RPG 1.72 guide/tutorial

Post by macroflation »

NumberXIII and shuraz have made tutorials for previous versions, but there's some errors/outdated info in them. That, along with the changes in 1.72, brought me to make an updated tutorial.


Map description: Grind-heavy Korean RPG, with the vast majority of things requiring high amounts of stats and some things (such as areas) having level requirements.

NOTE: All stat requirements are for total stats, and don't include the stats gained from items (green stats). STR + AGI + INT = total stats.

Starting job: Wisp, level 1 (click to select)

Job 1/Tier 1: Angel/Devil, level 30.
To obtain tier 1, upon reaching level 30, walk into Illidan/Helper Luchifare at the spawn. You will be teleported to another part of the map with Angel Soul and Devil Soul enemies. Defeat either of these and they will drop an item that allows you to become them as your first tiering up. They will take a few tries.

Use the item by having it in your inventory and using the level 30 skill.

Aside from their skillsets and what Hidden Character they can become, there is little difference between the two as they can both upgrade along the same paths at the Level 200 job change.

They both have a chance of dropping a Human Soul item, which allows you to become the Hidden Character Human. Humans can upgrade along the same path as Angel or Devil characters, or aim for the Hidden Character Cloud. More explanation in Hidden Characters section further down.

Job 2/Tier 2: Level 200, 8 choices
Upon reaching level 200, you can change into a dedicated class. To do this, you enter the portal in the spawn base labelled Awakening, and kill the Devil of Awakening Ariser in the area you're teleported to. He has a chance of dropping 0-6 items, including duplicates, all of which will change your class and make you a Tier 2 character.
Note that he has a Stomp skill that he uses at the beginning of every fight. It will kill you if it hits you. I strongly suggest rushing him, then backing away as he uses his Stomp, then begin fighting him in order to have the highest chance of success.
The items and their respective classes are as follows
Nightmare {item is labelled --} is a DPS character, well rounded, and among the best DPS characters in the game. Mostly active skills.

Slaughter {item is labelled -Slaughter-} is a DPS character, with high damage output and among the highest DPS in the game. Very fragile. Mostly passive skills. NOTE: DO NOT UPGRADE ANY OF SLAUGHTER'S SKILLS FULLY AT THIS LEVEL, OR THEY WILL CEASE TO WORK. LEVEL 3 IS THE HIGHEST YOU CAN LEVEL SKILLS SAFELY.

Revenge {item is labelled -Revenge-} is a DPS/Tank character, with skills that can either increase tanking capabilities or increase DPS capabilities. Mostly active skills.

Disgust {item is labelled -Disgust-} is a Tank character, who has the worst DPS in the game. Will almost never die. I haven't played Disgust, so I don't know the spread of active/passive skills, but know that it does have both.

Lust {item is labelled -Lust-} is a Summoner character, who has decent DPS and is very fragile. Can summon incredible tanks that don't have timed life.

Death {item is labelled -Death-} is a Summoner/Mage character, who has decent DPS and is very fragile. Can summon tanks with varying life spans, some being permanent. Will lose summons at later tiers.

Blessing {item is labelled -Blessing-} is the only Support character, who has okay DPS and is fragile. Can buff any allies and heal them. Highly useful at later tiers.

Thirst {item is labelled -Thirst-} is a Tank/DPS character, who has decent DPS and is a decent tank. Has lifesteal passives, and some actives.
After deciding a character, pick up their respective item and use your level 200 skill.

Upon obtaining level 200, whether you Tiered or not, you can now go to the Level 200 area. To access this area, go to the portal at the bottom of the spawn town and proceed south. If this is the first time someone has been there, a large but relatively weak foe will guard the area. The next portal is inaccessible until this foe is dead.

Job 3/Tier 3: Level 1000, 10,000 total stats.
After reaching the listed requirements, you have to obtain three items in order to Tier Up. The first is Samuel's Blessing, dropped by Prophet Samuel in the level 900 area. The second is Fallen Angel's Blessing, dropped by fallen angels in the level 900 area. The last is Lucifer's Blessing, dropped by Thousand Faces Luchifare in the Luchifare's Trial area. After obtaining these three items, use the -create command with all three in your inventory to obtain Lucifer's Approval. With Lucifer's Approval in your inventory, go to the church in the northern section of the third town (teleporter area). Move all the way to the center of the black circle at the northernmost section of the church, and enjoy your Tier 3 character.

TIPS FOR BEATING LUCHIFARE: Just like the Devil of Awakening Ariser, Luchifare will begin all fights with a Stomp. Treat it the same as Devil of Awakening Ariser. Things to note as well are his skills. At 75% HP, he will oneshot you. He uses this skill once. At 50% HP, he will summon a circle of clones. They won't ever move, and after around 10 minutes or so they will be gone. At 25% HP, he will gain 444,444 in all stats and his attack speed will go up. This lasts until he dies.

Only Tier 2 characters can enter this area, though some Tier 3 and Tier 4 characters can fire far enough with autoattack or skills to be able to help. If you're not receiving assistance, you will die many many times, especially after 25% HP.

CHANGES FOR LUCHIFARE: As of this version, he respawns. This means more than one person can obtain Tier 3 per game.
Human Hidden Character: Cloud has the most difficult time tiering up. Requirements are 50k total stats between AGI and INT. After getting this, kill Bandit King Marble in the Level 1 area. This will teleport you to a new area with a bigger, badder, scarier Marble to fight. Suggestions for this are to save before fighting, as you become Tier 2 temporarily with a total of around 20k stats for this fight. You should also have the BlazeBlade Replica made by the boss drop from Footman Level 400 area and Menacing Axe from Bereth for additional help.

Cloud has above average DPS, above average tanking ability, and has actives and passives. Some people will tell you he sucks, some people will tell you he's great. Form your own opinion.

STRATEGIES FOR CLOUD FIGHT: You should have access to a single active skill. This is a stun, and should be used as often as you can. Use it and run, as he hits faster and harder than you can otherwise. If you die, you can't get another shot that game.

Angel Hidden Character: Dark Ranger has the easiest time tiering up. Requirements are 50k total stats and a Spirit item from Azrael in the Level 700 area. After meeting these requirements, go to the Area Restricted By Sitael and take the spirit to the summoning circle at the far end. Congratulations, you are now the Dark Ranger.

Dark Ranger has very high DPS, is fragile (though less so than Slaughter), and has almost all actives.

Devil Hidden Character: Sephirot has the second hardest time tiering up. Requirements are 80k total stats and Hero Schneider (Arthas rune summon) being dead. After meeting the requirements, walk into the black area to the right of Arthas' ramp. Congratulations, you are now Sephirot.

Sephirot has very high DPS, very high tanking ability, and is arguably the best character in the game.

Bandit King Marble
Area you're transported to with required stats
Portal to Arthas area
Cloud, who has to die before you can become Sephiroth
Area to walk into after Cloud is dead and the requirements are met
Azrael, whose spirit you need
The teleporter choice to go to when the requirements are met
The spot to walk on. Sitael must still be alive at this point for it to work
JOB 4/TIER 4: Requirements are 500,000 total stats and three items: Paimon's Grieving Soul (soul), Prideful TaeRaeJinGap (armor), and Prideful Leather Glove of Assassination (weapon).

Disgust: Use R Skill (Mortar skill), not Ultimate

Revenge: Go to the Center of the Lv.400 Footman Area

Slaughter: Kill 1,000 enemies in level 700 area

Lust: Use Seduce skill on Abel (flag summon) in Level 400 Eve's Sanctuary area.

Death: Level 1,000 area (Leftside of 2nd town), 4-6 Fragments of Damien (you have to get the last hit, not your summons) and Boss Damien will spawn. Kill it (again, NOT with summons. They can be used to weaken it, but they can't get the last hit). May be that you have to kill your Damien summon to spawn Boss Damien.

Thirst: Use Q Skill

Nightmare: 1.59: Use any skill on any mobs; 1.78: kill 1,000 enemies with skills

Blessing: 1.59: Go into the church at 3rd town

Go to black area to the right of Arthas' ramp. Hero Schneider may or may not need to be dead.
Dark Ranger
Go to Azrael Summon Circle in Lesser Demon Colony. Azrael may or may not need to be dead.


Table of Farming - when and what, by Dragonayzer

Cain's Dagger of Betrayal {Cain, Level 400}

Sword of Destruction {Kamael spirit, Level 500}

Death Fel Axe {Azrael Spirit, Level 600}

Samuel's Noble Staff {Samuel Spirit, 10,000 Stats}

Archduke's Flaming Blunt Weapon {Gusion Spirit, 100,000 Stats}

Satanis {Belial Spirit, 250,000 Stats}

Leather Glove of Assassination {Paimon Spirit, 500,000 Stats}

True Leather Glove of Assassination {Demon King Heart, True Weapon Scroll, 500,000 stats}

Prideful Leather Glove of Assassination {Solomon Spirit, Prideful Weapon Scroll, 500,000 stats}

Destructive {Molloch, Tier 4}

Blaze Blade {Satanachia, 700,000 stats}

Lilith's Magical Orb {Lilith, 1,000,000 stats}

Devil's Test {Ifrit, 1,300,000 stats} OR Devil's Test {Plethon, 1,300,000 stats}
{Neither is part of the Ifrit or Plethon sets}

Dark Matter {Jbeul Nine (Vassago, Devil King Heart, Gusion, Belial, War (Erigos drop), Valefor <Vassago area>), 1,700,000 stats}

Class Weapon {more details in a separate area, 1,700,000 stats}
For Class Weapons, you need the Dark Matter weapon.

TIPS FOR FIGHTING THE FOLLOWING BOSSES: They have a Stomp which causes instant death. It takes them a while to regain the mana to use it again after they use it. Outside of that, there's nothing of note.

STR BASED CLASSES (Sephiroth, Disgust, Revenge): Kill Valefor in the area Vassago spawns; walk into the red crystal to spawn him. He can be spawned infinitely, but once he's spawned, you can't summon Leraje or Buer in that game. It may take a few kills to get him to drop his Spirit. Once he does, fuse that with Dark Matter to get your class weapon.

AGI BASED CLASSES (Cloud, Slaughter, Thirst, unsure if Nightmare is AGI or INT): Kill Leraje in the area Vassago spawns; walk into the green crystal to spawn him. He can be spawned infinitely, but once he's spawned, you can't summon Valefor or Buer in that game. It may take a few kills to get him to drop his Spirit. Once he does, fuse that with Dark Matter to get your class weapon.

INT BASED CLASSES (Dark Ranger, Death, Lust, Blessing, unsure if Nightmare is AGI or INT): Kill Buer in the area Vassago spawns; walk into the blue crystal to spawn him. He can be spawned infinitely, but once he's spawned, you can't summon Leraje or Valefor in that game. It may take a few kills to get him to drop his Spirit. Once he does, fuse that with Dark Matter to get your class weapon.

Cain's Bronze Armor {Cain, Level 400}

Armor of Destruction {Kamael spirit, Level 500}

Azrael's Chain Mail {Azrael Spirit, Level 600}

Samuel's Ceremonial Robe {Samuel Spirit, 10,000 Stats}

Gusion's Expensive Armor {Gusion Spirit, 100,000 Stats}

Armor of Wrath {Belial Spirit, 250,000 Stats}

TaeRaeJinGap {Paimon Spirit, 500,000 Stats}

True TaeRaeJinGap {Demon King Heart (Gusion + Belial), True Armor Scroll, 500,000 stats}

Prideful TaeRaeJinGap {Solomon Spirit (Demon King Heart + Paimon), Prideful Armor Scroll, 500,000 stats}

Rough Ironhide {Molloch, Tier 4}

Estranged Sibling's Armor {Satanachia, 700,000 stats}

Lilith's Black Winged Clothes {Lilith, 1,000,000 stats}

Pitch Black Soul Armor {Ifrit, 1,300,000 stats} OR Black Flame Soul armor {Plethon, 1,300,000 stats}
{Ifrit set explodes on death to deal 40,000,000 Chaos damage in an area around you. Plethon set gives you a 1% chance to cause {Total Stats} times 70 in damage to the enemy.}
AS OF 1.78 UPDATE 2: {Ifrit set explodes on death to deal 40,000,000 True damage + INT x 250 True Damage in an area around you. Plethon set gives you a 2% chance to cause {Total Stats} times 70 in damage to the enemy.}

False Causality {Mephisto, requirements unknown, assumed to be at least 3,000,000 stats}

Helper Soul {Helper Luchifare, Level 1}

Bandit King's Soul {Bandit King Marble spirit, Level 1}

Tribal Chief's Soul {Tribal Chief spirit, Level 1}

Arthas' Soul {Arthas spirit, Level 1}

Zeff's Soul {Zeff spirit, Level 1}

Enuk's Soul {Enuk spirit, Level 1}

Monak's Soul {Monak spirit, Level 1}

Witgang's Soul {Witgang spirit, Level 1}

Plague's Soul {Plague spirit, Level 1}

Bereth's Soul {Bereth Spirit, Level 1}

Cain's Soul {Cain spirit, Level 400}

Kamael's Soul {Kamael spirit, Level 500}

Azrael's Soul {Azrael Spirit, Level 600}

Samuel's Soul {Samuel Spirit, 10,000 Stats}

Gusion's Soul {Gusion Spirit, 100,000 Stats}

Belial's Soul {Belial Spirit, 250,000 Stats}

Paimon's Soul {Paimon Spirit, 500,000 Stats}

True Paimon's Soul {Demon King Heart (Gusion + Belial), True Soul Scroll, 500,000 stats}

Paimon's Grieving Soul {Solomon Spirit (Demon King Heart + Paimon), Prideful Soul Scroll, 500,000 stats}

Molloch's Soul (NOT Spirit) {Molloch, Tier 4}

Satanachia's Soul {Satanachia, 700,000 stats}

Lilith's Soul {Lilith, 1,000,000 stats}

Ifrit's Soul {Ifrit, 1,300,000 stats} OR Plethon's Soul {Plethon, 1,300,000 stats}
{Ifrit set explodes on death to deal 40,000,000 Chaos damage in an area around you. Plethon set gives you a 1% chance to cause {Total Stats} times 70 in damage to the enemy.}
AS OF 1.78 UPDATE 2: {Ifrit set explodes on death to deal 40,000,000 True damage + INT x 250 True Damage in an area around you. Plethon set gives you a 2% chance to cause {Total Stats} times 70 in damage to the enemy.}

Mephisto's Soul {Mephisto, requirements unknown, assumed to be at least 3,000,000 stats

Cain's Gauntlets {Cain, Level 400}

Gloves of Destruction {Kamael spirit, Level 500}

Death's Hand {Azrael Spirit, Level 600}

Prophecy's Hand {Samuel Spirit, 10,000 Stats}

Greed's Magical Powers {Mammon spirit, 50,000 stats}

Envy's Magical Powers {Leviathan spirit, 250,000 stats}

Lust's Magical Powers {Asmodeus spirit, 600,000 stats}

Sloth's Magical Powers {Adam spirit, 1,700,000 stats}
NOTE: Lemegeton drops from Sitri, the boss in the bottom right teleporter in Solomon area. NOT far right, the far right is Belial. Solomon's Key has to be purchased from Solomon in Solomon area for 1,000,000 gold and 10,000 wood.

Go To Hell !!!!!! {Devil Orders Go, Devil Orders To, Devil Orders Hell, Level 1}

Panic Soul {Panic, Level 1}

Rahab Soul {Rahab's spirit, Level 1}


Sorrow of War {War (Erigos drop, requires level 1000 to hold), Sorrow (Erigos minion drop), 50,000 stats}

Pentgram (Erigos) {Lemegeton, Solomon's Key, 100,000 stats}

Evil God Stone of Strength {Molloch Spirit, Evil God Stone (Lilith Slave drop), T4}

One Who Brings Forth Satan's Powers {Belial's Bloodline (Belial spirit, Leviathan spirit, Powerful Angel Powers axe), 500,000 stats}

AGI upgrades

Wirinom's Rival {Wargod's Spirit (Ose drop, requires Level 1,000 to hold), Rival (Ose minion drop), 50,000 stats}

Pentagram (Ose) {Lemegeton, Solomon's Key, 100,000 stats}

Evil God Stone of Agility {Satanachia's spirit, Evil God Stone, T4}

Jable9Rank7 {One Who Denies Death (Azrael Might flag, Azrael spirit), 500,000 stats}

INT upgrades

Gremory's Precious Necklace {Gremory's Old Necklace (Gremory drop), Precious (Gremory minion drop), 50,000 stats}

Pentagram (Gremory) {Lemegeton, Solomon's Key, 100,000 stats}

Evil God Stone of Intelligence {Lilith Spirit, Evil God Stone, T4}

Evil Spirit Princess Soul {Cruelty (Asmodeus spirit, Ludviana's Engagement Ring (Ludviana drop), 500,000 stats}
Blaze Blade (Replica): kill 150 footmen and defeat boss that spawns for Item Left By Bere, fuse with Menacing Axe, 6,000 stats required

One Who Defeated Schneider: Take rune dropped by Arthas to red summoning circle to the right. He can drop from 1 to 3 flags. Endurance flag is STR, Might flag is AGI, Omnipotence flag is INT. Requirement is 30,000 stats.

Story of Azrael: Take rune dropped by Monak to red summoning circle to the south. Use same orb as your flag is (Might for Might, Endurance for Endurance, Omnipotence for Omnipotence). Requirement is 80,000 stats.

Story of Sitael: Take rune dropped by Azrael (Level 700 area) to Area Restricted By Sitael red summoning circle. Requirement is 300,000 stats.

Abel's Pain: Take rune dropped by Cain to red summoning circle behind his spawn. Requirement is 600,000 stats.

Baal flag name unknown: Take rune dropped by Vassago. Teleporter in bottom left of Solomon's Boundary leads to Baal spawn. Requirement is 2,000,000 stats.

NOTE: Baal Flag creation command has recently been changed to "Sigil of Baal Solomon", without the quotes. Thanks to allenwalker1990 for the information.


Simple fight. Has 10 mana max, uses 1 every time he uses his skill. Once he reaches 1 mana, his next skill will do massive damage and will very likely kill you. When he has 2 mana, run and leave a summon (such as pentagram summon) to take the hit. His mana will be restored to max after he uses that skill. Repeat until dead.
Paimon's a huge pain to deal with. His four Altars give him his power. Altar of Sloth is his Thorns, Altar of Wrath is his Damage, Altar of Gluttony is his Lifesteal, Altar of Pride is his Mana. When he has max mana, he'll use a skill that instantly kills anyone in a huge area and does damage to his Altars. Suggested course of action is to break Sloth at the very least, preferably Gluttony and Envy as well. Or you could choose Wrath and Envy, as his Lifesteal will be nerfed to the extreme with most of his Damage gone.
Dark Ranger can help with their Beam skill in weakening the altars, or in sniping Paimon.
Sephirot and Death (T4) can help by using their Dash/Blink skill. Lure Paimon to the sides and they will be able to enter the area. AS OF THIS VERSION SEPHIROT CAN NO LONGER WALK INTO PAIMON AREA.

You'll need 6 of his Spirit in total. Thankfully, Paimon's Drop Rate was buffed to be nearly 100% as of this version.
Rather straightforward fight. Has a Stomp skill he uses every so often. When he stops attacking, run away to evade it. If he continues to not attack after he Stomps, run as far away as you can. The 'Mega Stomp' will kill you otherwise.

Anyone too close to someone being attacked will be hit by Splash Damage far stronger than the damage being done to the one being attacked. Better to have someone strong weaken him, then go in to kill him yourself.
Annoying fight. As his health gets lower, Stones will spawn. They give him buffs and cannot be hurt. Upon reaching 25%, the Stone of Sin will spawn and fully heal him while killing everyone in the area after ~four seconds. If you don't kill him in those four seconds, break the Stone of Sin. It gives the buffs of all three of the other stones, and he'll be greatly weakened by its being destroyed.

If you choose to break the stone, hug the sides while approaching it. This will allow you to stay out of his aggro range. If you have a summon, once you're in the top corner, send one down near the bottom corner of the black area Satanachia stands on then all the way to the entrance of the area. He will follow the summon and leave you free to break the stone for a time.

If you choose not to break the stone, keep on as you were before the Stone of Sin spawned. Keep in mind he will be far more powerful, though.
Lilith is a long, drawn-out fight. She has a 38,500,000 Mana Shield that takes 20,000 damage per hit. After reaching 50% HP, she gets another 38,500,000 Mana Shield and doubles attack speed. Reaching 30% HP causes her to use a skill that Instantly Kills all players in her arena. If she's incapable of using skills (Stunned, Chained, etc.) she won't use it. After using the skill, all players will constantly take damage in her arena.

There are two approaches to fighting Lilith.

Approach 1: Beat on her constantly. She'll die eventually.

Approach 2: Use magic damage to kill her. Magic damage bypasses the Mana Shield, and doesn't trigger her skills. Note that any physical damage taken will heal her to 100% HP if her HP is higher than 50%, or to 50% if her HP is lower than 50%. Disgust is the best character to do this due to their Ultimate doing Massive Magic Damage and being more than capable of tanking her for the time needed.
Can only be summoned if Vassago has not been spawned and if Lilith is dead. Can not cast spells in his arena. When his Mana reaches 100, he will use a Stomp skill. I haven't seen him enough to make a very good guide for beating him, but he has a Shield similar to Abel's Shield.I don't know when it happens though. Sorry for the subpar guide, but hopefully the little information I know can help.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Baal's arena can only be entered 12 times in one games, unless a T4 Blessing enters it. This causes the maximum entries to increase to 24.
Baal's defense was buffed to 10,000 in this version.

Baal will instantly kill everyone in the arena if anyone has less than 25% HP, or if he's attacked with More Than 80 Mana or Less Than 10 Mana. This is all I know about Baal. Good luck.

At ~50% HP, Baal will use his Explosion skill, as though the above Instant Kill requirements were met. Thanks to randomanon for this information!

Upon reaching 10% HP, Baal will heal back to 50% and kill everyone in the arena.


-kill causes you to instantly die, same as using Hold Position five times in one life.
-create combines items.
-cam 150-300 changes camera distance, adding "fix" without quotes will make it stay at that distance until you change it with another command.
-dice rolls for a number between 1 and 100. Some say this increases droprate if used while the boss you're fighting is below 10% HP. Otherwise used to decide who gets boss drops if more than one person wants it.
-clean removes most items on the ground after one minute.
-damage on is a command that should never be used in an online game. It causes every attack to show how much damage it does and causes Extreme Lag.
-damage off is a command that should always be used if someone uses -damage on.
-dope str/agi/int increases the chosen stat by 1,000,000 for the duration of one game at the cost of 1,000,000 wood.
-don't click me purchases 10,000 wood for the invalid of 1,000,000 gold.
-save creates a load code for your character. Screencap it or write it down, you'll need it.
ESC key opens Storage window. First button is to Store Items, second button is to Retrieve Items, and bottom button is Cancel.

MAX LEVEL: 2001, cannot save. Walk to Eve in Spawn Base to revert to 2000 and be able to save.
MAX STATS: Each individual stat has a limit of 999,999, causing the Max Total Stat limit to be 2,999,997.
Sigil of Baal Solomon: Upgrade to Baal Flag

randomanon: help with filling out item names (as of 1.86E, may be different in earlier versions), some information on Baal, and clarifying the various Pride Soul upgrade items' creations.
allenwalker1990: informing about Baal flag creation command changing, as well as what said command is.
trustmyself: letting me know I forgot to add the {Class Weapons} section.
mitakashi: stating the correct way of getting Tier 4 Lust.
Chevy116: stating the procedure for getting Tier 4 Death
Enishiyuki22: fixed info on Lilith (boss) Instant Kill health requirement (previously 35%, now 30%)

Thank you for reading, and I hope it helped. If you have information not in this guide, please share it and it will be added to the guide.
Last edited by macroflation on June 6th, 2016, 7:58 pm, edited 29 times in total.
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Re: Masin RPG 1.72 guide/tutorial

Post by Losmar »

Do you have the 1.72 korean version of the map? Would really like to have it, I've only found an english hacked version
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Re: Masin RPG 1.72 guide/tutorial

Post by macroflation »

Losmar wrote:Do you have the 1.72 korean version of the map? Would really like to have it, I've only found an english hacked version
Nope, sorry. If you can find HvsH on WC3, they could probably point you in the right direction, since they're the one that did the english hack.
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Re: Masin RPG 1.72 guide/tutorial

Post by macroflation »

Losmar wrote:Do you have the 1.72 korean version of the map? Would really like to have it, I've only found an english hacked version
Actually, ignore my last response. You can find the most recent korean versions on the site, here
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Re: Masin RPG 1.72 guide/tutorial

Post by Losmar »

I've tried to find the version on, but I think I have to be a member on that site to be able to download anything.

I've got a lvl 1989 Devil of disgust with over 80k+ total stats, killed hero schneider and tried to become Sephirot but nothing happend... What do u think could be the problem?
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Re: Masin RPG 1.72 guide/tutorial

Post by macroflation »

Losmar wrote:I've tried to find the version on, but I think I have to be a member on that site to be able to download anything.

I've got a lvl 1989 Devil of disgust with over 80k+ total stats, killed hero schneider and tried to become Sephirot but nothing happend... What do u think could be the problem?
Disgust is a Tier 2 class, to become Sephirot you have to be a Tier 1 Devil class, the one you become right after Wisp.
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Re: Masin RPG 1.72 guide/tutorial

Post by cvijo »

where does lemegeton drop ?
pls answer
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Re: Masin RPG 1.72 guide/tutorial

Post by darkismen »

hai :3 i have two noobster questions...

First: how can i became job 4? I have a lot of problem of this... for some reason the lot of guides says the same but i have the items required and tried the steps from my class and... i can't evolve e-e

I'm vampire and a friend are Revenge, you can tell me how i can evolveup to tier 4 with more details? D:

and the another: how i can became Cloud? i need more details on this, i don't understand completely :/

Sorry for the inconvenience, and for the possible bad english(this is not my main language, it is hard to written with my own lol)
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Re: Masin RPG 1.72 guide/tutorial

Post by macroflation »

darkismen wrote:hai :3 i have two noobster questions...

First: how can i became job 4? I have a lot of problem of this... for some reason the lot of guides says the same but i have the items required and tried the steps from my class and... i can't evolve e-e

I'm vampire and a friend are Revenge, you can tell me how i can evolveup to tier 4 with more details? D:

and the another: how i can became Cloud? i need more details on this, i don't understand completely :/

Sorry for the inconvenience, and for the possible bad english(this is not my main language, it is hard to written with my own lol)
No worries on any count, on your English or on the 'noobster' questions.

Vampire T4 requires 500,000+ stats, Prideful Paimon equipment, and to use your Q skill. Prideful Paimon equipment requires Paimon Soul, TaeRaeJinGap, and Leather Glove of Assassination.

First step is to make Devil King's Heart out of Belial drop and Gusion drop, then purchase a True scroll from Luchifare in Solomon's Boundary for 500,000 gold and 5,000 wood (or 100,000 in the Weapon's case) then fuse them. Repeat until all three are True Paimon Soul, True TaeRaeJinGap, and True Leather Glove of Assassination.

Next is Prideful Paimon gear. This requires a Paimon drop, Gusion drop and Belial drop to make Solomon's Spirit. Fuse Solomon's Spirits and Prideful scrolls (purchased from Luchifare in Solomon's Boundary for 1,000,000 gold and 10,000 wood) to get Paimon's Grieving Soul, Prideful TaeRaeJinGap and Prideful Leather Glove of Assassination.

Then go anywhere (Demon area is best for fast levels) and use your Q skill to become T4 Thirst. Revenge has to go to the spot where Even More Menacing Bereth spawns, the center of the level 400 area with footmen near where Bereth spawns.

Hope this helps!
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Title: Retired Forum Sadist

Re: Masin RPG 1.72 guide/tutorial

Post by DarkFlameMaster »

Hey the only difference of this like Shuraz and NumberXIII that this post don't have any pics or even color coding...
And this is my last question...

T4 of Nightmare:
I used all same skills over and over and have the 3 items you just have said like the other guys...
Job 4 (T4)
Required 500k stats and 3 items below:
Image - Prideful Leather Glove Of Assassinations - Type Weapon
Image - Paimon's Grieving Soul - Type Soul
Image - Prideful TaeRaeJinGap - Type Armor
For each job they have different condictions to change into T4
-Use any skill on any mobs
Like I just said...
Can you give me a hint ? This is irritating...
I'm looking for the answer in 2 weeks and still nothing... :neutral:
Spoiler for Retirement MSG:
Sadly I just deleted my War3/RoC/Frozen Throne/Garena+/GarenaBeta, I'll be retiring from war3 for awhile or maybe forever. isn't really usable for garena anymore and I know for a fact that someday, in our country, Garena will eradicate all War3 players soon in the near future. It means, no more playing ex. AoS and war3 and so on!
The moment the Clan system of Garena disabled the Clan Shop feature, I know somewhere near the future... again... as I said before will be near. Some countries won't but some will be done for good.
Well, thanks to this forum, I learn some basic things to really improvised any situation.
Man, a dramatic exit would be nice but seriously. D.F.M. will be signing off.