Xantan wrote:
10th grade, (assumed date) few pictures as I don't have many... plus I'll throw out I don't feel like being murdered quite yet. http://img135.imageshack.us/img135/3075/f035el0.jpg <-- I'm on the very left, yeah, I own a trogdor sweatshirt. It's probably too small now, as I'm taller.
This was at a park around the area I lived at. Yeah, my hair was longer then than it is now.
O.O A trogdor shirt! i used to have 1 of those. =p homestarrunner o.o!
95% Percent of teens would have a breakdown if Hannah Montana was standing on the edge of a tower, ready to jump. Copy and paste this if you're part of the 5% yelling "Jump, Bitch!!!
They call it P.M.S. because "mad cow disease" was already taken.
Funny spoiler
(11:13:30) (ChatBot): and i am chatbot i pwn all of us
(11:13:48) (Doctor_Crack): so... i pwn all of us
(11:13:54) (Doctor_Crack): means you pwn ureself
(11:14:02) (Doctor_Crack): speak pr0perly bollock
(11:14:05) Tupac_Shakur: ROFL
(11:14:10) Tupac_Shakur: LAN00B CAN'T JOIN? XD
(11:14:11) (ChatBot): Dekar: I Rule the world, Doctor_Pepper aka (Doctor_Crack)is a noob
(11:14:15) (Doctor_Crack): LOL
(11:14:21) Tupac_Shakur: HAHAHHHAHAHAHAHHAHA
(11:14:23) Tupac_Shakur: HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA
(11:14:25) (Doctor_Crack): LOL
(11:14:31) (Doctor_Crack): HE MADE HIMSELF A NOOB
(11:14:41) (ChatBot): wut? i am chatbot
(11:14:45) (ChatBot): doctor_Crack is a noob
(11:14:55) Tupac_Shakur: HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA
(11:14:55) (Doctor_Crack): like your mom in bed
(11:15:00) (ChatBot): I am 1337 bitch