Patch 1.24
- Added new JASS hash table functions to replace the lost functionality from
fixing unsafe type casting.
- Hash Table - Save Item Handle
- Hash Table - Save Unit Handle
- ...
- Hash Table - Load Item Handle
- Hash Table - Load Unit Handle
- ...
- Hash Table - Get Handle ID
- Fixed an exploit related to unsafe type casting that allowed users to
execute arbitrary code in maps.
- Fixed the JASS unsafe type casting exploit ("return bug").
- Fixed several World Editor crashes.
- “Shadowing” global variables with local variables no longer is possible.
- Fixed a type conversion dealing with operators (i.e. adding a handle with an integer)
- Added the ability to store hashtable handles in a hashtable
- Added getSpellTargetX and getSpellTargetY natives
- Added a new base handle type “Agent” of which many types now extend from.
- Added a SaveAgentHandle native which can be used for saving most handle types
- Added a JASS optimization dealing with global variable change events.
- Increased max map file size from 4MB to 8MB.
Bartimaeus wrote:Blizzard's Diablo Community Manager, (Bashiok), says:
Bashiok wrote:Update - 8/5
The Warcraft III patch has been released but in order to resolve some persistent issues work is not yet moving to the Diablo II patch. Again this involves some very high priority issues that need to be resolved before work can continue on D2 1.13
Check the Battle.Net forums, Lanaya. That's where I found the release notes for 1.24b, and I expect any news about continuing work on D2 will be posted there.
My Warcraft III Tool Collection
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