Collided DotA 6.60b super imbalance stuff

For fulfilled maps that most likely don't work on the latest patch (1.24 or later).

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Re: Collided DotA 6.60b super imbalance stuff

Post by tristan1110 »

Tiny cheats, ping and rune does not work. please fix. Thank you!
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Re: Collided DotA 6.60b super imbalance stuff

Post by Hillo »

I'll look into it. Use the tiny cheat after you've tossed an enemy.
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Re: Collided DotA 6.60b super imbalance stuff

Post by azfar9892 »

Doom does not work, please look into it.
thx hillo !
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Re: Collided DotA 6.60b super imbalance stuff

Post by Hillo »

I fixed it some time ago.
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Re: Collided DotA 6.60b super imbalance stuff

Post by babyham »

Invoker >> Nothing happen ....

Doom >> I got 1,000,000. It's too much, 7,000 is better.

thx for sharing
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Re: Collided DotA 6.60b super imbalance stuff

Post by hentai »

if next time you edit

do you can make skill new another hero

each axe counter 25% maiden ulti stronger Lich ulti Chain long
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Re: Collided DotA 6.60b super imbalance stuff

Post by hacky01 »

Haha I'm a lazy and seldom online member.. just came back here and!.. v6.60b collided? good job for your collide work anyway.. However I'm waiting for v6.61 and ready to collide it coz I've done collided v6.60 and v6.60b by myself..Erm.. you can add some more "hard-to-get-dc" and useful "hack/bug(most ppl say it)"..such as Venomancer, Kunkka, Rooftrellen, Lich King, Gondar, Undying, etc.. just like I did them in v6.60 series (didn't make them public) 4 days ago. And while waiting for v6.61, I'm trying to make work of something different like changing cooldown time duration but I think won't work huh..Or work? Need to test only know hehe..(for me).. And I'm a noob, not pro..

To ppl who don't know abt how to collide map:
I have some rubbish talk here..
Actually make collided map is damn hard if you duno abt JASS at all.
If you are a beginner you may have it a bit hard.
If you are a intermediate then no problem for you.
The few things I used to make a collided map are the following(My procedure also follows):
1. a MPQ Master
2. a Jass Script Editor (Find yourself, got few kinds)
3. a Collider (I use the one which collide J script <get from chinese site>, but not the one which collide map)
4. an Optimizer (Find yourself, also many kinds)
5. Warcraft 3 (Test collided map with it and enjoy if works)
6. Garena (Fool people around)

Note: Don't ask more about it I won't say more about it. And don't bother me with pm(s) as no one will reply you.
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Re: Collided DotA 6.60b super imbalance stuff

Post by bann211 »


please do not request ...
just enjoy the cheat...
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Re: Collided DotA 6.60b super imbalance stuff

Post by kajornsb »

Thx kub
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Re: Collided DotA 6.60b super imbalance stuff

Post by truecorp »

thx zeed magg mag mag