World War 3 Countdown

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Re: World War 3 Countdown

Post by Dekar »

In Germany the health insurance would pay the heart transplantation :P
(you have to have one, if you don't earn enough it's paid by the state.)
I think the German social system is an advantage!
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Re: World War 3 Countdown

Post by HyperK999999 »

hy hy every1 leave the money talk out of this. let say the the money problem is solve and one person actually live forever because of advance technology. therefore prove my point to king bushido that you can actually live forever even if it's has to be an artificial heart and other artifical shyt added on to your body as long as it's still your body than you can say that you're living forever.

and i never said the world was gonna end. i'm just saying the human population is gonna end. not the EARTH itself. probably it will make some new species after we human die lolz. and no one is shooting nuke in anartica so probably the penquin and polar bear will be living.
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Re: World War 3 Countdown

Post by Durchdringen »

Still no go. Why? The only organ in the body that cannot regenerate cells is the brain. When the cells are damaged they lose connections to the neuron paths. Which is why they say never drink a lot because it screws up your brain cells. Healthy cells stay healthy because the brain actually uses 2 sets. One for day, one for night. When they switch out the cells rest and repair just like how you get bigger muscles. Your not damaging the tissue, your just breaking it down to piece it back together stronger so it is healthier. Your brain cells work the same way. When you lose more brain cells your body functions start to lose ability. Muhammed Ali is a fine example. He got hit so many times in the head he developed a disease called "Punch Drunk" aka Parkinson's disease. Parkinson's is a nerve degenerative disease which steadily gets worse. Hitler had the disease which is why he kept making wrong moves during times of war which caused the fall of his reign. Parkinson's currently has no reverse, they can help slow it down, but they can't stop it. With Muhammed Ali it wouldn't make any difference as his brain had significant loss of cells and he loss a lot of speech and movement which eventually killed him. Eventually the brain's cells die out due to natural causes, basically "life". So therefor you cannot live forever. The only way to even think about living forever is to clone and thats not even considered "you" living.
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Re: World War 3 Countdown

Post by HyperK999999 »

Durchdringen wrote:Still no go. Why? The only organ in the body that cannot regenerate cells is the brain. When the cells are damaged they lose connections to the neuron paths. Which is why they say never drink a lot because it screws up your brain cells. Healthy cells stay healthy because the brain actually uses 2 sets. One for day, one for night. When they switch out the cells rest and repair just like how you get bigger muscles. Your not damaging the tissue, your just breaking it down to piece it back together stronger so it is healthier. Your brain cells work the same way. When you lose more brain cells your body functions start to lose ability. Muhammed Ali is a fine example. He got hit so many times in the head he developed a disease called "Punch Drunk" aka Parkinson's disease. Parkinson's is a nerve degenerative disease which steadily gets worse. Hitler had the disease which is why he kept making wrong moves during times of war which caused the fall of his reign. Parkinson's currently has no reverse, they can help slow it down, but they can't stop it. With Muhammed Ali it wouldn't make any difference as his brain had significant loss of cells and he loss a lot of speech and movement which eventually killed him. Eventually the brain's cells die out due to natural causes, basically "life". So therefor you cannot live forever. The only way to even think about living forever is to clone and thats not even considered "you" living.

Modern technology will prove you wrong man. people like you discourage other from telling them that something can not be possible to be done. or maybe you know it can be done but you do not want other to have the ability to do it. you're just like the government who tell us this and that.
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Re: World War 3 Countdown

Post by Durchdringen »

Lol, I'm not trying to discourage people, I'm just stating the facts. The brain is the only part in the human body that cannot reproduce it's own cells. It can join neurons together to fill some gaps, which is called "recruitment", but those neurons are part of the cells and generate very slowly to begin with. It's as if you were in a group of people working on a project. Each of you knew only your part of the assignment and nothing of the others' parts. If that person were to die you lost a major ability in the understanding of how it works. You can recruit another team member (basically joining of neurons to fill a gap), but it is not the same as the original person (cell), which is why diseases such as Parkinsons are unstoppable. If all of your brain cells die out you lose the function of your nerves which will end up screwing up the necessary parts of your body such as kidneys, liver, and heart. Eventually you will die regardless.

If you want to get real technical there is only one way to do it. That is to learn how to store human data on some sort of storage. If you could do that then theoretically you could live forever. However there is no computer that is powerful enough to even begin to compare to the power of the brain.

Just think about your own computer. How many things can it run at once before it slows down to nothing. When you wake up and begin your day, everything your doing until you sleep is stored into temporary space. Your brain is controlling all kinds of functions without you knowing it, heart beat pace, temperatures of different areas, breathing, digesting, feeling, seeing, hearing, thinking, smell. All of these things are happening at once and in real time. Not even the "BlueGene" computer can keep up with a small portion of what the brain can do. It's currently the fastest computer in the world and rates at about 360 trillion operations per second. Your brain can process about 10 quadrillion operations per second and that is normal functioning. The BlueGene computer has so many processing chips it has to have a massive air conditioning unit to keep it from overheating. You and I can stand outside at 120 degree weather and be fine. Now you gotta think of space. How much memory do you think it would take to store your average day's events. I stay up about 18 hours every day and am constantly doing something and learning something.

I'll agree that we have come far in medical history. But look at how many people die every day that eat healthy, exercise weekly, and give it their all to live at 100. Some do, others don't. Some of our grandparents will live longer than we will live. People say not to eat lard and fat and stuff like that. Our ancestors did and a lot of them lived to be 80-100 the average age of today. So what were they doing wrong that we aren't?
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Re: World War 3 Countdown

Post by HyperK999999 »

well iono what they did wrong but i know that every1 grow up differently, hmmmm they eat and live healthy but they die young well we have to get into detail of what they are doing. like for example a pro football player is healthy but he die young cause he get injure in a game.

now let us raise a person that will never do anything in life but eat sleep and be in his house all day. and inject him with modern medicine. I am sure the result would be that that person would live longer. someday modern technology will make us live forever for sure. but than again there are people who want to hide those technology from us.
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Re: World War 3 Countdown

Post by Durchdringen »

If you sit at home all day your body decays from lack of activity. When elderly people enter the nursing homes and they are healthy other than having a broken hip and can no longer care for themselves on their own, as a result of it, you can see that their life length quickly drops. My grandma is in that position and was healthy as I am now a year ago. She fractured her back and now is healed. But now she can barely walk, gained weight, and you can tell she has gone down hill quick.

People who stay at home all day and do nothing but eat and sleep feel tired all the time. Their bodies need to be used. It's just like a car engine. If you don't start it up every now and then your engine won't start at all in a year or 2 your seals will rot out and it will just have to be junked because it will take a lot more to fix it than to have it replaced. That's why doctors always advise for children to get outside and play. Kids who don't end up being obese, lazy and tired, and die quick.
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Re: World War 3 Countdown

Post by HyperK999999 »

the home i am talking about for this person is like a big gigantic amusement park or palace or something when this person can never go outside of it. like a princess lock in her castle and never know about the outside world. the only people that this person will make friend with is the scientist and doctor. and than we will see how the result it. I'm not talking about some boring home with just 4 wall here. and this person is a guy. and all the scientist and doctor will be girls.

this will be test. I'm sure one day they will make a person live forever. even if it has to be putting computer chip into them. it will work............
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Re: World War 3 Countdown

Post by Dekar »

I think it will be possible to beat the brain problem one day. Whether by backing it up and emulating it on a pc,
or using nano machines to repair and build new cells. That sci-fi I know, but every 18 month the PC technology
reaches twice the performance it had before. That rule was right since the beginning and during the last years it's
even speeding up! So in about 1000 years the computing power should be the least problem.
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Re: World War 3 Countdown

Post by Durchdringen »

The brain uses electrical pulses to carrier information back and forth. The computer uses flip-flops and bits to carry information. There's a huge difference in this. A CPU is made of millions of switches that have to turn on and off to process information and this is why you need to have cooling whether it be fans or liquid because of the heat it generates. The cpu dye size has stopped at where it is now and has been this way for the past 8 years. They can make the switches smaller and build multiple cores on the dye, but along with that comes more heat and large amounts of it. A computer's lifetime is also very limited as the more it processes the information the more the gates on the switch have to switch back and forth and this causes it to wear out. This is the reason servers are constantly upgraded with newer processors and memory to maximize performance and ensure that the network stays up and running.

Computers make tons of mistakes so it is highly unlikely that any computer will be able to emulate the human brain.

If that doesn't work for you then let's take it to another logical step. What does a CPU need to even function. It needs software, power, cooling, and memory. Software is not such a big deal, surely we can figure this out. Memory, not so much of a problem as it has increased dramatically. Cooling, nano technology is slowly dropping the cooling temperature for cpu's, however most nano bots don't have a big processor, so not much is needed to cool it. Processors in home owned computers need the cooling and even more so today as more cores produce more heat. Cores (Single CPU) have reached a standing of about 4-5 Ghz, they can't push the envelope any further as the core will overheat from the massive amount of switching from on to off. This is the reason we have multiple cores to make up for this disadvantage. Power, here is where we run into a big issue. It takes a lot of power to even begin to think to run a computer let alone a brain. We need wattage and lots of it. Lithium Ion is not a choice of a battery to run a brain, it would last about 30 mins if that. Solar Power is very unlikely. Solar gives enough energy sure, but you need a decent area to even think about gaining some wattage, then you have your nights to worry about and no battery is gonna store enough energy to do this and if so, it would be to big to haul around. I guess you could stay plugged up to a wall, but what good is that gonna do, your practically a dog on a chain.

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