Weirdone2's Cheat Pack!

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Re: Weirdone2's Cheat Pack!

Post by weirdone2 »

=ryCgg=: I hope so. I will test it out ya, and see if it works. ;-) And please tell more about the 'bindevent' please, i don't understand ohhh.

Good question, the bind event /unevent takes the player number 00,01,02 etc then event for instance 268 = the up key and then the cmd you wish to bind to it like -gold -10. Put it all together -bindevent 01 268 -gold -10 bet blue is wondering what is happening to his gold unless he doesn't move around with his arrow keys. XD bind event and uevent are like the ultimate mess with people cmds. :) Of course you could use it for other things as well, like instead of binding kill to esc you could just bypass kill and do -binduevent 00 057 -kill, would allow you to now kill things by just selecting them. :) Hope you have as much fun with these 2 cmds as I have. ^^

=ryCgg=: Edit : Huuraayyy!! It works, spawner option works! Only a few of the commands is bugged and some of the commands is not working, like '-gc' -Gc' . I tried -gc blue/red/green/pink, tried -gc 00/01/04/06/04 . It's not working, sorry. And the '-charges' command, the charges it give you is x2. Maybe this is bug? :roll: ;-)

The only reason I can see the charges cmd giving you double is if you activated more than once, you can see how many times you've activated with -stat. Thanks for the heads up on the gc, I had forgotten why I had it in the section it was in b4 update so I moved it, apparently that broke it. XD If you wanna fix it before I update, just move those cmds down with all the unit cmds, like -move, int, and such.

=ryCgg=: Suggestion : I play some of the map with your's cheatpack, i see everything is works sooooooo good! JJ's gonna pwnt soon, but i hope you can add the '-colors' command that can see the player colors like red = 00 or something like that.

The -stat cmd I mentioned earlier actually displays this info as well.

=ryCgg=: Why your commands list does not including the '-clear' command? Add into it!! XD

Whoops. :O

=ryCgg=: Make a -list1/2/3/4/5/6/7-100 commands? I don't want to always alt+tab to see your commands. ;X

This is actually on my planned to do list, and it's one of the ones that I've already thought out expect to see it soon. ;)

=ryCgg=: How to use the '-fly' commands? LuL, maybe I'm annoying but please teach me!! XD

I'm not annoyed I love feedback. :P Lets see it's been a while since I've used the fly cmd I'll have to go look it up, -fly #(3 digits) then at the speed you want him to get to that height, all it really does is set a units height, It can funny to do it to someone's unit at a slow speed like -fly 750 1(he'll slowly climb up ter, kinda what I do with -grow as well -grow 10000 1, it takes a while but a little into the game its liek omg. XD)

qweasd011: LoL. So many things to add :) but this cheatpack is really good but it will be better if it will be bug free, I am in at testing all the commands (Hacking my own tag map) Testing it on my tag map lol, so Weirdone2, What kinda things you will add on your new version?


Well heres my current messy blog of txt you can wade through it see what I have on paper. ;P I actually haven't updated this in a bit either, so you may see old things, I just refer back to it when I can't think of any ideas, otherwise I just add whatever comes to mind when I'm updating. ^^
Planned to add.

work on something that clears everything on screen even player chat msges.
Add something that attaches effects to heros.

Mite add a sort cmd thats like -cmds to see groups of cmds then when they say -cmd display like -rpg, -aos,-visual,-funny,-jokewithppl. and so on.
Add somethign that youu do liek -autorevive and selected unit will now always revive when it dies and do -autorevioff to deactivate.
--create a stop all units cmd by setting all terrain type to unapathable with setterrainpathable
add a cmd that it will get camera position of player specified need to use if getlocal with GetCameraTargetPositionX,y,z or maybe the getcameraeye also rectcontainscoords anyway after that create a location out of it and if that location is in location specified it will move pan the camera else where aka set cameratargetposis or maybe ill make it do somting else who knows. :)
interesting cmds = StopCamera, SetCameraOrientController
Try adding a cmd to allow summoned units to stay with UnitPauseTimedLife
Add a thing that first you do something like -stele which then you use a unit aned tell him to patrol to a point and then when ever you selece a unit and tell it to -utele it moves to the area you patrolled at and you can always change the location by doing -stele again.
maybe even make a unit waygate command.
mayb also mess with reload game.
mayb make a command that when u a unit to do somthing he does wut ever u specify in cmd like -doit00 stop then when he tells his units to move itll stop >:O
I wonder what unfollowable does? mayb just makes unit not able to set move/patroll on ur units rofl?
mite also make a cmd that when a hero lvls resets his lvl hehe^^
maybe try a false and true local but make it all capital.
find out what occlusion is.
mayb add a shield thing that heals a specified percentage of atk till it heals specified amount of dmg in all.
mite make somting later that if getcameraeyepos is looking at loc of a specified unit it looks away. ^^
jump(speed,height input where to jump to threw coordinates
throw(throw a unit towards loc, height, speed)
add/remove item/unit from stock. =not working possibly have the wrong integers(unit/item) for adding stocks.
phrasekick(set phrases that get you kicked from game) unlikely
Should take the "-" part out of the elseif and just move the 0,? to 1,?
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Re: Weirdone2's Cheat Pack!

Post by [=ryCgg=] »

[=ryCgg=] wrote:
weirdone2 wrote:Good question, the bind event /unevent takes the player number 00,01,02 etc then event for instance 268 = the up key and then the cmd you wish to bind to it like -gold -10. Put it all together -bindevent 01 268 -gold -10 bet blue is wondering what is happening to his gold unless he doesn't move around with his arrow keys. XD bind event and uevent are like the ultimate mess with people cmds. :) Of course you could use it for other things as well, like instead of binding kill to esc you could just bypass kill and do -binduevent 00 057 -kill, would allow you to now kill things by just selecting them. :) Hope you have as much fun with these 2 cmds as I have. ^^

Ohhh lol, thanks for telling me. I'm gonna have fun with this! XD

The only reason I can see the charges cmd giving you double is if you activated more than once, you can see how many times you've activated with -stat. Thanks for the heads up on the gc, I had forgotten why I had it in the section it was in b4 update so I moved it, apparently that broke it. XD If you wanna fix it before I update, just move those cmds down with all the unit cmds, like -move, int, and such.The -stat cmd I mentioned earlier actually displays this info as well.

I do not double activate the cheats, confirm! Ok, i'll test out the -stat. I will wait for your update since those 2 commands is pretty useless. XD

This is actually on my planned to do list, and it's one of the ones that I've already thought out expect to see it soon. ;)

Thanks first. ;-)

I'm not annoyed I love feedback. :P Lets see it's been a while since I've used the fly cmd I'll have to go look it up, -fly #(3 digits) then at the speed you want him to get to that height, all it really does is set a units height, It can funny to do it to someone's unit at a slow speed like -fly 750 1(he'll slowly climb up ter, kinda what I do with -grow as well -grow 10000 1, it takes a while but a little into the game its liek omg. XD)

I will try it out ya.
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Re: Weirdone2's Cheat Pack!

Post by qweasd011 »

weirdone2 wrote:work on something that clears everything on screen even player chat msges.
Add something that attaches effects to heros.
Then by doing that players will know you are cheating lol, if it's gonna clear for you only (Only You Can see it) then it will be great or make the text clearing command to "-clear" (Without quotes) So that it won't be obvious more information Please. I hope the new one will be up soon. And I know some of them will bug.

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Re: Weirdone2's Cheat Pack!

Post by [=ryCgg=] »

Tried some of the commands you says. Here is some bugs.

-heal = -kill

-bindevent 00 268 -gold 9999 does not works, after i press my UP arrow key but the money does not +.

-stat does not show the player's color codes, e.g: 00/01/02 etc.

So far, that's all.
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Re: Weirdone2's Cheat Pack!

Post by weirdone2 »

qweasd011: Then by doing that players will know you are cheating lol, if it's gonna clear for you only (Only You Can see it) then it will be great or make the text clearing command to "-clear" (Without quotes)


Of course it will only effect you. o.0 It's only purpose is to clear the screen for you in case you can't see something. :) It's like an upgrade -clear cmd(the one that does game txt only) probably be called -Clear. XD

qweasd011: So that it won't be obvious more information Please. I hope the new one will be up soon.
I doubt many of the updates I listed will be done with next update, except the command disp one, as I am working on that one right now, theres a reason all those cmds are still on paper. :O Though since I posted those ideas I have gotten some more nifty ideas 5-6 new ones, probably only see one of those new ones, which isn't really a new one but one that broke when I updated from the 10 digit item/unit/etc spawn to the 4 digit one, but never updated it. Though I'm going to try and make it more spiffy. :)

qweasd011: And I know some of them will bug.

Not very optimistic I see. :P

=ryCgg=: -heal = -kill
Nifty find you found there, fixed it up. ;)

=ryCgg=: -bindevent 00 268 -gold 9999 does not works, after i press my UP arrow key but the money does not +.
Ok I took a look at it the syntax is a little messed up. xD Ive fixed it for the next release but, heres the old way -bindevent00 268 -gold 10.

=ryCgg=: -stat does not show the player's color codes, e.g: 00/01/02 etc.
See the Player: 0,1,5 that means 00 01 05 :P
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Re: Weirdone2's Cheat Pack!

Post by [=ryCgg=] »

lul, icic... I will try out the -bindevent. :)
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Re: Weirdone2's Cheat Pack!

Post by qweasd011 »

The -stat is awesome If JJ had one on it, then it will be good because you just type -stat then it includes the player colors and playernames gold and etc. which you can see if you are cheating or you just kick them directly not finding them etc.
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Re: Weirdone2's Cheat Pack!

Post by weirdone2 »

changed -pingoff to -noping
Added -monitor
Renamed -noseoff to -nonose
Added -cmds
Fixed heal=kill bug
Fixed whoshere(since I broke it rite before release lolz
fixed -gc
fixed bindevent/uevent syntax

(0 for the basic, just announces ability)
(1 for ability and using unit)
(2 for abil, unit, and using player)
(3 for abil, unit, player, and location through ping)
(4 for abil, unit, player, loc, Targeted player's targeted unit of spell)
(5 for abil, unit, player, loc, Target Player/Unit, ally/enemy)
(6 for abil, unit, player, Target Player/Unit, ally/enemy)
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Re: Weirdone2's Cheat Pack!

Post by [=ryCgg=] »

Very 'weirdone' !! I think you should change the commands box? (On the first post)

And, i think you should credit me? :O JKJK XD

Edit : 100th post on weirdone2's thread!

Edit again : Hope more to come XD
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Re: Weirdone2's Cheat Pack!

Post by qweasd011 »

LoL? 'Weird' 'done' :) I just waked up this day because of headache lol, well weirdone I can't get the -monitor it's being use for what?