How to add my own cheats[Tutorial]
Posted: February 15th, 2007, 6:16 pm
How to add my own cheats[Tutorial]
1. Create Triggers
Open the Warcraft3 - World Editor. Then open the Trigger Editor(F4) and create a new Trigger.
To make the Trigger you must know how GUI works, but wheter you know how jass work you don't need this tutorial. Create your Trigger or your Triggers. If you finished your work, select your trigger and click at Edit->Convert in own Text(Or Something like that). Your Trigger is now written in Jass.
2. Open the war3map.j
Download MPQMaster or something like this.
Open the Map you want to cheat with MPQMaster.
Then Extract the war3map.j. (Maybe the war3map.j is in a "Scripts" folder)
3. Edit the war3map.j
Open the war3map.j with notepad or something else.
Search for a line wich looks like that: trigger xy=CreateTrigger()
Now you need your cheat, you created in step 1.
The Trigger could look like this:
Now you must search for: endfunction
Add your Trigger behind this.
After that search for a line like that: function main takes nothing returns nothing
Scroll a bit down until you see something like that: call x( y )
Insert "call InitTrig_cheat( )" after this, without the Quotienstion marks. (In my example the trigger has the name InitTrig_cheat. You must replace this with the name of your trigger. It is blue marked!)
Now save the war3map.j
4. Insert the new war3map.j
Open the map you want to cheat in MPQMaster.
Delete the old war3map.j and add the edited one.
Now close MPQMaster and have much fun with your edited map.
TIPP: Clone the Map wich you want to edit, then you still have the originall one.
I'm sorry for my bad english
greets Dark_Shadow32
1. Create Triggers
Open the Warcraft3 - World Editor. Then open the Trigger Editor(F4) and create a new Trigger.
To make the Trigger you must know how GUI works, but wheter you know how jass work you don't need this tutorial. Create your Trigger or your Triggers. If you finished your work, select your trigger and click at Edit->Convert in own Text(Or Something like that). Your Trigger is now written in Jass.
2. Open the war3map.j
Download MPQMaster or something like this.
Open the Map you want to cheat with MPQMaster.
Then Extract the war3map.j. (Maybe the war3map.j is in a "Scripts" folder)
3. Edit the war3map.j
Open the war3map.j with notepad or something else.
Search for a line wich looks like that: trigger xy=CreateTrigger()
Now you need your cheat, you created in step 1.
The Trigger could look like this:
Add the line "trigger gg_trg_cheat=null" behind the line you searched for. (In my example the trigger has the name gg_trg_cheat. You must replace this with the name of your trigger. It is red marked!)function Trig_cheat_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
call AdjustPlayerStateBJ( 1000, GetTriggerPlayer(), PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_GOLD )
function InitTrig_cheat takes nothing returns nothing
set gg_trg_cheat = CreateTrigger( )
call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent( gg_trg_cheat, Player(0), "-cheat", true )
call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent( gg_trg_cheat, Player(1), "-cheat", true )
call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent( gg_trg_cheat, Player(2), "-cheat", true )
call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent( gg_trg_cheat, Player(3), "-cheat", true )
call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent( gg_trg_cheat, Player(4), "-cheat", true )
call TriggerAddAction( gg_trg_cheat, function Trig_cheat_Actions )
Now you must search for: endfunction
Add your Trigger behind this.
After that search for a line like that: function main takes nothing returns nothing
Scroll a bit down until you see something like that: call x( y )
Insert "call InitTrig_cheat( )" after this, without the Quotienstion marks. (In my example the trigger has the name InitTrig_cheat. You must replace this with the name of your trigger. It is blue marked!)
Now save the war3map.j
4. Insert the new war3map.j
Open the map you want to cheat in MPQMaster.
Delete the old war3map.j and add the edited one.
Now close MPQMaster and have much fun with your edited map.
TIPP: Clone the Map wich you want to edit, then you still have the originall one.
I'm sorry for my bad english
greets Dark_Shadow32