Guide - Format/Explanation of W3M and W3X Files

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Guide - Format/Explanation of W3M and W3X Files

Post by Ozzapoo »

Credits go to [email protected] for this wonderful guide!
1.01 Warcraft III Environment

Most of computers have Warcraft III Installed on the path "C:\Program Files\Warcraft III\", which contains some files.

There are in the directory :
- war3.mpq (This is the RoC Environment used by Warcraft III)
- war3x.mpq (This is the TFT Environment)
- war3xlocal.mpq (This is the Local Files Environment if you have TFT)
- war3patch.mpq (This is the Patch Environment)
- (4)Lost Temple.w3m (An example of RoC map, this is from your Warcraft 3 Path + \Maps\, and you will find a lot of other RoC maps)
- (2)Circumvention.w3x (An example of TFT map, located at "\Maps\FrozenThrone\" if you have TFT)
- DemoCampaign.w3n (A demo campaign if you have TFT, located with the path Warcraft 3 Path + "\Campaigns\"

1.02 Files Name in the Directory

There are 4 differants tags names in the list at Chapter 1.0.
- .mpq
- .w3m
- .w3x
- .w3n

MPQ Files are files that contains files with their own directory inside the MPQ, without creating a directory in the main structure (C:\, D:\...). They are like .rar and .zip files.

w3m Files are RoC Maps. They are playable in RoC and in TFT.

w3x Files are TFT Maps. They are only playable in TFT.

w3n Files are Custom Campaign Maps. Again, they are only playable in TFT.

1.03 Warcraft III Data Format

Warcraft III Data Format has 8 differants format type.

- Integers
Integers are 4 bytes in Little Endian Order
Example : 1234 Not Equal [00 00 04 D2]h
1234 Equal [D2 04 00 00]h

- Small Integers
Small integers are from -16384 to 16383. They take 2 bytes and are in Little Endian Order.

- Reals
Reals are Floats. They take 4 bytes and are in Little Endian Order.
Example : 7654.32 ~ [8F 32 EF 45]h ~ 7654.319824
The last number is the closest number to 7654.32

- Arrays
1 Array take 1 byte

- UnitIds
UnitId Integers takes 32 bytes. (46656 possibilities, they are like normal Integers)

- Flags
Boolean, or "Flags", take 4 bytes. In those 4 bytes, there are 32 bit, which can contains 32 flags. Each Flag can contain only the value 0 (False) or 1 (True).

- Water
Water Level (In the terrain) takes 4 bytes every cell, it handles 2 bytes for a total of 16 flags, and the 2 lasts for the closest number to the Water Level.

- Custom Handles
An integer or a flag may share themselves some bytes. A byte may handle two or more differant data.

- Structured Handles
Unknown. They have various size.

- Strings / Trigger Strings
Strings are just like arrays of chars finished with a null char (From C++ : "\0").
But, Blizzard uses a special coloring code to change the color of the text shown, these starts with "|c00", and finishes with "|r", most of the times. An example is "|c00BBGGRR|r", in which you replace by the percentage value "BB", "GG", "RR", by the percentage value you want. They are hexadecimal values (0123456789ABCDEF), using 2 digits each, BB = Blue, GG = Green, RR = Red.
In Trigger Strings, if it starts with "TRIGSTR_", with a sensitive case, it is a Trigger String. Trigger Strings are ever keep in the virtual memory when you play a map, which is loaded at the map initalization, as a name of "TRIGSTR_***". Instead of writing the TRIGSTR_<WHATEVER> thing, Warcraft III get a look in the string table, and displays the correct trigger string. They work only for files inside a .w3m or .w3x map, but not with the exception of WTS files, which is used for Trigger Strings files itself. If the following number after "TRIGSTR_" is negative, it will be considered as the first one, called "TRIGSTR_000". And when there are letters, they will be considered as 0, or if an example of "5aa", as 5.
At all, they takes :
- Strings : (String Length + 1) bytes (Because of the finishing char)
- Trigger Strings : 12 bytes (Note Trigger Strings handles Strings, so the total is Trigger Strings + Strings)

1.10 .w3m and .w3x Files Format

.w3m and .w3x files are Warcraft III Scenario Maps, which are like MPQ Files. They both takes a 512 bytes header format, but for some authentification, .w3x files takes an extra 260 bytes in the header.

Here is the header file of .w3m files :

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char[4]: "HM3W"
int: unknown
string: map name
int: map flags
0x0001: if 1=hide minimap in preview screens
0x0002: if 1=modify ally priorities
0x0004: if 1=melee map
0x0008: if 1=playable map size was large and has never been reduced to medium
0x0010: if 1=masked area are partially visible
0x0020: if 1=fixed player setting for custom forces
0x0040: if 1=use custom forces
0x0080: if 1=use custom techtree
0x0100: if 1=use custom abilities
0x0200: if 1=use custom upgrades
0x0400: if 1=map properties menu opened at least once since map creation
0x0800: if 1=show water waves on cliff shores
0x1000: if 1=show water waves on rolling shores
int: max number of players
And this is for .w3x :

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char[4]: "NGIS"
byte[256]: the 256 bytes for authentification
Inside a .w3m and a .w3x file, you may find those files :

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1.11 The war3map.j file : JASS2 Script

This is the main map script file. It's a text file and you can open it with notepad.
Sometimes it's renamed to Scripts\war3map.j by map protectors to keep you away from it.
The language used is called JASS2 and has been developed by Blizzard. It's a case sensitive language.
When you play a map, the jass script is loaded and executed.
When you select a map in when creating a game Warcraft III will first look up the "config" function and execute its code to set up the player slots.
Then, when the game has started, Warcraft III looks for the function called "main" and executes it.
You may find more informations at :

1.12 The war3map.w3e file : The Environment

This is the tileset file. It contains all the data about the tilesets of the map.
The map is divided into squares, which contains tiles, and which has 4 corners. Each map size would be so for an example, 257x257 instead of 256x256.

Here is the file format :

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A  	 Ashenvale
B  	Barrens
C 	Felwood
D 	Dungeon
F  	Lordaeron Fall
G 	Underground
L 	Lordaeron Summer
N 	Northrend
Q 	Village Fall
V 	Village
W 	Lordaeron Winter
X 	Dalaran
Y 	Cityscape
Z 	Sunken Ruins
I 	Icecrown
J 	Dalaran Ruins
O 	Outland
K 	Black Citadel
And this is the header :

Code: Select all

char[4]: "W3E!"
int: w3e format version [0B 00 00 00]h = version 11
char: main tileset [TS]
I may explain a lot about this file later.

1.13 The war3map.shd file : The Shadow Map File

This file has no header, only raw data.
Size of the file = 16*map_width*map_height
1 byte can have 2 values:
00h = no shadow
FFh = shadow
Each byte set the shadow status of 1/16 of a tileset.
It means that each tileset is divided in 16 parts (4*4).

1.14 war3mapPath.tga The Image Path File and/or "war3map.wpm" The Path Map File

Only one of these two file is used for pathing. Old Warcraft 3 beta versions lesser or equal to 1.21 uses the "war3mapPath.tga" file.
Since beta 1.30, Warcraft 3 uses a new file format instead: "war3map.wpm".

1.15 The war3mapPath.tga file : The Image Path File

It's an standard 32bits RGB TGA file with no compression and a black alpha channel. The TGA format is really important because if Warcraft III doesn't recognise the file format, it'll do weird things on the tilesets (like put blight everywhere)! Don't forget the alpha channel! Each tile of the map is divided in 16 pixels (4*4 like in the shadow file), so the TGA width is 4*map_width and its height is 4*map_height and each pixel on the TGA affects a particular part of a tileset on the map. The color of a pixel sets the rules for that part. The top left corner of the image is the upper left corner on the map.

Header format (18 bytes) :

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byte: ID Length = 0
byte: Color Map Type = 0
byte: Image Type = 2 (uncompressed RGB)
-- Color Map Specification (5 bytes) --
byte[2]: First Entry Index = 0
byte[2]: Color Map Length = 0
byte: Color Map Entry Size = 0
-- Image Spec (10 bytes) --
byte[2]: X origin = 0
byte[2]: Y origin = 0
byte[2]: image width (little endian)
byte[2]: image height (little endian)
byte: Pixel depth = 32 (=0x20)
byte: Image Descriptor = 0x28 (0x20=image starts from top left, 0x08=8bit for alpha chanel)
Example (where "XX XX" is a width and "YY YY" a height) :
00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 XX XX YY YY 20 28
Data :
One pixel is defined by 4 bytes :
Where :
BB is the blue value (0 or 255)
GG is the green value (0 or 255)
RR is the red value (0 or 255)
AA is the alpha chanel value (set to 0)
There are 4*4 pixels for 1 tileset.
The TGA width is map_width*4.
The TGA height is map_height*4.

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Color  	Build state  	Walk state  	Fly state
White  	no build 	no walk 	no fly
Red  	build ok 	no walk 	fly ok
Yellow 	build ok 	no walk 	no fly
Green  	build ok 	walk ok 	no fly
Cyan  	no build 	walk ok 	no fly
Blue  	no build 	walk ok 	fly ok
Magenta no build 	no walk 	fly ok
Black  	build ok 	fly ok  	walk ok

1.16 The war3map.wpm file : The Path Map File

You know already what is it, see it at chapter 1.14.

Header :

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char[4]: file ID = 'MP3W'
int: file version = 0
int: path map width (=map_width*4)
int: path map height (=map_height*4)
Each byte of the data part is a part of a tileset exactly like for the TGA.
Data size: (map_height*4)*(map_with*4) bytes
Flags table:
0x01: 0 (unused)
0x02: 1=no walk, 0=walk ok
0x04: 1=no fly, 0=fly ok
0x08: 1=no build, 0=build ok
0x10: 0 (unused)
0x20: 1=blight, 0=normal
0x40: 1=no water, 0=water
0x80: 1=unknown, 0=normal

1.17 The war3map.doo file : The doodad file for trees

The file contains the trees definitions and positions. There are 2 differants file types.

Here is the format :

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Header :
char[4]: file ID = "W3do"
int: file version = 7
int: subversion? (usually set to [09 00 00 00]h, rarely [07 00 00 00]h)
int: number of trees defined
Data :
Each tree is defined by a block of 42 bytes organized like this:
char[4]: Tree ID (can be found in the file "Units\DestructableData.slk")
int: Variation (little endian)
float: Tree X coordinate on the map
float: Tree Y coordinate on the map
float: Tree Z coordinate on the map
float: Tree angle (radian angle value)(degree = radian*180/pi)
float: Tree X scale
float: Tree Y scale
float: Tree Z scale
byte: Tree flags*
byte: Tree life (integer stored in %, 100% is 0x64, 170% is 0xAA for example)
int: Tree ID number in the World Editor (little endian) (each tree has a different one)

*flags :
0= invisible and non-solid tree
1= visible but non-solid tree
2= normal tree (visible and solid)

To sum up how it looks :
tt tt tt tt vv vv vv vv xx xx xx xx yy yy yy yy zz zz zz zz aa aa aa aa xs xs xs xs ys ys ys ys zs
zs zs zs ff ll dd dd dd dd
where :
tt : type
vv : variation
xx : x coordinate
yy : y coordinate
zz : z coordinates
aa : rotation angle
xs : x scale
ys : y scale
zs : z scale
ff : flags
ll : life
dd : doodad number in the editor

Example (this is the second tree of Legend) :
4C 54 6C 74 08 00 00 00 00 00 74 45 00 00 70 44 00 10 24 44 E5 CB 96 40 98 85 98 3F 98 85 98 3F 98 85 98 3F 02 64 8D 01 00 00

4C 54 6C 74 --> LTlt (tree type)
08 00 00 00 --> 00000008 = variation #8 (changes the shape of the tree)
00 00 74 45 --> X=3904.
00 00 70 44 --> Y=960.
00 10 24 44 --> Z=656.25
E5 CB 96 40 --> Angle (float value=4.7123895, angle=270°)
98 85 98 3F --> X_Scale=1.191577
98 85 98 3F --> Y_Scale=1.191577
98 85 98 3F --> Z_Scale=1.191577
02 --> tree is solid and selectable
64 --> life=100% of default tree life
8D 01 00 00 --> 0000018D=397, tree number 397

After the last tree definition, there we have the special doodads (which can't be edited once they are placed)
int: special doodad format version set to '0'
int: number "s" of "special" doodads ("special" like cliffs,...)
Then "s" times a special doodad structure (16 bytes each):
char[4]: doodad ID
int: Z? (0)
int: X? (w3e coordinates)
int: Y? (w3e coordinates)

Frozen Throne expansion pack beta format :

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Header :
char[4]: file ID = "W3do"
int: file version = 8
int: subversion? ([0B 00 00 00]h)
int: number of trees defined
Data :
Each tree is defined by a block of (usually) 50 bytes but in this version the length can vary because of the random item sets. The data is organized like this:
char[4]: Tree ID (can be found in the file "Units\DestructableData.slk")
int: Variation (little endian)
float: Tree X coordinate on the map
float: Tree Y coordinate on the map
float: Tree Z coordinate on the map
float: Tree angle (radian angle value)(degree = radian*180/pi)
float: Tree X scale
float: Tree Y scale
float: Tree Z scale
byte: Tree flags*
byte: Tree life (integer stored in %, 100% is 0x64, 170% is 0xAA for example)
int: Random item table pointer
if -1 -> no item table
if >= 0 -> items from the item table with this number (defined in the w3i) are dropped on death
int: number "n" of item sets dropped on death (this can only be greater than 0 if the item table pointer was -1)
then there is n times a item set structure
int: Tree ID number in the World Editor (little endian) (each tree has a different one)

0= invisible and non-solid tree
1= visible but non-solid tree
2= normal tree (visible and solid)

To sum up how it looks:
tt tt tt tt vv vv vv vv xx xx xx xx yy yy yy yy zz zz zz zz aa aa aa aa xs xs xs xs ys ys ys ys zs
zs zs zs ff ll bb bb bb bb cc cc cc cc dd dd dd dd
tt : type
vv : variation
xx : x coordinate
yy : y coordinate
zz : z coordinates
aa : rotation angle
xs : x scale
ys : y scale
zs : z scale
ff : flags
ll : life
bb : unknown
cc : unknown
dd : doodad number in the editor
After the last tree definition, there we have the special doodads (which can't be edited once they are placed)
int: special doodad format version set to '0'
int: number "s" of "special" doodads ("special" like cliffs,...)
Then "s" times a special doodad structure (16 bytes each):
char[4]: doodad ID
int: Z? (0)
int: X? (w3e coordinates)
int: Y? (w3e coordinates)

1.18 The war3mapUnits.doo file : The Unit and the Item File

The file contains the definitions and positions of all placed units and items of the map.

Here is the format :

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Header :
char[4]: file ID = "W3do"
int: file version = 7
int: subversion? (often set to [09 00 00 00]h)
int: number of units and items defined
Data :
Each unit/item is defined by a block of bytes (variable length) organized like this:
char[4]: type ID (iDNR = random item, uDNR = random unit)
int: variation
float: coordinate X
float: coordinate Y
float: coordinate Z
float: rotation angle
float: scale X
float: scale Y
float: scale Z
byte: flags*
int: player number (owner) (player1 = 0, 16=neutral passive)
byte: unknown (0)
byte: unknown (0)
int: hit points (-1 = use default)
int: mana points (-1 = use default, 0 = unit doesn't have mana)
int: number "s" of dropped item sets
then we have s times a dropped item sets structures (see below)
int: gold amount (default = 12500)
float: target acquisition (-1 = normal, -2 = camp)
int: hero level (set to1 for non hero units and items)
int: number "n" of items in the inventory
then there is n times a inventory item structure (see below)
int: number "n" of modified abilities for this unit
then there is n times a ability modification structure (see below)
int: random unit/item flag "r" (for uDNR units and iDNR items)
0 = Any neutral passive building/item, in this case we have
  byte[3]: level of the random unit/item,-1 = any (this is actually interpreted as a 24-bit number)
  byte: item class of the random item, 0 = any, 1 = permanent ... (this is 0 for units)
  r is also 0 for non random units/items so we have these 4 bytes anyway (even if the id wasn't uDNR or iDNR)
1 = random unit from random group (defined in the w3i), in this case we have
  int: unit group number (which group from the global table)
  int: position number (which column of this group)
  the column should of course have the item flag set (in the w3i) if this is a random item
2 = random unit from custom table, in this case we have
  int: number "n" of different available units
  then we have n times a random unit structure

int: custom color (-1 = none, 0 = red, 1=blue,...)
int: Waygate: active destination number (-1 = deactivated, else it's the creation number of the target rect as in war3map.w3r)
int: creation number
*flags: may be similar to the war3map.doo flags

Dropped item set format
int: number "d" of dropable items
"d" times dropable items structures:
char[4]: item ID ([00 00 00 00]h = none)
this can also be a random item id (see below)
int: % chance to be dropped

Inventory item format
int: inventory slot (this is the actual slot - 1, so 1 => 0)
char[4]: item id (as in ItemData.slk) 0x00000000 = none
this can also be a random item id (see below)

Ability modification format
char[4]: ability id (as in AbilityData.slk)
int: active for autocast abilities, 0 = no, 1 = active
int: level for hero abilities

Random unit format
char[4]: unit id (as in UnitUI.slk)
this can also be a random unit id (see below)
int: percentual chance of choice

Random item ids
random item ids are of the type char[4] where the 1st letter is "Y" and the 3rd letter is "I"
the 2nd letter narrows it down to items of a certain item types
"Y" = any type
"i" to "o" = item of this type, the letters are in order of the item types in the dropdown box ("i" = charged)
the 4th letter narrows it down to items of a certain level
"/" = any level (ASCII 47)
"0" ... = specific level (this is ASCII 48 + level, so level 10 will be ":" and level 15 will be "?" and so on)

Random unit ids
random unit ids are of the type char[4] where the 1st three letters are "YYU"
the 4th letter narrows it down to units of a certain level
"/" = any level (ASCII 47)
"0" ... = specific level (this is ASCII 48 + level, so level 10 will be ":" and level 15 will be "?" and so on)

Frozen Throne expansion pack beta format :

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char[4]: file ID = "W3do"
int: file version = 8
int: subversion? (often set to [0B 00 00 00]h)
int: number of units and items defined
Each unit/item is defined by a block of bytes (variable length) organized like this:
char[4]: type ID (iDNR = random item, uDNR = random unit)
int: variation
float: coordinate X
float: coordinate Y
float: coordinate Z
float: rotation angle
float: scale X
float: scale Y
float: scale Z
byte: flags*
int: player number (owner) (player1 = 0, 16=neutral passive)
byte: unknown (0)
byte: unknown (0)
int: hit points (-1 = use default)
int: mana points (-1 = use default, 0 = unit doesn't have mana)
int: map item table pointer (for dropped items on death)
if -1 => no item table used
if >= 0 => the item table with this number will be dropped on death
int: number "s" of dropped item sets (can only be greater 0 if the item table pointer was -1)
then we have s times a dropped item sets structures (see below)
int: gold amount (default = 12500)
float: target acquisition (-1 = normal, -2 = camp)
int: hero level (set to1 for non hero units and items)
int: strength of the hero (0 = use default)
int: agility of the hero (0 = use default)
int: intelligence of the hero (0 = use default)
int: number "n" of items in the inventory
then there is n times a inventory item structure (see below)
int: number "n" of modified abilities for this unit
then there is n times a ability modification structure (see below)
int: random unit/item flag "r" (for uDNR units and iDNR items)
0 = Any neutral passive building/item, in this case we have
  byte[3]: level of the random unit/item,-1 = any (this is actually interpreted as a 24-bit number)
  byte: item class of the random item, 0 = any, 1 = permanent ... (this is 0 for units)
  r is also 0 for non random units/items so we have these 4 bytes anyway (even if the id wasn't uDNR or iDNR)
1 = random unit from random group (defined in the w3i), in this case we have
  int: unit group number (which group from the global table)
  int: position number (which column of this group)
  the column should of course have the item flag set (in the w3i) if this is a random item
2 = random unit from custom table, in this case we have
  int: number "n" of different available units
  then we have n times a random unit structure

int: custom color (-1 = none, 0 = red, 1=blue,...)
int: Waygate: active destination number (-1 = deactivated, else it's the creation number of the target rect as in war3map.w3r)
int: creation number
*flags: may be similar to the war3map.doo flags

Dropped item set format
int: number "d" of dropable items
"d" times dropable items structures:
char[4]: item ID ([00 00 00 00]h = none)
this can also be a random item id (see below)
int: % chance to be dropped

Inventory item format
int: inventory slot (this is the actual slot - 1, so 1 => 0)
char[4]: item id (as in ItemData.slk) 0x00000000 = none
this can also be a random item id (see below)

Ability modification format
char[4]: ability id (as in AbilityData.slk)
int: active for autocast abilities, 0 = no, 1 = active
int: level for hero abilities

Random unit format
char[4]: unit id (as in UnitUI.slk)
this can also be a random unit id (see below)
int: percentual chance of choice

Random item ids
random item ids are of the type char[4] where the 1st letter is "Y" and the 3rd letter is "I"
the 2nd letter narrows it down to items of a certain item types
"Y" = any type
"i" to "o" = item of this type, the letters are in order of the item types in the dropdown box ("i" = charged)
the 4th letter narrows it down to items of a certain level
"/" = any level (ASCII 47)
"0" ... = specific level (this is ASCII 48 + level, so level 10 will be ":" and level 15 will be "?" and so on)

Random unit ids
random unit ids are of the type char[4] where the 1st three letters are "YYU"
the 4th letter narrows it down to units of a certain level
"/" = any level (ASCII 47)
"0" ... = specific level (this is ASCII 48 + level, so level 10 will be ":" and level 15 will be "?" and so on)

1.19 The war3map.w3i file : The Info File

It contains some of the info displayed when you start a game.

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int: file format version = 18
int: number of saves (map version)
int: editor version (little endian)
String: map name
String: map author
String: map description
String: players recommended
float[8]: "Camera Bounds" as defined in the JASS file
int[4]: camera bounds complements* (see note 1) (ints A, B, C and D)
int: map playable area width E* (see note 1)
int: map playable area height F* (see note 1)
   *note 1:
   map width = A + E + B
   map height = C + F + D
int: flags
   0x0001: 1=hide minimap in preview screens
   0x0002: 1=modify ally priorities
   0x0004: 1=melee map
   0x0008: 1=playable map size was large and has never been reduced to medium (?)
   0x0010: 1=masked area are partially visible
   0x0020: 1=fixed player setting for custom forces
   0x0040: 1=use custom forces
   0x0080: 1=use custom techtree
   0x0100: 1=use custom abilities
   0x0200: 1=use custom upgrades
   0x0400: 1=map properties menu opened at least once since map creation (?)
   0x0800: 1=show water waves on cliff shores
   0x1000: 1=show water waves on rolling shores
char: map main ground type
Example: 'A'= Ashenvale, 'X' = City Dalaran
int: Campaign background number (-1 = none)
String: Map loading screen text
String: Map loading screen title
String: Map loading screen subtitle
int: Map loading screen number (-1 = none)
String: Prologue screen text
String: Prologue screen title
String: Prologue screen subtitle
int: max number "MAXPL" of players
array of structures: then, there is MAXPL times a player data like described below.
int: max number "MAXFC" of forces
array of structures: then, there is MAXFC times a force data like described below.
int: number "UCOUNT" of upgrade availability changes
array of structures: then, there is UCOUNT times a upgrade availability change like described below.
int: number "TCOUNT" of tech availability changes (units, items, abilities)
array of structures: then, there is TCOUNT times a tech availability change like described below
int: number "UTCOUNT" of random unit tables
array of structures: then, there is UTCOUNT times a unit table like described below

Players data format:
int: internal player number
int: player type
   1=Human, 2=Computer, 3=Neutral, 4=Rescuable
int: player race
   1=Human, 2=Orc, 3=Undead, 4=Night Elf
int: 00000001 = fixed start position
String: Player name
float: Starting coordinate X
float: Starting coordinate Y
int: ally low priorities flags (bit "x"=1 --> set for player "x")
int: ally high priorities flags (bit "x"=1 --> set for player "x")

Forces data format:
int: Foces Flags
0x00000001: allied (force 1)
0x00000002: allied victory
0x00000004: share vision
0x00000010: share unit control
0x00000020: share advanced unit control
int: player masks (bit "x"=1 --> player "x" is in this force)
String: Force name

Upgrade availability change format
int: Player Flags (bit "x"=1 if this change applies for player "x")
char[4]: upgrade id (as in UpgradeData.slk)
int: Level of the upgrade for which the availability is changed (this is actually the level - 1, so 1 => 0)
int Availability (0 = unavailable, 1 = available, 2 = researched)

Tech availability change format
int: Player Flags (bit "x"=1 if this change applies for player "x")
char[4]: tech id (this can be an item, unit or ability)
there's no need for an availability value, if a tech-id is in this list, it means that it's not available

Random unit table format
int: Number "n" of random groups
then follows n times the following data (for each group)
int: Group number
string: Group name
int: Number "m" of positions
positions are the table columns where you can enter the unit/item ids, all units in the same line have the same chance, but belong to different "sets" of the random group, called positions here
int[m]: for each positon is specified if it's a unit table (=0), a building table (=1) or an item table (=2)
int: Number "i" of units/items, this is the number of lines in the table, each position can have that many or fewer entries
now there's "i" times the following structure (for each line)
int: Chance of the unit/item (percentage)
char[m * 4]: for each position are the unit/item id's for this line specified
this can also be random unit/item ids (see bottom of war3mapUnits.doo definition)
a unit/item id of 0x00000000 indicates that no unit/item is created

Frozen Throne expansion pack format :

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int: file format version = 25
int: number of saves (map version)
int: editor version (little endian)
String: map name
String: map author
String: map description
String: players recommended
float[8]: "Camera Bounds" as defined in the JASS file
int[4]: camera bounds complements* (see note 1) (ints A, B, C and D)
int: map playable area width E* (see note 1)
int: map playable area height F* (see note 1)
   *note 1:
   map width = A + E + B
   map height = C + F + D
int: flags
   0x0001: 1=hide minimap in preview screens
   0x0002: 1=modify ally priorities
   0x0004: 1=melee map
   0x0008: 1=playable map size was large and has never been reduced to medium (?)
   0x0010: 1=masked area are partially visible
   0x0020: 1=fixed player setting for custom forces
   0x0040: 1=use custom forces
   0x0080: 1=use custom techtree
   0x0100: 1=use custom abilities
   0x0200: 1=use custom upgrades
   0x0400: 1=map properties menu opened at least once since map creation (?)
   0x0800: 1=show water waves on cliff shores
   0x1000: 1=show water waves on rolling shores
   0x2000: 1=unknown
   0x4000: 1=unknown
   0x8000: 1=unknown
char: map main ground type
   Example: 'A'= Ashenvale, 'X' = City Dalaran
int: Loading screen background number which is its index in the preset list (-1 = none or custom imported file)
String: path of custom loading screen model (empty string if none or preset)
String: Map loading screen text
String: Map loading screen title
String: Map loading screen subtitle
int: used game data set (index in the preset list, 0 = standard)
String: Prologue screen path (usually empty)
String: Prologue screen text (usually empty)
String: Prologue screen title (usually empty)
String: Prologue screen subtitle (usually empty)
int: uses terrain fog (0 = not used, greater 0 = index of terrain fog style dropdown box)
float: fog start z height
float: fog end z height
float: fog density
byte: fog red value
byte: fog green value
byte: fog blue value
byte: fog alpha value
int: global weather id (0 = none, else it's set to the 4-letter-id of the desired weather found in TerrainArt\Weather.slk)
String: custom sound environment (set to the desired sound lable)
char: tileset id of the used custom light environment
byte: custom water tinting red value
byte: custom water tinting green value
byte: custom water tinting blue value
byte: custom water tinting alpha value
int: max number "MAXPL" of players
array of structures: then, there is MAXPL times a player data like described below.
int: max number "MAXFC" of forces
array of structures: then, there is MAXFC times a force data like described below.
int: number "UCOUNT" of upgrade availability changes
array of structures: then, there is UCOUNT times a upgrade availability change like described below.
int: number "TCOUNT" of tech availability changes (units, items, abilities)
array of structures: then, there is TCOUNT times a tech availability change like described below
int: number "UTCOUNT" of random unit tables
array of structures: then, there is UTCOUNT times a unit table like described below
int: number "ITCOUNT" of random item tables
array of structures: then, there is ITCOUNT times a item table like described below

Players data format:
int: internal player number
int: player type
   1=Human, 2=Computer, 3=Neutral, 4=Rescuable
int: player race
   1=Human, 2=Orc, 3=Undead, 4=Night Elf
int: 00000001 = fixed start position
String: Player name
float: Starting coordinate X
float: Starting coordinate Y
int: ally low priorities flags (bit "x"=1 --> set for player "x")
int: ally high priorities flags (bit "x"=1 --> set for player "x")

Forces data format:
int: Foces Flags
0x00000001: allied (force 1)
0x00000002: allied victory
0x00000004: share vision
0x00000010: share unit control
0x00000020: share advanced unit control
int: player masks (bit "x"=1 --> player "x" is in this force)
String: Force name

Upgrade availability change format
int: Player Flags (bit "x"=1 if this change applies for player "x")
char[4]: upgrade id (as in UpgradeData.slk)
int: Level of the upgrade for which the availability is changed (this is actually the level - 1, so 1 => 0)
int Availability (0 = unavailable, 1 = available, 2 = researched)

Tech availability change format
int: Player Flags (bit "x"=1 if this change applies for player "x")
char[4]: tech id (this can be an item, unit or ability)
there's no need for an availability value, if a tech-id is in this list, it means that it's not available

Random unit table format
int: Number "n" of random groups
then we have n times the following data (for each group)
int: Group number
string: Group name
int: Number "m" of positions
positions are the table columns where you can enter the unit/item ids, all units in the same line have the same chance, but belong to different "sets" of the random group, called positions here
int[m]: for each positon is specified if it's a unit table (=0), a building table (=1) or an item table (=2)
int: Number "i" of units/items, this is the number of lines in the table, each position can have that many or fewer entries
now there's "i" times the following structure (for each line)
int: Chance of the unit/item (percentage)
char[m * 4]: for each position are the unit/item id's for this line specified
this can also be a random unit/item ids (see bottom of war3mapUnits.doo definition)
a unit/item id of 0x00000000 indicates that no unit/item is created

Random item table format
int: Number "n" of random item tables
then we have n times the following data (for each item table)
int: Table number
string: Table name
int: Number "m" of item sets on the current item table
then we have m times the following data (for each item set)
int: Number "i" of items on the current item set
then we have i times the following two values (for each item)
int: Percentual chance
char[4]: Item id (as in ItemData.slk)
this can also be a random item id (see bottom of war3mapUnits.doo definition

1.20 The war3map.wts file : The Trigger String Data File

Open it with notepad and you'll figure out how it works. Each trigger string is defined by a number (trigger ID) and a value for this number. When Warcraft meets a "TRIGSTR_***" (where "***" is supposed to be a number), it will look in the trigger string table to find the corresponding string and replace the trigger string by that value. The value for a specific trigger ID is set only once by the first definition encountered for this ID: if you have two times the trigger string 0 defined, only the first one will count. The number following "STRING " must be positive: any negative number will be ignored. If text follows "STRING ", it'll be considered as number 0.

String definition:
It always start with "STRING " followed by the trigger string ID number which is supposed to be different for each trigger string. Then "{" indicates the begining of the string value followed by a string which can contain several lines and "}" that indicates the end of the trigger string definition.

in the .wts file you have:


Then either in the .j, in the .w3i or in one of the object editor files, Warcraft finds a TRIGSTR_000, it'll look in the table for
trigger string number 0 and it'll find that the value to use is "<whatever>" instead of "TRIGSTR_000".
If there are more than 999 strings another the reference simply becomes one character longer.

1.21 The war3mapMap.blp file : The Minimap Image

The BLP file contain the JPEG header and the JPEG raw data separated.
BLP stands for "Blip" file which I guess is a "BLIzzard Picture".
There are two types of BLPs:
- JPG-BLPs: use JPG compression
- Paletted BLPs: use palettes and 1 or 2 bytes per pixel depending

The general format of JPG-BLPs:

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char[4]: file ID ("BLP1")
int: 0 for JPG-BLP, 1 for Paletted
int: 0x00000008 = has alpha, 0x00000000 = no alpha
int: image width
int: image height
int: flag for alpha channel and team colors (usually 3, 4 or 5), 3 and 4 means color and alpha information for paletted files,
5 means only color information, if >=5 on 'unit' textures, it won't show the team color.
int: always 0x00000001, if 0x00000000 the model that uses this texture will be messy.
int[16]: mipmap offset (offset from the begining of the file)
int[16]: mipmap size (size of mipmaps)
If it's a JPG-BLP we go on with:
int: jpg header size (header size) "h" (usually 0x00000270)
byte[h]: header
followed by 0 bytes until the begining of the jpeg data, we can safely erase these 0 bytes if we fix the mipmap offset specified above
byte[16, mipmap size]: starting from each of the 16 mipmap offset addresses we read 'mipmap size' bytes raw jpeg data till the end of the file, having the header and the mipmap data we can process the picture like ordinary JPG files

If it's a paletted BLP we go here:
byte[4, 255]: the BGRA palette defining 256 colors by their BGRA values, each 1 byte
byte[width x height]: the ColorIndex of each pixel from top left to bottom right, ColorIndex refers to the above defined color palette
byte[width x height]: the AlphaIndex of each pixel on a standard greyscale palette for the alpha channel, where 0 is fully transparent and 255 is opaque,
if the picturetype flag is set to 5, the image doesn't have an alpha channel, so this section will be omitted

More detailed blp specs by Magos:

1.22 The war3map.mmp file : The Menu Minimap

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int: unknown (usually 0, maybe the file format)
int: number of datasets

The size of a dataset is 16 bytes.
int: icon type
   Icons Types:
      00: gold mine
      01: house
      02: player start (cross)
int: X coordinate of the icon on the map
int: Y coordinate of the icon on the map
   Map Coordinates:
      top left: 10h, 10h
      center: 80h, 80h
      bottom right: F0h, F0h
byte[4]: player icon color
   Player Colors (BB GG RR AA = Blue, Green, Red, Alpha Channel):
      03 03 FF FF : Red
      FF 42 00 FF : Blue
      B9 E6 1C FF : Cyan
      81 00 54 FF : Purple
      00 FC FF FF : Yellow
      0E 8A FE FF : Orange
      00 C0 20 FF : Green
      B0 5B E5 FF : Pink
      97 96 95 FF : Light gray
      F1 BF 7E FF : Light blue
      46 62 10 FF : Aqua
      04 2A 49 FF : Brown
      FF FF FF FF : None

1.23 The war3map.w3u file : The Custom Unit File

W3U files have a initial long and then comes two tables. Both look the same.
First table is original units table (Original Blizzard Units).
Second table is user-created units table (Units created by the map designer).

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int: W3U Version = 1
x bytes: Original Units table*
y bytes: User-created units table*

*Table definition:
int: number n of units on this table.
If 0 on original table, then skip default unit table. This is the number of following units. Even if we don't have any changes on original table, this value must be there.
n times a unit definition structure*.

*Unit definition structure:
char[4]: original unit ID (get the IDs from "Units\UnitData.slk" of war3.mpq)
char[4]: new unit ID. If it is on original table, this is 0, since it isn't used.
int: number m of modifications for this unit
m times a modification structure*

*Modification structure:
char[4] modification ID code (get the IDs from "Units\UnitMetaData.slk" of war3.mpq)
int: variable type* t (0=int, 1=real, 2=unreal, 3=String,...)
t type: value (length depends on the type t specified before)
int: end of unit definition (usually 0)

*Variable types:
Frozen Throne expansion pack format of "war3map.w3u / w3t / w3b / w3d / w3a / w3h / w3q" : The object data files :

These are the files that store the changes you make in the object editor.
They all have one format in common. They have an initial int and then there are 2 tables
Both look the same. The first table is the original table (Standard Objects by Blizzard).
The second table contains the user created objects (Custom units / items / abilities …)

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int: File Version = (usually 1)
x bytes: Original objects table*
y bytes: Custom objects table*

*Table definition:
int: number n of objects on this table, if 0 on the original table, then skip the default object table. This is the number of following units. Even if we don't have any changes on original table, this value must be there.
n times a object definition structure*.

*Object definition structure:
char[4]: original object ID (see table at the bottom where you can get the object IDs*)
char[4]: new object ID. (if it is on original table, this is 0, since it isn't used)
int: number m of modifications for this object
m times a modification structure*

*Modification structure:
char[4] modification ID (see the table at the bottom where you can get the mod IDs*)
int: variable type* t
[int: level/variation (this integer is only used by some object files depending on the object type, for example the units file doesn’t use this additional integer, but the ability file does, see the table at the bottom to see which object files use this int*) in the ability and upgrade file this is the level of the ability/upgrade, in the doodads file this is the variation, set to 0 if the object doesn't have more than one level/variation]
[int: data pointer (again this int is only used by those object files that also use the level/variation int, see table*) in reality this is only used in the ability file for values that are originally stored in one of the Data columns in AbilityData.slk, this int tells the game to which of those columns the value resolves (0 = A, 1 = B, 2 = C, 3 = D, 4 = F, 5 = G, 6 = H), for example if the change applies to the column DataA3 the level int will be set to 3 and the data pointer to 0]
int, float or string: value of the modification depending on the variable type specified by t
int: end of modification structure (this is either 0, or equal to the original object ID or equal to the new object ID of the current object, when reading files you can use this to check if the format is correct, when writing a file you should use the new object ID of the current object here)
*Variable types:

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Value  	Variable Type  	Value Format
0 	Integer 	int
1 	Real 	float (single precision)
2 	Unreal (0 <= val <= 1) 	float (single Precision)
3 	String 	string (null terminated)
*Object data files:
This table shows where to get the object IDs and the modification IDs and if the files use the 2 additional level and data pointer integers.

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Extension  	Object Type  	Object IDs  	 	 	Mod IDs  	 	 	 	 	Uses Optional Ints
w3u 	  	Units 	 	Units\UnitData.slk 	 	Units\UnitMetaData.slk 	 	 	 	No
w3t 	  	Items 	 	Units\ItemData.slk 	 	Units\UnitMetaData.slk (those where useItem = 1) No
w3b 	  	Destructables 	Units\DestructableData.slk 	Units\DestructableMetaData.slk 	 	 	No
w3d 	  	Doodads 	Doodads\Doodads.slk 	 	Doodads\DoodadMetaData.slk 	 	 	Yes
w3a 	  	Abilities 	Units\AbilityData.slk 	 	Units\AbilityMetaData.slk 	 	 	Yes
w3h 	  	Buffs 	 	Units\AbilityBuffData.slk 	Units\AbilityBuffMetaData.slk 	 	 	No
w3q 	  	Upgrades 	Units\UpgradeData.slk 	 	Units\UpgradeMetaData.slk 	 	 	Yes
These files can also be found in campaign archives with the exactly same format but named war3campaign.w3u / w3t / w3b / w3d / w3a / w3h / w3q

Frozen Throne expansion pack format of w3o object editor files :

The w3o is a collection of all above mentioned object editor files compiled in one single file. You get such a file if you export all object data in the object editor. It can be selected in the world editor as external data source in the map properties dialog, therefore it has to be in the same folder as the map that should use the file.

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int: file version (currently 1)
int: contains unit data file (1 = yes, 0 = no)
if yes, then here follows a complete w3u file (see w3u specifications above)
int: contains item data file (1 = yes, 0 = no)
if yes, then here follows a complete w3t file (see w3t specifications above)
int: contains destructable data file (1 = yes, 0 = no)
if yes, then here follows a complete w3b file (see w3b specifications above)
int: contains doodad data file (1 = yes, 0 = no)
if yes, then here follows a complete w3d file (see w3d specifications above)
int: contains ability data file (1 = yes, 0 = no)
if yes, then here follows a complete w3a file (see w3a specifications above)
int: contains buff data file (1 = yes, 0 = no)
if yes, then here follows a complete w3h file (see w3h specifications above)
int: contains upgrade data file (1 = yes, 0 = no)
if yes, then here follows a complete w3q file (see w3q specifications above)
1.24 The war3map.wtg file : The Triggers Names File

Code: Select all

char[4]: file ID (WTG!)
int: wtg file format version = 4
int: number "a" of triggers categories
"a" times a cate[QUOTE=Chocobo;344396][B][I]1.24 The war3map.wtg file : The Triggers Names File[/I][/B]

char[4]: file ID (WTG!)
int: wtg file format version = 4
int: number "a" of triggers categories
"a" times a category definition structure*
int: number "b" ???
int: number "c" of variables
"c" times a variable definition structure**
int: number "d" of triggers
"d" times a trigger definition structure***

*Category Definition Structure:
int: category index
String: category name

**Variable Definition Structure:
String: variable name
String: variable type
int: number "e" ???
int: array status: 0=not an array, 1=array
int: initialisation status: 0=not initialized, 1=initialized
String: initial value (string)

***Triggers Definiton Structure:
String: trigger name
String: trigger description
int: enable state: 0=disabled, 1=enabled
int: custom text trigger state: 0=not a custom text trigger, 1=custom text trigger (use data in the WCT)
int: initial state: 0=initially on, 1=not initially on
int: ???
int: index of the category the trigger belongs to
int: number "i" of event-condition-action (ECA) function
"i" times an ECA function definition structure*(4) (if it's a custom text trigger i should be 0 so we don't have

this section)

*(4)ECA function definition structure
int: function type: 0=event, 1=condition, 2=action
String: function name
int: enable state: 0=function disabled, 1=function enabled
"x" times a parameter structure*(5). x depends of the function and is hardcoded.

*(5)Parameters Structure:
int: 0=preset, 1=variable, 2=function
String: parameter value
int: ???
int: ???

Frozen Throne expansion pack format :

Code: Select all

char[4]: file ID (WTG!)
int: wtg file format version = 7
int: number "a" of triggers categories
"a" times a category definition structure*
int: number "b" ???
int: number "c" of variables
"c" times a variable definition structure**
int: number "d" of triggers
"d" times a trigger definition structure***

*Category Definition Structure:
int: category index
String: category name
int: Category type: 0=normal, 1=comment

**Variable Definition Structure:
String: variable name
String: variable type
int: number "e" ???
int: array status: 0=not an array, 1=array
int: array size
int: initialisation status: 0=not initialized, 1=initialized
String: initial value (string)

***Triggers Definiton Structure:
String: trigger name
String: trigger description
int: trigger type: 0=normal, 1=comment
int: enable state: 0=disabled, 1=enabled
int: custom text trigger state: 0=not a custom text trigger, 1=custom text trigger (use data in the WCT)
int: initial state: 0=initially on, 1=not initially on
int: run on map initialization: 0=no, 1=yes
int: index of the category the trigger belongs to
int: number "i" of event-condition-action (ECA) function
"i" times an ECA function definition structure*(4) (if it's a custom text trigger it should be 0 so we don't have this section)

*(4)ECA function definition structure
int: function type: 0=event, 1=condition, 2=action
String: function name
int: enable state: 0=function disabled, 1=function enabled
"x" times a parameter structure*(5). x depends of the function and is hardcoded.
int: ???
int: number "i" of event-condition-action (ECA) function
"i" times an ECA function definition structure*(4)(if this trigger doesn't have multiple actions it should be set to 0 so we don't have this section)

*(5)Parameters Structure:
int: type which can be 0=preset, 1=variable, 2=function, 3=string
String: parameter value
int: begin function (if it is function it should be set to 1 otherwise to 0)
     if begin function is set to 1:
     int: type: 3
     String: the same as parameter value
     int: begin function: 1
     "x" times a parameters structure*(5). x depends on the function and is hardcoded.
int: end function (always set to 0)

1.25 The war3map.w3c file : The Camera File

Code: Select all

int: file version = 0
int: number "n" of camera definition structures

Camera definition structure:
float: Target X (Defined X)
float: Target Y (Defined Y)
float: Z Offset (Camera's Height)
float: Rotation (Angle in degree)
float: Angle Of Attack (AoA) (Angle in degree)
float: Distance (Distance from target)
float: Roll (Roll)
float: Field of View (FoV) (Angle in degree)
float: Far Clipping (FarZ)
float: ??? (Usually set to 100)
String: Cinematic name

1.26 The war3map.w3r file : The Triggers Regions File

Code: Select all

int: version = 5
int: number "n" of region definition structures*

"n" times a region definition structure

*Region Definition Structures:
float: left (Jass coordinates)
float: right (Jass coordinates)
float: bottom (Jass coordinates)
float: top (Jass coordinates)
String: region name
int: Region index number (Creation number)
char[4]: weather effect ID (ex.: "RLlr" for "Rain Lordaeron Light Rain")
If all the chars are set to 0, then weather effect is disabled.
String: ambient sound (a sound ID name defined in the w3s file like "gg_snd_HumanGlueScreenLoop1")
bytes[3]: region color (used by the World Editor) (BB GG RR)
byte: end of the structure

1.27 The war3map.w3s file : The Sounds Definition File

Code: Select all

int: file format version = 1
int: number "n" of sounds defined

"n" times a sound definition structure*

*Sound definition structure:
String: sound ID name (like "gg_snd_HumanGlueScreenLoop1")
String: sound file (like "Sound\Ambient\HumanGlueScreenLoop1.wav")
String: EAX effects (like "DefaultEAXON")
   HeroAcksEAX=hero speech
int: sound flags
   0x00000002=3D sound
   0x00000004=stop when out of range
int: fade in rate
int: fade out rate
int: volume (-1=use default value)
float: pitch
float: ???
int: ??? (-1 or 8)
int: channel:
   1=Unit Selection
   2=Unit Acknowledgement
   3=Unit Movement
   4=Unit Ready
   8=User Interface
   9=Looping Movement
   10=Looping Ambient
float: min. distance
float: max. distance
float: distance cutoff
float: ???
float: ???
int: ??? (-1 or 127)
float: ???
float: ???
float: ???

Floats value can be set or left unset (default value will be used)
When a float is not set, the value [4F800000]h = 4.2949673e+009 is used.

1.28 The war3map.wct file : The Custom Text Trigger File

Code: Select all

int: file version (0)
int: number "n" of triggers
"n" times a custom text trigger structure*
Note: Custom text trigger structures are defined using the same order as triggers they belong to in the WTG.
Each trigger must have its custom text part, even if it has not been converted to a custom text trigger; in this case, the custom text size is set to 0 (only 4 bytes for the size int).

*Custom Text Trigger Structure:
int: size "s" of the text (including the null terminating char)
String: custom text trigger string (contains "s chars including the null terminating char)

Frozen Throne expansion pack format :

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int: file version: 1
String: custom script code comment
1 time a custom text trigger structure*
int: number "n" of triggers
"n" times a custom text trigger structure*
Note: Custom text trigger structures are defined using the same order as triggers they belong to in the WTG.
Each trigger must have its custom text part, even if it has not been converted to a custom text trigger; in this case, the custom text size is set to 0 (only 4 bytes for the size int).

*Custom Text Trigger Structure:
int: size "s" of the text (including the null terminating char)
String: custom text trigger string (contains "s chars including the null terminating char)

1.29 The war3map.imp file : The Imported File List

Code: Select all

int: file format version
int: number "n" of imported files

1byte: tells if the path is complete or needs "war3mapImported\" (5 or 8= standard path, 10 or 13: custom path)
String["n"]: the path inside the w3m of each imported file (like "war3mapImported\mysound.wav")
Any file added in the W3M and added in the .imp will NOT be removed by the World Editor each time you save your map.
This file can also be found in Warcraft campaign files with the name war3campaign.imp with the only difference that the standard path for imported files is "war3campaignImported\".

1.30 The war3map.wai file : The Artificial Intelligence File

File for the Frozen Throne expansion pack only

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int: wai file format version: 2
string: AI name
int: race: 0=Custom, 1=Human, 2=Orc, 3=Undead, 4=Night Elf
int: options
Unless otherwise noted all of the options are contained in HiWord of options integer.
Check for the presence of options by using a mask with following values:

SetPlayerName: 0x2000
Melee: 0x0001
DefendUsers: 0x8000
RandomPaths: 0x4000
TargetHeroes: 0x0002
RepairStructures: 0x0004
HeroesFlee: 0x0008
UnitsFlee: 0x0010
GroupsFlee: 0x0020
HaveNoMercy: 0x0040
IgnoreInjured: 0x0080
RemoveInjuries: 0x1000
TakeItems: 0x0100
BuyItems: 0x0001 LoWord
SlowHarvesting: 0x0200
AllowHomeChanges: 0x0400
SmartAltillery: 0x0800

int: number of following workers and buildings. If there are less than 4 workers and buildings specified, WorldEdit will choose default values. Should be: 4.
char[4]: gold worker
char[4]: wood worker
char[4]: base building
char[4]: mine building (If none, use the same identifer as base building)

int: number "a" of conditions
int: ???: 7
"a" times a conditions definition structure*
char[4]: First Hero Used (if none set these values to null otherwise set it to Unit ID)
char[4]: Second Hero Used (if none set these values to null otherwise set it to Unit ID)
char[4]: Third Hero Used (if none set these values to null otherwise set it to Unit ID)
int: Training Order % Chance(1.FirstHero,2.SecondHero,3.ThirdHero)
int: Training Order % Chance(1.FirstHero,2.ThirdHero,3.SecondHero)
int: Training Order % Chance(1.SecondHero,2.FirstHero,3.ThirdHero)
int: Training Order % Chance(1.SecondHero,2.ThirdHero,3.FirstHero)
int: Training Order % Chance(1.ThirdHero,2.FirstHero,3.SecondHero)
int: Training Order % Chance(1.ThirdHero,2.SecondHero,3.FirstHero)

Skill Selection Order:
char[4*10]: Ten Skill IDs for First Hero(as first hero)
char[4*10]: Ten Skill IDs for First Hero(as second hero)
char[4*10]: Ten Skill IDs for First Hero(as third hero)
char[4*10]: Ten Skill IDs for Second Hero(as first hero)
char[4*10]: Ten Skill IDs for Second Hero(as second hero)
char[4*10]: Ten Skill IDs for Second Hero(as third hero)
char[4*10]: Ten Skill IDs for Third Hero(as first hero)
char[4*10]: Ten Skill IDs for Third Hero(as second hero)
char[4*10]: Ten Skill IDs for Third Hero(as third hero)
int: number "c" of Build Priorities
"c" times build priorities structure***
int: number "d" of Harvest Priorities
"d" times harvest priorities structure *(4)
int: number "e" of Target Priorities
"e" times target priorities structure *(5)
int: repeats waves
int: minimum forces: attack group index(for First Hero Only set this value to char[4]:HAIA)
int: initial delay
int: number "f" of Attack Groups
"f" times attack groups structure *(6)
int: number "g" of Attack Waves
"g" times attack waves structure *(8)
int: ???: 1
int: game options
Unless otherwise noted all of the options are contained in HiWord of options integer.
Check for the presence of options by using a mask with following values:

Disable Fog Of War: 0x0001
Disable Victory/Defeat Conditions: 0x0002

int: regular game speed
string: path to map file
int: number "h" of Players (0-2)
"h" times players structure *(9)
int: ???

*Condition Definition Structure:
int: condition index
String: condition name
int: number "b": 0=none(empty condition), 1=condition
if number "b" = 1
String: operator function name
int: begin function: 1
"x" times a Parameters Structure**. x depends on the function and is hardcoded.
int: end function: 0

**Parameters Structure:
int: type: 0=preset, 1=operator function, 2=function, 3=string
String: parameter value (if it is function and this value is empty, begin function means '(' and end function means ')' )
int: begin function (if it is function or operator function it should be set to 1 otherwise to 0)
if it is function and parameter value is not empty:
int: type: 3
String: the same as parameter value
int: begin function: 1
"x" times a Parameters Structure**. x depends on the function and is hardcoded.
int: end function: 0
if it is operator function:
int: begin function: 1
"x" times a Parameters Structure**. x depends on the function and is hardcoded.
int: end function
int: end function: 0

***Build Priorities Structure:
int: priorities type: 0
int: type: 0=unit, 1=upgrade, 2=expansion town
char[4]: Unit/Upgrade ID(if it is expansion town this value should be set to: XEIA)
int: town: 0=main, 1-9=Expansion #1-9, 0xFFFFFFFD-0xFFFFFFF5=current mine #1-9, 0xFFFFFFFF=any
int: condition index(if none set this value to 0xFFFFFFFF, if custom set this value to 0xFFFFFFFE)
1 time condition definition structure*(without condition index!)

*(4)Harvest Priorities Structure:
int: priorities type: 1
int: harvest type: 0=gold, 1=lumber
int: town: 0=main, 1-9=Expansion #1-9, 0xFFFFFFFD-0xFFFFFFF5=current mine #1-9, 0xFFFFFFFF=any
int: workers: 0-90=fixed value #0-90, 0xFFFFFFFF=all, 0xFFFFFFFE=all not attacking
int: condition index(if none, set this value to 0xFFFFFFFF, if custom, set this value to 0xFFFFFFFE)
1 time condition definition structure*(without condition index!)

*(5)Target Priorities Structure
int: priorities type: 2
int: target: 0=common alliance target, 1=new expansion location, 2=enemy major assault,
3=enemy expansion, 4=enemy any town, 5=creep camp, 6=purchase goblin zeppelin
int: creep min strength(if target is other than 5 set this value to 0xFFFFFFFF)
     if target = 5
     int: creep max strength
     int: allow flyers: 0=no, 1=yes
int: condition index(if none, set this value to 0xFFFFFFFF, if custom, set this value to 0xFFFFFFFE)
1 time condition definition structure*(without condition index!)

*(6)Attack Groups Structure
int: attack group index
string: attack group name
int: number "g" of Current Group
"g" times current group structure *(7)

*(7)Current Group Structure
char[4]: Unit ID (FirstHero: 1HIA, SecondHero: 2HIA, ThirdHero: 3HIA)
int: quantity value: 0-90=quantity #0-90, 0xFFFFFFFF=All
int: maximum quantity: 0-90=quantity #0-90, 0xFFFFFFFF=All(if quantity value is 0xFFFFFFFF, maximum quantity means all except #0-90)
int: condition index(if none, set this value to 0xFFFFFFFF, if custom, set this value to 0xFFFFFFFE)
1 time condition definition structure*(without condition index!)

*(8)Attack Waves Structure
int: attack group index
int: delay

*(9)Players Structure
int: player index
int: team number
int: race: 1=human, 2=orc, 8=undead, 4=night elf, 20=random
int: color: 0=red, 1=blue, 2=teal, 3=purple, 4=yellow, 5=orange, 6=green, 7=pink, 8=gray,
9=light blue, 10=dark green, 11=brown
int: handicap (0-100)
int: ai: 0=standard, 1=user, 4=custom, 12=current
int: ai difficulty: 0=easy, 1=normal, 2=insane
string: path to custom ai script

2.01 The W3N File Format

A W3N file is a Warcraft III Campaign file. It has the same 512 byte header as map files and also has a 260 byte footer for authentification purposes. See the W3M specification for details on the header and footer. These campaign files are only available in the Frozen Throne expansion pack.

The MPQ part can contain the following files:
We'll see now what the war3campaign.w3f file stands for. The other files have already been discussed in the W3M specification.

2.02 The war3campaign.w3f file (The info file for campaigns)

Code: Select all

int: file format version (currently 1)
int: campaign version (how many times it has been saved)
int: saved with editor version
String: campaign name
String: campaign difficulty
String: author name
String: campaign description
int: variable difficulty levels flag + expansion flag
0=Fixed Diffculty, Only w3m maps
1=Variable Difficulty, Only w3m maps
2=Fixed Difficulty, Contains w3x maps
3=Variable Difficulty, Contains w3x maps
int: campaign background screen index (-1 = none or custom path)
String: path of custom background screen (empty if none or preset)
String: path of minimap picture (empty = none)
int: ambient sound index (-1 = imported file, 0 = none, greater 0 = preset index)
String: path of custom imported ambient sound mp3
int: uses terrain fog (0 = not used, greater 0 = index of terrain fog style dropdown box)
float: fog start z height
float: fog end z height
float: fog density
byte: fog red value
byte: fog green value
byte: fog blue value
byte: fog alpha value
int: cursor and ui race index (0 = human)
int: number "n" of maps in the campaign
"n" times a map title structure*
int: number "m" of maps in the flow chart (usually equal to "n")
"m" times a map order structure*

*Map Title Structure:
int: is map visible in the campaign screen from the beginning (1 = visible, 0 = invisible)
String: chapter title
String: map title
String: path of the map in the campaign archive

**Map Order Structure:
String: unknown (always empty, might also be a single character)
String: path of the map in the campaign archive

2.03 The SLK files (table format for different purposes)

SLK files can technically be opened by Microsoft Excel, though if you don't own Excel or a SLK editor, or want to open SLK files with your application, you might be interested in the format, so here it is. SLK files are text files and read line by line. The first two letters of each line can be used to decide what to do with it.

Code: Select all

Line["ID"]: the first line you will have to read is the one starting with ID, this id is usually set to ID;PWXL;N;E
Line["B;"]: this line defines the number of columns and lines of the table
Example: B;Y837;X61;D0 0 836 60
This file has 837 lines and 61 columns, the rest of the line is always set to ;D0 0 Y-1 X-1 so these are probably the internal index bounds
From now on we will only look at lines that start with "C;" and are followed by "Y" or "X".
Line["C;Y"]: specifies the value for the cell with the specified line and column if the fourth token starts with a "K", otherwise we ignore it, anyway the current line is set to the y value, so the following lines that might be missing the y value refer to this line
Example: C;Y1;X1;K"unitBalanceID"
Sets the cell in line 1 and column 1 to "unitBalanceID"
Line["C;X"}: specifies the value for the cell with the specified column and the line previously specified as current line (in a "C;Y" statement) if the fourth token starts with a "K", otherwise we ignore it
Example: C;X45;K1.8
Assigns 1.8 to the cell in current line and column 45
The x value might also be omitted, so that the x value of the previous line is used.
All other lines can be ignored, they contain comments and format information. After a "K" there may either be a whole or floating point number or a string within quotes. Empty cells don't have any entries. This should be enough information to successfully parse all of Blizzard's SLK files and files edited
with Excel or its Open Office equivalent.

2.04 The BLP files (image format)

Besides TGA files, Warcraft III uses mainly the BLP format for images. The format supports JPG-compression and paletted images. See the "war3mapMap.blp" description for details on the BLP format.

2.05 The MDX and MDL files (model format)

The Warcraft III models are stored in MDX format.
There are several spec files on both formats available

2.06 The Packed Files : W3V, W3Z, W3G (gamecache, savegame, replay files)

These files are packed using zlib compression. They have a common compressed format.
But after unpacking the files, each type has its own file format. The packed format is as follows :

Code: Select all

*Packed File Header

char[28] signature: always "Warcraft III recorded game\0x1A\0"
uint header size: 0x40 for versions up to 1.06, 0x44 for later versions
uint compressed file size: including header
uint header version: 0x00 up to version 1.06, 0x01 for later versions
uint compressed size: size of the original decompressed file
uint "n": nr of compressed data blocks in the file
if (header version == 0) {
ushort unknown: always 0
ushort version number: the part behind the decimal point
} else {
char[4] version identifier: "WAR3" for classic, "W3XP" for expansion
uint version number: the part behind the decimal point
ushort build number: that is a unique id for each Warcraft III build
ushort flags: 0x0000 for single player, 0x8000 for multiplayer
uint length: in milli seconds for replays, 0x00000000 otherwise
uint checksum: CRC32 of the whole header until now, with this int set to 0
now there are "n" compressed blocks

*Compressed Data Block

ushort "m": compressed size of the block
ushort original size: size of the original uncomprssed input data,
must be multiple of 2048, rest is filled with 0x00 bytes
uint hash: checksum over the block header and the block data,
the formula how this is computed won't be released to the public,
however reasonable requests might be answered
Now there are "m" bytes zlib compressed data, which can be decompressed/compressed with a zlib library.
Depending on the zlib implementation you might have to compute the zlib header by yourself. That would be :

byte[2] zlib header: can be skipped when reading, set to 0x78 and 0x01 when writing
byte[m - 2] deflate stream, use deflate stream implementation to decompress/compress

After uncompressing all blocks and appending them to each other, you have the original uncompressed file.
Depending on the type of file, the replay, gamecache or savegame file specifications will now apply.

2.07 The Campaigns.w3v file (gamecache file)

This file is found once for each profile in the save directory of Warcraft III and contains stores variables and units
carried from one map to another in campaigns. Campaigns.w3v files are also embedded in savegame files where they
represent the in-memory state of the gamecaches at the time when the savegame was made. Here's the format :

Code: Select all

*Campaigns.w3v header:
int: reserved for version (currently nr of gamecaches)
int: nr "n" of gamecaches
"n" gamecache structures

*Gamecache structure:
string: gamecache name
int: reserved (currently nr of categories)
int: nr "m" of categories
"m" category structures

*Category structure:
string: category name
int[5]: reserved for additional variable types
int: nr "i" integers
"i" integer structures
int: nr "r" reals
"r" real structures
int: nr "b" booleans
"b" boolean structures
int: nr "u" units
"u" unit structures
int: nr "s" strings
"s" string structures

*Integer/Real/Boolean structure:
string: label name
byte[4]: four bytes for the value

*String structure:
string: label name
string: value

*Unit structure:
string: lable name
int: unit id
int: nr "j" inventory slots
"j" inventory slot structures
int: experience
int: level
int: unused skill points
int[9]: unknown
int: nr "k" hero skills
"k" hero skill structures
int[2]: unknown
float: unknown
int[4]: unknown
short: unknown

*Inventory slot structure (everything 0 if slot is empty):
int: item id
int: nr charges
int: unknown

*Hero skill structure (everything 0 if not learned yet):
int: ability id
int: current level

2.08 The W3Z file (savegames)

There's not much to say about savegame files. No one ever tried to track the format of Warcraft III savegames down because they are huge and the format is pretty complicated. The only information available here can be used to extract embedded gamecache data.
To find the embedded gamecache data you simply have to search for the string token Campaigns.w3v in the savegame.
After this token you will find a full Campaigns.w3v file as described in the above section. Anyone never tried to reinject edited gamecaches into a savegame, but it is sure there's a hash or checksum that would prevent it from working.

2.09 The W3G file (replays)

Read there : Explanation on Replays

3.00 The Others Files

war3mapImported\*.* = files imported by the world editor or by the user using the import manager (these should be listed in the imp file, otherwise they will be deleted when the map is saved), you can now use any path you like and are not limited to war3mapImported\ any more, this way you can override files in the Warcraft mpq archives by placing files with the same name in your map
(signature), (listfile) and (attributes) are rather extensions to the MPQ format than actual map files but they can also be found in map archives
(signature) = signature of the w3m file, used only by Blizzard (has been replaced by a stronger signature appended at the end of map archives)
(listfile) = list of files stored in the w3m file, used by MPQ editors to resolve the names of the files stored in the archive, this is needed because stored files are one-way-hashed
(attributes) = attributes of files in the w3m file, it is checked when a map is loaded in the World Editor, if you have modified a file of a map and didn't update the (attributes) file properly it will say that the map is corrupted, the easy way to prevent this is deleting the file from the archive, the harder way is updating it, the format of the file is as follows:

int: unknown1: set to 0x64000000
int: unknown2: set to 0x03000000
"n" times a CRC32, "n" is the number of used slots (=files) in the MPQ archive
So for each file we have the CRC32 (cycling redundancy check) value here, wich is a sort of checksum, you can find functions that calculate the CRC32 of a file on the web
"n" times a Filetime, "n" is the number of used slots (=files) in the MPQ archive
The Filetime specifies for each file when it was added to the archive. It consists of two ints (low and high date/time). These two integers include information about the year, month, day, hour, minute and second when each file has been added, these 2 values represent a WinAPI file time structure and can be converted to the WinAPI system time type by using the SystemTimeToFileTime and FileTimeToSystemTime functions in kernel32.dllint:
int: low date time

The order of the CRC32 and Filetimes is the same as the order of the files in the archive. Logically this means that the information of the last CRC32 and Filetime is the information about the (attributes) file, because it has to be added to the archive after all other files. This also means that the CRC32 of the last file is always 0, because you cannot calculate the CRC32 of a file that will be changed later, which would make the CRC invalid again.

4.00 Credits

Credits to : Quantam (Justin Olbrantz), Andrey Lelikov (LMPQ API and ShadowFlare), BlackDick, DJBnJack, PitzerMike, StonedStoopid, Ziutek, wc3campaign, Blizzard Entertainment, Zépir.

At all, most of Credits goes to :[/QUOTE]

gory definition structure*
int: number "b" ???
int: number "c" of variables
"c" times a variable definition structure**
int: number "d" of triggers
"d" times a trigger definition structure***

*Category Definition Structure:
int: category index
String: category name

**Variable Definition Structure:
String: variable name
String: variable type
int: number "e" ???
int: array status: 0=not an array, 1=array
int: initialisation status: 0=not initialized, 1=initialized
String: initial value (string)

***Triggers Definiton Structure:
String: trigger name
String: trigger description
int: enable state: 0=disabled, 1=enabled
int: custom text trigger state: 0=not a custom text trigger, 1=custom text trigger (use data in the WCT)
int: initial state: 0=initially on, 1=not initially on
int: ???
int: index of the category the trigger belongs to
int: number "i" of event-condition-action (ECA) function
"i" times an ECA function definition structure*(4) (if it's a custom text trigger i should be 0 so we don't have

this section)

*(4)ECA function definition structure
int: function type: 0=event, 1=condition, 2=action
String: function name
int: enable state: 0=function disabled, 1=function enabled
"x" times a parameter structure*(5). x depends of the function and is hardcoded.

*(5)Parameters Structure:
int: 0=preset, 1=variable, 2=function
String: parameter value
int: ???
int: ???[/code]

Frozen Throne expansion pack format :

Code: Select all

char[4]: file ID (WTG!)
int: wtg file format version = 7
int: number "a" of triggers categories
"a" times a category definition structure*
int: number "b" ???
int: number "c" of variables
"c" times a variable definition structure**
int: number "d" of triggers
"d" times a trigger definition structure***

*Category Definition Structure:
int: category index
String: category name
int: Category type: 0=normal, 1=comment

**Variable Definition Structure:
String: variable name
String: variable type
int: number "e" ???
int: array status: 0=not an array, 1=array
int: array size
int: initialisation status: 0=not initialized, 1=initialized
String: initial value (string)

***Triggers Definiton Structure:
String: trigger name
String: trigger description
int: trigger type: 0=normal, 1=comment
int: enable state: 0=disabled, 1=enabled
int: custom text trigger state: 0=not a custom text trigger, 1=custom text trigger (use data in the WCT)
int: initial state: 0=initially on, 1=not initially on
int: run on map initialization: 0=no, 1=yes
int: index of the category the trigger belongs to
int: number "i" of event-condition-action (ECA) function
"i" times an ECA function definition structure*(4) (if it's a custom text trigger it should be 0 so we don't have this section)

*(4)ECA function definition structure
int: function type: 0=event, 1=condition, 2=action
String: function name
int: enable state: 0=function disabled, 1=function enabled
"x" times a parameter structure*(5). x depends of the function and is hardcoded.
int: ???
int: number "i" of event-condition-action (ECA) function
"i" times an ECA function definition structure*(4)(if this trigger doesn't have multiple actions it should be set to 0 so we don't have this section)

*(5)Parameters Structure:
int: type which can be 0=preset, 1=variable, 2=function, 3=string
String: parameter value
int: begin function (if it is function it should be set to 1 otherwise to 0)
     if begin function is set to 1:
     int: type: 3
     String: the same as parameter value
     int: begin function: 1
     "x" times a parameters structure*(5). x depends on the function and is hardcoded.
int: end function (always set to 0)

1.25 The war3map.w3c file : The Camera File

Code: Select all

int: file version = 0
int: number "n" of camera definition structures

Camera definition structure:
float: Target X (Defined X)
float: Target Y (Defined Y)
float: Z Offset (Camera's Height)
float: Rotation (Angle in degree)
float: Angle Of Attack (AoA) (Angle in degree)
float: Distance (Distance from target)
float: Roll (Roll)
float: Field of View (FoV) (Angle in degree)
float: Far Clipping (FarZ)
float: ??? (Usually set to 100)
String: Cinematic name

1.26 The war3map.w3r file : The Triggers Regions File

Code: Select all

int: version = 5
int: number "n" of region definition structures*

"n" times a region definition structure

*Region Definition Structures:
float: left (Jass coordinates)
float: right (Jass coordinates)
float: bottom (Jass coordinates)
float: top (Jass coordinates)
String: region name
int: Region index number (Creation number)
char[4]: weather effect ID (ex.: "RLlr" for "Rain Lordaeron Light Rain")
If all the chars are set to 0, then weather effect is disabled.
String: ambient sound (a sound ID name defined in the w3s file like "gg_snd_HumanGlueScreenLoop1")
bytes[3]: region color (used by the World Editor) (BB GG RR)
byte: end of the structure

1.27 The war3map.w3s file : The Sounds Definition File

Code: Select all

int: file format version = 1
int: number "n" of sounds defined

"n" times a sound definition structure*

*Sound definition structure:
String: sound ID name (like "gg_snd_HumanGlueScreenLoop1")
String: sound file (like "Sound\Ambient\HumanGlueScreenLoop1.wav")
String: EAX effects (like "DefaultEAXON")
   HeroAcksEAX=hero speech
int: sound flags
   0x00000002=3D sound
   0x00000004=stop when out of range
int: fade in rate
int: fade out rate
int: volume (-1=use default value)
float: pitch
float: ???
int: ??? (-1 or 8)
int: channel:
   1=Unit Selection
   2=Unit Acknowledgement
   3=Unit Movement
   4=Unit Ready
   8=User Interface
   9=Looping Movement
   10=Looping Ambient
float: min. distance
float: max. distance
float: distance cutoff
float: ???
float: ???
int: ??? (-1 or 127)
float: ???
float: ???
float: ???

Floats value can be set or left unset (default value will be used)
When a float is not set, the value [4F800000]h = 4.2949673e+009 is used.

1.28 The war3map.wct file : The Custom Text Trigger File

Code: Select all

int: file version (0)
int: number "n" of triggers
"n" times a custom text trigger structure*
Note: Custom text trigger structures are defined using the same order as triggers they belong to in the WTG.
Each trigger must have its custom text part, even if it has not been converted to a custom text trigger; in this case, the custom text size is set to 0 (only 4 bytes for the size int).

*Custom Text Trigger Structure:
int: size "s" of the text (including the null terminating char)
String: custom text trigger string (contains "s chars including the null terminating char)

Frozen Throne expansion pack format :

Code: Select all

int: file version: 1
String: custom script code comment
1 time a custom text trigger structure*
int: number "n" of triggers
"n" times a custom text trigger structure*
Note: Custom text trigger structures are defined using the same order as triggers they belong to in the WTG.
Each trigger must have its custom text part, even if it has not been converted to a custom text trigger; in this case, the custom text size is set to 0 (only 4 bytes for the size int).

*Custom Text Trigger Structure:
int: size "s" of the text (including the null terminating char)
String: custom text trigger string (contains "s chars including the null terminating char)

1.29 The war3map.imp file : The Imported File List

Code: Select all

int: file format version
int: number "n" of imported files

1byte: tells if the path is complete or needs "war3mapImported\" (5 or 8= standard path, 10 or 13: custom path)
String["n"]: the path inside the w3m of each imported file (like "war3mapImported\mysound.wav")
Any file added in the W3M and added in the .imp will NOT be removed by the World Editor each time you save your map.
This file can also be found in Warcraft campaign files with the name war3campaign.imp with the only difference that the standard path for imported files is "war3campaignImported\".

1.30 The war3map.wai file : The Artificial Intelligence File

File for the Frozen Throne expansion pack only

Code: Select all

int: wai file format version: 2
string: AI name
int: race: 0=Custom, 1=Human, 2=Orc, 3=Undead, 4=Night Elf
int: options
Unless otherwise noted all of the options are contained in HiWord of options integer.
Check for the presence of options by using a mask with following values:

SetPlayerName: 0x2000
Melee: 0x0001
DefendUsers: 0x8000
RandomPaths: 0x4000
TargetHeroes: 0x0002
RepairStructures: 0x0004
HeroesFlee: 0x0008
UnitsFlee: 0x0010
GroupsFlee: 0x0020
HaveNoMercy: 0x0040
IgnoreInjured: 0x0080
RemoveInjuries: 0x1000
TakeItems: 0x0100
BuyItems: 0x0001 LoWord
SlowHarvesting: 0x0200
AllowHomeChanges: 0x0400
SmartAltillery: 0x0800

int: number of following workers and buildings. If there are less than 4 workers and buildings specified, WorldEdit will choose default values. Should be: 4.
char[4]: gold worker
char[4]: wood worker
char[4]: base building
char[4]: mine building (If none, use the same identifer as base building)

int: number "a" of conditions
int: ???: 7
"a" times a conditions definition structure*
char[4]: First Hero Used (if none set these values to null otherwise set it to Unit ID)
char[4]: Second Hero Used (if none set these values to null otherwise set it to Unit ID)
char[4]: Third Hero Used (if none set these values to null otherwise set it to Unit ID)
int: Training Order % Chance(1.FirstHero,2.SecondHero,3.ThirdHero)
int: Training Order % Chance(1.FirstHero,2.ThirdHero,3.SecondHero)
int: Training Order % Chance(1.SecondHero,2.FirstHero,3.ThirdHero)
int: Training Order % Chance(1.SecondHero,2.ThirdHero,3.FirstHero)
int: Training Order % Chance(1.ThirdHero,2.FirstHero,3.SecondHero)
int: Training Order % Chance(1.ThirdHero,2.SecondHero,3.FirstHero)

Skill Selection Order:
char[4*10]: Ten Skill IDs for First Hero(as first hero)
char[4*10]: Ten Skill IDs for First Hero(as second hero)
char[4*10]: Ten Skill IDs for First Hero(as third hero)
char[4*10]: Ten Skill IDs for Second Hero(as first hero)
char[4*10]: Ten Skill IDs for Second Hero(as second hero)
char[4*10]: Ten Skill IDs for Second Hero(as third hero)
char[4*10]: Ten Skill IDs for Third Hero(as first hero)
char[4*10]: Ten Skill IDs for Third Hero(as second hero)
char[4*10]: Ten Skill IDs for Third Hero(as third hero)
int: number "c" of Build Priorities
"c" times build priorities structure***
int: number "d" of Harvest Priorities
"d" times harvest priorities structure *(4)
int: number "e" of Target Priorities
"e" times target priorities structure *(5)
int: repeats waves
int: minimum forces: attack group index(for First Hero Only set this value to char[4]:HAIA)
int: initial delay
int: number "f" of Attack Groups
"f" times attack groups structure *(6)
int: number "g" of Attack Waves
"g" times attack waves structure *(8)
int: ???: 1
int: game options
Unless otherwise noted all of the options are contained in HiWord of options integer.
Check for the presence of options by using a mask with following values:

Disable Fog Of War: 0x0001
Disable Victory/Defeat Conditions: 0x0002

int: regular game speed
string: path to map file
int: number "h" of Players (0-2)
"h" times players structure *(9)
int: ???

*Condition Definition Structure:
int: condition index
String: condition name
int: number "b": 0=none(empty condition), 1=condition
if number "b" = 1
String: operator function name
int: begin function: 1
"x" times a Parameters Structure**. x depends on the function and is hardcoded.
int: end function: 0

**Parameters Structure:
int: type: 0=preset, 1=operator function, 2=function, 3=string
String: parameter value (if it is function and this value is empty, begin function means '(' and end function means ')' )
int: begin function (if it is function or operator function it should be set to 1 otherwise to 0)
if it is function and parameter value is not empty:
int: type: 3
String: the same as parameter value
int: begin function: 1
"x" times a Parameters Structure**. x depends on the function and is hardcoded.
int: end function: 0
if it is operator function:
int: begin function: 1
"x" times a Parameters Structure**. x depends on the function and is hardcoded.
int: end function
int: end function: 0

***Build Priorities Structure:
int: priorities type: 0
int: type: 0=unit, 1=upgrade, 2=expansion town
char[4]: Unit/Upgrade ID(if it is expansion town this value should be set to: XEIA)
int: town: 0=main, 1-9=Expansion #1-9, 0xFFFFFFFD-0xFFFFFFF5=current mine #1-9, 0xFFFFFFFF=any
int: condition index(if none set this value to 0xFFFFFFFF, if custom set this value to 0xFFFFFFFE)
1 time condition definition structure*(without condition index!)

*(4)Harvest Priorities Structure:
int: priorities type: 1
int: harvest type: 0=gold, 1=lumber
int: town: 0=main, 1-9=Expansion #1-9, 0xFFFFFFFD-0xFFFFFFF5=current mine #1-9, 0xFFFFFFFF=any
int: workers: 0-90=fixed value #0-90, 0xFFFFFFFF=all, 0xFFFFFFFE=all not attacking
int: condition index(if none, set this value to 0xFFFFFFFF, if custom, set this value to 0xFFFFFFFE)
1 time condition definition structure*(without condition index!)

*(5)Target Priorities Structure
int: priorities type: 2
int: target: 0=common alliance target, 1=new expansion location, 2=enemy major assault,
3=enemy expansion, 4=enemy any town, 5=creep camp, 6=purchase goblin zeppelin
int: creep min strength(if target is other than 5 set this value to 0xFFFFFFFF)
     if target = 5
     int: creep max strength
     int: allow flyers: 0=no, 1=yes
int: condition index(if none, set this value to 0xFFFFFFFF, if custom, set this value to 0xFFFFFFFE)
1 time condition definition structure*(without condition index!)

*(6)Attack Groups Structure
int: attack group index
string: attack group name
int: number "g" of Current Group
"g" times current group structure *(7)

*(7)Current Group Structure
char[4]: Unit ID (FirstHero: 1HIA, SecondHero: 2HIA, ThirdHero: 3HIA)
int: quantity value: 0-90=quantity #0-90, 0xFFFFFFFF=All
int: maximum quantity: 0-90=quantity #0-90, 0xFFFFFFFF=All(if quantity value is 0xFFFFFFFF, maximum quantity means all except #0-90)
int: condition index(if none, set this value to 0xFFFFFFFF, if custom, set this value to 0xFFFFFFFE)
1 time condition definition structure*(without condition index!)

*(8)Attack Waves Structure
int: attack group index
int: delay

*(9)Players Structure
int: player index
int: team number
int: race: 1=human, 2=orc, 8=undead, 4=night elf, 20=random
int: color: 0=red, 1=blue, 2=teal, 3=purple, 4=yellow, 5=orange, 6=green, 7=pink, 8=gray,
9=light blue, 10=dark green, 11=brown
int: handicap (0-100)
int: ai: 0=standard, 1=user, 4=custom, 12=current
int: ai difficulty: 0=easy, 1=normal, 2=insane
string: path to custom ai script

2.01 The W3N File Format

A W3N file is a Warcraft III Campaign file. It has the same 512 byte header as map files and also has a 260 byte footer for authentification purposes. See the W3M specification for details on the header and footer. These campaign files are only available in the Frozen Throne expansion pack.

The MPQ part can contain the following files:
We'll see now what the war3campaign.w3f file stands for. The other files have already been discussed in the W3M specification.

2.02 The war3campaign.w3f file (The info file for campaigns)

Code: Select all

int: file format version (currently 1)
int: campaign version (how many times it has been saved)
int: saved with editor version
String: campaign name
String: campaign difficulty
String: author name
String: campaign description
int: variable difficulty levels flag + expansion flag
0=Fixed Diffculty, Only w3m maps
1=Variable Difficulty, Only w3m maps
2=Fixed Difficulty, Contains w3x maps
3=Variable Difficulty, Contains w3x maps
int: campaign background screen index (-1 = none or custom path)
String: path of custom background screen (empty if none or preset)
String: path of minimap picture (empty = none)
int: ambient sound index (-1 = imported file, 0 = none, greater 0 = preset index)
String: path of custom imported ambient sound mp3
int: uses terrain fog (0 = not used, greater 0 = index of terrain fog style dropdown box)
float: fog start z height
float: fog end z height
float: fog density
byte: fog red value
byte: fog green value
byte: fog blue value
byte: fog alpha value
int: cursor and ui race index (0 = human)
int: number "n" of maps in the campaign
"n" times a map title structure*
int: number "m" of maps in the flow chart (usually equal to "n")
"m" times a map order structure*

*Map Title Structure:
int: is map visible in the campaign screen from the beginning (1 = visible, 0 = invisible)
String: chapter title
String: map title
String: path of the map in the campaign archive

**Map Order Structure:
String: unknown (always empty, might also be a single character)
String: path of the map in the campaign archive

2.03 The SLK files (table format for different purposes)

SLK files can technically be opened by Microsoft Excel, though if you don't own Excel or a SLK editor, or want to open SLK files with your application, you might be interested in the format, so here it is. SLK files are text files and read line by line. The first two letters of each line can be used to decide what to do with it.

Code: Select all

Line["ID"]: the first line you will have to read is the one starting with ID, this id is usually set to ID;PWXL;N;E
Line["B;"]: this line defines the number of columns and lines of the table
Example: B;Y837;X61;D0 0 836 60
This file has 837 lines and 61 columns, the rest of the line is always set to ;D0 0 Y-1 X-1 so these are probably the internal index bounds
From now on we will only look at lines that start with "C;" and are followed by "Y" or "X".
Line["C;Y"]: specifies the value for the cell with the specified line and column if the fourth token starts with a "K", otherwise we ignore it, anyway the current line is set to the y value, so the following lines that might be missing the y value refer to this line
Example: C;Y1;X1;K"unitBalanceID"
Sets the cell in line 1 and column 1 to "unitBalanceID"
Line["C;X"}: specifies the value for the cell with the specified column and the line previously specified as current line (in a "C;Y" statement) if the fourth token starts with a "K", otherwise we ignore it
Example: C;X45;K1.8
Assigns 1.8 to the cell in current line and column 45
The x value might also be omitted, so that the x value of the previous line is used.
All other lines can be ignored, they contain comments and format information. After a "K" there may either be a whole or floating point number or a string within quotes. Empty cells don't have any entries. This should be enough information to successfully parse all of Blizzard's SLK files and files edited
with Excel or its Open Office equivalent.

2.04 The BLP files (image format)

Besides TGA files, Warcraft III uses mainly the BLP format for images. The format supports JPG-compression and paletted images. See the "war3mapMap.blp" description for details on the BLP format.

2.05 The MDX and MDL files (model format)

The Warcraft III models are stored in MDX format.
There are several spec files on both formats available

2.06 The Packed Files : W3V, W3Z, W3G (gamecache, savegame, replay files)

These files are packed using zlib compression. They have a common compressed format.
But after unpacking the files, each type has its own file format. The packed format is as follows :

Code: Select all

*Packed File Header

char[28] signature: always "Warcraft III recorded game\0x1A\0"
uint header size: 0x40 for versions up to 1.06, 0x44 for later versions
uint compressed file size: including header
uint header version: 0x00 up to version 1.06, 0x01 for later versions
uint compressed size: size of the original decompressed file
uint "n": nr of compressed data blocks in the file
if (header version == 0) {
ushort unknown: always 0
ushort version number: the part behind the decimal point
} else {
char[4] version identifier: "WAR3" for classic, "W3XP" for expansion
uint version number: the part behind the decimal point
ushort build number: that is a unique id for each Warcraft III build
ushort flags: 0x0000 for single player, 0x8000 for multiplayer
uint length: in milli seconds for replays, 0x00000000 otherwise
uint checksum: CRC32 of the whole header until now, with this int set to 0
now there are "n" compressed blocks

*Compressed Data Block

ushort "m": compressed size of the block
ushort original size: size of the original uncomprssed input data,
must be multiple of 2048, rest is filled with 0x00 bytes
uint hash: checksum over the block header and the block data,
the formula how this is computed won't be released to the public,
however reasonable requests might be answered
Now there are "m" bytes zlib compressed data, which can be decompressed/compressed with a zlib library.
Depending on the zlib implementation you might have to compute the zlib header by yourself. That would be :

byte[2] zlib header: can be skipped when reading, set to 0x78 and 0x01 when writing
byte[m - 2] deflate stream, use deflate stream implementation to decompress/compress

After uncompressing all blocks and appending them to each other, you have the original uncompressed file.
Depending on the type of file, the replay, gamecache or savegame file specifications will now apply.

2.07 The Campaigns.w3v file (gamecache file)

This file is found once for each profile in the save directory of Warcraft III and contains stores variables and units
carried from one map to another in campaigns. Campaigns.w3v files are also embedded in savegame files where they
represent the in-memory state of the gamecaches at the time when the savegame was made. Here's the format :

Code: Select all

*Campaigns.w3v header:
int: reserved for version (currently nr of gamecaches)
int: nr "n" of gamecaches
"n" gamecache structures

*Gamecache structure:
string: gamecache name
int: reserved (currently nr of categories)
int: nr "m" of categories
"m" category structures

*Category structure:
string: category name
int[5]: reserved for additional variable types
int: nr "i" integers
"i" integer structures
int: nr "r" reals
"r" real structures
int: nr "b" booleans
"b" boolean structures
int: nr "u" units
"u" unit structures
int: nr "s" strings
"s" string structures

*Integer/Real/Boolean structure:
string: label name
byte[4]: four bytes for the value

*String structure:
string: label name
string: value

*Unit structure:
string: lable name
int: unit id
int: nr "j" inventory slots
"j" inventory slot structures
int: experience
int: level
int: unused skill points
int[9]: unknown
int: nr "k" hero skills
"k" hero skill structures
int[2]: unknown
float: unknown
int[4]: unknown
short: unknown

*Inventory slot structure (everything 0 if slot is empty):
int: item id
int: nr charges
int: unknown

*Hero skill structure (everything 0 if not learned yet):
int: ability id
int: current level

2.08 The W3Z file (savegames)

There's not much to say about savegame files. No one ever tried to track the format of Warcraft III savegames down because they are huge and the format is pretty complicated. The only information available here can be used to extract embedded gamecache data.
To find the embedded gamecache data you simply have to search for the string token Campaigns.w3v in the savegame.
After this token you will find a full Campaigns.w3v file as described in the above section. Anyone never tried to reinject edited gamecaches into a savegame, but it is sure there's a hash or checksum that would prevent it from working.

2.09 The W3G file (replays)

Read there : Explanation on Replays

3.00 The Others Files

war3mapImported\*.* = files imported by the world editor or by the user using the import manager (these should be listed in the imp file, otherwise they will be deleted when the map is saved), you can now use any path you like and are not limited to war3mapImported\ any more, this way you can override files in the Warcraft mpq archives by placing files with the same name in your map
(signature), (listfile) and (attributes) are rather extensions to the MPQ format than actual map files but they can also be found in map archives
(signature) = signature of the w3m file, used only by Blizzard (has been replaced by a stronger signature appended at the end of map archives)
(listfile) = list of files stored in the w3m file, used by MPQ editors to resolve the names of the files stored in the archive, this is needed because stored files are one-way-hashed
(attributes) = attributes of files in the w3m file, it is checked when a map is loaded in the World Editor, if you have modified a file of a map and didn't update the (attributes) file properly it will say that the map is corrupted, the easy way to prevent this is deleting the file from the archive, the harder way is updating it, the format of the file is as follows:

int: unknown1: set to 0x64000000
int: unknown2: set to 0x03000000
"n" times a CRC32, "n" is the number of used slots (=files) in the MPQ archive
So for each file we have the CRC32 (cycling redundancy check) value here, wich is a sort of checksum, you can find functions that calculate the CRC32 of a file on the web
"n" times a Filetime, "n" is the number of used slots (=files) in the MPQ archive
The Filetime specifies for each file when it was added to the archive. It consists of two ints (low and high date/time). These two integers include information about the year, month, day, hour, minute and second when each file has been added, these 2 values represent a WinAPI file time structure and can be converted to the WinAPI system time type by using the SystemTimeToFileTime and FileTimeToSystemTime functions in kernel32.dllint:
int: low date time

The order of the CRC32 and Filetimes is the same as the order of the files in the archive. Logically this means that the information of the last CRC32 and Filetime is the information about the (attributes) file, because it has to be added to the archive after all other files. This also means that the CRC32 of the last file is always 0, because you cannot calculate the CRC32 of a file that will be changed later, which would make the CRC invalid again.

4.00 Credits

Credits to : Quantam (Justin Olbrantz), Andrey Lelikov (LMPQ API and ShadowFlare), BlackDick, DJBnJack, PitzerMike, StonedStoopid, Ziutek, wc3campaign, Blizzard Entertainment, Zépir.
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Re: Guide - Format/Explanation of W3M and W3X Files

Post by Senethior459 »

Uhh... Don't we already have this?
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Re: Guide - Format/Explanation of W3M and W3X Files

Post by Ozzapoo »

Doesn't hurt to post it on the forums... =\
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Re: Guide - Format/Explanation of W3M and W3X Files

Post by Senethior459 »

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Re: Guide - Format/Explanation of W3M and W3X Files

Post by Ozzapoo »

Well....I sort of got this from, so I didn't think it was originally from -.-"
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Re: Guide - Format/Explanation of W3M and W3X Files

Post by Senethior459 »

It looks extremely similar... They've even got the same layout/order of things, but a slightly different word choice. It's like someone went through it and changed it enough to not look too similar to the original.
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Re: Guide - Format/Explanation of W3M and W3X Files

Post by Ozzapoo »

Yeah....Even the credits are the same =X
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Re: Guide - Format/Explanation of W3M and W3X Files

Post by Sevion »

Nice to see you credited Chocobo ^_^ I know him/her/it. He/She/It would not steal. I've seen a lot of guides/tutorials w/e around here without credits. Kudos to you for crediting ^_^
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Re: Guide - Format/Explanation of W3M and W3X Files

Post by GeorgeMots »

Sevion wrote:Nice to see you credited Chocobo ^_^ I know him/her/it. He/She/It would not steal. I've seen a lot of guides/tutorials w/e around here without credits. Kudos to you for crediting ^_^
You do realise that this a year old and dead topic... Just post if youve got something important to say.
(03:36:55) xkiska: im too much of a dumbass to understand this
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Re: Guide - Format/Explanation of W3M and W3X Files

Post by Sevion »

No, sorry. It was at the top so I assumed it was new -_-'
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